So here's chapter 7, please review :)

Logan stood there dumfounded at the scene in front of him. He started walking slowly towards her, he noticed she was holding a small pot in her hands. Her hair was down, and she was wearing a short back dress with a print he couldn't recognize from that distance. When they locked eyes his breath caught in his throat. Was it really what he hoped for, he was nervous about getting his hopes up. Once he was within arm length from her he realized the print on the dress were small rocket ships.



"What is all of this? What's going on?"

"I asked the boys to bring you here tonight because I needed to talk to you, I thought I had more time, but they told me you had plans"

"They told you?" He felt betrayed.

"Yes, but it's not like they called me to tell on you, they told me because I asked for their help to do something special for you"

"I'm a little confused here, why did you"

"I love you" She said before he could finish his question "And I want us to get back together, and be a family, and everything you told me you wanted… I was scared. I just hope you still want me"

"Still want you? Rory I don't think I could ever not want you. I was afraid I was going to be single for the rest of my life." He laughed.

Rory laughed, and then they just stared at each other in silence.

"I like your dress" He said to her.

"I thought you would. I thought it would be romantic. Colin did a good job finding it."

"And whose job was the projection?"

"Robert, and Finn was in charge of food and drinks"

"Remind me to thank them later… and the plant?"

"Oh right" She chuckled "It's avocado, Jackson said we can keep it indoors, or use his greenhouse, I figured it could be something to represent our new beginning and"

Rory didn't get to finish the sentence. Before she realized what was happening Logan had one hand on her back, and the other on the back of her neck, and he pulled her in for a kiss. The plant was getting in the way, but he couldn't wait any longer. After a couple of minutes he finally broke the kiss.

"I don't mean to sound like a caveman, but do you mind if we eat later?"

They haphazardly made their way inside the house, and clothes started flying off the minute they walked in. He picked her up in his arms and took her upstairs to one of the rooms. After laying her on the bed, he took a moment just to drink her in. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. The initial rush had calmed down, and Logan decided to take things slower. He wanted to relish in every single moment of their reunion.

He wanted to pay attention to every single detail, every inch of her body, memorize all of her features. He wanted to show her how much he loved her with every caress, and every kiss. He wanted that night to be etched on their memories forever. Finally having her in his arms again had his heart bursting with joy.

Later that night Rory had her head on his chest, and he was delicately running his fingers up and down her arm. Everything was silent except for the sound of their breathing. He figured it was a good moment to talk.

"Hey Ace"


"May I ask what changed? You really had me worried for a while, I thought I had lost you"

"I started going to therapy… and then Jess finished knocking some sense into me"

"Jess? Did he tell on me too?"

"Tell on you? About what?"

"I ran into him in Hartford, we talked, and I might have said a lot more than I intended"

"You talked to Jess?"

"In my defense I didn't mean to" Logan smirked.

"Well, he didn't tell me, but I guess that explains why he talked to me about you, and us"

"I should send him a bottle or a fruit basket"

They were both quiet again. Logan was curious about what had been bothering Rory for such a long time, but he wasn't sure about asking. He didn't want to pressure her, or do anything that might upset her right when he had just got her back. He debated on what to do for several minutes, then he decided to ask once, and accept whatever answer she gave him even if she barely said anything.

"What were you so scared about?"

"That we would end up like my parents" She said without hesitation. Even she was surprised at how easily she said it out loud. He didn't see it coming.

"Oh" That was all Logan could answer. He was suddenly at a loss of words, and some things started to make sense.

"The rational part of me told me you are nothing like my dad, and that you wouldn't leave, but… I don't know, it felt like history was repeating itself, and he hurt me so much even though he loved me, and he didn't even mean to… I just couldn't help it, my brain started messing with me. I know you'd never disappear on us"

"I'm glad you know, it's good that you got help… but I need you to know that you can talk to me about anything. I will do my best to help you, or just listen, just please don't push me away"

"I won't, I promise"

The soft thump of Logan's heart eventually lulled her to sleep. In the morning Rory woke feeling energized, she had the best sleep she'd had in a really long time. However she was surprised to find the other side of the bed empty. Rory got up, and looked for his shirt. She really loved wearing his shirts. Then she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth before heading downstairs to find him.

"Good morning" She found him in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Morning Ace, I was just about to bring the food upstairs"

"Well I woke up, and I missed you so I came down here"

"I feel bad for asking just now, but where's our kid" He asked. Rory's heart leapt when he said "our", he hadn't said that in a long time.

"Mom and Luke"

"I should send them a fruit basket too"

Rory laughed, she was carefree in happy for the first time in a while. Her life seemed to finally be on the right track. Her book was getting published, she had a beautiful healthy baby, and she was finally rebuilding her relationship with the man she loved. Logan stared at her with such love and adoration in his eyes, that it made her heart flutter.

