Author's Note: Ah, here we a. The third and final chapter. ;) And yes, it is...more smut.

A Sweet Triumph

The wedding had been perfect.

The wizarding guests had behaved, the Muggle guests had been blissfully unaware of the magic going on under their noses, the papers had stayed out of it, the ceremony had gone without a hitch, her bouquet didn't fall apart on the toss, the food had been positively divine, and the cake, well, the cake had been the showpiece.

Especially watching him eat it.

Even better, no one had questioned why they had had a six-tiered cake for a guest list of forty-seven. Stasis charms were truly magnificent.

Severus had still loved her dress, if the fingers trailing down the buttons during their first—and only—dance had been any indication. He also couldn't keep his eyes off of her hair, which she had pinned up and decorated with two fluffy sugar quills in lieu of flowers, charmed to avoid being sticky or breaking prematurely. Tantalizing her groom was part of the fun, after all.

"Finally," Severus growled, pushing her into the wall before the pop of their joint Apparition had faded.

Hermione laughed, kissing his nose. "So impatient."

"I have tolerated your need for a ceremony, and now I have you" He punctuated each word between kisses.

"The ceremony was your idea," she reminded him. "You wanted the excuse for a cake. However...I believe I promised you something." His eyes glittered and he allowed her to push him to the wall instead. Hermione knelt before him with a wicked smile, sinking into her tea-length dress like it was a meringue. "Still up for this?"

"Yes," he hissed in a way that she knew meant that he had been ready for hours. She couldn't blame him; she knew this was one of his favourites. And hers, too.

Really, they both deserved it after all of the wedding planning and execution.

"Accio," Severus murmured as Hermione tugged at the smooth warm leather of his belt. She heard the bottle smack into his hand just around the time he inhaled sharply when she freed the prongs, dropping the ends of the belt with a faint jingle.

She moved her fingers to the buttoned fly.





She flicked each button smoothly from its hole, then laughed as his eager cock nearly leapt out of his trousers. Like her, he hadn't worn underthings today. Hermione patted the spongy head and continued to free him. Shoving his trousers down his pale hips to puddle at his ankles, she smiled happily. Despite the passage of time, their initial passion remained unchanged. The sex was divine, the home life perfect—and snarky, with plenty of heated discussions: he well and truly was an arse—and, well, she couldn't be happier. Hermione gave him a gentle caress as he stepped out his trousers and began to unbutton his shirt. She breathed across his length but didn't touch him.

"Tease," he chided, his heavy breathing giving the lie to his words. He loved this and they both knew it.

"And you wouldn't have me any other way."

"No I wouldn't...Wife." He divested himself of the top half of his suit, the jacket, waistcoat, and shirt disappearing in an impressive act of wandless magic.

She inhaled sharply at the proprietary tone. "Very well, husband."

Hermione would never know if that low, rumbling moan of his was from calling him that or from taking him into her mouth. His hands wound into her hair and she pulled away. "No touching," she commanded. The muscles in his neck twitched and he nodded, withdrawing his touch. "Hands against the wall, Severus."

He obeyed her as easily as she obeyed him. "Good," Hermione breathed. Keeping her eyes on his—so dark and lidded and burning with a fire she was well familiar with—she kissed the tip of his erection and down the length. Her tongue was next, her cheek nuzzling the silken, heated skin of his balls. He had gone bare for her, for her plans.

With that thought, Hermione drew back to his head and began to suck him, extending her arm take the bottle from his clenched hand. It took hardly any effort to flick the top open, pull back, and drizzle caramel over his saliva-slickened flesh.

Capping it once more, she tossed the plastic bottle aside. Merlin, but he looked beautiful with the rich caramel over his pale skin. This never failed to make her think of the chocolates he had brought with him to the cafe so long ago, and the rivulet he had chased down his wrist with his tongue.

Smiling, Hermione looked up at him to find him scowling.

