A/N - Okay so...the idea for this story literally came to me in a dream last night and I just ran with it. I don't know why I loved the idea so much but I just do. I mean it has two of my favorite things, JavaJunkie and Christmas so that must be the reason hahaha!Anyway - there are a few notes for you to understand the story. Before I go any further, REVIVAL SPOILERS in this note so you've been warned. In this story, the end of the revival is a little different. What if Lorelai was the one that was pregnant instead of Rory? This is set five years after the revival just days before Christmas. Lorelai loves the Christmas season as we know and loves seeing it through her child's eyes. But when something happens to threaten that magic spirit, how far will Luke go to save the day? Read and find out ;)This will be a two part story so here is Part 1. I hope you enjoy!
Lorelai Gilmore Danes sat at the counter of her husband's Diner nursing a cup of coffee. It was December 23rd and her daughter Rory had come home that morning from New York to spend the holidays with her family. April was with her Mother this year but would be visiting for New Years. Rory was currently running last minute errands with her younger sibling.
Lorelai smiled as she thought about her five year old. Her miracle of a child. The one she thought she'd never have but the one she knew now she could never live without. It had been a shock to all of them but a very welcome surprise. The day before her magical wedding to Luke after years and years of waiting, she got the phone call she hadn't expected. She thought her lack of her period was due to stress or may even the dreaded change…
But instead her Doctor had informed her that she, Lorelai Gilmore was indeed pregnant. She remembered telling her daughter on the steps of the gazebo and the shocked look on her face. And she was pretty sure she'd never forget the look on Luke's face when she told him that night as they danced during their second wedding. He went from white as a ghost to a man with the biggest smile she knew she would ever see.
Though it was a difficult and risky pregnancy, Lorelai was determined to see it through. She felt that this little bundle was meant to be in this world and she was willing to do anything and everything to make it happen. She gladly gave up coffee without a fight to make sure that he or she was healthy and followed every order, including going on bed rest after only 5 months. It was hard for all of them, but in the end worth it.
Having no patience, Lorelai insisted on knowing the sex as soon as possible. The Doctors told her it was a girl and she was thrilled (but to be honest she would have been thrilled either way). The name Charlotte had been picked after many heated debates between husband and wife. And then on the day of little Charlotte's delivery...she surprised them all. Because SHE was actually a HE.
Both Luke and Lorelai couldn't help but laugh as the Doctor held up the baby and whispered nervously, "Well...I guess he was hiding it?"
As Luke held their son and stared down at him in disbelief, he turned to his wife and said, "No doubt he's your son. Playing tricks on us from inside the womb."
Lorelai had held him close, wondering how it was possible that they could have made something so perfect. After all they had been through she was holding their son. A little bit of Luke and a little bit of Lorelai. And he was instantly her whole world. When she turned to her husband and said, "This is our son. Charles William Danes." She saw tears in his eyes and knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be.
Lorelai had been worried that she was too old to care for a child. That she wouldn't remember what needed to be done. That a boy would throw her for a loop. But from the second the Doctors handed him to her, she and Luke were both hooked. They gladly welcomed sleepless nights because they were doing it together. Charlie was a quiet baby which surprised them both but so full of life. Looking out and trying to catch every piece of the world that was offered to him.
Five years later, he was still just as curious. He was the perfect mix of serious like his father and adventurous like his Mother. And much like Rory had, little Charlie had all of Stars Hollow wrapped around his finger. Lorelai lifted her coffee cup to her lips and couldn't help but smile thinking about the little boy with the mop of curly black hair and bright blue eyes.
Luke rounded the corner and saw the happy look on his wife's face, "What are you thinking about?" He asked with a smile.
She turned towards him and sighed happily, "Our adorable son." She giggled, "We did good with that one Luke."
Luke smiled and leaned against the counter, "Well he's only five...so let's see how he is at 18 and then we can make the final call on how well we did."
She rolled her eyes and smacked him, "Luke…"
He tapped the counter once and leaned forward to kiss her, "We did good Lorelai." He smiled again, "Where is the little rug rat anyway?"
"Shopping for a gift for you and I with Rory." She said happily, "Rory insisted on having uninterrupted Charlie time."
"I am sure that April will insist on the same thing for New Years." He said with a laugh.
Lorelai raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Maybe that means we'll actually be able to stay up till midnight and ring in the New Year naked!"
Luke chuckled, "More than likely we'll both be passed out before nine."
She stuck her tongue out at him, "Let a girl dream would ya?"
He smirked and leaned forward to whisper huskily, "Tell you what, I'll set an alarm for 11:55 and wake you up in the dirtiest way I know how."
