Author's note: What's up guys! A long wait ... but you will understand the need for this ... now let's go to the story!

Christmas adventure, a gift to bestow.

Chapter 4.

It's been a few months since the Christmas party, time has passed ... the snow has melted, and Bahia Aventura is receiving with excitement the new season that comes in ... the weather is nice ... and everything seems to develop quite normally ...

Marshall: "Be careful! Dalmatian out of control! "

Yes ... definitely ... normal. A Dalmatian glides down the main road on a yellow skateboard, and behind him come two more pups ... another Dalmatian ...

Cat: "Marshall! You're not going to beat us! "

Although normally he is more serious and doesn't show like this ... he is following him on a red skateboard, this time he decided to have fun with Marshall ... And with the youngest puppy that is following ... "

Willy: "Yuhhu! What a fun! High speed!"

Little Willy follows, one of the six puppies brothers that the last Christmas Rocky and Kaiser rescued, and to which Káiser, Starlock, Silver, Melody and Cat gave to them their first and better Christmas, Willy, the puppy is a small one with long fur, black and white, mostly black but with a white circle around his left eye and very black eyes, smiling, happy ...

Willy: Wow! Look out Marshall! "

And apparently ... with the same happy character of Marshall ... and his very tendency to ... have accidents ... The two collided head-on, in front of the Bahia Aventura sports park ...

Willy: "Hahaha! That was great! Let's do it again! "

Cat: (Grinning) "Even though that was so unexpected ... and it could be fun, I think it was extremely ..."

Marshall: (Smiling) "Cat ... don't worry ... that was after all a lot of fun ..."

Willy: "What do we do now?! Can we climb the slide? Can we jump to the up and down? Can we climb the slide and jump on the up and down? "

Marshall: "Wow! Easy Willy! We can always play whatever it is! We have all the day! "

Cat: "Yeah ... maybe we should do something more interesting ..."

Marshall: (Smiling) "Come on, officer ... you're not always on duty ... I know how to help you have fun ..."

Cat: "Marshall ... you will not think ..."

Marshall: "Arf! Water cannon! "

And once again, Marshall starts the fun at his ... particular way! He sprays Cat and Willy with his water cannon, taking them by surprise ...

Cat: (Smiling) "Marshall ... you're a dead pup!"

In that moment Willy jumps by surprise on Cat, and removes his necklace, which surprises much the pup agent, that is not very easy for anyone to do...

Willy: (winking) "Catch me if you can!"

Cat: (Smiling with closed eyes). "Smart Puppy! You will see!"

Cat begins to chase after Marshall and Willy through the park, between the games ... Curious, it's not very common to see Cat having fun that way...

Meanwhile, down on the beach, Alex, Julius and Justina are playing on the beach with a Frisbee ... And they have a lot of fun!

Julius: "Ready guys? There it goes! We'll see who gets him! "

Julius throws the Frisbee and it flies very high, while his friends run for him ... And the one who catches him this time is Alex.

Alex: "Yes! I have it! I'm the best catching the Frisbee! "

Justina: "That was a great launch Julius! Do you think you can improve it Alex? "

Alex: "Of course ... Now you'll see the special Porter launch!"

Alex threw the Frisbee hard, and it flew to his friends, but it was so high that they couldn't catch it ... and it flew over their heads ...

Julius: "Okay ... I can't deny it ... that was a sublime release...

Justina: "However ... it flew directly behind the rocks on the other side of the bridge ..."

Alex: "No problem ... I'll go for it!"

Julius: "Don't worry Alex ... we'll go with you ..."

It's very curious as the friends who enjoy themselves so pleasantly ... the three run behind the Bay's Bridge, and see the Frisbee stuck in some rocks ...

Alex: "There it is! Let's get it out! "

Julius: "Wait Alex ... it doesn't look very ..."

Alex: "AAAAH!"

Just what we needed! Now Alex slipped and fell among the rocks taking the Frisbee, fortunately he didn't fall too deep. "

Justina: "Alex! Are you ok?"

Alex: "I'm fine! But I think I cannot get out of here so easily ... "

Julius: "And now how do we get you out?"

Justina: "Well ... I think I know who to call ..."

Meanwhile, in the lookout, the day also runs normally ...

Meanwhile, up in the sports park, three pups are still having fun at the moment, one of them is looking for the other two who have hidden ...

Cat: "I don't know how they convinced me for this ... but they cannot be hiding forever ..."

Cat creeps up to the slide, and jumps ...

Cat: "Found you!"

But there was no one there, at least ... under it, where he searched ...

Cat: "It's weird ... I thought there would be either of them..."

However, when he starts walking ... someone accidentally falls down the slide ...

Marshall: "Wow! There I go! "

Cat turns to see surprised, only to receive him on top of him ...

