Frozen, the sound of his breaths filled the air. Panting, out of breath he swiftly turned to look over his shoulder at the B gate where Victor stood his hands over his eyes. Was he angry? Was he happy? How did he feel? Victor removed his hands to reveal his crystal blue eyes slowly he began to run towards the gate that Yuri would leave the ice from. As Yuri saw Victor running towards the gate he slowly started to glide over to the gate.

'Victor, I did great didn't I?'

As both Yuri and Victor approached the gate, Victor looked up. The next thing that Yuri had known was Victor pressing his lips against Yuri's cold chapped lips. They both hit the ice. The crowd that was long forgotten by the two sat silenced in their seats.

Only silence rang out across the ice rink until Victor finally pushed himself up of off the heavily blushing Yuri and spoke. Words only Yuri would hear. That was it for Victor, He loved Yuri and he can no longer deny this fact. Only Yuri remained oblivious to Victor's powerful, crystal clear feelings. They both got up off the ice; the stuttering commentators introduced the next Skater.

Yuri had completed his free skate very well. His technical were on point and he got almost every single one of his jumps. There were areas he could improve on and his wild jump that he did at the end, well that was a situation that needed to be taken care of. But all that mattered right now was that Yuri was going to the Russian coach's home country to skate to get into the grand prix final.

The main program that Victor had choreographed specifically for Yuri to skate went smoothly he made a few minor errors, but all in all his performance was well controlled and was of high quality. This made Victor very proud but didn't surprise him enough to give Yuri another kiss. Yuri was fairly happy with his result.

Yuri had just got back from an interview when his phone rang. It was his sister. Yuri's eyes widened and his face began to pale. Victor looked at Yuri with a concerned look when Yuri said 'Victor get on the next flight back to Japan!' It was Maccachin; He had eaten the hot buns from Vicchans shrine and is now in the vet as they caused problems. The vets had told Yuri's sister that the chances of Maccachin living were very little.

Victor panicked, he wanted to be there for Yuri but he grew up with Maccachin and loved him with a great passion. Yuri wanted him to go back and said he was fine with it. Yuri needed a coach. He couldn't skate without a coach, the board don't except that. It hit Victor as he saw Yurio walk into the area with Yakov. 'YAKOV!' shouted Victor startling him. 'Will you be Yuri's Coach for tomorrows free skate?!' Yakov agreed but only because it was Victor and Yurio had agreed. Yuri was in shock; he doesn't know anything about Yakov and didn't know the best way to talk to him.

It was time for the dark haired boy to skate his free skate, Yuri on ice. This skate was based on Yuri's career so far. It starts with Yuri before Victor became his coach when he lacked motivation and was about to give up. Gradual the music builds and shows how Yuri has developed since he met Yuri.

Yuris mind was everywhere he couldn't think straight. His mind wavered. What was it they motivated him? Was it pork cutlet bowls? Or was it something or someone else? That's right it wasn't the port cutlet bowl at all. It was Victor. Everything was for Victor.

The music started. Yuri went into his first half of his free skate with a wondering mind. A wondering mind was bad for Yuri, it always put him of and his jumps would end up only just making it through to a smooth landing or he just wouldn't land them at all. He ended his free skate. It was nowhere near his personal best and he knew it and was ashamed of it. He sat waiting for his score with Yakov by his side. Yurio was disappointed to see that Yuri hadn't given it his all. Yurio couldn't compete with Yuri on some days but today he knew he could beat Yuri and he didn't like it.

Yuri, holding back his tears he hugged Yakov before walking away out back while the other skaters finished up their free skates. Sala approached Yuri to congratulate him on getting into the grand prix finals. Yuri, with blank eyes hugged Sala. Michele screeched from behind , Yuri then looked up over Salas shoulder released her and hugged Michele , then Emil he slowly made his way around all the skaters finishing on Yurio who ran away from Yuri as fast as he could.

Yuri couldn't make up for it, for them. Victor's hugs were only Victors and nothing could beat them. Later that night as Yuri's plane had landed in Hasetsu. He slowly walked to the gate. His eyes glazed over as he looked down at his feet. He missed Victor he couldn't do anything without him. Especially thinking straight. All he could think about was Victor and Maccachin off course. He looked up through the glass window over the airport seats where many people had waited for loved ones to arrive back. There in the middle row was Victor looking down at the floor. Suddenly Maccachin was pressing his paws against the window. Victor looked up at the window and saw Yuri. Their eyes met. They both began to run towards the gate where they could both finally meet each other again. Yuri reached the gate. Bouncing up and down waiting for the gate to open Yuri was ready to see Victor, now more than ever before.

The gate slowly opened. Yuri pushed his way through the gate and ran into Victors open arms. The sentimental moment that they both wished would last, will it last questioned Victor to himself. 'Yuri I saw your free skate. You were thinking again weren't you?' Victor softly said in Yuri's ear as they hugged each other tightly. Yuri pushed himself back out of the hug and placed his hands on Victor's shoulders. Victor stumbled backwards a little. 'Victor, please stay with me until I retire!' Victor closed the hug once more. 'I wish you would never retire.' Victor's voice said it so smoothly and so gently that Yuri's eyes filled up with tears.

More and more Victor felt himself falling deeper in love with Yuri. Both oblivious of their love for each other, they continued to practice as normal. The next thing they knew they were off to Barcelona to continue to the finals of the Grand Prix.

Victor and Yuri needed a break. Yuri suggested that they both go sightseeing together as he knows how much Victor likes to shop and sight see. They ventured to many shops and Yuri became a human coat hanger. Holding more and more bags after each shop, Yuri got tired and sat down on a bench. The light was starting to go and the evening was drawing to a close. Victor wanted to see the Christmas lights so the continued down the street. Victor glanced over at Yuri and could tell he had lost interest in sightseeing. Until suddenly Yuri's eyes lit up and he ran off in the direction of a shop that had sparkling jewellery in the window. At first this came as a shock to Victor. Yuri ran in looked at the front counter and saw two gold rings. He placed his card down and said he will pay in instalments. He whipped outside and under the light of the Christmas decorations spread across the city, Yuri pulled one ring out of the bag, He looked at victor dead in the eye before removing his glove. 'Victor, I want to thank you for everything you have done.' Yuri blushed 50 shades of crimson and red as he placed the ring onto Victor's finger. Victor had a face of surprise but it was a good surprise, one that made the top class skater happy, really happy. Victor took out another ring and placed it onto Yuri's hand.

They both wandered off with their arms around each other to go find food. They gathered in a restaurant with Chris, Phichit, Yurio, Otabek Minako and Mari. They all gathered around the table and were talking about the time when Yuri got drunk and started dancing and stripping. He even dragged Yurio into a dance off. There were many pictures on Chris's phone so everyone gathered around him to look. Chris noticed that Yuri had a ring on his finger and a similar ring was on Victors too. 'Those rings, you two.' Phi Chit immediately looked up. His eyes widened as he started to clap violently. 'CONGRATULATIONS!' He shouted whilst turning to face the rest of the restaurant. 'Everyone, my good friend here got married!' he said clapping. The restaurant started to clap and applaud Victor and Yuri. Yuri's face went pale from shock and Victor just laughed it off. 'Don't get us wrong, these are engagement rings. After Yuri has won gold we will get married.' Victor corrected whilst winking.

Yuri was shocked even more so now. 'Victor?!' he said questioningly.' Jj showed up with his girlfriend and made some bolds speech about winning gold and him marrying his girlfriend etc. No one was listening they just got up and left. They didn't care.