Later that day they went to the beach for a while, then they returned to the house to watch movies. Rory fell asleep half way through the first one, she was clearly catching up on sleep while being kid free. Logan didn't mind, it felt so good to have her back when he had already given up hope. A part of him told him to thread lightly but he couldn't help it. The fact that she acknowledged she had a problem was great progress, so he dared to hope for more.

Around 9pm they heard noises outside. Rory figured the boys were back to check on them. But then Logan told her he had called them to bring some of her favorites, because the food in the house was all pretty nutritious, healthy, and needing to be cooked. They asked if he wanted them to find a chef to come and make their meals, but he knew Rory would take tater tots over a fancy dinner any day. One of them started banging loudly on the front door, instead of using the doorbell.

"We are coming in, are you guys decent?" Apparently the culprit was Finn.

"Yes, you can come in" Logan walked out of the TV room.

"How are my favorite lovebirds?" Finn asked.

"We are good, thanks for everything boys" Rory was right behind Logan.

"It was out pleasure" Colin told her.

"What have you three been up to" Logan asked them.

"I bought the inn where we are staying, and another damn colt, why is it always a colt?" Colin said.

"Oh Colin" Rory said trying not to laugh.

"I slept with a girl, and hit on her sister the next morning, she almost broke my nose. I really couldn't tell them apart. It's not my fault they were twins" Finn touched his face and winced.

"They weren't twins, that's why she punched you" Robert said.

"That is not how I remember it" Finn defended himself.

"Do you even remember?" Logan asked.

"Touché" Finn in fact didn't remember at all.

The five of them headed to the kitchen with all the food. They had brought all of Rory's favorites, and decided to start with the pizza. Many tater tots, bagel bites, chips, marshmallows, and chocolates later, Rory was going in for some rocky road while the boys struggled to keep up. They stayed until around three in the morning, and told Rory and Logan they would be back really early on Monday so Logan could make it to work. They also told them brunch was scheduled for delivery around eleven.

Rory and Logan spent most of Sunday in bed, they only left the room because Rory felt like going for a splash in the pool, and for dinner. They had left so many crumbs on the bed earlier, that they switched rooms that night. Around 4 am on Monday the boys where back. Logan had just started his new job so he was in no position to be late. Colin had payed for a ferry to be waiting just for them at that hour. They went to Logan's place to drop him off first.

"I believe our job here is done" Colin said.

"Not quite, we still have to get mother home" Finn told him.

"It's okay boys, I think I'll just stay here until he leaves for work."

"All right then, we should go before they get naked" Finn earned a slap in the arm from Rory.

"Behave!" Rory told him.

Finn apologized, and hugged her goodbye. The other two followed suit, and then they were gone. Logan was unable to wipe the goofy smile from his face. He was just really happy.

"I figured since our sitters are still on the clock, I might as well stay a little longer."

"You think they can hold off for a few more hours, I'll take you out for lunch" He suggested.

"If you add some candy to that fruit basket I think we can make it work"

Rory decided to make some coffee while Logan got showered, and got ready for work. It took her longer than she thought because she couldn't find anything. She had been at his place just a handful of times, and barely made it past the foyer. It was in moments like that when she realized how selfish she had been. Logan probably knew Lorelai's house better than her from all the time he spent there. He had been bending over backwards to be there, and she didn't even try to meet him halfway.

She knew she still had some things to figure out so she wasn't about to quit therapy, but she was glad Jess talked to her, and made her see things more clearly. They still hand't talked about how they would handle their relationship, but this time she was going to do her best to make it work. Rory walked around the house for a while, the only room she had seen before was Emmy's. She had to admit it was a beautiful house, and he seemed to have decorated it to her liking.

Logan had put a lot of effort into that house, he genuinely wanted to make it a home for the three of them even if it was temporary. That certainly gave her a lot to think about. She really needed to start taking him into account when making decisions, otherwise she would make their lives really complicated. When the coffee was done she took it to Logan's room, and sat on the bed while she waited for him to get out of the shower.

"Hey Ace" Rory was completely lost in her thoughts when Logan stepped into the room. "Ace?"

"Oh hey, I made coffee" She offered him a cup.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

"Just you know, things. I'll tell you at lunch, come on drink you coffee, it's getting late"

Logan was a bit puzzled by her answer, but he could wait a few hours to find out. Rory had been trying to come up with a some sort of plan on how to handle their relationship, she wanted them to move forward, but she didn't want to rush into things. In a way she didn't trust herself enough yet, and she didn't want to hurt Logan more than she already had. At last she felt like she had an idea he would be on board with, but she needed to do something before she told him about it.