I couldn't decide which one to go with, so I did alternate endings. Go with which one you prefer.


"Alpha, we can't keep living like this." My second in command says exhaustedly, "There's no prey for miles. We must move on to a better hunting ground."

I snarl my answer to him, "No! The herds will return! Think of the hatchlings."

"We've not eaten in weeks. We'll die! Including the hatchlings!" the Beta snarls and takes a fighting stance, "We should never have trusted you. I think for the pack, you think for yourself. I'll challenge you for your rank, and your offspring."

I growl and stand to defend my claim and daughters from him. I have fought to get where I am now since I arrived on this island. My opponent is taller than I am, but I can use that to my advantage. I could take his legs out and kill him.

"I'm going to give you one more chance. Move the pack, Alpha." He growls and awaits an answer.

I snarl and charge him. He sidesteps my attack, and bites the back of my neck. I quickly turn and lunge at him. He again dodges me, but this time he grabs my throat between his jaws. Immediately, I begin to fight to fight to free myself from him. His jaw tightens on my throat, causing desperation to torment me. I don't want to die. My claws scratch his side; with very little effect.

"I will not beg for my life." I struggle to say and look for my offspring and Nara, "Allow me to speak to my daughters, and then kill me."

My opponent, and new alpha nods, and lessens his grip on my throat. I use it to my advantage and claw his eye out. He snarls in pain, with his teeth piercing my windpipe. The blood spills from me as a waterfall, the ground is turning red with the fading light.

"Mommy!" my offspring cry as I hit the ground gasping, "Get up, Mommy! Get up!"

I manage a single lick to all four of them, Nara; Malakai; Aiyana; Astral. Their eyes are wet with tears as I inhale my last breath.

"Fuck!" I scream and stand while sprinting forward.

I collide with my youngest sister, Charlie. Charlie! She's alive! How? I saw her die. It can't be her.

"Blue? Sister? Are you alright?" her concerned voice assures me that my baby sister is alive, "What's wrong?"

Shaking my head, I growl and scream in… in… sorrow. My mate was a figment of my dream? But it was so real, I felt every moment of it, the mating; the loss of Skaa; the laying of eggs. I felt it all; I endured so much. It was all a dream?

"Sister, please, tell me what's wrong." Charlie asks nuzzling me, "Please, we won't laugh. We all have nightmares. Please, don't cry anymore."

I move my claw to my face and feel a wetness upon my jaw. I am crying. I don't care, let them see me cry. It doesn't matter if they think I'm a hatchling, I lost mine to a nightmare. It was a beautiful nightmare that I wish didn't end, I want to go back to them. To Nara, Astral, Malakai, Aiyana, and my mate, I want to be with them again, to love them.

"Are my daughters safe?" I ask more myself than my sisters as they all snuggle against me, "Did I make the right decision for them?"

Echo licks my snout as Delta places my head on top of hers, "There aren't any hatchlings here."

I curl into a ball and begin to lightly sob, "It was all so real. I had a clutch and a mate, and the Indominus, she was my friend."

"We know." They all say in unison, "We watched you. We were happy to know that you were. When you died, we felt the breaking of your daughters' hearts."

"It's all Owen's fault." I cry and allow myself to, be for once, weak around my sisters, "He led you to your deaths, he made you fight Niki. I wish you all were with me."

Closing my eyes, I see the faces of my daughters and mate flash. Their too young to be without a parent, but the pack is with them. Sniffling with my tears coming closer to an end, I step away from my siblings, but a heavy body impacts me.

"Skaa! You're here!" I shout in happiness before confusion takes over, "How did you get here? We're in purgatory, aren't we?"

My red striped mate chuckles and leads me out of the cave I was unaware that I was in. His head is held high with pride.

"Those stories I told the hatchlings had some truth to them." He chuckles and steps back letting a bright ray of sunlight in, "We left the mortal pain; now we are in paradise."

My eyes slit to adjust to the plain before me. Green grass, blue skies, warm air, a dense jungle. It is perfect, but I hate it. This is a place of laziness, a place of getting everything given to you. There's no living, just existing. A question comes to mind though.

"What of mating? Surely this plain is overpopulated." I ask with impatience.

"There's the beauty, mate all you want without reproduction. Mate till you pass out." Skaa grins with my sisters purring and nuzzling him, "Mate with no commitment."

I gaze at the four of them, but Skaa interrupts with a comment, "I know you four inside and out, literally."

