AN/: So this is the final chapter! I hope everyone enjoyed this story and thank you to everyone who Reviewed and Followed/Favorited this as well. And thanks to the wonderful SunflowersAndHoney again, for letting me do this for Dramione. Seriously, check her stories.

*Please read the AN at the end and review telling me what you think. Should I do it? What are your options? Opinions?*

Enjoy your reading!

Part III

"First, I'm guilty of fornication. I've had sex anywhere and any way I could have it." A little shiver went down Hermione's back as she recalled the copious amounts of sex she and Draco had in the past week, no doubt reliving the nastiest scene of them all. She crawled closer to her boyfriend and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I'm also guilty of lying to, disrespecting, and disobeying my parents. For these sins and all those that I cannot remember," she slipped her dominant hand between the waistband of his boxers, "I humbly repent and ask for absolution, counsel and penance." She firmly gripped his cock and stroked slowly, feeling as he grew harder.

Draco propped himself up on both of his elbows, his bottom lip between his teeth. He shook his head slowly, not believing his luck. While she pulled his length out of his pants, Draco recited, "Three Our Fathers so that you'll grow in the virtue of temperance."

"Now," he said, his voice shaky with desire and anticipation, watching as she stroked him "complete and Act of Contrition."

Hermione didn't have to be told twice. She dipped her head down, her long hair falling like a veil, and took him in her mouth. Draco hissed his pleasure and gathered her hair in one of his hands in order to see her better.

"Jesus Christ." He groaned. Hermione fucked him with her mouth, taking him in as deep as she could before pulling back and sucking hard.

"Oh my f-." Draco tried unsuccessfully to keep his eyes open. She gave just as good as she got, if not better. His other hand gripped the sheets when the brunette tested her own limits, sucking him in deep, until she felt him hit the back of her throat.

"Granger. Fuck!" He gripped her hair tighter. "Come here. Come here." He said in a strained voice.

Hermione pulled him out of her mouth and crawled up his body. Her hands found their way to his face and her mouth pressed against his. Draco's arms wrapped tightly around her body.

"I'm so in love with you." he whispered between kisses.

"I'm in love with you too."

Draco growled his approval of her words, turning them over. He pushed his underwear down and kicked it off of his ankles. As he worked hers down her legs, Hermione sat up and pulled her shirt over her head and unsnapped her bra, tossing it on the floor. Draco pushed her legs up, her knees bent and his hands gripping her thighs.

She could barely gasp out, "Draco!", in her surprise before he shoved his tongue as deep as he could inside of her pussy. Her back arched off of the bed and her hand slapped against her headboard. When he pressed the heel of his hand against her clit and wiggled his tongue around, hitting every wall at once, Hermione was gone.

"Ugh-ah god! Yes!" Before she knew it, two fingers were slipped inside to replace his tongue, and his mouth suctioned around her clit, sucking firmly. "Fucking Christ you're so good at that." Her hips moved, pushing her drenched core further into his face.

"Mmm." Draco moaned, sending vibrations through her body. He loved going down on her more than anything; it was such a sexy sight, seeing her succumbing to the pleasure that only he could give her. More importantly that he was the only one she wanted to give her that pleasure.

"Fuck. Me." She groaned, her hand finding his on her thigh and grasping it tightly. Draco shook his head, still sucking on her clit and working his fingers inside of her. "Ahh! Hunh! Ohgod, ohgod, ohgod!" He wasn't going to stop until she came; Hermione just knew it. And she was so... very...

"Ahh-... coming! Coming!" Hermione moaned, her voice hit a higher pitch than he'd ever heard before while her silky cream covered his fingers, running down his pumping fingers. He pulled them out and licked up the rest, feeding her his soaking fingers. She sucked hungrily on them as he made his way up her shaking body.

"D-Draco! Still-."

She was still coming. Or coming again. Draco wasn't one-hundred percent, but he was pretty sure Hermione was getting her first experience of multiple orgasms.

"Shit." Draco lifted both of her legs until her ankles were on his shoulders, stared at her quivering flesh for a moment, and then shoved his rock-hard cock deep inside of her.

"Ahhh!" Hermione shouted and tears formed in her eyes. Such. Blinding. White. Hot. Pleasure. She'd never felt anything so amazing in her entire life. And she came over and over, her cunt spasming around him. Draco gritted his teeth and waited. It was pure torture. Pure, beautiful torture. When he finally began moving, Hermione's body was beyond sensitive and when he reached down, pressing his thumb to her clit, the rest of his fingers splayed across her navel, the brunette could only whimper and cry out with every thrust he gave.

"You okay, love?"

Her head nodded vigorously, eyebrows furrowed, hand tightening on his hip as she focused on her pleasure. "Don't. Stop."

And he didn't. Draco gave her everything he had, driving into her at the speed of a jackhammer and the force of the gods.

"Come on, Granger!" Draco demanded when he felt her walls flutter against him. He pushed her legs off of his shoulders, spread her wide, his hands under her knees again.

"Like that! Yes!"


"Yeah!" Hermione came again, her heart pounding, body sleeked in sweat and she felt it when Draco pulled quickly out of her and spurts of his semen hit her breasts and stomach.

"I absolve you of your sings," Draco breathlessly recited, "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." He lazily crossed her, his pointer finger sliding across his own come. And they laughed, completely spent, as he fell beside her on the bed.

