High School DxD: Revival

AN: Hello. It's me again. I'm very, very apology about update my story in 8 months or more because of I'm search a job for everyday needs, so I typed slowly and in detail. It's time to answer from the reviewers:

From War historian: I thinking about this later. I have a suprise for them.

From Talonsen: Thank you. About Kuroka, she in Issei's harem.

From BlueDog1029: Kuroka in Issei's harem. But for Grayfia, she still love Sirzechs and she has a son. Grayfia will in Issei's harem at after volume 21.

From Muzaka: Thank you. Issei's Balance Breaker has 3 mode. The first has already mentioned at chapter 4, but the second and the third not mentioned yet, because I have the surprises in every each next chapter.

From Guest No.1: Thank you.

From Guest No.2: Thank you. I know Issei loves Rias.

From KimPossibleFan4evr: I'll keep that in my mind.

From Talonsen: Yes, she in Issei's harem.

From Xerzo LotCN: Yes, I'll keep that mind.

From darth56: Thank you.

OK, without ado, let's begin!

I - POV or Thought

"I" - Speech

"I" - Sacred Gear's speech

"I" - Sacred Gear's thought


Chapter 5: Omake 1.1: Get the Familiars, part 1!

Part 1

Right now I'm looking at a magnificent view. The scene where the girls are changing their clothes is right in front of me! YES! I'm in the girls changing room! I'm enjoying the bodies of the first year girls. Peeping on junior girls getting changed….. Having the feelings of guilt and corruption makes this situation even better. Man…..Even if they are my juniors, the ones who are developed are amazing. Their oppai are appealing themselves even if they are covered in a bra! Eh? Where am I peeping from? Fufufu, I'm inside a steel locker, that has a piece of paper on it which reads, "Don't Use". I'm enjoying the view which could be recorded in the world's treasure of UNESCO. Oh, that girl has nice legs! Thank you for the beautiful legs! That's what I would like to shout! By the way, there's another locker, that has a piece of paper on it which says, "Don't Use". Inside it, my comrades Motohama and Matsuda are also hiding.

I have a super VIP seat. It has the value of an SS-Rank seat for the concert of an idol.

Like that I was introduced by my two evil pals! Yes! It certainly is a S-Rank seat! Hmm? That's a really small girl over there… Uh, oh! That's Koneko-chan! Oh no, so this was Koneko-chan's class! What a bad coincidence! Uwa, Koneko-chan is really small! In a lot of ways!

SHIVERS. I can feel a mysterious aura coming from Motohama's VIP seat. That's right. He is a real freaking lolicon! He can't keep in his excitement after seeing Koneko-chan's body. Right about now, he's saving the image in his brain. Looks like you will be busy tonight, Motohama! No, but Koneko-chan is my important kouhai (Junior). I shouldn't be enjoying her small body…. Huh? Maybe this can be enjoyable. That's weird. I'm not supposed to be a lolicon…. The girls leave the room. But Koneko-chan didn't try to leave even when she finished getting dressed. Huh? Did something happen? It's hard to leave…. When it finally became only Koneko-chan left in the room, she got up slowly and… Oh, SHIT!

DON! Oooooooooooooh!? There was a violent punch which hit the locker I'm in! I just dodged it by twisting my body, but Koneko-chan's fist punched through the steel door! As to be expected from the girl with superhuman strength! Terrifying!

PACHIN! The door got ripped off. There's no point in having the steel door! Me and Koneko-chan were facing each other.


I put a smile on and raised my hand up to greet Koneko-chan….

"…Ise-senpai, you're the worst...!"


"Gufu! Oga! Wai...! Koneko-chan! Hold on a sec...! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

I was horse-ridden by her, and she hit me with her fists without a word! I'll die! Ouch! I'm going to die!

The next day, Motohama and Matsuda confessed with a blue face that it was their first time seeing a bloodbath.

Part 2

After school that day.


"Are you okay?"

I was getting my bruised face fixed by Asia's healing ability in the Occult Research Club room. Asia seems worried.

"…You reap what you sow."

Koneko-chan mutters from the sofa which is a bit away from me. Her mouth is in the shape of an "n" and her expression did look unpleasant. Well of course, she will get pissed if she was peeped on getting changed. But it was a combo of punches and she didn't hold back. Damn those two idiots...!

"Geez. Why are you so…?"

Rias made a sigh of astonishment.

"My my. You have to keep the level of peeping at girls changing at a moderate level."

Akeno-san who always has a smiley face poured some tea for me.

"I got too carried away."

"I will show you anytime when I'm getting changed."

"Ise-senpai, are you okay?"

The one who made an uncool reply was Kiba. And Gasper asked me in worried.

"Shut up, Kiba! How can I enjoy looking at a guy getting changed! I can't even enjoy looking at a girl with an undeveloped body! And Gasper, I'm okay."

"...Immature pervert..."


I received a very sharping glare from Koneko-chan. I-I'm very sorry, Koneko-sama!

"Ise-san. You shouldn't be peeping at girls getting changed…. I…if you want to see the naked body of women that much…I can…"

Asia says it while wriggling her body shyly.

"No, no! You don't have to push yourself, Asia! I want to! But that's not it!"

Lately this girl has became more daring. She's cute, but I will get confused if the girl I am supposed to protect says that to me.

"Yes. If you want to see naked bodies, you can just tell me. I can show you mine at anytime inside the bath and bed."

Rias says it casually! I'm living with Buchou. And she says that to me! I'm grateful! Tears are coming out from my eyes! Buchou always does erotic things to me, so my body can't handle it! But I can't do anything since I'm living with my parents. And also…



Like this, Asia pinches my cheek silently with an unpleasant face… It's seem she's jealous.

