A/N: As I'm winding down on CN, I thought I would try my hand at another story. This won't be nearly as long.. maybe five or six chapters. Just trying something new! I hope you enjoy :)

"ID please" the large bouncer says as he looks me over suspiciously.

"Uh...I... ummm... you see sir I don't... I'm not-" FUCK! How could I not have remembered the whole ID thing. How old do you have to be to get in here anyway? 21? 18? Whatever, I'm neither of those so what difference does it make. Why didn't I let Kate get me a fake when she got hers! Maybe because you have no use for it. It's not like you do anything besides study anyway. I roll my eyes at my subconscious and stare at the bouncer in front of me.

"Look honey, you either need to show me some ID or have someone escort you in."

"Escort me in?" I cock my head to the side and raise my eyebrows in question.

"Yeah, so if you don't have someone that can do that, you have to go"

"You don't understand...my friend is in there, and she shouldn't be"

"If she's in there, she's exactly where she should be. And she's in there willingly" he says crossing his arms.

"But you don't understand"

"Excuse me" I turn around to see a man standing right behind me. A gorgeous man in a suit. Easily the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on. And he was standing close enough for me to smell his cologne. Jesus, what a head trip. And those grey eyes. Wow. I turn away as I feel the blush creeping on to my cheeks. I feel a shiver run through me and I know it has nothing to do with the weather.

"Can I help you?" the bouncer asks.

"She's with me"

My head snaps towards his and he gives me a look to play it cool and I whip my head back to the bouncer. "That's right. I'm with him" I say pointing at him.

"Is that so? Why weren't you with her when she got here? Little lenient are ya?" He asks Grey Eyes.

"I didn't realize they paid you to question us" Grey Eyes challenges. He's not giving in so Grey Eyes pulls out a wad of cash and hands it to him. "We good?"

The bouncer eyes us back and forth before sighing. "Fine, go in. But I'm radioing security to keep an eye on you. She doesn't look older than 15, pal."

"I'm-" I begin when I feel a hand over my mouth.

"The less you speak the better" he says shooting me a warning look.

I nod and he releases the hand from over my mouth. We walk through the doors and Grey Eyes pulls me to the side. "How old are you and what the fuck are you doing here by yourself!?"

"Hello to you too, I'm Ana" I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Don't be smart. How old are you!?"

"Seventeen" I sigh feeling somewhat ashamed of my age.

He breathes out a sigh of what seems like relief. "Thank God, I thought you were much younger"

"What's it to you?"

"Ana, this is not a safe place for a young girl to be left... unprotected" He's got a weird look in his eyes but something about it makes me feel safe. Like he's worried about my safety... weird. That can't be it, this guy doesn't even know you, Ana

"Why?" I can tell my eyes are wide. The doe eyed Bambi look, that's what my parents call it. It's the look of wonder and curiosity I get whenever I'm intrigued.

"Jesus girl do you even know where you are?"

"A club in Seattle? My best friend is here somewhere..."

"Are you sure? Is she your age?"

"She's eighteen... but she shouldn't be here"

"Why do you think that?"

"Because! She's caught up with this guy and... I don't think he's very nice to her"

He chuckles. "What makes you say that?"

"Don't laugh! He's so controlling and bossy.. he never lets her do anything. I caught a glimpse of her texts earlier today and he told her to meet him here... and not to forget her collar this time. Collar? Like a dog collar?"

Grey Eyes is staring at me with the same wide eyes I imagine I've had since I walked in. "Did you even bother researching what kind of club this was?"

"No... not really. I googled it to get the address but I didn't really click on anything"

"You're pretty naïve for 17, where do your parents think you are?"

I shrug. "Asleep?"

"This is a BDSM club."

"Like the Rihanna song?"

"If I had a nickel for every time I heard that" Grey Eyes rolls them.

"How much money would you have?"

He looks at me with playful eyes. "You're funny"

I smile back at him. "So what do you do here?"

"You really want to know?"

