I am back from the dead!

If you already read my stuff, you maybe confused as to why I'm posting a Hamilton fanfiction and I have three words for you.

I LOVE Hamilton!

I've been listening to the soundtrack for about a while now and I love it. The music, the concept! I think I would despise it if it was put any other way! My sister TeddyBearTy and I are collabing for this story so yeah!

There is also a few things to note:

- This is taking place in modern times.

- No war or politics will play a heavy role in the story

- No one died! :D

- Washington is NOT president and King George is NOT a king

- No one is married!

- The cast are young adults!

- Romances may or may not be the same as the play.

We will compose the first chapter together then take turns with the rest.

Hope you all enjoy this!

~ShyWrites & TeddyBearTy

We do NOT own any of the characters used! These were real people! (Their appearances and personalities are mostly from the play).

Alexander Hamilton smiled proudly towards the apartment building he was staying in.

It was a big brick building with a white rim around the outer part of the door as well as all the windows. Above the entryway was the number '1780' in bold black lettering. It was simple in structure and it was built really well.

Alex beamed as he rolled his suitcase to the front door and went into his pocket to pull out his key. Once he found it, he pulled it out with a small sticky note and put the key in the slot. He then strolled inside and searched for the room number.

"Let's see…" he mumbled, scratching the little patch of hair that was on his chin. "Room 12...where is that?"

He looked around to see that it wasn't on the ground level. He groaned softly as he realized that he had to walk up the stairs.

"I hope it isn't that far up…"

Alex sighed once more, throwing his suitcase over his shoulder and making his way up the stairs. He scanned each door for the room number until he made it to the top floor.

"Room 12…" he said, tossing his suitcase back on the ground. "Finally…"

Alex placed his key into the door before opening it. He beamed at his living space and whistled at the sight.

There were wooden floors, white walls and the borders of the walls and doors matched the wall color. He examined the kitchen next. It had Whirlpool brand equipment available and set for use. Alexander was about make his way to the room when he heard someone unlocking the door.

Hesitantly, Hamilton made his way to the door and as soon as the person opened the door, they were slapped in the face with the man's suitcase.

"Ahh!" the person shrieked as he fell onto the ground outside of the front door. "What the hell was THAT FOR?!"

Alex started to sweat. "My fault Sir…"

"Sure it was…" he said with a roll of his eyes. He dusted himself off before rubbing his head. "Jesus Christ, what did you hit me with? A rock?"

"My suitcase." he replied, pointing to his bag that sat next to him. "Sorry about that…"

"Whatever…" he got off the ground and glared at Alex. "Anyways, what are you doing in my apartment?"

"Wait-" he started. "Your apartment?!" he showed the man his key. "This is MY apartment!"

The other man's eyes widened as he showed Alex a similar key. "This...this can't be right…"

"Well, I guess...that makes us roommates…" Alex stated before asking. "What's your name sir?"

"Quit calling me sir." the caramel skinned man huffed before crossing his arms. "And it's Aaron. Aaron Burr."

"I'm Alexander Hamilton." he greeted before stepping to the side to let Aaron in.

Burr nodded lightly before looking around the place. He whistled. "Nice place. I like it."

Alex beamed in agreement before shutting the door. He past Burr and made his way to the rooms.

Burr continued to examine the area for a bit before walking towards the room. He took the one that wasn't occupied and proceeded to unpack.

However, just as he was doing so, he heard the front door being unlocked.

"What…?" Aaron asked himself. "Who could that be?"

Hamilton, meanwhile, peered out of his room door as he listened to the door unlocking.

"You gotta be kidding me…" he sighed. "There's only two rooms! Who else could be staying here..?"

Alexander made his way to the door before opening it. On the other side were three women.

"Hello ladies, are you lost?"

The caramel woman who was the closest to the door blinked towards the man's question before slowly shying away. She hid behind the other two ladies as she fiddled with her fingers.

"No, we're not lost." the second woman, who was slightly darker than the first one, stated. "This is our apartment."

