**Some of you may remember this story called 'Never Too Late' that I wrote several years ago. Well I took it down because it wasn't to my standards. So after consideration, I've decided to redo it and give it the revamp and proper attention it deserves. I hope you all enjoy!**
Chapter 1
Texas Wesleyan University.
Fort Worth, Texas.
Curious grey eyes peered up at the huge building through the window of her black 1970 Impala, a birthday gift from her parents prior to leaving home. Originally from Dallas, Texas, born and raised, Andalyn –Andy for short- was a true southern bell. She had dishwater blonde hair and grey eyes with a splash of blue throughout them. They were technically hazel eyes, but her driver's license simply said grey. Stepping out of the Impala, Andalyn wore a light blue jean skirt tattered on the hem that rested 2 inches above the knee against her thighs. Her top was a peasant style, white, that left both shoulders bare, but covered her arms and forearms. The material was thin, so the warm Texas air flowed right through it. She had brown leather cowgirl boots on that had a light blue cross on the front of them along with the foot part of the boot. They stopped just an inch below the knee, socks on beneath where nobody could see. Currently, her dishwasher blonde hair framed haphazard around her face and down her back in unruly curls, a headband being the only thing to hold her bangs back, which were also curly. She got the curls from her mother's side of the gene pool.
"Here goes nothin'." She murmured in a deep thick southern drawl, swinging her bag over her shoulder and walked around the back to grab her luggage case from the trunk.
Sighing, Andalyn missed home already, used to being up at 5 in the morning, prior to coming to college, and helping her father with the fields and animals on the huge farm they owned. She already missed the tranquility of home, often taking her horse, Lulabelle –her father brought the beautiful animal home as an early Christmas gift when Andalyn was 10 years old- for a gallop around the plantation. That was a Christmas she'd never forget and couldn't wait for the holidays to come so she could go home to her family and Lulabelle. Her father promised to take care of her while she was away, urging her to pursue her education alongside her mother. The farm was her entire world, all of the animals on it teaching her a thing or two about respect and making her appreciate everything she had in life a lot more.
Walking inside over the threshold of the campus property, Andalyn noticed instantly people were all dressed in vibrant colors, headbands on their heads. Mohawks and short cropped hair was the style, but that's not who she was. Andalyn had her own style, preferring to stick to it instead of buy into what society dictated she should wear. Simply smiling with a makeup free face, unlike every girl she'd passed by, Andalyn headed toward the desk to sign up for her classes, already having an idea of what she wanted her major to be in. While standing in line, Andalyn once again surveyed her surroundings and popped a piece of gum in her mouth, inquisitive grey eyes landing on a man standing off a ways from the rest of the crowd.
He stood out like a sore thumb dressed from head to toe in black. Black skintight jeans, black muscle shirt and black shades over his eyes. He had fiery red hair cut short and looked to be slicked back by either a ton of gel or water. Andalyn couldn't tell, but she knew for a fact he had curly hair as well just like her. He stood well over 6 feet, possibly closer to 7 the more she studied him. One thing was for sure, he towered over nearly everyone else on campus in that hall and had his bare arms folded in front of his chest. Andalyn could feel something warm develop within her stomach and had to tear her eyes away from him, stepping forward in line, chewing her bottom lip.
If she thought he didn't notice her checking him out, staring him down, the beautiful dishwater curly haired blonde was sadly mistaken. Wearing black shades gave him ample time to simply stand there and give her a blatant onceover across the room too. He had to admit her backside looked magnificent in that blue jean skirt she had on and her legs looked soft to the touch. Stroking his goatee contemplatively, that was also as fiery red as his hair, he merely stood there deciding now wasn't the time to approach her. There would be plenty of time for that at a later time. One way or another she would be his, even if it was for one unforgettable night. He nodded at one of his friend's approaching him, bumping fists with him and walked away, having already signed up for his classes for the semester.
