Hello all! So this is my first story and it's been rattling in my head for a few years now so I decided to write it down so that I can see how far I can go with this and just how well it will be :) Enjoy y'all!
Plot: Nunnally Vi Britannia had hidden her and her older sister, Lelouch, away in the safety of Ashford Academy in Area 11 for the past seven years following the events of their mother's assassination that had left Lelouch crippled and blinded. But fate had other plans for them and so when their brother Clovis found them Nunnally swore that she would do whatever it takes to ensure that her sister would be able to live a happy safe life, even if it means bringing down their father and changing the whole course of the Britannian Empire.
I do not own anything in regards to this anime.
A young girl sat across a man, an amused look in her eyes as she stared at him gaping at the chessboard in front of them.
"Problem, my lord?" She asked as a smirk came across her face.
"B-But how could you - you're - what?!" The young girl stood up as his perplexed expression turned to one of anger "You cheated didn't you?! That's the only possible explanation as to how a girl like you was able to defeat to me!"
"And how is one able to cheat at chess? You nobles are all the same, denying anything that hurts their pride. Simply pay me what you owe me and I won't speak about this to anyone" She turned to leave the room as the man glared at her retreating form but reluctantly took out his wallet and payed the money to the boy who had come with her.
"That was awesome Nunnally! Finished in 8 minutes, a new record!" She stared at her friend, a blue haired boy in an Ashford Academy high school uniform, as he counted the money.
"Come on Rivalz, we have to get going if we're going to make our next class" She put the helmet on her head as she sat down in the sidecar if Rivalz's motorcycle.
"Relax Nunna, you finished that game so fast we have a few minutes to spare," he started up the motorcycle and left the parking lot of the building they were in "Besides. you're just afraid what Lulu would say if she figures out you snuck off to gamble with me"
Nunnally glared at him from where was seated as a grin came across his face. It was true that her older sister, Lelouch, was scary when angry especially in regards to her little sisters safety. Very few things could make her sister mad but everyone knew that if you hurt Nunnally Lamperpouge in anyway hell would rain down on you courtesy of her older sister with the backing of Milly Ashford and by proxy the entire student council. And sneaking off to gamble near the ghettos was a surely enough to make Lelouch give them a lecture.
Lelouch Lamperouge was the most sought after girl at Ashford Academy and it wasn't simply because she was the vice-president of the student council and one of the brightest students in her year. Despite being confined to a wheelchair and no one being able to see the beautiful amethyst eyes that were hidden behind her closed eyelids she still manages to capture the heart of anyone with that sweet smile of hers, the beautiful wavy black hair that cascaded down her back, and the witty personality along with the beautiful mind of hers. Nunnally of course knew that she would always be her sister's main priority and only want the best for her and to keep her safe but sometimes it was very suffocating for her as she was under the watchful eye of not only her sister but the entire student council. She knew of course why her sister was acting this way but she simply wished that her big sister would focus on other things rather than just watching over her baby sister all the time.
"Dammit!" Nunnally looked to Rivalz as the motorcycle came to a stop on the side of the road and Rivalz threw his helmet down in frustration.
"What's wrong?" Nunnally too got up from her seat and took a glance at the vehicle checking for any signs of damage.
"I ran out of gas" Rivalz said sheepishly as he pointed to the meter on his bike that indicated that it had indeed run out of gas.
"Rivalz! I told you to make sure it was full before we left!" Nunnally quickly glanced around to check for two things: one was to see if a gasoline station was nearby and two was if anyone from the army or Royal guard was around. And sure enough she spotted a car decorated with the Imperial flags that indicated that Viceroy Clovis, the third prince of the Empire was nearby "Oh no" she muttered under the breath as she spotted the array of guards near them.
"Don't worry," Rivalz said as he pulled out his phone, completely oblivious to his friends growing concern "I'll just call for service to pick this up then we'll find a cab to take us back to the Academy"
"No Rivalz we have to go, we have to go now!" Nunnally looked back to towards the Royal entourage in fear as she heard the flashing of cameras that indicated that the viceroy was coming out and judging by the distance between them and entourage Clovis would recognize her if he saw them now.
"Nunna I can't just leave this out here - hey what's that?" Rivalz forgot about Nunnally's request as he looked towards the growing crowd coming out from the building near them "oh wow is that Prince Clovis?"
The frantic girl ran to her surprised friends side as she spotted clearly spotted Clovis come out of the building "Rivalz we have to go now!"
