A/N- Okay I know that it's short and I promise that the next chapter will be longer. I want to thank all of you readers for your support. Make sure to leave a review, it's how I get better.

Disclaimer- I OWN NOTHING!

Chapter 2- Awakening

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

Skin to bone and steel to rust.

Water dries up, flames turn to embers

And all of the legends that no one remembers.

Fire is his blood and his body is steel

He is the nightmare that is all too real.

Standing in the shadow of the villian with untold power

He shines the light in the darkest hour.

Surviving horrors, he passed the test

Fighting without end, knowing no rest.

The Grimm fear him, he is coming soon

Now all will remember, his name is DOOM.


He slept, and as he slept he would dream. Dream of death and destruction, ruin and chaos, anarchy and rage. For that is all that he was. Battles would endlessly unfold in his head as war was waged. He knew no peace but he cared not, for it was only in battle that he felt alive.

But in his sleep he could hear voices...

They were faint and sounded far away, but he could hear them nonetheless. He knew that this could only mean one thing... he was beginning to awaken. Soon the world would require his presence once more.

"So, have you discovered anything yet Oobleck?"

He heard a voice.

"Why yes actually. Do you see the writing here on the top?"

Another more excited voice responded.


"This is the only part I have been able to translate so far. It reads 'So you walk eternally through the shadows, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.'"


"Argh! Your ignorance astounds me Ironwood. Have you not read about the legend of DOOM the Grimm Slayer?"


A new voice came, this one female.

"For the love of- Do you honestly believe in that stupid legend?"

"Let us not cast away this possibility so hastily Glynda. After all, the maidens were nothing more than legends as well."

"Yes, but this is just ridiculous. Are you trying to tell me that this sarcophagus holds the body of the most legendary huntsman on Remnant?"

"Yes. And if the legends are true then he is still alive inside, in some sort of stasis. That would explain the unusual energy that it gives off."

"And if he is still alive inside... then what is he doing in there? Should we try to wake him?"

"Well Ozpin, according to the legend, DOOM had himself sealed away in the hopes that should he be needed again he would be ready to stand against the Grimm. I fear that the best thing to do is wait as we have no idea about the intricate nature of the seal. As I said before, trying to force it open may result in an... unpredictable outcome. When the time comes and he is needed, he will awaken on his own."

"Then let us pray that we never need him."


DOOM continued to sleep and as time passed he would occasionally hear the voices again from time to time. Each time he heard them they would grow ever closer, ever clearer.

"What is that?"

It was a new voice. Another female, and rather nervous from the sound of it.

"That little lady is none of your concern. What concerns you is further in."

Another new voice. This one slightly slurred as he spoke.

"But, it feels so unnatural."

"We are well aware of the energy it exudes miss Nikos. But it is unrelated to why we brought you down here. However if you must know, it is but another 'fairy tale' that we all thought to be a legend. Now come along, we still have much to discuss."

The voices sounded closer than ever this time. Soon, soon his time to awaken would come...


Things were going to hell in a hurry. Ozpin watched the surveillance screens in horror as a horde of Grimm the likes of which he has never seen before, charged their way into Vale. They slaughtered all who they encountered, as was their nature. Even from his office atop Beacon academy he could hear their screams. The screams of the dying and the frightened masses. Their fear only made the situation increasingly worse as even more Grimm were attracted by the negative emotions.

Ironwood's forces were doing their best to defend the city, but they were simply overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the Grimm. What's worse, someone had hacked into the Atlas defenses and turned their robots against those they were supposed to protect. Even the White Fang had decided to take advantage of the chaos and began their own assault on Beacon as well. All the while the enemy was broadcasting the entire horror show across all of Remnant.

People were dying en-mass and there was hardly anything anyone could do to stop it.

Ozpin did his best to coordinate his own forces from his office, but an alert on one of his screens caught his attention. It notified him of an anomaly in the vault. There was a massive energy spike coming from somewhere and it was setting off all of the alarms. Ozpin's heart shot up into his throat at the thought that something was going wrong down there. He quickly sat up from his chair and grabbed his cane. Ozpin rushed to the elevator in order to go down to the vault to investigate the energy spike. He impatiently tapped his cane on the elevator floor in a futile attempt to make it go faster. When it finally arrived at the vault level he practically lunged out of the elevator and broke out into a full-on sprint in order to get to the source of the disturbance.

He didn't have to go very far...

Ozpin arrived at the sarcophagus to find that it was radiating an immense amount of energy as a pillar of red light grew upwards from it. Then he heard it.


The sarcophagus shook.

*thump, thump*

It shook again, this time more violently.

*thump, thump, thump*

The force was so great it began to form cracks in the ground.


What followed was an explosion of energy that shook the very foundations of Beacon and sent Ozpin tumbling backwards. The lid of the sarcophagus shot upward towards the ceiling where it impacted and then lodged there. A swirling vortex of crimson energy cascaded into the sarcophagus. And then as Ozpin got back up, he saw it. A fist. A fist encased in armor that was outstretched towards the ceiling. There was no doubt in Ozpin's mind as to what had just occurred.

DOOM had awoken.

The fist then lowered itself unto the side of the sarcophagus, where it then grasped at the side with such force that cracks started to form on it. As pressure was applied, DOOM lifted himself up from his lying position and then hopped out of his 'bed' and landed on his feet.

Ozpin gazed in wonder at the man. He wore armor that was unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was primarily dark green in color and covered his entire being. It looked rather futuristic which was strange considering how old his legend was.

"Are you DOOM?" Ozpin asked as he cautiously took up a defensive posture.

The figure rolled his neck, resulting in several audible cracks, before he gave a quick nod. He then proceeded to stretch his arms and legs before finally cracking his knuckles.

"I know you must have many questions but right now time is short. We are under attack by an army of Grimm. According to the legends, you had sealed yourself away so that you could be ready to stand and fight against the Grimm should you be needed. I need to know if you are ready and willing to fight."

DOOM simply nodded his head again.

"Good, now let's get you a weapon-" no sooner then he said it, a gun appeared in DOOM's hands. It was a simple weapon. A double-barreled shotgun that looked like it had seen its fair share of use. It was slightly unusual in that it had a full length barrel, but it didn't have a stock. Painted on the side of it in blood red letters were the words 'Double Tap'.

"...It seems that you have your own weapon. Now let us make our way topside. I have something that needs to be attended to and I'm sure you could use a good fight."

DOOM simply opened the break-action shotgun and loaded two shells into the chambers before closing it again.

I just hope that he is as strong as the legends say. Ozpin thought to himself as he led DOOM to the elevator.