Part 3

"A familiar…?"

Asia replied with a cute voice with her head tilted, and I nodded.

"Yes, a familiar. Asia and Gasper still don't have one."

Familiar. An existence which becomes the hand and foot of us devils. I told Asia that they become handy for the devils job. Normally, handing out the leaflets are the jobs of a familiar. It was also the job for newcomers as well.

I gestured my right palm and...

PONG! A toy boat appeared on my right palm.

"Asia and Gasper, this is my familiar; the legendary living ship from the Norse mythology, Skíðblaðnir. Or you can call him Ryuuteimaru."

PONG! A red bat appeared on Rias's palm after making a sound.

"This is my familiar, Lucia."

A bat which is the same colour as Rias's hair. It had a noble atmosphere with only that.

"This one here is mine."

The thing Akeno-san summoned was something which looked like a palm-size. The Ko-oni (Demon child).

"….This is Shiro."

Koneko-chan was hugging a white kitten. Since her name is Koneko-chan, her familiar is a white kitten. Well, It's so cute.

"Mine is Fang."

"You stiil have a cool familiar, Kiba."

"Thank you, Ise-buchou."

Kiba made a cool smile at my straight complement but he made a small falcon bird appear on his shoulder. So everyone besides Gasper and Asia has a familiar. Lucia and Ryuuteimaru flies above my head.

"A familiar is a basic for devils. They can help their masters. They can be used for information transmission. They can be used for persisting. You and Asia also need one since it can be used for adapting to certain situations."

Rias says it while patting my cheek. Aaah, getting patted by Rias blows away all the pain I received today. My Rias…

I was feeling entranced by it, but then the magic circle on the floor started glowing. What happened?

"Ise-kun, preparation is set."

Akeno-san reports to me. Gasper and Asia are in wonders, but I then tells it to them with a smile.

"Now, It's time to capture your familiars. Ready, Gasper and Asia?"

I asks these you ready or not.

"Yes Ise-san/-senpai!"

With that, we disappeared.

Part 4

When the glow for the transport magic circle stopped, I was in a familiar forest.

"In this forest there are many familiar devil users living here. Today, I will have Gasper and Asia get their familiars here."

The Forest of Familiars.

Haa. So that's how it is. There are giant trees growing around here, so not much sunlight shines through to the ground. Though a devil's eyes still work perfectly in the darkness so it doesn't matter.

What a dense forest. I can't even feel heat around here, so it wouldn't be weird if anything popped up.

"Get daze!"

"Wha...?! Holy shit!"


Woah! Asia was surprised by the sudden loud voice and it made she jump. Asia even hid behind my back. The one who appeared in front of us is a young man wearing rough clothing's.

"My name is Satooji of Madara Town! I'm a devil in training, aiming to become the Familiar Master!"

Nggh, a weird guy suddenly appeared behind me and Asia. Yes, he is Satooji-san, the Familiar Master.

"Damn it, Satooji-san! You gave us a heart attack!" I angried to Satooji-san that he gave me and Asia a heart attack!

"By the way, Satooji-san. I brought the ones I spoke of."

I regain composure and introduces them to he so called the Familiar Master.

"Hee. A shy boy and a blonde beauty girl, huh? OK! Leave them to me! If it's me any Familiar immediately would be 'get daze'!"

Hmm, this old guy sure does say the word 'get' strongly. And don't call Gasper a shy boy, Satooji-san!

"Asia and Gasper. He is a professional in terms of familiars. Today we will catch familiars in this forest while receiving advice from him. Okay?"


Gasper and Asia nod at me.

I wonder what kind of types are for Asia and Gasper. While having that thought, Satooji-san asks us in a friendly manner.

"Now, what type of familiar do you desire? Strong one? Fast one? Or one with poison?"

"Don't say something scary like poison type all of a sudden. So, what type do you recommend for Asia and Gasper?"

Satooji-san smiles at my question and gets out a thing that looks like a catalogue. The one he points at is a creature with great ferocity that is drawn out on the whole page.

"This is what I would recommend! One of the Dragon-Kings! Chaos Karma Dragon, Tiamat! It's a legendary dragon! It's also the only female among the Dragon-Kings! Even until now, there hasn't been a devil who has caught her yet! That would be obvious! Since it's said to be as strong as a Maou!"

Uh-oh! Damn, that dragon will pissed off if Ddraig is here because he promised Tiamat to mate her.

"Partner, can you skip that?" Ok, ok, fine, Ddraig. If she's coming here, I don't want to know.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Partner." Ddraig sighed. I give Satooji-san a scold.

"Hey, Hey! Don't say something like that! You're made Gasper and Asia freaked out!"

"That sounds good. It seems like they will get along since they are both legendary dragons. Ise, You have your adorable servants, so it might be acceptable if they can pull that off."

The cheerful Rias says something so reckless. Are you trying to kill my adorable servants!? Certainly Gasper's Sacred Gear's power stiil weak and for Asia still same, but they will seriously get killed!

"It's impossible, Rias! I can tell that we won't be able to get along even from this book."

"It's just your imagination, Ise-buchou. Yeah, you let Gasper-kun and Asia-san do it."

"Shut up, Kiba! Can you stop say something ridiculous?!"

I already had a bad feeling from the beginning! I calmed down and asked once again.

"Umm, I don't need a familiar like this one, so aren't there any other ones which are friendly and easier to catch?"

"Hahaha! I see, then how about this one? Hydra!"

I was shown them the illustrated gigantic serpent with many heads. ….Hmm? It has sharp eyes, sharp fangs and there is a poisonous mark of a skeleton on the illustration… Wait there are actually skulls around the serpent in this illustration. I remember this creature... There's no doubt, this creature from the Greek Faction.