"Nunnally why are you such in a rush to leave? If I leave this here my moms gonna kill me!" But Nunnally wasn't listening to him as she made eye contact with Clovis and a recognition came across his face as he took in the ghost before him. She knew that even if it has been years since they last saw each other Clovis would recognize her in a heartbeat, she was one of his favorite siblings after all.
"Oh no Rivalz we have to run!" She didn't wait for him to say anything as she grabbed Rivalz's arm and started to run as Clovis started giving commands to his guards.
"Wha - why are the Royal guards chasing us?!" Nunnally didn't bother to her friend a response as the guards started chasing after them.
'Dammit! Why does this have to happen? Why couldn't the Viceroy have been some faceless noble? Why did it have to him?' She had been so careful in hiding her and Lelouch in Area 11 ever since Clovis was made Viceroy. She made sure whenever she went out that Clovis wasn't in the area, that the times he went to Ashford Academy for some art thing that she and her sister were out or in the club house, and as much as it pained her to do so, kept Lelouch safely hidden away on the grounds of the school. Nunnally knew her sister hated being confined but she just stuck out in a crowd that it was too much of a gamble to let her go anywhere.
Nunnally pulled Rivalz into a hidden alley and stuck to the wall as the guards ran past them.
"What the hell is going?!" Nunnally put her hand over Rivalz's mouth as she put a finger over her mouth.
"Look, I can't tell you all the details right now but you have to get ahead to the school and tell Milly and my sister what happened and to get ready"
"Wha - get ready for what? I'm not leaving you alone with the Royal guards chasing us!"
"They're not after you just me - let me finish!" She exclaimed as she saw Rivalz start to protest "They're not gonna stop till they find me but it's not you they want. Just go to the school and tell Milly and my sister ok?"
Rivalz relented once he knew the sandy haired teen wasn't backing down "Fine but you aren't in trouble are you?"
"I'm not, it's just my past has come back to haunt me. Now go! The guards are coming" She saw the confused expression on his face but didn't wait for a reply as she gave him a quick hug and ran off knowing full well she wouldn't be able to out run the guards now that Clovis has seen her, he wouldn't stop until she was found. But at the very least she could her sister a few minutes to say goodbye to her friends and to prepare before they were thrown back to the lion's den.
Lelouch took a deep breath as she felt Milly take her hands into her own "Don't worry Lulu," said Milly to the worried older sister "I'm sure they're just running late"
"They missed their last class. Whenever they go out they always at least make it back in time for their last class," said Lelouch as she slumped in her wheelchair "I know I shouldn't over react but whenever Nunnally does this kind of stuff I can't help but worry"
"Rivalz! There you are! We've been looking all over you, where's Nunnally? You had Lelouch so worried!" He was gasping for breath as he stared at Shirley who was too busy shouting at him to notice he was out of breath and sweating. He looked past her and saw Nina and Milly beside a worried yet angry looking Lelouch. Nina was behind Lelouch's wheelchair while Milly was kneeling beside the black haired girl holding her hand.
"Yes Rivalz," said Lelouch as she glared straight ahead of her to where she thought Rivalz was "Where is my sister? Please don't tell me you two went out gambling again"
Rivalz gulped as he noticed Lelouch's glare. She always yelled at him when he brought Nunnally out and preceeded to give him the silent treatment for weeks on end "W-Well we were out but then the motorcycle ran out of gas and then we were being chased by the Royal guards!" Shirley stopped her shouting as she processed what Rivalz had just said but he was concentrating on Lelouch and Milly as both their faces seemed to turn pale "Nunnally told me to come back here and tell Milly and Lelouch to get ready before she took off running again! Wha - what does she mean get ready?!"
Nobody spoke as they stared at their President and Vice-President who had both gone very pale.
"Well?" Rivalz walked towards them till he was right in front of Lelouch "What did Nunnally mean?"
Lelouch took a deep breath as she said "Get ready to go back home"
"Home? I thought your parents died when Britannia invaded here" Shirley had stood beside Rivalz as everyone stared at Lelouch.
The story the siblings had crafted when they came to the Ashford family for help was that they were separated from their parents and that they were most probably dead and that Lelouch had gained her injuries after they were caught in a shootout between Britannian forces and Japanese forces. They had stayed with the Ashford family since as the family had been good friends with their parents, which was somewhat true.
Before Lelouch could respond however Sayoko came in and said "Mistress Lelouch, the chairman called. He said Prince Clovis is here with Mistress Nunnally waiting for you"