November 12.

Freddy couldn't help but laugh. Every day it amazed him how stupid people could be. He internally rolled his eyes, flashed a fake smile, and said in a voice with a hint of sarcasm, "No, sir, the pepperoni pizza is NOT vegan friendly." It was just another average day for Freddy, working his minimum wage job in Candy's Pizza, a pizza entertainment venue and also a subdivision of Afton Entertainment, which was a big company that valued money over basic safety requirements - hence the empty fire extinguisher cases and the incompetent guards.

Well, mostly incompetent, Freddy thought as he glanced over at the guard on duty while taking the man's order to the kitchen. The guard was a dark red fox by the name of Foxy. Foxy was currently leaning against the wall, eating a Snickers bar. Freddy always had a bad vibe around him, a sort of feeling that the wily fox was always up to something. Freddy shook the thought off and dropped the order of at the kitchen. As he came back out, noise from the speakers nearly bowled him over. "Great, the performance is starting," he mumbled to himself as he moved out of the way of a surging wave of screaming, crying children running to the main stage.

The performers of Candy's pizza began to take the stage, with deafening music pumping out of the speakers. "Hey, hey, hey kids! How are y'all doing today?" asked Candy, a blue cat, as he strolled over to the microphone. There was a chorus of screams that could have bowled a small child over. "I can't hear you!" Shouted Cindy, a pink cat and sister of Candy. An even louder chorus of screams flooded the building, which could have knocked down a full grown adult. "Great to hear!" Said Toby, a pink and white colored bear. "Let's get ready to sing!" Said Toby's friend Laura, a pink and white fox. "And get ready to dance!" said Ballora, a human in a ballerina's costume. "And most importantly, have fun!" Finished Baby, another human and the last member of the cast. "Hit it, Cindy!" Candy called over the excited shouts. "One, two, and a one two three!"

Freddy walked over to the staff room while the performers began their introductions, and quickly slammed the door. "Took you long enough, bear," a yellow chicken scowled at him. Freddy rolled his eyes and undid his black apron, tossing it to the chicken. (The company had been too cheap to buy enough aprons, so the staff had to share.) "I have a name, Chica." The yellow chicken rolled her eyes and walked out to start her shift. Freddy clocked out on the machine and plopped down onto the hideous couch that occupied a wall in the break room. The room was occupied by a few people, including Bonnie the janitor, who was emptying a trash can with his earbuds in his rabbit ears, nodding his head to whatever he was listening to. Mary, the girl in charge of the prize corner, was drinking a soda, and Scott, an engineer, was looking through the mini fridge. Freddy sighed and turned on the television. As he aimlessly scrolled through the channels, he couldn't help but wonder if this was doomed to be the rest of his life.

Hours later, the doors closed on the pizzeria, and the night crew began to show up. Freddy sighed as he set a stack of paper plates on one of tables. Chica was supposed to help him in restocking, but the yellow chicken had left as soon as the closing announcement hit the speakers. The pizzeria was now quiet, with bits of conversation drifting over from the performers lounging on the stage and the sweeping sounds from Bonnie as he swept near the corner. Mary was also busy restocking the prize corner. Freddy watched as Bonnie unlocked the basement door with his keys and happily went down the stairs, probably to fetch cleaning supplies. "Why the hell is he so happy all of the time…" Freddy muttered to himself. As he opened a cupboard, he suddenly heard a yell. Turning, he saw Bonnie race up the stairs, his usual calm smile gone, and panic in his eyes. "Guys…" he pointed a finger to the basement, unable to speak.

Freddy began cautiously moving down the stairs, wondering what could have the janitor in such a frenzy, when he saw it. Lying in the corner, in a pool of blood, was the body of a guard, Freddy remembered his name was Crimson, and they had hung out a few times after work. Freddy could only gape and stare at the body, until the fluttering of steps on the staircase brought him out of his trance. "What the hell?" Asked Mike, one of the night guards. "Oh my god…" Stuttered Jeremy, the second night guard. The performers were right on their heels, and they were all shocked into silence. "Is he…" was all that Mary could get out. Freddy gulped, and knelt over by the guard, placing two fingers on his neck. Freddy waited a moment before shaking his head. Slowly and shakily Freddy stood up. "We… We have to call the police."