"This one is amazing! It has deadly poison! There are no devils in this World which can endure its poison! On top of that it is immortal! The worst creature in the World which even kills its master! See? Pretty useful right?"


Crap, I can't keep this feeling. I'm keeping inside me.

"I won't let them have this!"

"Calm down, Ise. Hydra is rare so it would be wonderful. If I remember, there is one deep in this forest… We would be able to return by the end of today."

Rias looks deep into the forest. She's really eager to catch it!? I wouldn't be able to return alive! I will get lost and disappear right away! If things go wrong I would end up being inside this Hydra-san which is 'useful' and 'friendly'!

Satooji-san puts his thumb up.

"Hahaha, you should experience the adventure!"

"Stop messing with me! I don't let them have a monster which is more powerful than us, you know!"

"Damn, Ise-boya, you sure has lots of requests. Then, what would you prefer?"

Satooji-san who is messing around. Yeah, I want to kill this guy with the dragon inside me.

"Aren't there any normal and cute familiars? I like Gasper and Asia have them."

Yeah, if you think about it there should be ones like that. Then Satooji-san makes a sound with his tongue with an unpleasant expression.

"That's why the newbies doesn't understand anything. Listen to me, Ise-boya. You should teach the kids how have them to catch powerful familiars. And each one has different abilities. If you are trying to become a Familiar-Master, then you have to catch the same one several times, and then pick the strongest male and female among them. You have the two breed and make them give birth to their baby with strong abilities. And also-..."

It seems like he started talking about the logic of familiars. Man, he sure is annoying.

"I want a cute familiar, not a stronger one, please."

Asia says while hiding behind me.

"Please, I want a strongest familiar!"

I shocked when Gasper said that.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Satooji-san stopped his logic talks and replied with a smile. What's wrong with this guy? Looks like capturing a familiar will be a long road ahead.

Part 5

"Listen up, Water Spirit! Gather around this lake."

Satooji-san says it with a small voice.

There is a spacious clear lake in front of us. It is glittering with sparkles, and it seems like a very sacred lake. We are hiding in the shadows near the lake while hiding our presence.

"Yes, the water spirit, Undine, living in this lake doesn't show themselves in front of others."

According to Satooji-san, Undine the water spirit is a maiden with a pure heart and beautiful body. On top of that they heal your broken heart!

Oh, that is wonderful! A maiden! Pure! Beautiful! Asia who has those specifications is always with me, but I thinking Asia could get a familiar which is like Asia makes me excited!

Fufufu, looks like I can get a step closer to making my Harem come true. First of all, I will make a cute girl-type my familiar. I'm sure it would be wearing a transparent robe and it is a beautiful slender seirei with light-blue hair colour.

Aaah, Undine! My Undine! Yes, I will make it give me a thigh-pillow first! I will then make her clean my ears then! T-Then finally the breastssssss!

Man! I can't wait!

"Rias, since it would be Asia's familiar, I can do whatever I want with it right?"

I try to get confirmation from Rias just in case. Don't tell me there is a 'no sexual harassment' policy for your familiar right?

"Yes, do as you like."

Buchou answered like that, and I shed tears of joy from it. Soon, there would be a girl who I can do whatever I want with! I can't express my joy except by shedding tears.

"Oh, the lake started glowing. Undine should make its appearance."

Satooji-san pointed towards the lake. Oh finally! I then looked towards the direction Satooji-san pointed, with joy. Now, take me to the dream World!

And the one that appeared was a being with light-blue hair sparkling like lights, who was wearing a transparent robe over its… gigantic body.

The insane biceps, the calves which were thicker than my waist, and the chest which looks like it has metal inside it, and like a veteran warrior it has many scars on its face.

Because of the sudden turn, I couldn't believe my eyes. I wipe my eyes many times. Hoping that this isn't reality.


What the fuck is thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!?

"That is Undine."

Satooji-san's violent words reached my ears. It is like a fantasy in the other way!

"No no no! No matter how you look at it, it is a martial artist in training. Look, those biceps are meant for destroying a human's body. It seems like it can conquer the World with just its fists. It doesn't even have an opening. It's a man of valour."

"Yeah, Undine always have a battle while having their territory on the line. If you aren't strong, you wouldn't be able to get the lake. The World of the Seirei is also about power. But it sure is a strong looking seirei. That is quite rare. I recommend you catch it. A water seirei specialising in punching sure won't be bad."

Undine which specialise in punching!? A description I didn't want to hear! I didn't want to hear such dangerous words!

"It is bad! It isn't a healing type at all! It is like the killing-type! I don't let Asia have a healing-type seirei which has enormous punch power!"

I cried out loud. Horrible! I never heard of such a horrible thing before!

"But, that is the female type you know? And it has quite a potential."

"I so didn't want to hear that!"

I covered my face and started crying! Oooooooooo! So you are telling me that is a girl!? Aaaagh, the truth is so violent!

"Ise, the world is changing now."

Rias says it while resting her hand on my shoulder while nodding her head. I don't want that kind of change!

"But she has pure eyes. I'm sure she is a girl with a pure heart as well."

Asia says that with a smile. Umm Asia, can you not call that 'thing' a girl. Huh? That's weird. My tears aren't stopping at all.

I sighed in heartbroken. I can't believe it!

"I…..Ise-kun, I don't think it's something which will make you cry out that much, you know?"

"Kibaaaa. I had dreams inside fantasies. I was seeking for a beauty of the World. That's because Rias who is a devil is super beautiful. You would end up having hope in fantasies. But, what is that? Why do I have to see some martial artist make his appearance!? I hate it! I hate fantasies!"

"It's okay. I'm sure there are fantasies which will fulfil Ise-kun's dream."