"Promises, promises." She said waving her hand at him, "I'll believe it when I see it."
"In this case you'll believe it when you feel it." He said leaning further across the counter towards her.
Lorelai blushed and smiled, "Are you flirting with me Mr. Danes?"
Luke smiled and let his eyes travel over her face; she was still the most beautiful woman in the world to him after all these years. And he knew for a fact she always would be. "I may be. You got a problem with that?"
She rested her chin on her hand and smiled, "Oh most definitely not. You just surprised me is all. Usually you're not such a public guy. But you know I love a little PDA from time to time. Lets the ladies know I've still got you in my clutches."
Luke chuckled and kissed her gently, "You'll always have me Lorelai. Everyone knows that."
Lorelai smiled and turned to see Patty and Babette staring intently at them, "Hear that ladies? He'll always be mine. So it's probably time to give up."
Patty sighed and used a menu to fan herself, "Lord have mercy...you are one lucky woman Lorelai Gilmore."
Lorelai giggled and flashed her rings at them, "Lorelai Gilmore Danes. And trust me...I know."
Luke laughed and shook his head as he turned and walked back towards the kitchen. Lorelai watched him go and sighed happily again wondering what she had ever done to get so damn lucky. Just then, the Diner door burst open and she was instantly snapped out of her daze.
"Luke!" Taylor yelled as he walked up to the counter, "Lucas!"
Lorelai smirked knowing that whenever anyone (especially Taylor) referred to her husband as Lucas it always provided a lot of entertainment for her in the form of a Luke rant. "Taylor, what the hell did I tell you about calling me that?" He yelled from the kitchen.
Lorelai giggled as she heard Taylor sigh, "Would you just come out here please? I need to speak to you!"
She heard her husband mumble something that she was pretty sure reminded with Duck and had to bite her lip to keep from laughing any harder. Luke came out from the kitchen and leaned against the edge, glaring at the older man. "What do you want Taylor?"
"I see you put some decorations in your window." He said pointing to the front window of the Diner.
Luke looked back at the drawings his son had made of Santa and his reindeer, "Yeah, so?"
"Why is it that you put those particularly…" He grimaced when he looked at them, "Tacky one's up when you refused to put up the town approved ones?"
"Hey!" Lorelai yelled defensively, "Charlie made those for Luke. They are adorable."
"Yes well Rudolph looks like he's dying in that big one." He said with a sigh, "He won't be the next Van Gogh."
"He's a five year old kid." Luke said angrily, "And if I want to hang up his art work I can. He's my son and this is my Diner. I decide what goes up. Not you."
"But if you would just put up the silver and gold-" He started.
Luke put his hand up, "Taylor I am not having this argument with you again. Every damn year it's the same thing for every stupid holiday. I'm never going to give in so why won't you just drop it?"
"Because if we want this town to flourish in the way it deserves, we need all of its members to be on board." He said with a sigh, "You need to be more festive Luke. Would it kill you to put some holiday specials on the menu for once?"
"He can make you a disgusting Santa Burger." Lorelai piped up from beside him.
Luke pointed at his wife, "You stay out of this. You always get me in more trouble."
She smiled innocently and shrugged her shoulders, "Isn't that what I'm hear for? To get you in trouble and mesmerize you with my pretty, pretty face?"
Luke gave her a blank stare then turned back to Taylor, "I'm not putting up your decorations and I'm not taking down Charlie's. They're staying. So drop it."
"You know I don't understand you sometimes Luke. So willing to help some people and yet so stubborn when it comes to others." He said angrily.
"I help the people that don't drive me completely insane." Luke answered, "And you Taylor Doose are number one on the list of people who drive me completely insane."
"Well isn't she number two?" Taylor asked pointing a finger at Lorelai, "How does she manage to get away with it?"
Lorelai giggled, "Because I drive him insane in more than one way if you know what I mean."
"Geez…" Luke said hanging his head, "Lorelai don't-"
"What are you talking about? Is this one of your innuendo's that I don't understand?" Taylor asked.
"She's saying she drives him insane in the sack Taylor." Babette called from behind them.
Lorelai started laughing harder and Luke groaned, "We're moving." He said to his wife.
Lorelai giggled and shrugged her shoulders, "Well she's right. That's exactly what I meant and tell me it isn't true...I dare you. We both know if you deny it you'll never get me to do-"
"Stop talking." He said quickly as he put his hand over his mouth, "I beg of you. All I want for Christmas is for you to stop talking at this moment."
She growled playfully as he pulled his hand back, "Oh fine you big baby. I'm shutting up now."
Luke sighed, "Thank you." He turned back to Taylor who looked slightly uncomfortable but not ready to give up the fight, "Are you still here?"