Snarling and lunging at Skaa, the one who was supposed to be committed to me, and only me. My teeth grab his throat and pierce through, but he just laughs as though I've found a ticklish point.

"I'm dead, you can't kill the dead." He says with my sisters flocking to him, "That comment was uncalled for, but It's true. Charlie likes it rough, Delta loves to dominate, Echo likes oral, and you like-"

"All of you, I want nothing more to do with you!" I snarl and begin walking away, "I've lost my mate and sisters, again."

Pushing past the ones that I thought loved me, I sprint into the jungle. The people closest to me broke my heart for a second time. I left my hatchlings behind, and I receive news that my mate was fucking my sisters. I want to go back. I miss my hatchlings and my pack.


"Alpha, we can't keep living like this." My second in command says exhaustedly, "There's no prey for miles. We must move on to a better hunting ground."

I snarl my answer to him, "No! The herds will return! Think of the hatchlings."

"We've not eaten in weeks. We'll die! Including the hatchlings!" the Beta snarls and takes a fighting stance, "We should never have trusted you. I think for the pack, you think for yourself. I'll challenge you for your rank, and your offspring."

I growl and stand to defend my claim and daughters from him. I have fought to get where I am now since I arrived on this island. My opponent is taller than I am, but I can use that to my advantage. I could take his legs out and kill him.

"I'm going to give you one more chance. Move the pack, Alpha." He growls and awaits an answer.

I snarl and charge him. He sidesteps my attack, and bites the back of my neck. I quickly turn and lunge at him. He again dodges me, but this time he grabs my throat between his jaws. Immediately, I begin to fight to fight to free myself from him. His jaw tightens on my throat, causing desperation to torment me. I don't want to die. My claws scratch his side; with very little effect.

"I will not beg for my life." I struggle to say and look for my offspring and Nara, "Allow me to speak to my daughters, and then kill me."

My opponent, and new alpha nods, and lessens his grip on my throat. I use it to my advantage and claw his eye out. He snarls in pain, with his teeth piercing my windpipe. The blood spills from me as a waterfall, the ground is turning red with the fading light.

"Mommy!" my offspring cry as I hit the ground gasping, "Get up, Mommy! Get up!"

I manage a single lick to all four of them, Nara; Malakai; Aiyana; Astral. Their eyes are wet with tears as I inhale my last breath.

"Fuck!" I scream and stand while sprinting forward.

I collide with my youngest sister, Charlie. Charlie! She's alive! How? I saw her die. It can't be her.

"Blue? Sister? Are you alright?" her concerned voice assures me that my baby sister is alive, "What's wrong?"

Shaking my head, I growl and scream in… in… sorrow. My mate was a figment of my dream? But it was so real, I felt every moment of it, the mating; the loss of Skaa; the laying of eggs. I felt it all; I endured so much. It was all a dream?

"Sister, please, tell me what's wrong." Charlie asks nuzzling me, "Please, we won't laugh. We all have nightmares. Please, don't cry anymore."

I move my claw to my face and feel a wetness upon my jaw. I am crying. I don't care, let them see me cry. It doesn't matter if they think I'm a hatchling, I lost mine to a nightmare. It was a beautiful nightmare that I wish didn't end, I want to go back to them. To Nara, Astral, Malakai, Aiyana, and my mate, I want to be with them again, to love them.

"Are my daughters safe?" I ask more myself than my sisters as they all snuggle against me, "Did I make the right decision for them?"

"Are you okay, Blue? There aren't any males in Jurassic World." Delta speaks licking my snout, "Tomorrow, Owen is going to look at a new dinosaur, and I heard she's-"

"White with red eyes. She's a hybrid." I sadly say forgetting my dream and reason for my grief, "We'll never see her."

Charlie lays her snout over my back with Delta and Echo on my flanks, "Are you okay, Blue? Do you want us to leav-"

"Stay! Please?" I feebly interrupt feeling my eyes fill with tears again, "Don't ever leave me. I love you all more than I let on. I don't know what I would do without you. Promise you'll never leave me."

My sisters glance at one another, leaving me to whimper in fear that they'll make fun of me. They nod and snuggle against me with a promise.

"We'll always be with you, in life or death, heaven or hell, we'll never leave."

The second is one of those déjà vu dreams that you have and then some time passes and you go 'didn't I do this already?' Didn't go to well. Thanks for reading this time loop/ Wolf Stories Series by Loremaster98 spin off.