WHEW, finally done!
And just in time for the episode, and before the show ends! :D

Now, I will apologize about the later half of the story as I feel like I kinda rushed it. And if the characters come off as OOC in anyway.
It's been awhile since I've done anything that involved Arc-V, so I may be kinda rusty. ^^;

Anywho, this should be a good way to say goodbye to my fave YGO spin-off!
Enjoy. c:

~Goodbye Fruits~

A black void was all that he saw, no other color was seen but from the various eyes that pierced the darkness.

They stared down everything he did, noticing even the slightest of changes, the slightest of movements. Each eye feeling colder then the next as they all stared down at him, as if almost judging.

But who owned these hateful eyes? These eyes which rage emits from them like black smoke from a fire, eyes that use light to inflict darkness upon others. Though they seem so familiar, either it be the way they look or even how they stared.

A strong feeling of loneliness washed over the boy...a feeling of being a outcast and used stung at him. He thought about the time where kids used to laugh at him because his father was a "no show", the time Reiji only cared about the power he held, when the crowed only cared about the pain he caused. These thoughts caused the boy's breathing to pick up, his once worried face now slowly turning into one filled with anger. The memories annoyed him, they reminded him of how foolish he was.

No one truly loved him, they only loved the power he had. Because with it, no one could ever beat him, who wouldn't want someone like that under their control?

Just THINKING about it made his pulse rise...and his eyes glow... He was just so irritated by them he just wanted to yell out.

And so he did...

Loud and beastly...just like a dragon.

"THEY WERE ALL JUST USING ME!"}~ his growly voice boomed throughout the void. "They all just wanted my power! They used ME for THEIR ENJOYMENT! And then...they tried to STEAL MY POWER!"}~

His left eye's color shifted from a crimson, to a gold, while the pupil slowly became slim and narrow, like a snake's eye.

"I thought they were my friends...but no, they're just like everyone else. Tch, I don't need human friends if they just want to treat me like I'm different. All I need, are my Monsters."}~

"B-but...I thought, you liked entertaining people..."

The boy loudly hissed as he turned around to face the owner of the soft, yet familiar voice.

"WHO DARES-!?"}~

His hardened expression quickly loosened up once he laid eyes on her sapphire eyes, the hate he felt seemed so distant now...

"Yuya you...you've changed..."

"Yu...Yuzu... How...?"

"Do you actually think, that we wanted to use you?" Yuzu asked, feeling tears starting to form.

"Wha, n-no! It's just that-!"

"How dare you!" she shouted. "I thought we were friends! I thought...I thought you loved me..."

"Yuzu please! Let me explain-!"

"After everything we've done, after ALL we've been through together, THIS is what you think of us!? Of me!?"

Yuzu was highly annoyed of Yuya, and why wouldn't she be? Yuya was basically saying that all that hardship that the two, and their friends, went through was for nothing. But, despite her anger, she was mostly saddened to hear Yuya's words.

"Yuzu I-!" Yuya closed his eyes as he felt a pain in his chest. He placed a hand over his right eye before opening his left, revealing his golden snake-like eye. ~{You mean NOTHING to me! You are nothing but dead weight holding me back from using my TRUE power!}~ he hissed.

Yuzu took a step back in response to his harsh words, and the golden snake eye that starred her down.

~{Friends!? Don't make me laugh! The only friends I have are my Monsters! Odd-Eyes, Dark Rebellion, Clear Wing, and Starve Venom...THOSE are my friends!}~

Yuya lowered his hand and slowly opened up his right eye, showing that it too, has been turned into a snake's eye. But...curiously enough, the eye still retained it's crimson color.

"Yuya, what's happened to you...!?"

~{DON'T CALL ME THAT!}~ he snarled. ~{I never want to hear that name AGAIN!}~

"But that's your name...that's who you are..."

~{NO! I AM... I-I am..."}~

Yuya once again closed his eyes from a sudden pain.

~{I-I...I am..."

"You are Yuya!"

Yuzu ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders.

"I don't know what's happening to you, but please! Fight it!"

He began to shake, slowly opening his eyes halfway. "Yuzu, I'm scared..."

"Don't worry Yuya, I'll save you anyway I can!"

Yuya wanted to smile, but ended up hissing at her instead.

~{How dare you!? My name is-!}~ he placed hands to his head and let out a pained grunt. "NO! I...won't...say it!"

Yuzu looked to her friend with concern. She could just see it on his face that he was battling some kind of, inner demon. She wanted to help, but how could she, when the battle is taking place from within? After a bit of thinking, she remember how powerful words are, hoping that her being there for him as well as her words will help in the battle.

Bringing Yuya in for a hug, Yuzu hopes that her words will affect him.

"Remember Yuya, you're not alone in this fight! Even though everyone may not be here, you can always recollect the wonderful memories you've had with them! And...you still have me, I'm right here."


"Don't worry Yuya! Fight on, for everyone, for me!"

Yuya leaned forward, placing his forehead against her's. "Thank you, Yuzu..."

Looking into his eyes Yuzu could see them turning back to normal, it seems her worlds did help.

"Even though I'll have to live with knowing about everything I've done to everyone, I don't let that stop me, it's never to late to be happy. If I plan to entertain people, I can be sad all the time. I gotta spread happiness, and to that I myself have to be happy, to be able smile. I'm not ~{HIM}~ without my counterparts, and because of that, that makes me my own person, my own being."

The shadows of the void began to brighten, and color started to return to the surroundings.

"~{HE}~ is like all the negative thoughts in one's mind, always nagging you from behind, constantly telling you that you're worthless, a waste of space without him. Because of that your self worth, and who you are start to slowly fade away. Before you know it you're just a shell of your former self, and that's what ~{HE}~ wants you to become, it's easier to take over at that point."


He smiled and lightly chuckled. "Don't worry Yuzu, I'm fine. All I needed was a reminder of who I was, no, who I am. After that, ~{HIS}~ control over me disappeared easily." Yuya looks around, his smile growing bigger. "And look! This place has color now! And to think this was once just a black void, now it's full of life."

A lush, green meadow filled with all types of flowers, of all kinds of color sprouted before their very eyes. Grass that came up their knees, and beautiful butterflies were all around. All of this, with an added good breeze and a nice smell, the scenery around them seemed like heaven on earth, this vast, lush area just for the two of them.

"Our journey is just about over, soon someone new will take our place."

"We've gone through pain and trauma, but we never let that hold us down."

"We didn't let the unknown scare from going forward."

"We pushed on, and made a few friends along the way."

"I traveled through dimensional plains just to see you safe, and to see your smile again."

Yuya extended his arm out, cycling through his counterparts, Yuto, Yugo, Yuri, and then, finally, back to himself.

"I went through heck and back..."

And Yuzu returned the favor, interlocking her hands with his as she too went through her counterparts, Ruri, Rin, Selena, then back to herself once more.

"...just to see you."

The two bruised fruits, have finally been healed, turning and waving to seemingly no one, before heading on their way.
The black void, was no more, now all that was left behind was a beautiful lush meadow.

~Good Bye~

Alright! That was that!
Please, leave a review if you can, I would love to hear you thoughts on this chapter, and this series of mini stories! ^^