Marshall: "Jejejejeje! I am sorry!"

Behind him Willy also falls on Marshall, smiling very happy ...

Willy: "Yes! That was fun! What's next? "

But they are interrupted suddenly by the sound of some engines, when they turn to see, they know something is not right ...

Marshall: "That's Ryder, and he goes with Kaiser and with Rubble ...

Cat: "They are heading to the beach, apparently under the bridge ... something happened ..."

Marshall: "Maybe we should see if we can help them ..."

Willy: "Help them?"

Cat: "Yes small ..."

Marshall: (Winking his eye) "After all ... it's always good to lend a paw!"

Willy looks thoughtful ... what Cat and Marshall told him seems more important than he could have come to think. When the three arrive down there, they find a ... small problem ...

Cat: "Ryder ... What happened?"

Marshall: "Can we help you?"

Ryder: "Guys ... we are in a little problem ... Alex, Julius and Justina were playing with a Frisbee, this one fell between the rocks and Alex tried to get it out ... but ..."

Julius: "He is trapped among the rocks."

Justina: "He slipped and now he can't go up."

Cat: "But why haven't you take it out ... Shouldn't you do it at once?"

Ryder: "That would be the idea, but Alex is between those rocks too heavy to move."

Marshall: "And why don't you just move the little ones?"

Rubble: "That's what we're trying, but if I move those rocks with my shovel, Alex might be in problem if one of them fall over him... And I cannot use my drill either for the same reason ..."

Cat watches the opening between the rocks, and a new doubt assails him ...

Cat: "Ryder ... and why doesn't someone come down with a rope for Alex around here?"

Ryder: I thought so too ... that's why Kaiser came ... he's the one who has the equipment for such a rescue. However ... as the space is very small ... Kaiser is something big to enter ...

Marshall: "How about one of us? The Dalmatians are a little smaller than the Belgian Shepherds. "

Willy is surprised by Marshall's offer of help ... it reminds him when he was rescued him along with his brothers from the recycling center, or when they gave them gifts the last Christmas ... both are facts that were done from the heart and without thinking ...

Ryder: "I'm afraid even though both of them would be very big ... I know the three of them can do it, but they could scratch some rock and end injured ... or make something else fall ... it's space is still somewhat reduced ..."

Willy: "What about me? I'm smaller ... I could enter with the Kaiser's rope without pinking the rocks ... in a straight line ... and when I'm with Alex ... he could hug me to get us out together without risk ... "

Ryder: "I don't know ..."

Willy: "Please, Ryder! I know I can do it! And I want to help others! Lend a paw! "

Marshall: "I think is a good idea Ryder! And for any emergency, I can be prepared with my EMT team "

Ryder: "Then ... we will! It's time for Paw Patrol to be on a roll! "

Marshall quickly returns to the lookout and returns with his EMT team, while CAT is ready with his Zip Line in case they need to act fast, Rubble uses his shovel to keep the rocks fixed, and Willy ...

Willy: "Ryder, I'm already good with the rope of Kaiser, I can get off ..."

Ryder: "Okay ... Kaiser ... start lowering Willy very carefully ... and Willy, when you're down, tell Alex to hold on to you very hard, to get you both out."

Willy: "Understood!"

Willy begins to descend, smiling every moment, he looked very determined ... he is like Marshall, he won't never leave anyone at risk, then finally comes to Alex's side, and asks him to hug him tightly, Alex nods and now they start to climb ... Alex doesn't move a muscle, and Willy ... looks very sure ... as if he had made rescues hundreds of times ... we know that it's not true, but it appears that in the moment. At last they finished climbing ... and they are safe with everyone ...

Alex: "Yes! Thanks Ryder! That was super cool! "

Ryder: "Don't worry Alex ... after all you know ... when you need a paw ... just yelp for help!"

Willy: (Waving his tail) "Now ... can we play again?"

Julius: "Why don't you play with us and our Frisbee!"

Willy: "Yes! Come on! I'll catch him first! "

The kids run away with Cat, Marshall and Willy, ready to launch the Frisbee, while Ryder, Rubble and I are picking up our equipment ... it's funny, Willy has a big heart, and a huge hidden potential ... I insist, he seems much like Marshall ... I always say that serving and protecting is my duty ... but now I think it is more correct to say that it is "Our duty". When we took them and his brothers from the recycling center ... I felt it was our duty to help them ...

Willy: (Smiling) "Yes! I caught it!"

And I'm so proud of it!

Author's Notes: What do you think? An end? More likely the beginning of something else! And I have to give a special thanks to my friend , (formerly Cubanguy) for encouraging me to continue this story ... And for helping me with the English version of it!

And ... Keep in touch!