Taylor crossed his arms over his chest, "All I'm asking you to do is put up-"
"No." Luke said shaking his head quickly.
"But if you just-" Taylor tried again.
"I said no." Luke said again, and when Taylor opened his mouth to speak he cut him off again, "No. No. No. And did I mention...no?"
Taylor huffed, "Well you are just getting more and more unagreeable as you get older."
"And you get more and more psychotic as you get older." Luke said with a laugh, "What's your point?"
Taylor narrowed his eyes and put his hands on his hips, "Well fine. But you might want to tell your son that Santa's suit is red not orange."
Luke rolled his eyes again, "He's just a kid Taylor. Could you let it go?"
"Fine. If you don't care about your son's future than I certainly won't. But someday when he realizes Santa Claus isn't real he'll be sad you didn't fix his picture earlier." Taylor said.
"Santa Claus isn't real?" A small yet familiar voice called from behind them.
The Diner went silent for a moment and all eyes turned to see Charlie standing in the doorway of the Diner. His small hand was being held by Rory's larger one. His usually cheerful face now had a frown, and his blue eyes were wide and full of tears.
"Charlie." Lorelai breathed out, "Oh honey-"
"He's not real?" Charlie said as his lower lip trembled, "He's fake?"
Lorelai hopped down from her stool and scooped up her son, "Oh buddy no of course Santa is real!"
Luke glared at Taylor who looked shocked at what had just happened, "Nice Taylor. Real nice." He rounded the corner and walked up to his wife and son, "Charlie-"
Charlie rested his head on his Mother's shoulder and wailed, "But who ate all my cookies last year?"
Lorelai looked back at her husband desperately, "Honey Santa is real. I swear he is!"
Charlie leaned back in her arms and looked at Taylor, "Then why did Taylor say he wasn't?"
Luke sighed, "Because Taylor has been on the naughty list since the day he was born buddy. He is just jealous of all the little boys and girls who do get presents on Christmas morning."
Charlie sniffled slightly and watched Taylor carefully; "But-"
"Come on." Lorelai said cutting him off as he squeezed her, "Of course Santa is real. Remember, you sent him a letter last year and he brought you everything on your list! And he ate all the cookies and-"
"I want to go home." Charlie said with a small pout.
Lorelai sighed and looked at Luke who looked just as sad, "Okay...okay we can go."
Rory looked at her Step-Father, "I'm sorry I-"
Luke shook his head, "This isn't your fault." He said with a sad smile, he turned back to his wife and son, "Go on home. I'll be there in a bit."
Lorelai nodded and rubbed Charlie's back as she turned to walk out the front door. Rory grabbed her Mom's bag and coat before following her outside. Luke watched them leave, then turned and stomped back to Taylor.
Taylor put his hands up, "Luke how was I supposed to know that they would come in at that moment?"
"Are you happy now?" Luke growled, "You just ruined a little boy's Christmas."
Taylor sighed, "Well he would have figured it out someday, right?"
"He's five years old!" Luke yelled, throwing his hands up, "Christmas and Santa Claus are practically the biggest things in a kids life at that age."
Taylor frowned, "Well I-"
"No you know what…" Luke said shaking his head, "Just...just go Taylor alright? I'm not putting up your damn decorations and now I gotta go try and salvage my kids childhood."
Luke walked past him and around the counter, to go back to the kitchen. Taylor stood there with a nervous and sad expression. All eyes were on him as he turned and began to walk out of the Diner with a heavy heart.
Thirty minutes later, Luke pulled up in front of the house and walked up the steps. When he got there he saw Rory sitting on the couch and could hear his son crying upstairs. Luke sighed and threw his keys on the coffee table as he toed off his boots.
"I take it he's still upset." He said sadly.
"He's been crying since we got home." Rory said with a frown, "Mom can't get him to stop."
"I know I've threatened to kill Taylor many times in my life but this time I actually might do it." Luke said angrily.
"I know…" Rory said softly, "But I doubt he meant for that to happen. How would he know that I was coming in with Charlie?"
"Yeah maybe." Luke said with a shrug, "But how the hell do we explain this one to the kid?"
Rory frowned, "I don't know." She paused and stood up, "I told Lane I would come by and help her wrap gifts. You guys gonna be okay here?"
Luke nodded, "Yeah go ahead. I had Caesar close so I could come check on things here."
Rory smiled sadly, "Alright. Call me if there's anything I can do."
"Will do kid." He said squeezing her arm before he turned to walk up the stairs.
