I don't own Harry Potter, World of Warcraft, or anything else that appears in this story.


Voldemort glances down the darkened streets as the various townspeople walk about dressed in costumes of huge variety. He looks down when one child, a boy in a pirate costume, runs into him. He sneers distastefully when the boy yells in fright when he sees the Dark Lord's face. No point killing it. He continues walking down the streets until he reaches the near edge of the town. The Dark Lord had to restrain himself from cackling with glee when he sees a small cottage being ignored by the few muggles in the street. He strides down the sidewalk and into the front porch. Pointing his wand at the door, he blasts it apart and steps inside.

"Lily, take Harry and run! It's him! I'll hold him off!"

Voldemort finally cackles as he sees a black haired man run into the hallway. "Fool! You would stop me without a wand! Avada Kedavra!" A burst of bright green light flies from the end of his wand and towards the fool who was in his way. Potter falls to the floor as if he were a puppet with its strings cut. Voldemort looks up to the stairs when a cry of despair escapes from Lily Potter's lips. The Dark Lord merely smirks as he walks up the stairs and to the cornered mother. "There is no need for you to die. Stand aside!"

Lily Potter née Evans glares defiantly at Voldemort as her son cries in his crib. "No! Please not Harry!" She cries desperately, arms spread in a futile attempt at shielding her only child.

Voldemort only scowls at the woman. "Move aside woman! This is your last opportunity!"

Lily continues to shield her son as she begs for leniency. "Please! Kill me instead! Not Harry please!" Tears fall down her cheeks as she refuses to move.

Voldemort roars with rage at her resistance. "Avada Kedavra!" With another burst of green light, Lily Potter falls to the ground, her sadness still etched onto her face in death.

Voldemort spares only a single glance at the dead woman before stepping forward to the crib. He looks into it to see his supposed equal, according to the prophecy. Red eyes stare down into green as the toddler tries to understand what was happening. Without a word, the Dark Lord points his wand at the toddler. "Avada-"

"I think I've seen enough."

Voldemort swiftly turns around, wand still raised to confront this new obstacle. What he sees was surprising. Standing before him was a man with blonde haired tied in a high ponytail and dressed in perplexing leather clothing. However, that wasn't what caught his attention. The… man had strange, glowing tattoos on his torso and arms that gave off an eerie green light similar to that given off by the Killing Curse. That glow was also shared by the man's eyes, which were covered by a strip of cloth that was wrapped around them. He also had a pair of horns that protruded outwards only to end with the tips pointed up. Voldemort narrows his eyes in suspicion. "Who are you?"

The man scoffs as he crosses his arms in front of his chest. "Who I am is no concern of yours, human. Back away from the child or you will regret it."

Voldemort roars with rage at the man before exclaiming, "I will not be stopped, creature!" He turns around rapidly and manages to yell out the dreaded Killing Curse once more. "Avada Kedavra!"

To both men's surprise, the curse hits the toddler before rebounding back towards Voldemort just as the unknown man throws a warglaive to behead the Dark Lord. The man stares as the murderer erupts into dark mist and shadow, leaving behind his robes as he "died". The danger now passed, he walks up to the crib and looks down at the wailing toddler. "How interesting. My lord will want to meet you, little one." He grabs some blankets and wraps the boy up, leaving his face clear as his cries lessen as the toddler studies this new person holding him. With a raised hand, the man opens a portal and steps through just as a loud engine, that of a motorcycle, could be heard in the distance and rapidly closing in.


Illidan Stormrage, known as The Betrayer by his people, hums in thought as he looks over reports from his Illidari. He and his forces were currently stagnant for now, training to increase their strength until he could properly enact his plans. He looks up to see one of his lieutenants, Kayn Sunfury, walk in. "Yes?"

Kayn bows. "Apologies Lord Illidan, but the demon hunter Kreleidron has returned earlier than we expected. He has brought information about the world we discovered the year prior."

Illidan nods slowly. "I see. The world plainly called Earth correct?" At his lieutenant's own nod, the Betrayer flicks a finger in dismissal. "Very well. Let him in so he may give his report."

"Yes, Lord Illidan."

