So this is my first ever fanfiction, I hope you guys enjoy, please post reviews and tell me your honest opinions!

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN MPHFPC, though I wish I did! Also, there will not be smut, but some close calls later on... ;)

Chapter 1: Oh what a Day

Jacob Portman ran as fast as he could, seemingly unfazed by the rough edge of the concrete on the boat dock, despite his lack of footwear. He had to get to her before the boat left at all costs.

When his feet touched the wood of the boat, he didn't slow down an inch, not until she turned around and saw him.

"You have no idea how long it's taken me to get here. The closest loop was in the California Desert, and I used that to get to the Tokyo loop, and then I traveled to the closest loop, in 1942, where I wound up as a marine-don't ask. And then I spent 6 months trying to-"

He cut off as Emma stared into his eyes, both heavily breathing, Jake from physical exhaustion, and Emma from the tension in her heart from emotion.

They were just inches away from each other, the emotion in the moment tangible enough to cut with a knife.

She whispered, "Why did you come back?"

He spoke with an equal amount of soundlessness in his voice. "I couldn't live without you."

She inhaled sharply, and closed the space between them in 3 easy steps.

And then their lips met with a careful hesitancy, and they moved together in a harmonious dance. He carefully and slowly traced the outline of her bottom lip with his tongue, and they stopped for a breath.

Suddenly she was kissing him back, less carefully than she'd anticipated. His lips moved to her neck, and Emma finally broke apart from Jake with a bout of self-control she didn't know she had.

Jake blushed in embarrassment as his lack of self-control. "Sorry. Didn't mean for that to go so far." His face turned serious. "You know I love you don't you?" He said.

"Of course!" She responded, as if any idea otherwise was ludicrous.

"Good." He whispered. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and ran inside; he had plans to make.

He stepped inside the ship, and he heard a familiar voice. "Jacob." He froze in his tracks, terrified of who he knew was right behind him. "I saw your little-how shall I put this- moment with Emma a moment ago."

Jake cursed under his breath, to quiet for Miss Peregrine to hear. To his surprise she grinned. "I would like to thank you."

Jacob turned around, felling confused, and still nervous. "You have changed Emma. Before you came, she was, not exactly happy. In fact she was considering ending her life as a peculiar."

His jaw dropped. "WHAT?!" He exclaimed.

"Now Jacob, no need to tie yourself in a knot. I'm merely thanking you for saving her. You have done more for us all than you would like to acknowledge."

She shuddered. "What I would have done without that sweet girl, I'll never know. But thanks to you, I don't have to."

He brought his jaw back to his mouth, and blushed slightly at the thanks. "Thank you Miss Peregrine. I feel the same way about her. She's done SO much for me. More than I could ever repay her. I'm not good enough for her."

To his appall, his reply to her thanks turned into his deepest worries being voiced aloud. Miss Peregrine turned very serious; the same way she had when she'd been captured by Baron after he'd threatened to kill Jake; which wasn't that long ago.

"Jacob Portman." You are most certainly good enough for Emma. She needs you and you need her. More than either of you can tell. In one way or another, despite all the odds, you two are one."

Right then and there Jacob – without any thought to the consequences blurted out the question he'd contemplated asking for a long time now. "Can I have your permission to marry Emma?" After a quick moment of silence and shock Jake realized what he'd said.

For the first time ever, Miss Peregrine looked utterly surprised. "Why…? Why…?" After a moment of pure shock, she broke out in a smile. "That would be the best thing to happen to all of us Jacob Portman. Of course you can marry her."

Then all of a sudden Emma burst in the door and had tears running down her cheeks. "Jacob."

His face blanched and his stomach dropped. "What's wrong Emma?" He asked, franticly.

"Wrong?" Emma asked. "Oh, Jacob you idiot, nothing's wrong! I love you too!" She ran up to him and kissed his cheek.

Jacob grinned, realizing what she meant. "So you heard."

"Yes." Emma responded, for the first time, seemingly unable to hide her emotions.

Jake knew in that moment this was right. He got down on his right knee, and said, "Emma Bloom, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

Emma started to cry, not able to express her joy. She seemed unable to speak, and promptly crumpled to the ground, sobbing.

Jake nearly yelled, but resisted, and just ran over and picked up her sweet head, laying it on his shoulder. "If you want to wait we can. It's too fast, I know."

She looked up. "Jacob Portman. You are by far the most incredible person I have ever met. Of course I'll marry you!"

Jacob stood up, helping Emma stand up as well, and they hugged. Suddenly they were interrupted by the sound of another sob, and turned to see Miss Peregrine crying.

Emma smiled, slightly in shock. "Miss Peregrine, there's no need to cry!"

"Oh." Miss Peregrine sniffled. "I'm sorry. I just have been hoping this would happen for so long for you Emma. I'm just so glad to see that you've found your happiness." She sniffled again. After a moment, she recovered, and hugged them both.

"Looks like we have a wedding to plan." She said, glancing at her pocket watch. "Soon."