Once she signed up for her classes and found her dorm room, Andalyn began unpacking her things and felt relieved she didn't have to share with another person. Her parents made sure she had her own dorm room, having put away money in a college fund for her every year since the day she was born. They spared no expense to insure she had the best education possible, allowing her to choose which college she wanted to attend. Andalyn smiled, setting a picture of her with Lulabelle on her nightstand and slid her fingertips down it, already feeling the emotions threatening to overtake her. It would only be a few months and then she would be home to ride her beautiful horse again.
After everything was finished up and set the way she wanted, Andalyn decided to go venture around campus to check everything out. It was a lot bigger than her high school and she wanted to get a feel for where certain areas were, such as the library. Stepping out of her dorm room, Andalyn made sure to lock it and slipped the key in the front pocket of her jean skirt before heading out. A few people greeted her, giving her a warm reception and she reciprocated the kindness, having been taught by her parents to always respect people. About 20 minutes later, she found the library and walked in to look around, not believing how big it was and began exploring. On her way out 2 hours later, she saw a flyer on one of the tables and picked it up, tilting her head in mild interest.
That had to be the most ridiculous flyer she'd ever seen in her life, chuckling softly and shook her head dropping it on the table. The address listed below was on campus, so it would be a controlled environment. Andalyn didn't want to be stuck in her dorm room all semester bored out of her mind, deciding to let her hair down a bit. The party sounded fun and maybe she would meet other freshmen to hang out with. Deciding it couldn't hurt to attend; Andalyn walked out of the library and kept going with her exploration of campus since she had several hours to kill before the party started.
The moment she walked in, his eyes were instantly on her. The woman had a very unique look about her and not very many women on campus had curly hair quite like hers. He downed a shot his friend passed him, sliding the shot glass back and kept his eyes focused on the dishwater curly haired blonde that captured his attention earlier that day in the hall. Her smile was infectious as he slowly made his way through the crowd of people, glad he'd set up his hangout spot near the door. It was done purposefully in hopes she would come to the party and he could have an excuse to introduce himself. Honestly, everyone from campus was here so he wasn't that shocked she'd come.
After being passed a beer, Andalyn sniffed it and dumped it out where nobody could see before grabbing a fresh one straight from the keg. She didn't trust anyone not to drug her, knowing college campuses were one of the first places date rape took place. Her parents had taught her well, drilling it into her head not to trust anyone right away. She took a slow sip of the beer, grinning at the taste and proceeded to take a bigger swallow of it, turning around. Only to run right into a brick wall, or so it felt like, her beer splashing all over the front of said wall.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She immediately apologized; grey eyes wide and had to arch her head back to look up at the individual she ran into and locked on stunning emerald gems.
Now normally, he would've been angry at someone splashing him with beer and knocked their head off their shoulders, but he'd pursued this beautiful woman and gotten too close. He could smell the flowery scent emanating from her and had to bite back a growl of desire, feeling heady from the smell, while standing behind her watching as she first dumped a drink handed to her and getting a fresh one. Smart woman. It made him want her all the more, his stunning emerald green eyes staring down at her almost hungrily.
"Yo Calaway just got spewed with beer!" One guy hollered, laughing so hard beer ended up shooting out of his nose, clearly drunk.
Calaway, Andalyn immediately filed that name away in the recesses of her mind and took a step back, giving him some breathing room. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to splash ya, honey." Her voice was warm and friendly, grey eyes sparkling under the lights in the house.
"Nothin' a little wash can't fix, darlin'." He replied in a deep dark timbre, his voice naturally low and deep, holding an almost husky tone. Her accent just fueled his fire to want her in his bed more.
Andalyn felt every nerve-ending in her body spark, slowly starting a forest fire throughout the tendons of her body, just by the sound of his voice. "My, aren't you a charmer?" She giggled softly, pressing a hand against his beer soaked top and could already feel the electricity searing between them. "I'm Andalyn, but everyone calls me Andy. Andy Kervin." She removed her hand from his chest to extend it since it was her shaking one, watching his completely swallow hers whole and kept their eyes locked.