Kiba comforts me while rubbing my back. He is a good-looking guy.

"Oh, look."

Satooji-san points at the lake. When I look, the two big build Undine(Female) are glaring at each other. You can sense the hostility between them, and the space between them bended with their 'Touki'.



The thick fist nailed into their opponent's stomach, or the uppercut cracked the opponent's chin. One of them low-kicked the opponent's calves making an explosive sound, and the straight punched nailed deeply into the opponent's face.

Both of them started bleeding from every part of their body. They started showing an intense battle of hitting each other. The sacred lake now turned into a battle stadium.

"Hahaha! Look, Ise-boya! The victor will be your friend's familiar! The ultimate fight of Undine! It's a wonderful adventure indeed! Oh! They certainly show a rare way of punching!"

Satooji-san says it with enjoyment while patting on my shoulder.

"Hahaha…. As if! Shut up with the adventure craaaaaap! I don't want adventure like this!"

"How about we n-name her Dine-chan the Undine?"

Asia says that while being scared and watching the battle in front of us.

Eh!? Even Asia really trying to catch that thing!? No! I not let her have it!

"Asia, no matter how you look at it, that Dine-chan will be too much for us. If you make that as your familiar, then you would become pregnant if you stay next to her."

"I will bear the baby if it is Ise-san's child!"

Asia says that clearly.

WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL SHE SAID?! ASIA HAVE MY CHILD?! I super shocked what she said earlier!

"Eh!? You will actually bear my children!? No, that's not the issue! Forget about that Dine-chan! You won't be able to control it, Asia!"

"B-But, I'm certain that Dine-chan was lonely by herself….. I know it."

Hmmm, she was somehow empathising with that thing. It seems even more dangerous now, so I put my hand on Asia's shoulder and tell her. While putting on a smile.

"Even if that is the case, that girl would be able to live by herself. Look, she succeeded in building a body which can break her opponents. Let's give up on Dine-chan. Wait, who is Dine-chan anyway!? Don't give her a name! More like, which one is Dine-chan!?"

"Hey, Ise-boya! Dine-chan is in crisis! She just received a seoi-nage (Shoulder throw)."

"You know what I say, Satooji-san, forget it! If we stay like this, we would waste our times! Just move on to another place!"

"Haaa….. Okay, you're right. At this rate there will be no progress in this."

Satooji-san says it while making a sigh.

Like this we gave up on Dine-chan, and moved on to another place.

Part 6

"The Sprite Dragon?"

Satooji nods at my question.

"Yeah, the Sprite Dragon. Just like its name, it's a dragon which uses blue lightning."

We moved away from the fight scene of the Undine and we were told about the rare dragon while on the way.

Apparently, right now there is a super rare dragon which flew into the depth of this forest. Satooji-san suggested that maybe it would be good to catch that.

But, we were introduced to a very dangerous looking last-boss dragon called Tiamat before. I started shivering because of its scary name.

"Is that dragon, super strong?"

When I asked while shaking, Satooji-san smiles.

"Apparently its still a baby. If you are going to catch it, now is the time. You would definitely not be able to catch it once it matures. It won't be as strong as Dragon-Kings, but it's placed in the Top-tier classes for dragons."

A baby dragon. Aha! This is perfect for Asia's familiar!

But, I would rather prefer a girl-type familiar… Hmm, it sure makes me think hard! It certainly does! Breasts or a dragon.

While I was thinking seriously, Satooji-san made a loud sound by saying "Owa!". When I looked to see what it is about….

A scale which glows in blue…..

A dragon-looking creature which is about the size of an eagle is resting on a branch.

"Sprite Dragon! That is it!"

Satooji-san was over hyped about it.

….Oh….oooooo! T-That is a dragon!? Wow, my first time seeing a real one! It's small, but looks awesome. Its eyes are so lovely.

"Sprite Dragon. It is also my first time seeing one. What beautiful scales. It's glowing in blue just like a blue diamond."

Asia was looking as if she was deeply moved. So it's also Asia's first time seeing it. It must be very rare. Now I decided! A cute familiar would be good, but a rare dragon would be good as well! So I let Asia choose you!

-Then it happened when I had made my choice.


Asia's scream. When I turned around…..

A sticky thing was attacking Asia!

"T-This is!"

Rias's scream! Oh, there are sticky things on Rias as well!

When I looked, all the girls were being attacked by the sticky things.


The sticky gel is falling from the sky. Did it fall from the trees? This gel is moving! Living thing? Creature? Is it alive!?

"A slime."

Kiba says it. So this is a slime! I know it from a game!

Wait! It isn't poisonous is it!? I thought of a dangerous predicament like that, but in the next instant that thought disappeared.

"My c-clothes… are melting!"

Just as Asia screamed, the gel-creature started melting the girl's uniforms!

All of the girl's uniforms melted and their underwear was exposed!

Buu! I started to get a nosebleed! What a wonderful turn of events!

The attacks of the slimes aren't stopping, and it started to melt their underwear as well! Uoooooooo! A scenery which my eyes can't let go of, is happening right in front of me!


Koneko-chan hits me while hiding her private parts!


"…Please don't look."

E-Even if you say that….. Those slimes might be dangerous…. Ah, I also saw Rias, Asia, and Akeno-san as well. Save to my brain. Saved to my brain.

Kiba seems to feel bad, so he looked away. You sure are a gentleman. I will look, without holding back.

Then something which looks like a tentacle appears from the trunk of a tree and it started to wrap around the girls!


Asia screams. The tentacle wrapped around Asia's leg and started to make its way up. It went inside her ripped clothes and started to move. Asia's legs! Breasts! Butt! They are being violated!

