Chapter 2

"Screw this. Screw everyone!" Lucy flopped onto her pink bed and curled up. She grabbed her phone and decided to call Levy. Ring ring...ring ring…

"Hi! This is Levy McGarden-"

"LEVY! I had the most terrible day EVER. so in 6th period..

"I'm not available at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep!" Beep.

Lucy slowly laid down the phone. So much anger... stress... sadness. "What am I supposed to do now?" Lucy wailed. She glanced over to her backpack. "I do have a test tomorrow that I like, REALLY have to study for..." She went over to her backpack, opened it up, and sifted through her stuff for her Math binder and papers. After about a minute of searching, her eyes wet bloodshot. She couldn't have... left it in her locker? " "No." Lucy whispered to herself. "NO!"" Lucy slammed the walls, leaving a little dent. "This CAN'T be happening. it just can't!" She sobbed in her desk. "M-maybe I'll do fine? You're definitely NOT going to be fine in this situation. You're going to fail! M-maybe... maybe..." Lucy glanced over to her laptop. Her mind kept telling her to watch youtube videos and eat ice cream all night and hope for the best. "Maybe I can research online! I know what topic we're on anyways." Lucy opened up her laptop. The tab that she was on last was a youtube video, made by Natsu Dragneel. "On second thought... maybe one Youtube video wouldn't hurt right?" What was supposed to be only 1 video, came out to be watching all of his videos in one sitting. Again. "I just love his hair, so spiky... and his eyes! so...' Lucy then glanced over at the clock. It was only 9:10 pm. "Whew! I thought it was going to be like, 12 am!" Ring ring "Hu? Who could be calling at this time of ni- wait. it's Levy! Lucy lunged for her phone and kept trying to get pass the lock screen. Her hands were so shaky, she couldn't input the right numbers! "C'mon... you damned phone!" The ringing stopped. Then, a minute later a text message was sent.

Hey Lucy, sorry I wasn't able to receive your call earlier. i was actually out with... someone. It was somebody I met online. It's kind of private so don't go telling anybody k? Anyways, I'll be sure to answer your calls or text messages ASAP! ~Levy

"Lucy sighed, then looked over at the clock. 9:30 pm.. Lucy decided to go to sleep that night. Except, she couldn't fall asleep. she was thinking about dreamy Natsu Dragneel. "I wish he could just hold me right now... or at least anybody. Levy's hanging out with somebody else, I'm failing school, the boy of my dreams is somebody that' I'll never meet... like I have a chance.

Tomorrow came. Lucy was on time to 1st period. When Lucy walked in, she remembered she had a group project with Erza and Juvia. She HATED Juvia. Lucy could rant about Juvia all day.

"She complains SO much about like, everything!" Lucy whined to Levy. "Like one time, I was about a foot away from Gray, you know, the dude who keeps making videos about ice... I was a foot away and, she comes running up to me! Shouting 'LOVE RIVAL!'. Like if just wanna-!" Ahem. Lucy went over to her group and sat down. "Hey Lucy" Erza says in a friendly manner." "...Love Rival" Juvia says under her breath. "H-hey guys. S-s-sorry-" Lucy didn't know why she was stuttering. Maybe it was because Erza was the class president, hall monitor, student of the month, and was super scary if you get her mad. Like, really scary. Erza scoffed. "Everyone is like this..." She muttered. "There is no need to be afraid. Be respectful to me I'll be respectful to you. Deal?" Lucy nodded. Erza reached into her bag and got out the group assignment papers. Erza put on her glasses and pushed them up a little. "Ahem, this assignment is going to be due at the end of the month. December 23. Right before break. You and your group members are to create a presentation on the book we are reading, "'o kill a Mockingbird' answer the questions I have provided below. Each group member gets their own individual grade" Lucy grunted. She had to catch up with the book, meaning she would have to do a TON of work this week. "Alright should be start planning? Erza asked. "Lucy, are you able to set up the presentation and get the questions ready?' That's easy! Lucy thought. "Yes ma'am!". Erza blushed at Lucy's formal reply. "Heheh, there is no need to call me 'ma'am' Lucy."

'Yes ma-a- I mean, Erza!" They trio started discussing the answers to the questions. Every so often, Lucy would get sidetracked. i wonder what class Natsu is in. I wish he was in all of my classes... "Lucy?" Erza tapped Lucy on the shoulder. "Lucy!"

