I'm sorry if the science explanation is crap, I did make it up after all. If it doesn't make sense please let me know! Enjoy! This chapter is dedicated just for you ;)

Iris's report on the pen and the science behind it.

As Joseph Hall explained it the chemistry in our body mixes with the pen ink. He will not let on as to what is in the pen ink, but he has said that it travels to your soul mate's hand sort of like a phone call travels your voice. It knows who to travel to because your soul mate has a chemistry set that fits perfectly with yours. The ink will only appear on the hand of the person you were quite literally made for.

Iris read over her blog again… it was short and sweet. That was the way most of her articles were like, but she felt like she should add more. Maybe she could get a question and answer things set up… ask her readers what sort of questions they have for him. She quickly added that in before turning her computer off. She headed to lunch with Eddie. She was surprised at how much she really liked him. She hadn't thought they would have hit it off as much as they had. He was sweet and funny and they had so much in common. It was big bonus that he was a hottie. They had only kissed a few times, but enough for Iris to decide he is an amazing kisser.

She got dressed and headed out to meet up with Eddie. He had bought her flowers. Upon further examination she say that they were chrysanthemums… they were her favorite. She never told him that. All the guys before him got her roses, which was nice because they are a romantic gesture, or irises. It ticked her off because she actually didn't find the flower to smell all that great. They were pretty though she just didn't like getting them. "These are my favorite!" Iris smiled as she took the flowers. He grinned "I thought you were a mum kinda girl. They match your personality. Colorful." She beamed at him before smelling them. "Thank you." Iris said with an even bigger smile.

He had reserved a table at his favorite restaurant. It wasn't her favorite, but it was one of the top ones. She ordered the chicken and he ordered steak. He was more than happy to share with her, but only if she shared with him. After they paid the check they headed to the park. They both decided that a movie would be too cheesy, so they settled on pushing each other on the swings. It was nice to be able to act like a child and have it totally be okay.

He drove her back to her house when it got dark. They sat in the car for a bit and talked. "I like you." Iris said. Eddie laughed "Well that works out for me." Iris smiled. "I like you too." Eddie said finally. He leaned over and kissed her softly and passionately. She pulled away and gave him a smile. He walked her to the door and gave her another kiss before walking away. Eddie got back into his car and started to leave. As he drove home he couldn't help looking at his hand. It still had the writing on it. He grinned, he really liked Iris.

Cisco watched as Oliver and Barry continued to just stand there in stunned silence. Were they really not going to say or do anything? After another minute ticked by Cisco came out of his spying spot. "Just kiss already." He said in frustration. Barry looked at Cisco and blushed hard. He hadn't known he was watching. Oliver was still looking at Barry. He had this hopeful glimmer in his eyes. Barry looked back at Oliver and finally spoke up "It's just a pen." Oliver's heart fell at those words and his hope vanished.