"I beg to differ." Burr stated as he walked up to the door. "This is our


"O-oh!" she blushed. "I-I didn't know that you two…"

"YOU'RE GAY?!" the third woman, a pale skinned woman with coal colored hair, shrieked.

Both men blushed. Alexander put his hands up defensively before saying persistently.

"No no no no no no! Not at all! I don't even know this guy! We were just given the same place!"

"Oh thank JESUS!" the third woman sighed, holding onto her heart as she laughed a little.

The darkest of the ladies glared at the lighter before turning to the two men. "Anyways, I'm Angelica Schuyler." she greeted. "And these two are my sisters."

"Elizabeth!" the pale lady greeted, shaking Alex's hand a little too erratically. "But I like to be called Eliza."

"I'm Peggy." the last one declared a little quietly. She smiled. "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet all three of you!" Alex smiled brightly. "My name is Alexander Hamilton and this is Aaron Burr."

Alex got out the doorway to the let the ladies in. As they got inside and looked around, Alexander spoke.

"There's only two rooms in this apartment and I would gladly give up my room for you ladies."

"Aww Alex~!" Angelica said as she walked down the hall. She threw Burr's bag into the living room. "That's so sweet of you~!"

"That's my bag!" Aaron barked.

"Oh shut up Burr. You can sleep on the couch or something…" she grabbed Peggy's wrist. "Come on girls!"

"Bye Mr. Hamilton!" Eliza waved before following her sisters.

"Bye!" Alex waved before going to his room. "Guess you're sleep on the couch Burr."

The other man gritted his teeth. "No no no! I am NOT sleeping on the couch!" he marched into Hamilton's room and threw all of his stuff out. Afterwards, he slammed and locked the door.

Alexander looked at his stuff on the floor angrily before picking up his things. He placed everything in his suitcase before scooting the bag next to the sofa. Alex then marched towards the door before banging on it.

"BURR!" he seethed. "Open the DOOR!"


"Why not?! It was MY room first!"

"Because those stupid girls took my room after you told them to take yours. Not to mention that you HIT ME IN THE FACE WITH YOUR STUPID SUITCASE!"

"Quit whining like a baby Burr…" Alex rolled his eyes. "If anything, you're acting as brainless as the suitcase…"

"I will not hesitate to beat the living shit out of you Alex. Don't play with me."

"Too late! You've already been played baby Burr! Now go take a nap or something…"

"Go fuck yourself!"

"Oh I'm sorry! Is that what you'll be doing tonight with your lonely ass? Don't get your fingers stuck."

Aaron opened the door slightly to glare at Hamilton. "I am going to count to five and when I do, I want you gone."

"I live here so I'm not leaving."

The dark skinned man gritted his teeth. "By leave, I mean GET AWAY FROM MY MOTHERFUCKING DOOR!"

Alex stepped a few inches away from the door. He then smiled. "Are you done with your temper tantrum Burr?"

His response was slamming the bedroom door shut.

"STOP SLAMMING SHIT!" Angelica hollered from the other room.

"My apologizes Angelica!" Alexander responded. "It seems like our baby Burr skipped his nap today."

The mentioned woman left her room and stared apologetically at the man in the hall. "He's giving you a bad time Alex?"

"Yeah…" he answered, pointing to the room with his thumb. "He kinda kick me out my bedroom."

"I'll get him for you." she nodded before strolling over to the door and banging against it roughly.

"For the last time Hamilton…" Burr grumbled as he swung the door open. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY-"

He was interrupted as he was punched in the mouth. Aaron fell to the ground as a few off his teeth flew from his open maw. As he bled out on the floor, the African American woman cracked her knuckles.

"You better watch who you're messing with." she smiled at Alexander. "That should take care of him~!"

"Thank you Angelica!" he beamed. "I owe you one!"