"Sure" I shrug. "Down the rabbit hole"

"Once you go down there, you can't come back up"

"I have to find Kate. So I'm going in one way or another. Thanks... for getting me in by the way"

He pushes my side bangs from my eyes. "Let's go" he says holding his hand out. "Don't let go of my hand, and do not look anyone in the eye do you understand me?"

I nod. "Yes" We start walking towards a door when I stop him. "Wait.. what's your name?"

He turns around and looks at me. "Christian." He pauses. "You can not address me like that in there"

"Okay... what do I call you?"

"Sir or master"

I gulp. "Why?"

He moves his face so that it's inches from mine. "Because in there you belong to me"

I bite down on my lower lip when I feel his breath against my cheek. "Oh" I say softly as my lips form an O shape. "Yes... sir" Oh. My.

We walk through the door and I'm immediately hit with the smell of alcohol and sweat. I immediately begin to panic as I'm so far out of my element here and instinctively move closer to Christian. I may not know him well but I certainly know him better than any of these people. I feel an arm around me and breath on my ear. "Relax, everyone is harmless. Just remember what I told you, okay? I won't let anything happen to you"

I nod and feel my heart start to slow when he pulls me towards the bar. "Ummm a rum and coke?"

"Nice try, angel." Christian looks at me with a look and I pout.

"I'm in a sex club under the age of 18 and you're worried about me having a drink?"

"Ah so you do know what kind of place this is"

"Well it's not hard to guess" I say looking around.

"Eyes" he says harshly and I immediately look at him.

"Sorry" I whisper.

He orders a gin and tonic for himself and puts a coke in front of me. "Are you hungry?"


"Good, the food is shit here anyway." He looks around. "You see your friend?"

"How could I do that? I'm not allowed to look anywhere"

He narrows his eyes before shaking his head. "Touche, smart ass" I roll my eyes and even in the dim light see his eyes darken. "Do not roll your eyes at me"

"You're joking right" I ask.

"It's not polite" he says standing up from the stool so he can tower over me.

"Um. Okay... sorry?" I ask.

He narrows his eyes again but the intense gaze leaves just as fleeting. "Thank you. Now your friend, what's her name?"


"And what does Kate look like?"

"Blonde... slender, long hair, very pretty"

"I see"

"Do you see anyone that fits that description?"

He chuckles. "Only about 20 or 30 women" he says raising an eyebrow. "Objectively of course. Blondes don't really do it for me" he says taking a swig of his drink.

"What does it for you?"

"Brunettes" he smirks. "Petite, feisty as hell brunettes that I can keep in line" he says his face an inch from mine.

I open my mouth to retort but close it when I can't find the words. "The guy's name is Elliott... Grey"

He puts his head in his hands and groans. "You've got to be fucking kidding me"

"What! Do you know him?"

"Yes I know him, that's my idiot brother... fuck. Your friend is his sub"

"Sub?" I ask.



"He's not mean to her, Ana"

"How would you know?"

"Because I've met Kate a few times. She's very smitten with him. And although he won't admit it, he is as well"

"Does he love her?"

"Dominant Submissive romantic relationships rarely work out, Ana"

"So he's her dominant?"


"And-" my line of questioning is interrupted by a man coming over.

"Grey! It's been a minute, where ya been?"

"Busy, you know?"

"I can see that" the guy chuckles. "Who's your new piece?"

My brows furrow out of fury. Piece? How dare he say something like that? I ought to say something. I go to open my mouth when I feel Christian squeezing my hand. Hard. My eyes dart to his and he gives me a look daring me to challenge him.

"Someone I'm training... hey do you know where my brother is?"

"Ah in the back room with the blondie. Honestly, I've never seen your brother like this with anyone. He won't even do scenes with her in the viewing room. Private room only. You know your brother gets his kicks in front of an audience but not this girl..." he shrugs. "Shame too, you could bounce a quarter off her ass."

I huff in response. What a completely sexist chauvinistic thing to say! "I see. Well I would hate to interrupt him, we'll be over there" he says pointing to a table in the corner. "When he comes out, send him my way will ya?"

"You got it boss" he salutes.