Moments later, Kreleidron of the blood Elves was kneeling before Illidan with the babe in his arms and making his report. "... and once my mission was complete, I was going to return immediately, when I noticed a man suddenly appear with a soft crack of distorted space. I followed him to a small house where he murdered this one's parents. From what I learned during my mission, I have good reason to believe he was the local Dark Lord terrorizing the country I was in. Lord Voldemort is what he went by I believe."

Illidan steps off his throne-like chair and gently takes the baby into his arms. "What is his name?"

Kreleidron lowers his head. "The mother called him Harry when she begged for her son's life."

"I see." Illidan looks down as the sleeping boy grabs ahold of one of his clawed fingers. "From this day forward his name will be Hadrian. Watch over him and once he has grown, begin teaching him the ways of the warlocks. Kayn will take over at the age of twelve. I'm sure raising him with the fel so close at hand will help him withstand the transformation into a demon hunter."

"As you command my lord."


Albus Dumbledore lets out a deep sigh as he rubs the bridge of his nose. Just where could you be my boy. His thought was one he has had for nearly eleven years. He and his Order of the Phoenix did their best to locate the missing son of James and Lily Potter, with help from the Ministry of Magic of course. Their years of searching were for naught though. When Sirius Black arrived on the scene, having planned on celebrating Halloween with the Potters, he had raged and cursed Peter Pettigrew until Hagrid, McGonagall, and himself arrived to calm him down from running off for vengeance. Last he had heard, Black was in India and headed eastward as he looked everywhere for his missing godson. What caused Albus's latest bout of sadness was the letter in his hand. With the use of old magic, the addresses of prospective students would automatically be filled on the letter of admission. He had hoped the magic would help in finding Harry, but sadly all that was written on his letter was his name; the spot for his address blank. The headmaster of Hogwarts lets out another sigh before looking up at the sound of a knock on his door. "Come in, Remus."

Remus Lupin opens the door and shuffled towards the seat in front of Dumbledore's desk. He glances at the letter in the headmaster's hand and croaks out. "Is that his?" There was no doubt on who he meant.

Albus nods wearily as he studies the werewolf. He had been hit just as hard by the deaths of the Potters and the disappearance of Harry. Albus has feared that the man would fall into an irreversible depression, but proved him wrong when he instead traveled in search of the son of James and Lily, occasionally working with his only other friend Sirius Black. "It is. How is your pack?" That was another thing. Whilst searching through Italy, Remus had taken in twins and their mother who had been turned by a local werewolf. "Sofia is the mother's name correct? The girls would be the same age as Harry. Will they be attending Hogwarts?"

Lupin coughs with embarrassment. "She and her daughters are fine. Maria and Emma will be coming of course. After all the stories I've told them and your assurances in their letters, they are giddy with anticipation." They were indeed. Nearly a decade had come and gone since the four had been together and he truly began to see the girls as daughters, something Sofia had noticed and been more than eager to accept. He sighs before returning his thoughts on bigger problems. "I had hoped Harry would be found by now." He says forlornly.

Albus nods his head with his own sad smile. "We will find him eventually Remus. Hopefully sooner rather than later."

"I know, I know." Replies Remus. "I feel like a failure for not having found him yet though." He shakes his head as he combs his hair with a hand. "Any new leads?"

"Aside of a disturbance in Godric's Hollow two years ago? None I'm afraid. The same foul energy found the day of Harry's disappearance was present once more for only a short time." They had only noticed the disturbance after what they concluded was a week after it had occurred.

Two simultaneous sighs left them as they talk of other things.


"You've done well, my student. While I trust Lord Illidan completely, I must admit I had my doubts about you. When you survived the ritual and your numerous accomplishments since, I realized what our lord saw in you as a babe." Kayn smirks at a kneeled demon hunter as he glances at the report in his hand.

"Your words are kind and well received Sunfury. I hope to make my fellow members of the Illidari proud. Everything I do is to accomplish our ultimate goal of ending the Legion." A young human boy raises his head to reveal his eyes blindfolded by an ornate cloth, emerald light faintly noticeable behind it. "What shall my next mission be?"