"Calaway – Mark Calaway."
Slamming the door to her dorm room open, Andalyn didn't care who she woke up and cupped his face in her soft hands, his lips completely addictive. They were both a little buzzed from the party, but still coherent about what was going on between them. Andalyn threw caution to the wind, just wanting to do something wild and crazy now that she was away from home and her parents. Mark growled against her soft skin, lifting her up against the door to where her legs wrapped around his waist, the skirt she had on riding up to bunch around hers. He pulled her away from the door long enough to kick it shut and slammed her back against it, immediately going on the attack on her neck while his hand massaged her breast in his strong hand. Andalyn was in heaven, tilting her head against the door and enjoyed being pinned with his strong body, lifting her arms up when he commanded her to. A second later, her bra and peasant top lay on the floor below along with his own. Anything this man wanted from her Andalyn would give him, moaning uncontrollably at how amazing his kisses and touch were; how they turned her blood to molten lava coursing through her veins.
Eventually, they made it to the bed and Mark didn't bother removing the rest of her clothes, merely reaching down to tear her panties clean off her body. Andalyn accepted another explosive kiss from him and slid her clear nails down his muscular arms. Mark slid two fingers inside of her to check to make sure she was ready for him, not believing how sopping wet she was. She was more than ready for what he was about to give this beautiful southern bell. Fumbling for a minute, Mark managed to unsnap his jeans and pushed them enough down his legs to where his cock was freed from the confines. Then his hands slid down her soft legs up her thighs while sitting back on his haunches, just looking down at the flushed half-naked woman before him. Smirking, his head lowered to bury in her voluptuous breasts and took a nipple in his mouth, feeling her body arch to give him full access to any part of her body. He did love a woman who surrendered absolutely everything to him, growling and finally began pushing his pulsating erection past her slick folds until he was halfway inside. With a quick snap of his hips, after silently asking her with his eyes if she truly wanted this and gaining a nod of approval in return, Mark buried himself to the hilt inside of her and both groaned at the intense friction.
"M-Mark, harder…" Andalyn moaned, burying her fingers in his fiery red hair as he took her heights only they could reach together again. "Goddamn honey, ya feel so good inside of me…"
He grunted, not bothering to respond while driving his cock repeatedly inside of her like a madman possessed, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Her throaty moan only made him pound her harder, just as she requested, unable to deny this enchanting woman anything. The more she egged him on, the faster, harder and deeper he pounded, guttural growls escaping his lips. He yanked her up to crash against his body, never ceasing his thrusts and captured her mouth again, sliding his strong hands down to squeeze her delectable backside.
"New position?" He asked in her ear, nipping the lobe and felt her nod before pulling away long enough to turn her to where she was on all fours in front of him with her delicious backside in his hungry vision. "Perfect darlin', so fuckin' perfect…"
"Fuck me, honey, take me…" Andalyn would go out of her mind if he didn't resume this bout, wiggling her backside at him teasingly just to stoke his fire a little more. She purred at another growl, feeling his hands clamp down roughly on her sides and cried out the moment his cock slammed back inside of her. "Now make me cum for ya…"
Appreciating a woman who knew what she wanted, Mark wasn't about to disappoint her and proceeded to bury his strong hand in her soft unruly dishwater curls, pulling her up to where her back collided with his chest. He watched her head turn and captured her mouth in a quick kiss while thrusting even harder inside of her, his fingers plucking her already hardened nipples. He loved the effect he was having on her, still not believing she took him up on his offer when he asked if she wanted one unforgettable night with him. Either she was a risk taker or just didn't care, but either way didn't matter to Mark as long as she was the one he was screwing.
That night turned out to be the beginning of an unforgettable fling and a great kickoff to Andalyn's freshmen year in college.