"Huh?! I mean," Then she realized who was in front of her. "Oh my- oh my god I'm so sorry ma'am!" Lucy stuttered out. "It's alright, just don't do it again. I want us to get a good grade on this." Lucy nodded. Lunch came. Lucy looked for her friend, Levy. Mostly to complain about Juvia and other girl problems. Except this time, she couldn't find her. Lucy only liked to sit with Levy. She didn't have any other friends except Levy. She couldn't sit with anyone else. Well now she had to. She looked around for other places to sit. She didn't want to sit at an empty table. That implies she is just an edgy loner. "Oh my god... where is Levy?! She turned around and her jaw dropped. Levy, shy, innocent Levy, was sitting with the popular group! This group... consisted of Mirajane, Era, Gray, Juvia, a few others she didn't know. And sitting right next to Levy, was a tall, black haired muscular guy. "Gajeel, do you want to go see a movie tonight?" Steam was coming out of Lucy's ears. So was this that "somebody" Levy was talking about last night? Lucy continued to walk to not look suspicious. Then she saw pink spikes at the table. "Wait, is that?-" it was Natsu! Lucy's heart raced. D-did he see me? Staring at him? She thought. She took out her phone to make herself look busy. She kept glancing up every now and then. She found an empty table and ate lunch there. Alone. When school ended, Lucy didn't know what to do. Usually she just talked to Levy for hours on end. Or watched youtube till midnight. Lucy sat on her bed, and stared at the wall. Thinking. Then dozes off.

An hour later, she gets a notification from her phone. She jumps up so quickly she hits her head on the frame of the bed. "Oww..." She quickly gets her phone and unlocks it. "Oh my god is it Levy? Is she finally going to talk to me?!" She opens up Email and see's the new message. To only be disappointed that is was from Erza about the group project. "Hey Lucy, we were wondering if you could share the presentation with us. I would like to get this project done ASAP. -Erza" Lucy read. "C-R-A-P". Lucy opened up Google Presentations and started getting everything ready. Se reaches into her bag and pulls out the assignment. Okay okay I have this all together I have it all together..." 30 minutes in, a new message arrives.

Hi Lucy this is Juvia. Juvia really needs the presentation. Juvia wants to start with the questions and get this done before the deadline! Juvia means no rush! -Juvia P.S Love rival!

Lucy was stressed. She only got about 1/4th of the questions down. This is supposed to be EASY. It's literally, typing down questions. No thinking involved... Why is this taking so goddamn long?! Lucy sighed. She was feeling so many emotions now. She couldn't handle it. the was actually able to finish it. At 8:30 pm. Lucy slammed the computer lid down and curled up and whimpered for the rest of the night.

Next morning, Lucy woke up on time. Well not really. She woke up at 6:30 am but it's better than 7:00 am. She took a quick shower and got her uniform on. She checked her phone for any messages from Levy or the group. None from Levy. Four from the group. "Oh god what is it this time?" Lucy checked the first message which was from Erza. Hey Lucy, where is the document? I haven't received it yet. Please don't tell me that you "forgot" to do it or something. I swear Lucy I'll punish you or something if it's not complete! Erza. The other one was from Juvia. Hi Lucy! Juvia here, Juvia is wondering where the document is… OMG Juvia hopes Lucy wasn't hanging out with Gray all night. Oh my! Love rival! Juvia "What are they talking about? The document IS complete I-" Lucy face palmed. "I forgot to send it!" She quickly opened up her laptop and went to the presentation. It was almost 7:00. She can't be late for like the forth time to Mrs. Jinks's class. She shared the document with the group and went out.

Mrs. Jinks classroom

"Hey Lucy." Erza said in monotone tone. "Hi Erza" Lucy said sheepishly. "Um, I'm sorry I"

Erza put her index finger onto Lucy's lips. "Shush. I'm disappointed. Almost all the other groups have questions one and two done!" You're going to make up for this Lucy Heartfilia." Everybody knew that if Era Scarlet said your full name, you're screwed. Lucy stayed silent for the remainder of the period. Juvia went off frolicking with the other groups, which angered Lucy. Why isn't SHE getting yelled at by Erza? She is goofing off! Lucy didn't realize she was making a face at Erza. "Does there seem to be a problem Lucy?" Erza said condescendingly. Lucy was really scared now. She dare talk back to Erza? "Um" Lucy was actually shaking now. Oh please oh please let the period end… Lucy's wish came true.

"Ok class pack it up. Onto 2nd period okay? Come on." Erza stood up, packed her things, and left the classroom, scoffing as she left. It wasn't until Lunch that Lucy was starting to worry about the math test she never studied for. She decided to study during 2nd and 3rd period. Basically, Lucy would have a text book In her lap, and pretend she was "following along" when really, she was doing math worksheets. Her History teacher caught her in the act. "Lucy, would you please read the next paragraph for us?" the teacher said. Lucy, not even knowing what page they were on, looked up, and stared at the teacher, confused. "Um…" Cana, who sat next to Lucy, whispered "399". Lucy was relieved, she flipped to the correct page. Lucy's cheeks were as red as Erza's hair. "Uhh…" Cana pointed to the correct paragraph. "Thank you…" Lucy sighed with relief. After class, Lucy went over to Cana. "Um, I just wanted to say, thanks for saving me there.". Cana chuckled. And reached into her bag for a bottle of booze. "No problem. Your name?" Cana says as she drinks. Why is she drinking during class? Lucy thinks. "My name is Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia. And you?"