Kayn hums in thought before taking another report laying on his desk. He looks it over, nods once, and hands it to Hadrian Potter. "This one will be of little trouble for you. There are reports of the Azerothian sect of the Dragonmaw clan increasing the numbers of red dragons for their use. Your mission is to infiltrate Grim Batol and disrupt if not outright annihilate the orcs. Freeing the Dragon Queen Alexstrasza and her brood will be of help, not adding to the fact that freeing the Life-Binder would have them in our debt."

"Understood." Hadrian stands from his kneeling position and moves to leave.

Three days later found Hadrian in the shadows of foliage as he studies the entrance to Grim Batol. To ensure the complete destruction of the orcish clan, he had opened portals for demons to come through and assist him. When one felguard nears and salutes, Hadrian asks. "Are all possible escape routes covered?"


"Actívate the explosives." The ground shook from the force of the explosions as various clouds of dust and smoke filled the sky. Hadrian smiles viciously as he takes his warglaives into his hands from his back. "Follow me! Leave no orc survivors!" He leads his forces through the main entrance of the ruins, cutting down the two stunned guards as he passes by.


Nekros Skullcrusher lets out a roar of anger as he brings his axe down onto the head of a voidwalker. One moment he had been in his home enjoying his evening meal when an orc warrior barged inside yelling about a Legion attack. He wasted no time in grabbing his weapon and leading a counter attack. "Kill these demons! Find out who leads them!" Worst possible case would have the leader be a nathrezim of incredible power. He growls as he notices a batch of imps on a high ledge raining down fireballs onto his people. Raising his axe to point them out, Nekros exclaims. "Archers! Take out those wretched imps!"

He didn't see how his archers fared due to having to jump to one side to avoid having his head separated from his body as a warglaive flies by. Nekros raises his axe warily as he spots his new opponent. A young human boy would normally be considered as weak trash by the orc, if this one wasn't clearly a demon hunter which meant he was most certainly not with the Burning Legion. "Who are you whelp? Where is your leader? Is he so weak he would send you to fight me in his place?" He demands in his harsh voice.

The boy merely snorts as he spreads his wings in a small show of intimidation. "I lead these demons, orc. Today marks the end of the Dragonmaw clan and the torture you have put the Dragon Queen through."

Nekros stares at the boy before erupting into loud laughter. "As if a whelp such as you could ever hope to defeat me! I am Nekros Skullcrusher, chieftain of the Dragonmaw clan. I will enjoy killing you, demon hunter." With a loud warcry, the orc dashed forward with surprising speed. He leaps into the air with his axe held high, fully intending to split this child in two. He wasn't expecting for the boy to quickly respond with a barrage of fel fire as he jumped back to gain distance. Nekros manages to land and roll aside before the fire could reach him. He growls when he's forced to evade a blast of fel energy and raise his axe to block another warglaive when the small demon hunter dashes forward to pierce his chest. He grunts as he pushes the boy away. "You are a good fighter. I'll give you that."

The human demon hunter merely grins. "Too bad this fight is already over." With a flick of his hand, a wooden stick Nekros belatedly realized was a wand appears in the boy's hand as he says. "Accio!"

Nekros roars with pain as cold metal pierced his back and through his chest. Looking over his shoulder, he could see the warglaive that was tossed to decapitate him had been summoned to the human while Nekros had been between them. "D-damn you whelp. You've killed me." As a last act of defiance of his demise, Nekros uses his remaining strength to hurl his weapon at his killer. His last words were to curse the boy when he lazily sidestepped the axe.

"Did he truly think I would've let my guard down?" Hadrian snorts as he takes his warglaive out of the orc's body, swiping the air to rid of the blood and gore on it before equipping his weapons to his back. "Now, to free…" Hadrian pauses for a moment when he sees a heavily armored human stealthily enter Nekros's tent. How had anyone entered Grim Batol during the fighting without being noticed? Hadrian makes a choice and follows the human man and is surprised to find the human looking down on a golden disk that was known to Hadrian. The Demon Soul. I didn't know that was how these orcs were controlling the Life-Binder. Without wasting another moment, Hadrian points his wand at the back of the man and whispers. "Petrificus totalus." He's pleased to see that his spell hits the man as the warrior collapses like a statue. "What do we have here?"