When I looked, Rias and the other girls are also having their important parts tangled by the tentacles. B-But even if this is improper it seems like a wonderful situation! Satooji-san who was having a proper look at them says it while having a nosebleed.

"This one doesn't have a name, and it is a slime which melts clothing. And also just mere tentacles. These guys often work together to attack their prey. Even if they are called monsters, slime only targets the clothes and the tentacles target woman's secretion so they aren't harmful….."


…What?! I couldn't believe my ears. A slime which melts clothes!? A tentacle which eats woman's secretions!?

"It's not a rare slime and tentacles, and they are just a nuisance for when you want to investigate the forest. It would be the best to use fire on them to get rid of them."

"Alright, alright!" Satooji-san's explanation make me forgot how I have Ryuuteimaru!

Fufufu. Found it. I finally found it! My familiars. My only familiars!

These guys will definitely be useful when creating a harem! It's obvious that they will become useful in many erotic situations! But, I have Ryuuteimaru, so I not need them! I so sorry, Surataro and Shokushumaru, but we must destroy you both!

"You know, Ise. A familiar is very crucial for devils, okay? Think properly."


I closed my eyes and started to think.

I activated my Boosted Gear,

"Ise-san, umm… you are hugging onto me…."

Asia is putting on a red face. Please bear it, Asia. I want to protect these slimes and tentacles. There are things that I must destory!

"Sob, Surataro… Shokushumaru…. My important partners…. I will definitely protect you guys, but I have my familiar already…."

I hugged them gently along with Asia while shedding tears.

"Ara ara, looks like he gave them names already."

Akeno-san says it cheerfully. Yes, I have given them names.

"…It is my first time seeing a devil who craves for these slimes and tentacles this much….. It truly did surprise me. The World is so huge, isn't it Rias-san?"

Satooji-san says it while he actually looked very astonished.

"I'm sorry… Ise is true to his greed, so he doesn't think properly…."

Rias puts on a sad expression. It's like she is looking something pitiful at me.

Sob. Goodbye, Surataro and Shokushumaru! I launched my Dragon Shot to them, and it hit them make them dismembered.

I wasn't going to move even an inch, and I heard something flying this way. When I looked…..there was a blue-scaled baby dragon floating in the air. Sprite Dragon. When on earth did it come here?


A blue lightning starts running through the baby dragon's body. Oh uh. Don't tell me, he's going to...!


SHIT! Without any time to dodge it, strong electric voltage runs through my body!


… My whole body is paralysed… If this was a cartoon, I'm positive that my skeleton would have showed up…

"U-Umm, Ise-san…? Are you okay?"

…Asia, whom I was hugging, seems okay… What the fuck…?

"Sprite Dragon only gives electric damage to those who it acknowledges as its enemies. So it must have thought that the girl isn't its enemy."

Satooji-san who is burnt black beside me explains it to me. You also received quite a bit of damage from it! Wait, from the explanation you just gave me then, its certain that it sees me and you as its enemies! Kiba was also a bit burnt. He's putting on a smile but I can sense that he wants to kill that little dragon.

Damn it! Why the hell am I got shocked?! This world sure isn't fair!

"Looks like it eliminated the slimes and tentacles which were attacking Asia. Maybe this dragon is a male. I heard that male dragons will also take a liking to females from other races."

Rias says it while patting the baby dragon's head. The dragon sure is honest with his feelings.


Baby dragon made a sigh.

Sigh, to be honest, Surataro, Shokushumaru, I grieve for both of you.


"Little dragon, you're so cute! Ise-san, so please don't bully him, okay?"

Asia says it as if she is lecturing me while hugging the baby dragon.

…Sob. If Asia who is like a little sister to me says that, then I won't be able to do anything…..

I was glaring at the dragon, but it seemed like it was getting attached to Asia and was being spoiled by her.

"I hear that Sprite Dragons open up to those with pure hearts. It seems like it really is attached to that girl."

Satooji-san explains. So that means it completely attached itself to Asia. Well, Asia does have a pure heart. She is a good girl after all.

"U-umm, can I make this dragon my familiar?"

Asia asks.

"I guess that will depend on Ise. How about it, Ise?"

Rias asks me. Everyone looks at me. Uu, it seems like I'm the villain here. No, I am the villain. I did go crazy because of my sexual desires. It's not the dragon's fault. Instead it helped Asia who was being attacked by the slimes and tentacles… But I must thanks the little dragon for protecting Asia.

"Yeah, I will let Asia decide."

Part 7

"…..In the name of A-Asia Argento, I order you! Y-You shall become my familiar and respond to my contract!"

We returned to the entrance of the forest. Asia opened a green magic-circle in front of us. The Sprite Dragon is located in the middle of the magic-circle, and the contract ceremony between Asia and the familiar is about to take place.

Of course, since Asia is a beginner, Akeno-san is supporting her. But it seems like the ceremony is progressing very well. Akeno-san also seems relieved. Asia is very talented at being a devil, just like me.

"Normally the Sprite Dragon is a dragon who won't pledge to a devil, but it seems that girl has a very pure heart. Something like this has never happened before, but it seems like the contract ceremony will finish safely."

Satooji-san says that.

Hmm, so Asia has succeeded in catching a rare dragon in a rare way huh. She is amazing after all.

The light from the magic circle starts to gradually lose its light. Because the contract has finished, the baby dragon flew to Asia and started to play with her.

"Ufufu. You are tickling me. Rasse-kun."


When I became curious about what seems like the baby dragon's name, Asia answers me.

"Yes. He is a dragon which uses "Raigeki (Lightning)" and I also used Ise-san's name as well. Even though he uses lightning, I want him to be lively like Ise-san. …Would it trouble you?"

