Apology- I'm sorry that I'm not able to upload any new chapters. School has been keeping me busy. Be sure to expect new chapters. I'm now going to upload twice a month. One for every other Saturday. Thank you for your understanding. Also VOTE ON MY POLL! Enjoy the story!

Chapter 3- Danger

As I ran back to the hut, Artemis just walked out of the bath. Apollo was helping with the dishes. I decided to mop the floor as the twin's sandals got mud all over the place. The hut was pretty decent with normal celestial bronze weapons on a rack. There is a table with four chairs. In another room, there are two bunk beds. One for the girls and one for the boys. We all have a chest to keep our belongings. I only have extra clothes, some moonlace (present from Zoe), and a letter, for as a 10 month old titan, I have no domains and therefore no belongings.

Artemis went around asking with a hair comb in her hand, "Can anyone help me brush my hair?" Since Leto was busy, I put down the mop and grabbed the comb.

"I will Arty." I combed her hair until they were straight and smooth. Artemis grabbed a nearby mirror and smiled. I decided to give her a surprise.

"Wait her Arty, don't peek!"I said. I went to my chest and opened it. I took out the shiniest of my moonlace and stuck it in her hair.

"You can look now,"I said. She looked in the mirror and gasped.

"It's beautiful," she whispered.

"I knew you'll like it,"I said. Leto look over her shoulder and smiled.

Flashback end

Artemis looked over at the glass vase with the silver flower.

"I still kept your present," Artemis whispered as she sat on the bed.

"I thought it was destroyed." I replied.

"By the Chimera?" she said.


Flashback continued

As Artemis admired her hair, a massive roar shook the hut. It was like a primal roar that shook the wooden hut. I quickly grabbed a bronze chest plate and helmet along with three throwing spears, a shield, and celestial bronze xiphos. Classic Greek weaponry. The others hid in the bedroom crouching behind the bed. As I carefully approached the entrance of the door, the wall of the bedroom was knocked down, ripped apart by the monsters claws. It was the legendary Chimera; it was almost 40 feet tall at the shoulder, towering over my 7'2". It had a lions face with a massive bushy mane. Its fangs were as long as my arm and as sharp as daggers. Its ram head had horns curved forward and stared around acting as second set of eyes. Its body is that of a dragon, with diamond hard scales, overlapping like that of a fish. Its snake head, one of a cobra, with its widened hood is almost 10 feet long with fangs dripping in venom. The lion's maw began to glow red hot as the air became arid. He opened its maw wide and a blasting inferno that burned down the wall behind me in an instant as I rolled to the side. The monster then saw the family and growled as it slowly approached. The family hugged tighter as the lion opened its jaws. I rushed over there and held my shield up as it blasted the shield with flames. The godly metal barely withstood the heat as the front glowed bright red. When the lion stopped, he swat me away with its massive claws, with sharpened edges the size of my sword. I charged at the monster and did a baseball slide under the beast slicing it's under belly as it roared in pain. It turned around and stared at me with its blood red eyes. I saw Leto with the twins hiding behind the overturned table. I nodded my head to her and she nodded back. It was a message we made in case of danger. She opened a hidden celestial bronze trapdoor, and hid inside. In their there is food and water for a week in case we were forced to hide. The Chimera took this moment to try to take a bite out of me. Its jaw is taller than I am, so in that instant I jumped up and put my shield up to stop him from crushing me with his teeth. I then jumped out for him to take a mouthful of bronze. I took out my three spears in my hand and threw it at the goats head. When the Chimera turned around the goat head had spear puncturing its right eye. The beast roared with unimaginable pain. I threw another spear rendering the goat head blind. As the beast was roaring, I ran as fast as I can to get the shield. When I was about 5 feet away from the shield, the beasts paw stepped on top of the shield. He growled as he approached slowly, the snake tail hissing fiercely. I wielded both my sword and spear keeping him at a distance. He lunged and I rolled to the side, only for the snake tail to strike. I ducked and sliced the head clean off. The chimera screamed in pain. This time it charged and swiped me into the house. It gone over to me and sliced over my chest, shredding my armor, and broke many ribs. I grimaced in pain. It got ready to burn me as smoke came out of his nostrils. As I felt the heat of the flames emerging from the monster's mouth, I braced for impact. Instead I was blasted with the horrific scream of the beast with a silver arrow in its eye. I turned to see Artemis with the silver bow Zeus gave earlier. The beast now charged forward and Artemis terrified fell down and crawled to the corner. The beast got ready to kill with saliva dripping from its fangs. I quickly ran over with the last of my strength. My muscles burns, my lungs were on fire from the smoke I breathed, and my legs could barely stand. I grabbed my sword and I jumped up, and sent my sword straight through the monster's skull and through its jaws, deep into through its brain. The Chimera fell on its side as I fell on my knees and caught my breath.

I quietly whispered, "You ok, Arty?" as she nodded her head. I finally collapsed on the ground hearing Artemis screaming my name and seeing Apollo running towards me with Leto close behind.

Flashback end

"I stayed up all night hoping you would be well," Arty replied.

"Well, I got better didn't I," I said.

She smacked me upside the head and said, "Not after an entire week!"

"Well, at least I survived," I smirked.

"You're an immortal, you dumbass!"

I got up and stretched my arms, "Now, time to properly introduce myself to the hunt."