Hadrian studies the man who looks at his with wide eyes. "I wasn't aware this thing was here so you have my thanks." Hadrian crouches over the man and searches his clothes. With a small grunt, he takes out a black scale filled with magic. "What's this then?" Hadrian studies the scale before shrugging and causing it to explode with a burst of fel energy. He stands up and walks over to Nekros's desk to take the Demon Soul. With a glance at the man, Hadrian says. "Well I did what I came here for while getting something extra. Don't mind if I take this do you? Course not. The spell I cast over you will fade off within the hour so no need to fear."

Hadrian steps out of the tent and looks over the Demon Soul. "Now, how to free the beloved Dragon Queen." He murmurs to himself as faint sounds of combat could still be heard from afar. He strolls through the halls and rooms of Grim Batol until he reaches an enormous stadium that kept Alexstrasza of the red dragonflight in chains in her Dragon form. He bows his head to the Dragon Queen who stares at him with emotionless eyes. "Greetings Life-Binder. It's an honor to meet you, regardless of current circumstances." He frowns when the Aspect of Life remains silent. "Have these savages broken you?"

"What do you want, demon? Come to take me from here and become your prisoner as well? To make me breeding stock like these orcs have done to me?" Alexstrasza closes her eyes as a lone tear falls down her scaly cheek.

With a grimace, Hadrian steps forward and places a hand on her snout. "I will not fault you for thinking me a demon from my appearance." He gives the Dragon a tiny smile. "I have come to free you and your brood from this place." He takes out the Demon Soul and shows it to her. "Tell me how."

Alexstrasza stares at the tool that controlled her and forced her to face cruelty at the orcs' hands for so long. A small flicker of life shines in her dead eyes for the smallest of moments. "Destroy it with overwhelming power, de-." Alexstrasza glances at Hadrian. "Little one. Use your fel to destroy that cursed object and free my brood and I from this torment."

With a single nod, Hadrian summons forth as much of his power as he could and unleashes it upon the Demon Soul in an unending stream of fel energy expelled from his eyes, his wings keeping him hovering in place as the Dragon Queen watches. Just as Hadrian began to fear that he wasn't strong enough to succeed, the Demon Soul cracked and exploded into dust as it could no longer maintain its form.

Feeling herself no longer restrained, Alexstrasza stands onto her feet and lets out a roar of triumph. Fully restored, she tears the chains on her from the ground and walls before settling down in front of Hadrian. Without any warning she transforms from her draconian form to her well known humanoid one. "You have my eternal thanks, little one. I must admit that I didn't believe you would free me, much less succeed."

Hadrian bows as he smiles. "I actually began to worry I would fail near the end there as well, my lady." He offers her a hand and kisses the back of her's. "Come, lets reunite you with your brood." He leads the Life-Binder out of the stadium and out of Grim Batol.

Alexstrasza gains a bloodthirsty smile as she looks at the mutilated corpses of her torturers. She loved all life, but even she couldn't help the rush of satisfied vengeance at the sight. She moves closer as they walk and wraps an arm around one of his. At his look of confusion, she merely smiles and uses her other hand to pat him on his head. Once they reached the main entrance to the ruins, Alexstrasza stops and pulls on Hadrian's arm. She looks down at him and asks. "You haven't told me your name yet, have you? What are you called little one?"

"Hadrian Potter, my lady."

She takes ahold of his chin, moving from to side to side as she studies him. "You are obviously a demon hunter. Do you serve the Betrayer? What does he gain from my freedom?" She sighs and shakes her head. "It matters little now I suppose."

Hadrian stays silent. He didn't know if telling her he was with the Illidari would be of any benefit, but chose not to. "No, my lady. I hold no allegiance to Illidan Stormrage. At least, not anymore." He stops speaking when they reach the tree line of the nearby forest.

"Demon hunter."

Hadrian and Alexstrasza look around until they see the felguard Hadrian has spoken to prior to the attack nearby. The human boy walks up to the demon and asks. "What is it Krandror?"

