Hello everyone!

I can't say I've ever been a fan of the 'British soap/drama' genre but that all changed when I heard that Jemma Redgrave was to be on Holby City. I crumbled at the knees under the pressure of all the Berena feels and well... let's be honest... I'm addicted. Welcome to the darkside Rex, there's no way out. Le sigh.

I finally gave in to the temptation of Berena fanfic and then suddenly, this idea popped into my head. It's not at all Christmasy, it's not a happy start. It will be dark and full of feels. Why am I doing this? Why put myself through this torture? I shouldn't post this.

Fuck it.

Collision: Chapter 01

Drip... drip... drip...

The noise echoed around her.

Drip... drip...drip...

It drummed in her ears.

Drip... drip...drip...


Drip... drip...drip...

The ice cold surface she laid against bit into her cheek and she could feel something digging into her back. She opened her eyes and winched at the bright light above her. Was she upside down? Her head felt heavy, the way one felt when the blood rushed to your brain. She lifted an arm, the one that seemed able to move and reached above her. Her hand hit the car roof and she used it to steady her as she took a look around.


She couldn't remember what happened.

Drip... drip... drip...

Glass littered the road outside the car and for the first time she realised the full impact of what had happened. A car accident.


She glanced around again, looking desperately. She hadn't been in the car alone.

Panic rose in her chest, threatening to suffocate her.


She needed to get out of the car.

Drip... drip... drip...

She gritted her teeth against the pain that shot through her upper body when she released her seat belt. She fell against the roof of the car and took a minute to allow her body to adjust to the discomfort.

One... two... three...

Three breaths.

She had to get out of the car.

Drip... drip... drip...

The front window was scattered across the tarmac. An easy escape route.

She crawled slowly until she was a few feet from the car. Only then did she sit on her heels and take in what had happened. Three cars, including her own, were practically on top of each other. A lone tree still stood between them. It had probably been the reason the cars were bunched up as they were.

Deep breaths.

One... two... three...

Drip... drip... drip...

First Berena fic so I'd love to know what you think of this little starter. More to come very soon!

Thanks for reading and do drop me a line. I'd love to get to know all you other Berena fans :)