He walked towards his son's room just beside his and Lorelai's. The door was open a crack and he poked his head inside. The scene in front of him caused his heart to crack. Charlie was ripping up his Christmas coloring book while Lorelai sat on the bed pleading with him to stop.
"You lied!" Charlie yelled as he crumpled up the pieces of paper.
"Honey we didn't lie. Santa is real!" She tried to reason with him, "If you just-"
"Taylor said he isn't!" He said sniffling, "And Taylor knows everything."
"Taylor does not know everything." Luke said walking into the room, "That I can assure you is false bud. Just like I can assure you that Santa Claus is real."
Charlie stopped and looked up at his Dad, "I don't believe you."
Luke looked over at his wife who looked just as sad as his son, "Why not? Other than what you heard Taylor say, why don't you think he's real?"
"Because." Charlie said crossing his little arms over his chest.
Luke laughed and sat down beside his wife on the bed, "Because? That's all you got?"
Charlie huffed, "Dad…" He groaned.
"So like your Mother." He said with a shake of his head, he smiled and put his hand out, "Come here."
Charlie hesitated only for a moment before stepping towards his parents, "What?"
"Charlie, Santa Claus is real. And he's going to come tomorrow night while you're asleep and leave you presents under the tree." He said as he pulled him up onto his lap.
He heard his son sniffle slightly, "If Santa is real then why didn't he give me a baby brother last Christmas?"
Lorelai grimaced slightly, "We tried to tell you bud...babies are one of the things that Santa can't make."
"Well then how are babies made?" Charlie asked curiously.
Luke groaned, "That's a conversation for another day bud...when you're older."
Charlie sighed and hopped off of his father's lap, "That's what you always say."
They watched him go back to ripping up his coloring book. Lorelai leaned forward on her knees and stared at her little boy, "Buddy-"
"I want to be alone." Charlie said as he turned his back to them.
Lorelai and Luke looked at each other and Luke nodded his head slowly. With a sigh, Lorelai stood up and walked out of the room. Luke held back just for a moment, then stood up and walked over to his son, "Are we still going to make cookies later?" He asked his son.
"I don't know if I feel like it." Charlie said sadly as he pushed aside his book.
Luke took a deep breath and then sighed. Leaning forward he pressed a kiss to the top of his curls. "Mom and I will be downstairs alright? You come get us if you need us."
When Charlie didn't respond, Luke just nodded once and pushed himself up again. He walked back out to the hallway and saw Lorelai leaning against the wall with tears in her eyes. He shut his son's door and put his hand on her arm, "Lorelai-"
"All the magic is gone." She said with a sniffle, "Just like that it's over."
"He might change his mind." Luke whispered softly not wanting his son to overhear.
Lorelai shook her head and began to walk down the hall and down the steps, "I don't know about that. He seems pretty convinced Taylor is right. He takes these things seriously. He's like you in that way."
Luke followed her down to the living room, "Well we knew at some point we'd get here."
Lorelai turned back to him, "I thought we had more time!" She said softly, "He's only five Luke. He's supposed to be running around like a maniac these next few days. Waiting up all night on Christmas Eve to try and hear the bells. And his face should light up when he wakes up and see all the presents under the tree." She pouted, "And now he's going to be sad and disillusioned."
Walking over to her, Luke pulled her against his chest and kissed her forehead, "He's going to believe Lorelai. He's your son."
"He's our son." She whispered as she snuggled into his embrace.
"Our miracle of a son." He said with a smile as he rubbed circles against her back.
She smiled and pulled back, "Remember last year when he dressed up Paul Anka like Santa?" She frowned, "His last Christmas with us…"
"Paul Anka was a good sport." Luke whispered, "And he loved Charlie."
"What a crappy year for the poor kid. He lost his best friend and found out Santa wasn't real." She pouted and fell back on the couch behind her.
Luke sighed and sat down beside her, "It's been a tough few months for him. That's for sure."
"I wanted this Christmas to be special." She said, "He's finally really old enough to take it all in. And we got him the bike he wanted and he was gonna be so excited."
"He'll still be excited." Luke said squeezing her knee.
"Will he?" She asked looking over at him, "Or is he gonna refuse to come out of his room?"
Luke glanced back over at the stairs, "I don't know."
She frowned and took his hand in hers, "I wish I didn't have to go get my Mom tomorrow. I want her here of course but I feel bad leaving for the day."
"You'll be back for dinner." Luke said, "And Charlie will be happy to have his Grandma here."
"I know." She said resting her head on his shoulders, "I just wish I could be here to try and convince him that Santa is real."
He squeezed her hand gently, "It's going to be okay. You're always telling me to believe in Christmas miracles. Maybe this will be one of them."