The felguard nods once as he glances at the Life-Binder. "An orc scouring party was intercepted. It seems they were out during the attack and came to help their brethren. They put up a fight and two of a total of twelve died, but were quickly defeated. The surviving brood of the Dragon Queen watch over them. They await for their queen to dispense justice."

Alexstrasza steps forward as an ugly scowl mars her face. "Take me to them at once demon." She hisses.

At Hadrian's nod, Krandror replies. "Very well. Follow me."

The prisoners were held in a clearing as a few members of the red dragonflight and Hadrian's demonic forces surround the orc party who were restrained with heavy chains. One orc glares at Alexstrasza with near palpable hatred. "What is the meaning of this you dragon whore!"

Hadrian snorts, causing the orc to turn to him. Hadrian steps forward and kicks the orc aside as he walks up to a drake standing behind them. "Aside from the mewling, have they caused any trouble?"

The drake stares at him before bowing her head. "None, my lord." She replies in a feminine tone which belied her gender.

Hadrian raises an eyebrow. "Why do you call me lord?"

The drake glances at Alexstrasza who merely nods. "You freed us from a life of servitude to these beasts. You have our utmost respect for your kindness."

Before he could prod, Alexstrasza steps up to him and places a hand on his head. She smiles when he looks up at her. "You are very powerful, but still young and new to the world. I will explain in depth once we deal with these mongrels." She turns her attention to the orcs and snarls. "Any last words, Nek'rosh, son of Nekros Skullcrusher?" She ignores Hadrian's grunt of surprise as she kicks the orc under his chin, causing him to fly onto the ground.

Nek'rosh growls as he tries to free himself from his chains. "You will pay for this dragon whore! My people will not forget this! We will have our revenge!"

At this, Hadrian rolls his eyes as he snorts. "None of your people survived my attack. I made sure of it." He takes pleasure as the orcs roar their anger and scream obscenities at him. "You are the last of the Dragonmaw clan."

Alexstrasza drinks in the anger that the orcs showed. When she grew tired of it all, she summons her power and flings a large fireball at the orcs, incinerating them to ash. She and her dragonflight let out cries of victory and utter joy. The Dragon Queen herself takes Hadrian into her arms and kisses him on his cheek. Running high from overwhelming happiness, she asks. "Would you come with us to our home? You are more than a friend to us for what you have done." Her question was met with approving roars from her brood as the drake he spoke to earlier stands beside him, lowers her head, and then raises it for his hand to be over her head. Alexstrasza giggles at this and says. "Please join us little one."

Hadrian gapes before glancing as his demonic forces. He shakes his head and coughs once "I would be honored. Give me a moment to speak with Krandror." He rubs the drake's head and walks off a fair distance to speak with the felguard. "Inform Lord Illidan of this. I don't know when I will be able to update my whereabouts. Tell him to forgive me, but I hope to be of use by being with the red dragonflight." He whispers as he scratches his head.

"Understood, my lord." The felguard glances back at Alexstrasza and her brood before grunting in amusement. "I wish you luck." He turns and leads the other demons away to open portals to return to the Black Temple.

Hadrian nods as he returns to Alexstrasza's side. "Should I follow along?" He spreads his wings as he asks.

Alexstrasza smiles before shaking her head. Before Hadrian could ask another question, he feels sharp claws wrap around his torso, himself being tossed into the air, and landing onto the back of the drake he had spoken to. Alexstrasza laughs alongside her brood as she transforms into her draconian form and takes flight, her brood following suit behind her.

Hadrian huffs indignantly as he lightly smacks the back of the drake's head. "That wasn't necessary you know…" He trails off as he realizes he didn't know the dragon's name.

"My name is Lysanastrasza."

"Well, Lysanastrasza," Hadrian moves himself to be more comfortable. "It would seem we will be in each other's company for quite some time." He looks over his surroundings as Grim Batol slowly becomes a speck in the distance.

"So it would seem Hadrian Potter." Hadrian could hear her amusement growing as she adds. "I hope you enjoy having fun." Before he could ask for her meaning, she speeds higher into the sky and plummets into a barrel roll, laughing loudly as Hadrian curses just as loudly.