"Cease your ridiculous perusal and get on with it," he snapped. He looked thoroughly disheveled, his hands splayed and his finger knuckles white against the wall in an attempt not to touch. His hair was lank against his flushed cheeks, and she smiled wider at how far down the colour went.


"No you're bloody not."

"Quite right." She let him set a moment more, entirely unrepentant.

His hips thrust impatiently. "I'm going to drip caramel all over the floor."

She gave a mock gasp. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh yes I wo-shite!" His words ended on a choked gasp as she took him into her mouth and she heard his head thunk against the wall as he whined. "Fuck!"

Hermione ignored him and reveled in the mix of Severus's salty skin and the rich, buttery caramel. She rubbed her tongue along his length, swallowing around him. It was an absolutely delicious combination and she idly wondered if butterscotch would be as good; she would have to suggest it later.

As pleasant as sucking on Severus Snape was, Hermione's favourite part was hearing him come undone. His silky voice went high in frustrated bliss when she stopped, it turned to a low rumble when she hit the right spot, and the roughness of it as he begged her for more made her belly clench with lust. Absolutely intoxicating.

Feeling rather wicked, Hermione slipped her hand behind his balls to caress the soft skin between them and the dark pucker of his arse.

"Fuck." The word was breathed from him, and she licked the caramel from his bare balls, sucking each delicately into her mouth until he shuddered.

She felt his bony knees tremble, the muscles in his thighs straining as his hands left the wall to tunnel into her hair.

"Hermione," he moaned, and it was a warning and a plea all in one.

Gently, she released him, leaving him quivering and panting above her, his chest flushed as red as his cheeks, oily locks of hair sticking to his neck.

"I think I've got it all," she said, feeling rather impish.

Severus let out a harsh laugh and pulled her to her feet. "Perhaps."

He caressed her cheek and she leaned into his touch, smiling. Severus bent to kiss her, his hair tickling her bare shoulder. He still tasted of chocolate, which meant that he had sampled another slice of cake before they left. Hermione squeezed a love handle happily. He tugged a sugar quill free from her hair, tapping it against her nose as he pulled back. She barely even felt the fluff.

"These have tantalised me all evening." The quill whispered over the curve of her jaw. "Cancel the charm so I can devour it...and you."

Hermione murmured a Finite between kisses as the fluffy quill tickled her cleavage. Their kisses grew more heated, and Severus's hands wandered over her waist and down, cupping her arse to pull her against him. They both moaned, and she heard the faint snap as the quill broke in his grip. Apparently, his thoughts of eating the previously preserved quill were long gone.

Their hands wandered, his fisting in her skirt or skating along the row of buttons, and hers roaming over his skin. She caressed the lean muscles of his arms, the crisp hair on his chest, and the pudge of his hips. She absolutely adored him still. That cafe had been the best thing to ever happen to her.

Severus lifted her and she squeaked in surprise. Her dress crinkled in his grip as he deposited her on their bed. He leaned over her, crawling over her body to kiss her over and over again. As always, her eyes drifted to the enchanted ceiling, which tonight was clear and cloudless, full of a sparkling stars.

"Dress on or off?" she asked between breathless kisses. He shrugged, moving his mouth to her neck, his nose nudging her ear. "Mmm, that's nice."

His lips caressed the shell of her ear. "I know," he told her in a silky tone that made her shiver. "I know precisely what you like, wife."

She smiled at the possessiveness in his tone, raking her nails against his scalp as he nipped her shoulder. He groaned, his teeth sinking in deeper, and she gasped in delight. He tugged at the neckline of her dress to free her breasts. Hermione bit her lip, heat pooling between her legs. Tonight felt special and sublime now; she felt treasured and worshiped and wanted, laying with her legs splayed in her white dress and him nestled between them, his cock prodding her through the fabric.

"You were beautiful tonight," he told her, the stark honesty in his voice sending a thrill to her core. "Radiant."

She ran her hand through his hair and cupped his cheek. "And you were handsome, as you always are."