"Really?" she chuckled. "Well...I can think of-"


Alexander and the Schuyler sisters looked down the hall to see a pretty large bald man with caramel colored skin enter the house. He dropped the two suitcases he was carrying to glare at Hamilton dangerously.

"What are you people doing in my APARTMENT!?" he pointed towards the door insistently. "Get OUT!"

"Um...sir," Alex shuddered. "It seems to be a misunderstanding… We were also given this apartment so we can't leave." He took out the key he had and showed it to the man for proof.

The bald man blinked. "Well...if I'll be damned…" he placed a similar key into his pocket before shaking hands with the shorter man. "I apologize for the fuss I made about the room. Didn't know I would be sharing it…"

"I don't think any of us knew.." he chuckled before introducing himself. "I'm Alexander Hamilton."

"George Washington." he laughed along with the lighter man. "Nice to meet you."

"I'm Angelica Schuyler." the dark woman greeted, shaking George's hand as he let go of Alex's. She then gestured towards her curious sisters. "And those two are my little sisters Eliza and Peggy."

"Please to meet you ladies." Washington chuckled before turning his head to see Burr bleeding on the floor. "Was this body here before you guys came in?"

Eliza and Peggy looked in to see what he was looking at and gasped at the sight. The formerly mentioned sister glared at the eldest.

"Angelica!" she shouted. "Did you do this?!"

"...Kind of…" the oldest of the ladies replied with a shrug. "He was talking shit."

"I don't care! You might have killed him!"

"He was kind of being an ass." Alex admitted. "He kicked me out of my room."

"That MONSTER!" she marched into the bedroom and started kicking Burr's unmoving body. "You BASTARD! I hope you're DEAD!"

"Um…" Peggy slowly approached her slightly older sister and the bleeding man on the floor. "I don't think-"

"Peggy." Eliza interrupted. "Help me show this bastard who's boss!"

"I rather not…"


"Okay!" she cried. "Um…" she lightly kicked his hip. "Ngh! Take that you jerk." she then softly punched him in the face. "And that you...mean man."


Washington stared at the younger two Schuyler sisters in confusion before whispering to Alexander. "These girls are crazy…"

"Yeah…" he whispered back. "But as long as they aren't attacking me, I'll be fine."

"Same man." the other man nodded. "Same."

"So about the living arrangement," he started, stepping away from the psycho sisters. "There's only two rooms in here. The girls are mostly likely taking one room so I guess us guys will either share the room or something…"

"We could take turns with the room." George suggested, following the other man into the living room.

"That's a good idea George." he beamed. "You could take the room first of you want."

"I think the other guy would need that room more than we do…" he chuckled awkwardly. "Those girls are gonna turn him into a crippling old man…"

"I guess so."


Both of the men in the hall turned their heads to see three more men.

The one who was recently talking was a light skinned man with long dark ginger hair that is tied up in a high ponytail. He had freckles on his cheeks and blinked at the two men that were standing in the living room.

The second one was a dark skinned man with his braids tied up in a ponytail. He was carrying two suitcases and tilted his head to see what his friend was looking at.

The third man was about as large as Washington with chocolate brown skin and a trimmed but not bald head. He was carrying two bags under his armpits and the same amount of suitcases in his hands. He also looked over to see Hamilton and Washington.

"Well damn…" the second man stated in his French accent. "Looks like someone stole our apartment."

"How did you guys break in?" the first guy asked curiously.

"We actually all rented the same place." Alexander told them before showing them his key. "I don't know why the landlord threw us all in this one room though…"

"Wait wait wait." the man with the braids interjected. "Us all? How many people are in here?"

"Nine counting you three." he informed them.

"That's a lot of people..."

"Should we send a complaint?" the man in the curls asked.

"Even if we do complain, it'll take some time for them to do something about it. We need to at least get used to this for now." replied Alex.

All three men sighed almost in unison. "Alright."

The first of the males shook hands with Hamilton. "My name is John Laurens."

"Marquis de Lafayette." the second man introduced, shaking Washington's hand.