Years later, Hadrian looks at the view in front of him as he sits on a rotting tree trunk on a hill overlooking a small town in the middle of a forest, his warglaives laid beside him. His time with the red dragonflight was filled with seeing more of Azeroth than he ever did while in the service of Lord Illidan. Without needing to go on any sort of missions for the red dragonflight, he found his time with the dragons spent learning from them, or spending time assisting them with simple tasks. However, most if not all of it was spent with one dragon in particular by his side.

"Hadrian~, where are you~."

The young demon hunter groans as he looks behind his back to see a beautiful young woman dressed in a simple black traveling dress with dark red hair, caramel skin, and golden eyes walk towards him with a mischievous smile. The seventeen year old shakes his head as he sighs. "Hello Lysanastrasza. I was hoping to be alone."

The humanoid dragon giggles as she throws herself on the demon hunter's back, caressing his horns as she nibbles on one of his ears. "As if I would leave you alone for some other dragoness, or worse Alexstrasza herself, to take your attention from me."

Hadrian rolls his eyes. While certainly on good speaking terms with other members of the red dragonflight, none were as close to him as Lysanastrasza. He grunts with annoyance when the dragoness bites down on his earlobe. "Will you stop that already? I don't understand why you do that."

Lysanastrasza takes a particularly stronger bite before letting it go, laughing when Hadrian growls in anger. "Because I know you secretly like it. Just like you enjoy it when I rub your horns." She replies as she does indeed continue her ministrations. "There is also the tiny fact you saved me from a horrible existence at the hands of the orcs. I could never repay you for what you did for me and my siblings."

Hadrian frowns. He slowly takes her hands from his horns and lowers them until she was wrapping his neck lovingly with her arms before turning his head to meet her eyes. "What are you trying to say?"

Lysanastrasza merely rolls her eyes as she pulls his closer and kisses him softly. When she pulls back, she smiles at his surprised expression. "I wish to spend the rest of our days together." She raises a hand from his chest and caresses his cheek as she continues to hug him from behind. "Considering how we are both somewhat immortal, I hope those days are very long."

Hadrian remains silent as he thinks on her words. "Do you love me?"

Lysanastrasza hums in thought. "I feel a deep attraction to you, but I don't know if I do. Not yet at least." She lifts herself off of Hadrian and takes a seat beside him.

Hadrian nods slowly. "That's good." At her raised eyebrow and unsaid question, he explains. "I don't love you either. While you can certainly be very annoying, I find you more tolerable to be around than others."

Lysanastrasza smiles cheekily. While those words would be insulting coming from anyone else, she knew what he really meant. He had admitted once that she was his only friend after all. "Why don't we travel for a while?"

Hadrian raises an eyebrow. "Where? For how long?"

Lysanastrasza taps a finger on her chin as she thinks. "Pandaria perhaps?" She stands to her feet and steps away as she transforms into her dragon form. "Does it really matter?"

Hadrian stares silently before chuckling softly as he moves to ride her back. "I suppose not. Then let's travel and see what the future holds for us."


Wow it's been years since I've written anything and for those who are reading this since its beginning I am truly sorry for such a long wait. For those who aren't aware this is a rewritten version of what I had in mind originally, mostly due to me not liking the way the first version was coming out.

As I'm sure you've guessed, the Harry Potter side of this crossover will be slightly if not completely AU from its original plot written by J.K. Rowling, aside from the obvious fact of it being a crossover of course. This chapter is being put up this short to let everyone know that I am very much alive and well. That being said, I plan to make the chapter at least twice as long as this chapter is. Updates will be at least monthly in this case.

The pairing is curently going to be HadrianxLysanastraza, but not set in stone completely, which I mean that it could possibly be a harem in the future if I think it would work.

I think I've said all I need to say so please leave a review on your thoughts and until next time!


Black Hair tied in a short ponytail with slightly curved, jagged horns

dressed in standard Demonbane armor with a simple black cloth to cover his eyes

Tanned skin from traveling


Natural dark skin with golden eyes and dark scarlet hair

Dressed in a modest black dress with traveling boots and light jewelry