"God, is nothing sacred with you?" Draco asked, when he'd caught his breath.

"Not a thing." She grinned against his mouth.




Monday, 5:35PM

Draco got out of his car, shutting the door behind him and jogging up the path to Hermione's house.

"Draco! Hey there. Coming to check on my little girl?"

Draco stopped in his tracks and turned to see Bill and Helen walking up the path. Dr. Granger was bogged down by both his and Mrs. Granger's luggage so Draco, like the good boy he was, helped him.

"Yes, sir. I just got off of work." He smiled innocently. Hermione had text him and told him to come over for a quickie before her parents got home. He silently prayed that she wasn't butt ass naked on the couch waiting for him.

Thankfully, when Helen unlocked the front door, she wasn't.

"'Mione! Hermione!" Bill shouted. "We're home! And Draco is here to see you!"

"Coming!" Her strained voice called from her bedroom. Draco smirked; she was probably rushing to put on clothes. A few moments later, she came bounding down the steps, and she gave Draco wide 'holy shit that was close' eyes. "Daddy!" She ran into Bill's arms, kissing his cheek. "Hi, Mom!" She embraced her mother as well and then turned Draco, hugging him briefly before placing a kiss on his cheek.

Helen rolled her eyes. She wasn't a complete idiot; she knew Draco and Hermione had at least kissed on the lips before.


"Yes sir?"

"You're staying for dinner, yes?"


"We won't take a no for an answer." Bill pushed.

"Honey, don't bully the boy. What if his parents have dinner plans with him already?" Helen always took up for Draco. She felt that he was good for her Hermione. "Don't feel pressured, sweetheart." She patted his cheek in a motherly gesture.

"I don't mind. Dr. Bill, I'd be happy to join you all for dinner."

"Yay." Hermione smiled innocently and clapped her hands together. "Can we have Chinese, please?"

"I don't care as long as I don't have to cook," responded Helen.

It had been settled; Chinese was for dinner. The foursome sat around the dining room table that both Hermione and Draco were charged with setting. The entire time they set out the plates and utensils, Hermione stared at him, hungrily. Her night hadn't gone as planned, she wanted him. And Draco knew it. He played it cool, smirking cockily at her, pinching her ass cheek when she bent over to place a glass on the table.

Once dinner arrived and they were seated, Draco across from Hermione, and Helen across from Bill who sat at the head of the table.

"So, how was your parent-free weekend?" Bill joked. "Be honest, Draco, did she hold a wild party here?"

Helen chuckled at her husband's joke at a joke. Inwardly, Hermione was rolling her eyes.

Draco smiled. "Nope. No wild parties. I made sure of that. We went to Daphne Greengrass's house for a movie and game night, but that was about it."

"Did you two attend Mass on Sunday?" asked Helen.

"Oh, yes, ma'am. My parents and I picked Hermione up so she could make it, too."

"That was very nice of you. I'll have to call your parents and thank them." Helen smiled at him.

"How was your vacation? Did you guys visit the Kelvingrove?"

"We did. Your father didn't know that they had Sir Ralph. You know, the elephant?" she continued when her daughter made an encouraging noise "So naturally, we almost got kicked out because somebody couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself, but otherwise it was quite a lovely time." Helen looked at her husband, both of them grinning like newlyweds. It was clear that they had spent the weekend doing the same things Hermione and Draco had. Only probably slightly less kinky.

"Gross." muttered Hermione as she scooped more pork fried rice onto her plate. "Can you pass me the soy sauce, Daddy?"

At the same time that Bill reached over for the soy sauce, Draco's hand lifted as well. Just in time to catch his mistake, he coughed and pretended to be reaching for his glass of water. Hermione smirked, and stifled a snort, accepting the packet of sauce from her biological father. Draco's heart pounded, hoping her father didn't realize what had almost happened.

But when Bill continued his conversation with his wife, Draco understood that Hermione's parents truly were clueless as to just how much of a sinner their precious daughter was. And he could only silently pray that they never walked in on her being fucked on her knees.

Hopefully God listened to the prayers of such a nasty, naughty, filthy sinner posing as a good little Catholic saint.

AN/: Please review with your thoughts on the following:

So I have this plot bunny going on. I want to do this fanfic based on the "Nosotros los Nobles" movie (if you haven't seen it oh my fucking god what have you been doing). It's Mexican and it's about a family of, well for a lack of better word, juniors and a princess who their dad teaches them a lesson by pretending to be poor and making them work for a living.

So I want to try and make the Harry Potter world work with it. It wouldn't be a Dramione story (sadly) because the leading girl doesn't stay with the rich boy, but rather the poor, helping one. And seriously, can you imagine Draco Lucius Malfoy being poor?

The characters would be (obviously the main ones, the others I'll figure them out):

Javi: Harry

Barbara: Hermione

Cha: Ron

Dad: Dumbledore (lmao) or Sirius (vote on that one as well)

Peter: Draco

Lucho: (poor love interest) I HAVE NO IDEA. It could be Neville but i can't picture Hermione with him.

So I need your help to find my Lucho (lol I love the sound of that). Watch the movie if you want to (search the name in english because I don't know it) and please help me!

What do you think? Should I do it? Do you guys like the idea? WHO SHOULD LUCHO BE?!