"By the way... new bouncer? Clearly he doesn't know the rules for VIPs, or who I am for that matter. Take care of that"

"On it"

We move to the corner away from prying eyes. "So people know you here"


"And your brother?"

"Yes, we come here from time to time"

"Together? Kind of weird right?"

"I don't watch his little shows if that's what you're asking"

"Do you have... shows too?"

"No Ana... when I fuck a woman, it's for my eyes only"

I put the straw to my lips, thankful for the refreshing liquid as my mouth has suddenly become dry. "How old are you?" I ask.


"And your brother?"


"That's a bit older than Kate... she's in high school!"

"She's 18, relax"

"And it's a school night. Talk about responsible. She's definitely going to fail our chem test tomorrow"

"Are you?" Christian asks me.

"No of course not. I've been preparing for weeks. I usually don't even study the night before a test" I swirl my straw around my drink, thoroughly embarrassed at how nerdy I sound.

"That's good. Do you know where you are going next year?"


"Smart cookie like you didn't want to go bigger?"

"I got into Harvard... MIT, Princeton, Yale, Georgetown... well all the Ivy's but... my dad is... sick. I don't know how much time I have left with him and we're close so I wanted to stay close to home"

"I'm sorry to hear that" he touches my shoulder and squeezes and it sends a jolt of electricity through me. "What is it?"

"Colon cancer, stage three"

"I'm-" he starts.

"Sorry, I know. Can we drop it, I don't want to talk about it"

"Has he... done everything?" he asks thoroughly ignoring my request to end the conversation.

"Yes... and no. My dad hates the doctor he refuses to go unless it's really bad. By the time he went to the doctor... it was the beginning of stage 3. They could have caught it, if he just went earlier. He's just stubborn as a mule" I feel the tears building in the back of my throat but I refuse to cry in front of this stranger. No way. I feel arms around me and his chin resting on my head.

"I am sorry, Ana"

"Can we please change the subject now?"

"Look at me" he says and I obey. We're in a dark corner in a booth of this dark club but I can still make out every part of his eyes boring into mine. He licks his lips and my eyes are immediately drawn to them and slowly make their way up to his eyes. "Have you ever been kissed before?" I bite down on my bottom lip and look away shyly. "No don't.. you haven't have you?"

I shake my head slowly. "I kissed Brandon Peters in the second grade at our wedding"

He chuckles. "Well I guess I'm about to kiss someone else's wife"

I gasp. "Shame on you, I'm a happily married woman" I giggle.

I stop laughing when I see the look he's giving me. "You're beautiful"

"So are you" I say and my eyes go wide having heard what I said. "I mean- you're very..."

"Shhh" he says putting a finger over my lips before stroking the bottom lip lightly with his thumb. "Your lips look so soft" He traces over both lips lightly before pushing his thumb slightly into my mouth. I feel his thumb resting on my bottom teeth and I take the plunge and move my tongue to run it over his thumb. It feels rough and smooth at the same time and I relish in the feeling of a part of this man inside of me. I bite down lightly on it and he gives me a wicked glare. "Naughty girl" he says pulling his thumb from my mouth. I barely have a moment to think of what's next when I feel hands on my cheeks framing my face and grey eyes looking into mine. I close my eyes as he begins to move towards my mouth and soon I feel soft, warm lips against mine. Oh my goddddddd. Is this happening? This is happening. Wait till I tell Kate! Okay, Ana focus. Just let him lead and... oh my God that's his tongue. And it feels warm and he tastes so good and oh my God is this what getting turned on feels like!? I shift trying to relieve the tension between my legs as I feel what feels like a fire between them. I wrap my arms around his neck and soon I am being moved to straddle him in this dark secluded booth. He pulls his lips away from mine and attaches them to the space behind my ear, my neck, my chest, any space that's exposed. I moan out my appreciation and it's as if that was a wake up call because he pulls away from my collarbone and looks at me with wide eyes. "Ana" he runs a hand through his hair. "Shit, I'm sorry, I wasn't intending to go that far I just got caught up in..." he blows out a breath. "I never lose control like that"

"Sounds pretty boring"

"Says the girl that's spent her high school career studying on Friday nights"

"That's not true. I usually have dance rehearsals on Friday night thank you very much"

"You're a dancer?"


