So here it is. The final chapter. It's been quite a journey and despite the emotional rollercoaster this has taken me on, I've enjoyed every minute of it. And the thing I've enjoyed the most, is getting to know this wonderful fandom. This was my first Berena fic and you all welcomed me with open arms. Thank you!

I hope you enjoy the final instalment and once again, thank you for reading, for leaving comments, for sharing and adding me to alerts. You guys are awesome!

Chapter 07

Beep... beep... beep...

As soon as the door to the side room opened, Bernie opened her eyes and looked toward it. Serena was standing in the doorway, her eyes wide, her body completely still. She looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Hello you," Bernie whispered with what she hoped was an encouraging smile.

Serena remained quiet but her eyes never left her. Raf appeared behind her and gave her a gentle nudge into the room before shooing the nurses out. "Yell if you need anything," he smiled at Bernie and quickly closed the door. Now it was just her and Serena.

"Serena?" Bernie's throat tightened and she coughed. The sound seemed to kick Serena out of the stupor she was in. She jumped forward and placed an ice cube in a cloth. She sat on the edge of the bed and lifted the ice cube up to Bernie's mouth. The cold water soothed her throat and she couldn't stop the little sigh of relief as she closed her eyes. After a moment, she allowed her head to fall back against her pillow and Serena put the ice cube in the tray a nurse left at her bedside.

Bernie took a moment to watch Serena for a moment. She looked tired. Her arm was in a sling and she had a dark bruise forming above her right eye. Other than that, she seemed fine. "Are... are you... ok?" She managed to ask.

Serena flinched at her words and she looked down at the floor. "I... I should be the one asking you that," she said quietly.

Bernie could see something shine in Serena's eyes but she still refused to look at her. She reached out and wrapped her fingers around her hand, which made her look up. "You... ok?" She asked again.

Serena gave a weak smile and her eyes filled with tears. "Physically I'm... fine," she took a deep breath. "But I've been so worried about you..." her words caught in her throat and Bernie watched the first tear fall onto Serena's cheek. "You took a long time to wake up and then your heart... I thought..."

"I... know..." Bernie whispered. Serena looked up at her sharply. "Panic...attack..."

Serena looked at her with surprise. "You... heard what we were saying?" She blushed when Bernie nodded her head. "Ah."

There was a lot Bernie still wanted to talk about but from the look in Serena's eyes, she knew a change of subject might be for the best. "Raf said... I have to... watch... my diet..." she smiled and Serena laughed softly.

"No vegetables or fruit?" Serena raised an eyebrow. "This is the one time in your life when you won't be judged for the lack of nutrition in your diet."

"Pizzas... and Chinese... that's all I need..." Bernie rubbed her thumb against Serena's hand.

"And a glass of Shiraz?" Serena smirked.

"The doctor... didn't say no... to wine..." Bernie coughed a little when she laughed and Serena held another ice cube to her lips. The cough and ice seemed to break the moment of levity between them and Serena's eyes darkened with concern once more.

"I thought..." Serena stopped herself and took a breath, her eyes focused on the ice cube. "Out on the road... I thought I lost you and then when you wouldn't wake up..."

"I'm ok..." Bernie said as she moved Serena's hand and the ice cube away from her mouth. "I'm... still here..." Serena gave a watery smile, a few fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Bernie lifted her hands to her cheeks and wiped them away. "Don't... I'm here... never leaving..."

It seemed to be the final straw for her. Serena's face crumbled as she slumped forward, careful of her own injuries and Bernie's surgical wound, and rested her forehead against Bernie's. She sobbed freely. Bernie cried with her, silent tears rolled down her face as she reached her hands to her best friend's neck and caressed her gently with her thumbs. She wanted to kiss her. To tell her again how much she loved her. To hold her in her arms properly. To ask her to climb into bed with her and never leave. But she was scared. She didn't want to frighten her or push her away.

"You... you told me..." Serena sniffled and wiped at her face. "Did you mean it?" She asked in a whisper. "Did you mean what you said on the road?"

Bernie smiled. She had never, not once in her entire life, been very good at talking about feelings but being so close to Serena gave her the courage to do things she never imagined she could. It had always been like that. Working on AAU together, from the very first day of the new Trauma Bay, this woman had given her the strength to do the unimaginable. So when she opened her mouth, she wasn't at all surprised by what came tumbling out.

"I... love... you..." Bernie said slowly.

Bernie's breath was stolen for a moment when all of a sudden, she found herself being kissed. Serena's good arm circled Bernie's shoulders as she brought them closer together. Serena moaned into the kiss and Bernie felt wetness on her cheeks again. She couldn't be sure which one of them was crying. Perhaps it was both.

"Seeing as though it might be some time before we can share a bottle of wine in Albie's," Serena said as she pulled away. "I just want you to know..." she smiled and took a deep breath. "I love you too."

Bernie smiled at her. "I know," she said and Serena laughed as she once again leaned forward and caught Bernie's lips in a searing kiss.

I... love... you...

Well, what can I say? Thank you all again, so much for following along with this fic. Your constant encouragement and openness, your warmth and kindness have meant the world to me. Will forever mean the world to me. I can never say thank you enough. Honestly. You are all amazing! xxx