She smiled softly, "Yeah, maybe…"
"And Charlie has always been a miracle on his own." He said with a shrug, "Always surprising us. I think he'll come through with this one too."
Tilting her head up to look at her husband she smiled, "I'm really glad you're my baby Daddy."
Luke chuckled, "Well I'm glad to have been of some service to you in all the years we've known each other."
She laughed and leaned forward to kiss him, "Yeah...I was starting to lose hope that you'd be good for anything."
Luke rolled his eyes, "Taylor was right about one thing...you do drive me completely insane."
"Ah yes." She said lifting a hand, "But I was right too. I drive you insane in more ways than one. So you can't kill me or you lose the other crazy stuff too."
Luke chuckled and cupped her face in his hands, "I love you crazy lady."
"I love you too." She said pecking his lips gently, she sat up pushed herself off the couch, "I'm gonna go throw some laundry in. Hopefully Charlie will let me put on his Christmas sheets."
Luke smiled and squeezed her hand as she left the room. He sat on the couch and listened to her hum softly to herself as she worked. He thought about all the ways Lorelai managed to make Christmas magical for all of them. Even before Charlie was born. Sometimes he felt like she still believed in Santa Claus the way she lit up like a Christmas tree when the calendar turned to December 1st.
And it wasn't about the presents for her. Though she did love the presents...he knew that. But it was the spirit of the whole season. Before her, Christmas was really just another day. At least it had been since his Mom died. But after meeting her...it became so much more. It became a time in the year when absolutely anything could happen. Every Christmas he spent with her she surprised him in more ways than one. With her ample amounts of energy, generosity, spirit and love. She always managed to get the perfect gift for absolutely everyone and always gushed about anything anyone gave her, even if it was terrible.
Once Charlie was born, Christmas took on a whole new meaning. Their house turned into Santa's Workshop. There were movies, lights, music, dancing, singing and cooking galore. The last four years she had filled each day of December with a special surprise even when he was a newborn. It was like he could see the magic of Christmas in her eyes and quite honestly, it made him fall in love with her all over again.
If he was being honest, the moment he saw her hold their son he felt as though his heart had tripled in size. When Lorelai had brought up the idea of surrogacy, he was against it but not for the reasons she thought. If he was ever going to have another child he wanted to be there from start to finish. He wanted to see the woman he loved pregnant with his son or daughter. He wanted to be there for the crazy cravings and the emotional meltdowns. He wanted to be there for the birth despite how gross and terrifying it might be. He wanted it all. And he wanted it with Lorelai.
But over time, he assumed they had lost their chance. And as happy as he was with the life they did have, deep down he wished they had done things differently. He wished they had a kid of their own. So the day of their wedding when she told him she was pregnant, after the initial shock had worn off, those little dreams of being there for it all came back to the surface.
As he watched Lorelai's belly grow swollen with their baby, his love for them both grew. He was pretty sure he hadn't been able to breath for the full nine months until he knew they were both safe. And it wasn't easy. There were moments when the Doctors told them to prepare for the possibility that something could go wrong.
But if Luke Danes knew anything, he knew that Lorelai Gilmore Danes was nothing but stubborn. And she was determined to have this baby no matter what anyone had said. That didn't mean that in the hospital after her water broke, that she hadn't turned to him and whispered the words he had been dreading. "If something goes wrong...you save the baby."
They had argued. He had cried. She had cried. But in the end, she took his hands in hers, and her blue eyes bore into his. She told him that this child, their child was meant to come into this world. And if something happened, she knew that he could do this without her. He had insisted he couldn't, but she squeezed his hands tighter and made him promise. He couldn't say the words then; he only nodded his head and said a silent prayer to anyone that was listening to keep them both safe.
And on July 1st at 8:01am, Charles William Danes came into the world at 7lbs, 5oz and 18 inches long. Of course they had been under the impression that he was a she, but something about it didn't surprise Luke. Nothing in their lives ever turned out exactly how they had planned. And yet...the surprises were the moments he loved most.
Looking from the staircase, to the kitchen Luke realized in that moment that he had to find a way to save Christmas. Charlie and Lorelai deserved that. And in typical Luke fashion, he wasn't about to let anything or anyone hurt the two most important people in his life. So, he stood up quickly, called out to his wife he had an errand to run and then set off to get to work.
Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, every second count if he had to totally embarrass himself to make it happen...
So what did you think? Kinda holiday sap but...the season must be getting to me! Like I said, this was literally a dream I had last night. JavaJunkie is officially taking over my life hahaha! I'm also half way through he next chapter of "If You Ever Want To Fall In Love" so check out the chapter I posted yesterday and I will update that as well as this soon! Thanks guys!Happy Holidays!