"What kind?"

"Ballet mostly" I say as I crawl out of his lap. "But I do a little bit of everything"

"I was wondering what was up with the bun" he says pointing to my neat bun at the back of my head.

"I was trying to look older"

"Yeah I don't know how you did it, but you somehow look like a 15 year old and a Sunday school teacher at the same time." He chuckles.

My mouth drops open in offense. "Rude!"

"Take your hair down"

"Make me"

"Don't test me"

I stare at him for a second before pulling my hair from the neat bun I had in from rehearsal. Luckily I didn't have too much hairspray in it or it'd be a rats nest. I reach in my purse and pull out the brush and run it through it a few times before pulling it to rest over one shoulder. "Happy?"

"You have beautiful hair, Ana"

"Thank you" I say.

He stares at me for a second before he looks away and shakes his head. "I should get you home"

"I drove here"

"I'll ride with you, I don't want you driving alone at this hour. My driver will follow us"

"I came here for Kate"

"She's in good hands, my brother is not going to hurt her"

Ana twists her mouth, staring at this man that has drastically changed her life in the span of 45 minutes. "I want to see that for myself"

He runs a hand through his hair. "Can you not argue with me, we need to get you home"


"Because frankly I can't be around you much longer without dragging you to the nearest private room and fucking you senseless. And given that I just gave you your first kiss, something tells me you're a virgin and I'm not that much of a monster to do that to you"

"I don't think you're a monster at all" I say as I rest my hand over his gently and squeeze.

"You don't know me, Ana"

"That's true but... I trust you"

"You shouldn't. You're too good and pure and innocent... I can't taint you with all of this" he says waving a hand around.

"I wouldn't be very good at it I imagine. I'm sure you want someone with more experience"

"Actually I would much enjoy training you"

I look at him. "Will you?"

"Will I what?"

"Train me"

"Ana... you don't know what you're asking"

"No... but I do believe in trial and error. I've spent years studying and being what everyone wants me to be. The prima ballerina, the perfect student. I never drink or do drugs or cheat or lie or anything. I want something... different than my boring life. I want something exciting. I want to try it, and if I hate it then whatever. That's the beauty of experimentation"

"You're 17"

"I'll be 18 in two months"

"I'm no good for you, Ana. You should want your first time to be special and with someone you love. I can't take that from you"

"It's not taking it if I give it to you"

"No, Ana"

So is this what rejection feels like? This sucks, why does anyone put themselves in this situation?

"Ana look at me"


He chuckles. "See you're already defying me" I turn to look at him and I see his eyes soften immediately. "This is not about you, okay? I think you are... beautiful, smart, alluring. I don't want to stay away from you. But I know I should"

"Then don't... stay away from me"

"Ana I-"

"ANA!" I hear Kate's panicked voice moving towards me and I try and put some space between Christian and I.

"What are you..." she looks at me and then at Christian and her eyes widen before dropping them to the floor.

"Bro, what are you doing here?" Elliott says as Christian stands to shake his hand.

"I was coming in to see what they did with the place since I was last here when I ran into this young lady who was looking for Kate"

Christian holds his hand out pointing at me and Elliott raises an eyebrow when he sees that I don't drop my gaze to the ground. "This the famous Ana?"

Kate nods while still looking at the ground. He whispers something in her ear that I cant make out but soon Kate is staring at me and pulling me out of the booth.

"Are you okay? What are you doing here?" she whispers to me.

"I'm fine... Christian-" I start when she looks at me with wide eyes having used his first name. Elliott and Christian are now staring at me too. "Oh for the love of God, relax. No one is even around and no one told you to eavesdrop anyway"

Elliott chuckles. "I like her. Not for this lifestyle, but she's got some serious spunk. Good for you, kid"

"Kid? She's 4 months older than me and I don't even want to know what you did to her in that special back room of yours. If I'm a kid, so is she"

"Ana" Christian growls at her.