"No, that's alright…. Well, who cares. Let's get along Rasse—"

When I tried to approach it, its body started to glow in blue….


"Agaaaaaaaaaaah, Gggggggggga!"

…Gough… U-Umm, Rasse-kun I wonder why I just received an electric shock…

"I forgot to mention, but male dragons hate males from other races."

Satooji-san who was also burnt black gives me additional information. Behind him, Kiba also was turned black while putting on a refreshing smile.

So if its guys, they are all the same to you Rasse-san?

"Rasse is a naughty one."

He's too naughty, Buchou….

"Ufufu. The part where he hates men, he sure is similar to Ise-kun."

Well, since Asia has caught her familiar, this might be a 'Good End' for Asia, but for Gasper not.

"Partner!" Ddraig calls me. What's wrong, Ddraig?

"Tiamat! She'll coming here!" Oh shit! What the hell?! Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon, will coming here?!

"Guys! Tiamat-san will come here!" I warned my peerage and Satooji-san about Tiamat-san's appearance!

"Ddraig! Where are you?! I knew you come here! Get your ass here and apology to me!" Damn it! Ddraig, this time, there's no way we're get out of here. Be a dragon and accept the punishment!

"Alright, alright! I have to apologize to Tiamat! Happy?!" I satisfied after hearing Ddraig's answer.

"Umm… Hi there Tiamat…" Ddraig spoked.

"!?" Tiama-san's eyes widened in the shadow. She then saw my left hand was shining in green colour.

"Ddraig!? Is that you!?" Tiamat-san's voice was filled with angers.

"Y- Yea… How have you been?" The moment Ddraig said that, I was whipped out of the cave by something big and long. I could tell that it was Tiamat-san's tail.

He regained his footing as he was sent out of the cave and stood in a battle stance.

Tiamat then walked out of her cave with all four of her legs. Her giant bat-like wings were retracted. Her body were light blue in colour, from head to tail. While her eyes were pale gold colour.

"You dare show yourself at here!? After this so long!?" Tiamat shouted angrily at Issei as he is the current Red Dragon Emperor.

"W-W-Wait Tiamat! I'm here to apologize! Though… I don't really remember what I did…!" Ddraig mumbled at the last part, but Tiamat-san heard it.

Veins popped out of her head and she started to roar at me.

"Don't you dare come apologize to me after it's been so long! And! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY YOU SHOULD APOLOGIZE!? DRAIGGGGG!"

Oh great! She's super pissed off…!

I started to release my power as Tiamat's power spiked up suddenly.

"Lightning Fire Dragon Emperor Mode…" I mumbled.

Flames and lightning started to burst out from my body.

"You sure got guts, I'll give you that brat!" Tiamat crouch down, getting ready to pounce any time.

"Be careful partner, she's the strongest among the Five Great Dragon King." Ddraig warned me, and the latter nodded after hearing that.

The ground around Tiamat started to crack as her light blue aura is getting thicker by minute.

I didn't waste his time. I dash forward and he thrust his right fist forward with both lightning and fire coating it as I got close to Tiamat-san.

"Lightning Fire Dragon Emperor's Iron Fist!"


The impact of my lighting fire coated fist sent Tiamat-san to skid a few metre backwards. The smoke rose from Tiamat-san's face. There's a bruise on her face.

"That hurts…" Tiamat-san said it in a low yet dangerous tone.

'Crap… I think I pissed her off even further…' sweat dropped on my head.


'You called yourself a girl even though you're a dragon?' I tilted my head a bit.

"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR~!" Tiamat-san went on rampage and pounced at me. The ground under Tiamat-san was destroyed when she pounce.

!? Crap! She's fast! I lifted my hands up to form a X-defence as I saw Tiamat-san was lifting her front right leg…or hand? Her huge hand made a direct impact on me, and she swatted me like a fly. Causing I to fly through the Familiar Forest. A rumble was then heard, if you have enhanced hearing that is.

"It's not over yet, BOY! We're Just Starting!" Tiamat-san spread out her wings and with a single thrust, strong gust was created, causing some tree to fall, rocks and boulders created from the destroyed ground were blew away easily. With that single thrust, she's high up in the air flying towards the position where she previously sent me to.

(Meanwhile for Hyoudou's perrage plus Satooji)

"… …" Everyone that was hiding in the bush were speechless.

"The Chaos Karma Dragon has gone on rampage!" Satooji-san shouted while he's looking at the ground where both Tiamat and I previously stood is now destroyed.

"We have to go to the place where Issei is!" Rias shouted and spread out her wings.

"I want to go to… but I can't fly…" Asia had a teary eyes.

"Yuuto, can you carry her?" Rias asked and Kiba just nodded.

"I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable for you Asia." Kiba carried Asia in bridal style.

Everyone then flew towards my postion.

"Hey! Wait for me too!" Satooji shouted and hurried.

(In a Destroyed Section of Familiar Forest)

"Ahhhh…" I got up and dusted myself.

"That really hurts…"

I cracked my neck and did a little stretch. MY shirts were torn apart. I patted away the dust that was on my pants. I then felt the blood falling down to my cheek from my forehead.

"Pto." I spit out the blood in my mouth, and rub off the remaining blood on my mouth.

I looked up to see Tiamat-san closing in fast.

My appearance started to change a bit. My eye's started to turn from brown to ruby red. My canine got a bit longer and sharper. I then grinned. I then summoned Boosted Gear.

"Dragon Booster!"

"Let's try this again…"


I release my power again. But this time, instead of building up the magical power in my body, I releasing it.


I release my magic even more ignoring that Tiamat is getting really close. The fire and lightning started to gather back, coating my body. The heat of the fire was so intense that the ground stated to dry up. Any trees that was close to me, had their leaves turned brown.