Severus snorted and kissed her breast, just over her heart his lips lingering for a moment before he vanished her dress with a mumble. It reappeared in the closet, and Hermione sighed at the warmth of his skin against hers. He melted against her like chocolate, his hands languidly exploring her breasts and his lips followed.

Hermione let her own hands roam his back and shoulders, moaning as he pulled a nipple into the heat of his mouth. There was a sensuality to his pace; he lingered until she cried out with each suckle, feeling an answering pull between her legs.

The burn built slowly, turning into a conflagration as he stroked and caressed every inch except for her needy core where she burned for him to touch. Her own attempts meant he moved her hands gently away from her clit, and Hermione was writhing, gasping, near to begging him for more.

He knew exactly how to touch her, to tease her, and she reveled in the attentions showered upon her. Finally, finally, Severus's hand slid down to test her wetness as he crawled back up her body. Hermione kissed his brow as he groaned in delight at finding her slick and ready for him.

They looked at each other, something about this moment, their first time as husband and wife special. Severus guided himself into place, holding her gaze. There was a sizzle, some moment of connection as he pushed in, his girth stretching and filling her. Hermione gasped; she hadn't felt so tight around him since their first few times together.

"My wife," Severus said in a molten voice, his tone rather wondrous as he slid all the way home.

Scorched, Hermione melted under him. "Husband." She craned her neck to kiss his forearm where the remains of his Mark lay on his skin, and raised her hands to tangle with his. "My husband."

"Yessssss," and it was drawn from him in a hiss. His hands gripped hers tightly, their wedding bands digging into their fingers, as he began to move.

Somehow, she felt...closer to him. Maybe it was the magic of the moment, Hermione reasoned before reason left her.

Severus knew just how to angle his hips to make her brain turn to mush. She wrapped her legs around his hips, her breath coming in great gasps as she drew close. Blood thundered in her ears, her body clenching and tightening as she came. He grunted, stopping, and rolled them carefully.

Hermione soon found herself atop him, straddling his hips.

"You didn't come?" she asked in some disbelief. He'd been so riled and ready to go after the caramel...

"Took a potion," was the answer.

"Oh." She flushed, thinking of just how wonderful the night was going to be. When she'd whispered the fantasy of being shagged senseless over and over again into his ear last week, she didn't realise he'd do it tonight. It was going to be the most memorable wedding night in history, she was certain.

"I want watch you ride me," he told her in a rough voice. His hands slip up her torso to cup her breasts. He pinched her nipples and her hips jerked. "Yesssssss, just like that..."

Hermione began to move, circling her hips as she rode him. He abandoned tormenting her nipples into stiff peaks in favour of grabbing her hips. He controlled her rhythm, thrusting up as he pulled her down. Her belly jiggled, her curls tumbling free from their pins with every thrust. Severus groaned beneath her, a lusty sound, which turned into something fierce and feral as the last Sugar Quill fell as well, one curl wrapped around its stem the only thing keeping it from falling to his chest.

She leaned back with each thrust so the tip of his cock struck her g-spot over and over again. It was growing more and more difficult to concentrate on any rhythm as she strove to reach the pinnacle. His fingers bit into her hips, pulling her down harder and harder. Her world narrowed to the bounce of her breasts, his grunts on the downstroke, her body spiraling until it felt like the stars themselves lit her from within.

The scream was torn from her as she stiffened and came hard, pulsing around the hard length embedded inside her.

"Fuck," he said, twitching. Hermione finally relaxed, panting, and met his eyes. Severus smirked at her almost wickedly, guiding her up and off of his lap.

"Bend over," he purred.

Hours later, they were both thoroughly worn out, the sugar quill long-devoured, and they lay boneless in their bed. Comfortable with her back to his hairy chest, and his arm around her breasts, Hermione bent her head and kissed his sweaty hand, which was clasped in hers.

"I love you," she told him sleepily, her voice full of happiness.

"About bloody time you said it." His nose nudged her neck as he brushed a kiss against her curls. Severus sighed in contentment.

The End.