I hate car trips. so. much


6. silence

Zarc pressed two fingers against his forehead and basked in the comforting silence. No reporters screaming at him, no crowds demanding more entertainment.

It suited Zarc fine. Silence was something he'd gotten used to over the lonely years with only his dragons for company. Silence was a great thing, something he treasured these days. Silence was his home in a nutshell.

There was an annoying knock on the door, and the voice of his agent drifted through the wood. "Zarc-chan? Your next duel is about to start."

Zarc smiled and removed the fingers from his forehead, peeling off his gloves. Nimble fingers, long and thin and beautiful, emerged from beneath the leather covers. He held a hand up, wiggled the digits a little bit, and then slipped the gloves back on.

It was time to entertain again.

The app doesn't let me enter lines...oh well.

review? requests are welcome!