"What are you up to Brat!?" Tiamat-san shouted feeling that the boy is somewhat different than before.

"Lightning Fire Dragon Emperor's Dart Impact!" I shouted and shoot himself towards Tiamat-san in a high speed.


Tiamat who is diving down under great speed has no time to evade me.

"!?" "GuHaa…!" Tiamat coughed in pain as I head-butted her in the stomach. She was slow downed by the impact.

"Follow by…" I used my instant speed to reposition myself. I'm currently above Tiamat-san. I'm currently holding my hand above his head. Great amount fire and lightning magic were charging on my hands. "Lightning Fire Dragon Emperor's War Hammer!" I brought down my hands and strike Tiamat.


The earth shook as Tiamat-san fell to the ground.

Did that do it?

I still floating on the air looked at Tiamat-san.


"Damn you… Ddraig…" Tiamat spoke weakly and she gradually rise up. She then thrust her wings and flew up high to the sky. She then released an insane amount of power. She then look down to see me remained floating on the air.

"I shall show you the Power of Chaos Karma Dragon!'' Tiamat roared again and took in a deep breath, her chest started to expand.

"Partner! She's gonna use her Breathe Attack!" Ddraig shouted.

"!" I widened my eyes as I felt the power of Tiamat-san.

Does she plan to destroy this whole area!?

[Boost!] I looked at my Boosted Gear. I gritted my teeths.

"Ddraig! We're doing use 25% powers! Now Fusion attack!" I shouted. I can only hope that 4 Boost and 25% of Ddraig's power is enough to stop that attack…

"Synchro!" "Synchro!" Both I and Ddraig shouted at the same time.

An enormous amount of red aura started to emit from my body. My appearance changed again. This time, my hair lifts up slightly, turned from brown to red in colour. My irises changed from ruby red to golden yellow and his pupils became sharper, like the eyes of a dragon.

I clenched my dragon-like gauntlet and shouted. "Ddraig! Release it!"


The orange jewel on the Boosted Gear glows and as additional surge of power were added onto me.

The surrounding air was trembling as my power keeps on rising, almost on par with Tiamat-san.

"Take this, Host of Ddraig! Chaos Dragon's Roaaaaaaar!" Tiamat-san shouted as she shot out her breathe attack. Her breathe was a light blue blast.

I inhaled deeply like Tiamat-san did.

"Welsh Dragon's…"

My chest expanded...

"Firestorm Roaaaaaaaaar!"

And a huge red lightning flame energy was blasted out from my mouth.


A huge explosions occur as the both red and light blue energy blast.

The force of the explosion was so intense that it send me crash landing towards the ground.

"Ouch…" I spoke weakly, I'm no longer wearing his shirt. He's currently in a large crater which was formed from the explosion.

"I'm stuck…" I could barely move his body because I just used up quarter my demonic/dragonic energy in stopping that attack. I tried to get myself out of the rubble again. I also realised that I was injured and bleeding.

Perhaps I've broke a couple of ribs? "Cough, cough!"

"You really are strong, Ddraig's host. It's been a long time since someone put up a good fight against me."


I widened my eyes as he heard Tiamat-san's calm voice… and did she just praised me. I look around by turning only both my neck and eyes, trying to find where Tiamat-san is.

My visions were then blocked… b-b- by a pair of large breast…

I started to blush as I saw Tiamat's current form. She was no longer in her dragon form. The current her is a late twenty young woman with a buxom figure. She has a long light blue hair reaching all the way down to her thighs and has pale gold. But the only problem is that… s-s- she is not wearing any clothes!

"U- Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!" I screamed and shut my eyes tightly.

Tiamat smirked as she witnessed my reaction.

"What's wrong boy, never seen a naked woman before?" Tiamat-san grinned as she tease me.

"N-N-No, I see you naked. S-So please put some clothes on!" I begged.

"If you want me to put some clothes on, you will have to give up asking me to be your familiar." Tiamat-san spoke in a serious tone.

"B- But…" I tried to argue, but he can't force someone to become his familiar just because he wants them. Besides, he can't shut his eyes forever.

I sighed and made up my mind. I spoke sadly.

"Alright… Fine, do whatever you want."

I was feeling sad as I was unable to get Tiamat as my familiar. Still stuck in the rubble, I closed my eyes. Waiting for my peerage and me friends to arrive.


I widened my eyes as I felt that someone just kissed me in the forehead. I looked only to find that Tiamat-san was covering herself with a tattered cloak. She then dragged me out of those rubble and sat on a seiza position, placing my head on her lap.

I look at Tiamat-san and raise my eyebrow.

"Why are you still here? You're free to go already."

Tiamat had a pink blush on her cheeks. But her pride took over.

"Hmph. I'm a Dragon King. I can do whatever I want." She then looked away hiding her blushes.






Both I and Tiamat looked up to see Rias, Akeno-san, Kiba holding Asia in bridal style, Koneko-chan, Gasper and Satooji-san decending into the crater.

""""""!?"""""" Everyone was surprised as they saw me having lap pillow from an unknown woman.

"Ise-san! I will heal you right away!" Asia rushed towards me and started to heal me with her sacred gear, Twilight Healing.

Rias walked towards them cautiously and asked me.

"Ise, who is she?"

"Oh, you mean her?" My eyes pointing at Tiamat-san as I still can't move my body.

"OH! She's Tiamat-san."

""""""!?"""""" Everyone was surprised once again learning the fact that Tiamat-san just transformed into a girl.

Tiamat-san closed her eyes and thought about something for a moment. She then said something which send everyone to another shock.

"Boy, I will be your familiar."

I'm struggling in the grips of the creature that was talking and acting like a nymphomaniac schoolgirl, screamed out, "Bad girl, down, down!"