He pulls me out of earshot of Elliott and Kate. "Watch yourself"

"What... he's not my dom."

"You still need to respect him and me for that matter. 'No one told you to eavesdrop'" he says. "Are you trying to get me to spank you?"

My mouth drops open. "You would... hit me?"

He runs a hand through his hair. "See this is why it would never work."


"You don't understand any of this"

"I'm aware of that"

"It's about respect and control. I have a set of rules you need to abide by. When you break the rules, I punish you. When you obey them, I reward you"

"And you want to punish me now?"



"Oh, Ana we could go down a whole list of infractions for tonight"

"Sorry" I whisper. "I didn't mean to embarrass you" I look down ashamed that he is so mad at me.

"Hey" he says putting a finger under my chin and lifting it lightly. "You didn't. My brother knows even on his best day, I'm still a better dom than him. Besides I'm not your dom either."

"Do you want to be?"

"You're playing with fire, Ana"

"Will you consider it?"

He chuckles and shakes his head. "You're an only child aren't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"Seems like you're used to getting your way"

I shrug. "Well aren't you quite the astute one"

"Bro-" Elliott interrupts. "I have to get Kate home, so I'm heading out"

"We were just doing the same"

"Great, you want to meet for a beer after? I want to know how this one came to be in your possession" Elliott laughs.

I bite my bottom lip as my cheeks flush. His possession? I know I should feel offended but... that sounds so hot. We walk out of the club and Kate hugs me and tells me we would talk about this in great detail tomorrow. Can't wait. We separate from them and walk towards my car.

"What the fuck is this"

I turn around to face him. "What? Wanda?" I ask pointing at my powder blue beetle. "I love this car! And it's a classic"

"It's a deathtrap is what it is"

"Well you don't have to come with me. You're the one who thought I needed a chaperone to drive 25 minutes"

"It's late, I didn't want you driving alone. Heaven forbid this breaks down. Something tells me that's a possibility"

I roll my eyes. "Whatever"

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"What? I... we're not in there anymore" I stomp my foot and put my hand on my hips. Before I can register what's happening he has me pushed up against my car boxing me in.

"I don't care where we are, Ana. Do NOT roll your eyes at me again"

"Or what?" I challenge him.

"I will take you over my knee and spank you"

I clench at his words despite the fact that getting a spanking was not a particularly fun part of my childhood. But something about him saying it ignites a fire within me. "You're not my dom"

He pushes back away from me much to my disappointment as I was hoping he was going to give me another one of those earth moving kisses. "Give me your keys"

"I can drive, I haven't had anything to drink"

"I had one drink, mom. Give. me. your. keys."

At this point, I see a car pull up behind me and eye it curiously. "Who is that?"

"My driver"

"And what I give you my keys and then you take me to some unknown location and you and your buddy chop me into little pieces?"

He narrows his eyes. "You don't trust me?"

"I don't know you"

"You wanted me to take your virginity 20 minutes ago"

I open my mouth before shutting it immediately. "Fine" I huff. "Here" I say handing him my keys. "I'm warning you though, my dad is ex-marine and cancer or not, he'll kill you both" I say before getting in the passenger side but not before seeing what I swear was a smile on his face.

We pull up to my house and he turns the car off before handing me the keys. "Well thank you for a most entertaining evening, Ana"

"Thank you for... keeping me out of trouble in there"

He smiles. "Yes please take care of yourself... and never go back there alone"

"Yes sir" I quip and I'm rewarded with a breathtaking smile. I get out of the car and turn around as he's eyeing me. "Will I see you again?"


"When... I mean you don't even have my number or email or..."

"I have ways of getting all of that, Ana" he says before walking back to the car parked behind mine. The car doesn't move so I assume they're waiting for me to go inside. I sigh before quickly slipping back inside and up the stairs to my room where I'm out immediately dreaming of this mysterious gorgeous man with grey eyes.

A/N: Should have the next chapter up tomorrow!