"And I'm Hercules Mulligan." the third male said with a small wave as he put all the luggage he was holding onto the floor.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton." Alex greeted, "This is George Washington." he pointed to the guy next to him. He then said. "The ladies who are attacking a injured man are the Schuyler sisters: Angelica, Eliza and Peggy. The man that's on the ground is Aaron Burr."

"What?" John blinked.

"The bitches today are crazy…" Lafayette stated with a shake of his head. He then chuckled. "Excuse my French."

Hercules raised an eyebrow at the man in the braids before turning to Hamilton. "Do you guys plan on calling an ambulance for him?"

"Yeah." he took out his cellphone before going towards the girls. "Ladies, leave Burr alone. We don't want to kill the poor guy. Do we?"

Eliza and Angelica nodded erratically before glaring at Peggy, who was nudging at Burr's body with her foot.

"PEGGY!" the middle sister barked, causing the youngest to squeak and move away from Aaron.

"I'm sorry!" Peggy cried, eyes glued to the floor.

Eliza smiled back at Alex. "No we don't wanna hurt Mr. Burr~! He's…" she looked down at him for a second before turning back to the guy she was talking to originally. "He's nice."

"Elizabeth, what have I told you about lying..." Angelica tsked. "It's not very nice especially to Mr. Hamilton."

"Shut up! You hate him too!" the middle sister pouted.

"Now ladies, it doesn't matter if you like Burr. Trust me, I don't like him either...However, we have to help him." he started dialing 911 and put the phone to his ear.

Hamilton stepped into the bathroom to speak with the operator while the others wait outside.

"Hamilton's such a nice guy!" John smiled.

"Yes! Oui!" Lafayette agreed. "He's wonderful."

"I wanna be friends with that guy!"

"What's stopping us?" Hercules asked. "He seems legit."


The other six people in the hall blinked.

"Who was that?" Eliza asked.

"Maybe it's a ghost?!" John shrieked, causing him to hug onto Peggy.

As she hugged him back and surveyed the area frightfully, George looked towards the ground to see Burr stirring. "Nope. It's just Burr."

"AH! THE GHOST OF AARON BURR!" Peggy and John cried.

"NO YA DUMMIES!" He pointed to the ground. "He's still alive!"


Alex came out the bathroom and said. "The ambulance will be here shortly. Is everything alright out here?"

"Hamilton…" Burr repeated as he got up from the floor. "You ruined me!"

Peggy and John screamed as they stepped back. They watched as the darker man approached Alex.

"I got this!" Angelica hollered and slapped Aaron across the face.

That didn't seem to work as well as she thought it would. He was fazed slightly but it wasn't all that evident in his features. He shoved Angelica to the side as he continued to walk towards Hamilton.

Washington sighed and grabbed Burr by the waist. "Got him!" He squeezed him firmly there as he saw signs of Burr struggling.

"Great job George." Alexander grinned as he walked towards him and stared at Burr. "Hello Burr. Had a nice nap?"

"I will KILL Y-AAHH!"

"Calm down Burr." the bald man stated. "You're injured. You need to relax."

"Don't worry about him George. Baby Burr is just a little cranky." Hamilton chuckled.

Everyone but Peggy and Aaron laughed along with Alex as the formerly mentioned male tried to escape the hold he was in.

"What's wrong Aaron Burr?" Alex asked as he watched him struggle.

"Shut up!" Burr barked as a gurney entered the house. Two men were pushing it as George placed the man he was carrying on the bed like object.

As Aaron was wheeled away, three more people stood by the doorway. Two men and a woman.

The female looked similar to Peggy with a difference of her hair being more curly and her skin being a little darker.

The man the closest to her had light caramel skin with a trimmed almost bald head. His hand were wrapped around the woman's hip protectively as he watched the gurney exit.

The last man had an afro of curly hair and dark brown skin. He had a little scrub of a beard and a few small strands under his nose. He placed his hands on his hips as he asked.

"Damn...what'd we miss?"

Sorry this is so long...