Unfortunately, Tiamat-san was either too far gone to hear him, or got off on that sort of stuff, as she wasn't about to stop. Seeing her lips drop closer to my face, I knew I had to act.

Well, if she won't listen to orders and confidence, maybe a pestilence will work. Summing up my best nasal voice I spoke up "Um, actually, can we please do it at a later time? Also, what the fuck just happened?"

Needless to say, my voice killed the mood in about ten milliseconds flat, causing Tiamat-san to ease up on me a tiny bit.

"When? I haven't had sex in millennia, millennia! From the energy I sensed within you from that kiss, there is plenty of it to go around, and high quality energy at that. I have been inactive longer than most beings have been alive, and I will not be denied this! Do you know what all that training to expand your energy reserves has done to you, Issei? It's turned your energy reserves into the equivalent of sexual chocolate for dragons, and I want my share!"

I decided to derail the conversation further, somewhat, in my regular voice, "Could you please wait a few more weeks? The timeline works best that way."

Tiamat-san pouted, "Fine. But can we please do it soon? That kiss really was something."

"Sure, but we kind of need a way to summon you, so would you be willing to become my familiar in exchange for fights, glory, and a powerful mate?"

Tiamat-san leaned back for a second and nodded,

"I accept your terms. You do know the familiar contract, correct?"

"I learned it from a friend."

"Good, let us begin."

Two magic circles formed on the ground, one under me, the other under Tiamat.

"I, Ise Hyoudou, the wielder of [Boosted Gear], host of the Heavenly Dragon, Ddraig and my first familiar, Ryuuteimaru, ask that you heed my call and join me as my familiar."

"I, the Chaos Karma Dragon Tiamat, see you Ise Hyoudou as a being of great strength, willpower, and virility. I accept your offer and agree to join you until the day you die."

"May our fates and magic be bound together by the bonds of familiarity."

With a flash of magic, the circles on the ground disappeared, and a smaller emblem in the shape of a dragon's head formed on Tiamat-san's exposed shoulder, before quickly fading away.

Tiamat-san leaned in and whispered to me, "Please take good care of me."

My eyes widened.

"R-R- Really!?"

Tiamat nodded.

"WoHoooooooooooooooooo~!" I cheered.

After having Asia treated all my injuries, I stood up weakly and I had Tiamat supported me.

"In the name of Hyoudou Ise! I order you! You shall become my familiar and respond to my contract!"

A red magic circle was formed and Tiamat was standing in the middle of the magic circle. The magic circle then loses its light, meaning that the contract has been formed.

"You really are strong, young one. To have Tiamat as your familiar!" Satooji praised me and place his hand on my shoulder.

"By the way, Tiamat-san… why do you hate Ddraig so much anyway?" I asked as he just remembered. He was curious about their history.

Tiamat-san blushed heavily when I asked her that question.

"… …"

She remain silent while showing a puzzled expressions as she does not whether she should answer it or not.

"I- It's okay if you don't want to answer it. I'm sorry that I might have pushed my luck a bit too far." I apologized telling Tiamat-san to stop forcing herself.

Tiamat sighed and spoke while feeling very embarrassed.

"Ddraig… *mumble* …promised to me… *mumble* …we will… *mumble* …eggs…"

Even though Tiamat mumbled at mostly but I caught all the important words.


I mentally glare at my Dragon.

"Ddraig, explain this, now!"

I'm angry at my Dragon for not fulfilling his promise to Tiamat-san.

"Wait… So you're hated me just because I couldn't fulfil my promise!?" Ddraig countered.

"What do you mean "just because"!? Do you know how long I've waited for you!?" Tiamat-san shouted at Ddraig.

"B-But what can I do!? I've lost my body since a long time ago!? Blame that idiot White One, Albion, always fight me. Then the God in the Bible interfered my fight with Albion, as result, he sealed me and Albion into Sacred Gear!"

I decided to cut in. "You do realise that you two are like a couple having a right now?"

Tiamat looked and blush heavily as she just noticed that others were staring at her while she's arguing with Ddraig.

"Anyway… Ddraig, you should apologise to her. If you wanna be a gentle dragon, then just admit that you're wrong." I said that to my Dragon.

"B-B- But... Fine… I'm sorry for making you waited this long Tiamat…" Ddraig apologised weakly.

"Hmph. Like I care if you apologise anymore. Besides, I'm more interested in your host than you. Ise was it? I shall call you Ise-sama~." Tiamat-san said that and smiled happily as she walk towards me and gave me a hug.

As much shock as I ever was, I didn't stop Tiamat for hugging me. She's a Dragon King for goodness sake. And she released me and dissappeared.

"Alright, now I have 2 familiars. Gasper, it's your turn." I saw Gasper confused want to select Familiar type. I wonder what Gasper's familiar.

Issei's ablities:

Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker: Overboost mode - This mode uses only temporary.


I wasn't sure if I should do one or not but what hell did it. I'm making Issei much more possessive with Rias to the point he will loose himself. He will probably….well I will leave it to your imaginations ;)

And here is the final list of the Five Supernova Devils.

Issei Hyoudou-Irregular Growth

Rias Gremory-Power Of Destruction

Sairaorge Bael-Immense Physical Feat

Sona Sitri-Water/Ice Magic

Seekvaira Agares-Gravity Magic

Well that's all folks remember. Review. Fav. And Follow.

Authors Note: Hello, It's me again. I'm decided.

Ise's harem: Rias, Asia, Akeno, Koneko, Xenovia, Irina, Rossweise, Ravel, Sona, Tsubaki, Serafall, Tiamat.

Kiba's pair is Tosca.

You like or hate?