"My name is Cana. Nice to meet you, Lucy. Wanna sit with me during lunch?" Would I! Of course! Lucy thought. She didn't say that though, as it may imply she is desperate. "Sure!" Lucy says cheerfully. As Lucy went onto 3rd period, she was smiling with glee. I made a friend! I finally have somebody to talk to during lunch! Maybe at home if she gives me her number… As she was daydreaming with all the possibilities of making a new friend, she bumps into someone. THUD. "Ow! Watch it blondie!" and then the guy shoves Lucy to the side and storms off. "Excuse me?" Lucy says. The boy turns around. Then Lucy realizes something. Long black hair. Metal earrings… This… is Levy's "friend"/boy friend. HOW is Levy attracted to this- to this RUDE, disrespectful, MEAN guy?! "Excuse me?" Lucy retorts back. "You ought to watch your tone young lady. Giheh." Then the black haired boy walked off. That damned Levy. I'm actually GLAD I'm not friends with that, that short, midget, blue freak! After a while of walking in the halls, Lucy started to feel sick. When she arrived to third, she asked to be excused. "Heartfilia, what's wrong? Something bothering you? You can always talk to me if something's bothering you." Yeah right. Like I'm talking to YOU about my relationship problems… "it's okay Mr. Mauro, I'll just go to the nurse for a while." Lucy says politely. "Well, you can always come to me if you need to talk." Mr. Mauro goes over to a draw and starts writing out a pass. "My door is always open". And with that, he handed Lucy the pass to the nurse.

As Lucy continued to walk to the nurse, she actually started feeling better. I still have Cana as a friend. She said I can come sit with her and her friends! Maybe I can be in one of those popular cliques and make even more friends… Lucy kept walking until she met the entrance to the nurse. She put her hand on the knob and started to twist, then stopped. Maybe a little walk to myself was all I needed. A few minutes to just think to myself. She turned around and started walking back. So for my math test.. I studied a little during 2nd period.. THUD. Oh man I really need to start paying attention of my surroundings. Lucy looked up, and saw Levy. Levy looked surprised to see Lucy. "U-um. Sorry!' Levy says and runs off. Lucy was frustrated with herself. She could have said something, but she didn't. She wanted to say "I still want to be friends! Or "I'm sorry for being such a bad friend, I'm sorry for whatever I did! Just please, I ask for forgiveness…" Or anything really. But nothing would come out of her mouth. It's like her body wasn't listening to her. Lunch came. Lucy quickly searched for Cana. She wanted to meet her friends so badly. She needed more moral support. Cana came over and tapped Lucy on the shoulder. "Surprise!" she says with a big smile on her face. "Hey Cana! So, where do you and your friends sit?" Lucy asks. "Right over there by the window" Cana points into the direction. "Oh, okay!" Lucy didn't really know where Cana was pointing. So she just followed her. Oh man this is so exciting… Lucy thinks. Possibly new friends, best friends, maybe even a boyfriend? Lucy was smiling so wide that she looked at the ground to prevent people thinking she was a weirdo. "Hey guys, I bought somebody new here to come sit with us!" Lucy looks up, and all the excitement she has built up, vanished.

This was the table… that LEVY sits at. Levy and her "boy friend" stared at Lucy. Gray, Juvia, Mirajane, Erza all stared at Lucy. And then… Natsu, stared at her. Lucy blushed so hard that she thought she was going to catch on fire. 'U-um. Hi. M-my-" Cana slapped her hand on Lucy's back. "Ha! Don't worry. That was everyone's reaction when first being introduced to the gang. Don't worry I got your back. So everyone, this is Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia" Cana started pointing at people. "This is Mirajane, the white haired chick, umm this is Juvia, she is obsessed with Gray, and that one is Gray…" Lucy wasn't even listening. How did she get herself in this mess? Not only she has to sit with people she HATES, but she also has to sit with NATSU, her crush. She better not do any weird things… Then when Cana started to introduce Natsu to Lucy, Lucy's blush grew even more. She tried to look down so her bangs would hide her face. "And this is Natsu, he is OBSESSED with food. He'll eat anything. He's kind of like a walking garbage can!". Okay, Lucy had to chuckle a bit at that one. Everyone proceeded to make some room for Lucy. Lucy ended up next to Juvia and Erza. Great. Lucy thought. Now I have Erza to shout at me about the book presentation and Juvia to keep spamming "Love rival" at me during lunch. The table was quite loud. Drinks and food were flown across the table. A chicken nugget ended up in Lucy's milk, orange juice splattered everywhere, it was a mess. Lunch ended and Lucy was covered with food. Her hair, her gold luscious hair… now sticky and disgusting. Luckily, Lucy carried a brush at all times in her purse. She hurriedly went to the bathroom and started to clean herself up before 6th period starts. Alright alright… let's list out all the positives: Natsu. Possibly.. more friends? Yeah right. Negatives: Levy, Juvia, Erza are ALL at the table. Food in my hair after lunch, I screw up in front of Natsu and he gets weirded out by me and we never be friends… Lucy brushed her hair one more time before looking at herself in the mirror. "I'm a complete mess."