Sarah found herself with a little problem at her humble abode. Prior to what she thought, there simply wasn't enough bread to feed every single soul present in the household. Not that there was nothing to eat at all, just not enough. Given that Sarah mostly lived by herself, this wasn't all that surprising. Spending money on for example five kilograms of bread would have been a waste.

Now normally, the lack of any kind of bakery goods wasn't a problem, given that the next bakery was literally a five minute walk away, house stairs not included. Since it was a Saturday, the shop would be open until eight in the evening, plenty of time to get something quick.

The problem lay within Sarah's cosplaying houseguests. Now, they might have saved her life or "simply" prevented her from getting raped and naturally as a thank you, she offered them to stay for the night. It was the least she could do for them and probably still not enough. However these girls were still strangers. Even if Sarah was probably back in the span of fifteen minutes, there was no telling what those girls could potentially do to her home. They could just ransack the house for everything they deemed worth stealing, destroy the rest for good measure and leave, before Sarah even came back.

Of course that all was assuming the girls were really those kind of people. So far Sarah wasn't able to get a good impression of them. Ruby appeared to be very energetic and Weiss a little snobbish, but that didn't really mean anything. Yang and Blake? Sarah still drew a blank one on those two. Well, aside that Blake wore some freakish contacts that glowed in the dark. How didn't she blind herself?

Shaking her head and trying to get her thoughts back to the matter at hand, the young woman opened the freezer once again, trying to see if she didn't freeze some bread and simply forgot about it. But after searching through all three drawers, she ended up empty handed.

"Well, crap."

~Oh man. I can't exactly let them go hungry! It's not like they would hold it against me...I think I don't really know them. But I also don't wanna disappoint them! At the same time, they might steal- aargh, fuck it! It's a five-minute walk, two minutes waiting in line at most and five minutes to come back! No problem whatsoever.~

Having made up her mind, Sarah walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. To her mild surprise, she found all of her guests awkwardly huddle on her couch and staring at her laptop screen. Music was coming out of the tiny speakers in the front of the machine.

Curiosity having overtaken her, Sarah walked over to the others and looked at the screen from behind Weiss. There was a video going on, labeled as RWBY "Black" Trailer. On it, there was a girl with similar looks to Blake and another guy fighting a robot on a train. It kind of looked like something that would fit in the Final Fantasy 7 universe.

~R. W. B. Y? Never heard of that anime. Wow, looks kinda awesome.~

"Excuse me." Sarah leaned forward, startling the other girls a little bit. They watched her carefully, as she moved the mouse to a plus sign beneath the video. She pressed it, opening up a small menu. She then proceeded to add the video to her "watch it later" playlist.

"Gotta have a watch on that later," she said, standing straight again. Having the attention of the girls, she quickly told them her plans. "So, uh...I just noticed that I have not enough bread for all of us. I'm gonna head out real quick and buy some, alright?"

"Sure," Blake answered in her usual none-caring tone. "Uh, do you mind if we watch some more, while we wait for you?"

"Eh, no problem. Just don't leave any comments under my name, alright?"

"Of course."

"Right then." Sarah nodded and walked over to the door, leading outside the apartment. She quickly grabbed her keys and jacket and went outside, leaving with a "be right back". Once the door was closed, team RWBY didn't return their attention to the paused video. In fact, Sarah's little intervention appeared to have brought the four huntresses in training out of a daze and back to reality. All of them looked at each other, uncertainty written all over their faces.

Subconsciously Ruby's hand sought out Yang's, who in return held it tightly, yet reassuringly. The blonde also moved a little closer to her half-sister. Weiss felt a shiver going down her spine, just by thinking about the implications the three videos gave her. As for Blake, the Faunus subconsciously checked her bow, trying to feel whether her ears were still hidden or not.

For a while, the only sound that could be heard was the cooler of the laptop working, constantly keeping the delicate machinery at an acceptable temperature. One would have been able to cut the tension with a butter knife. Team RWBY kept glancing at each other, but none of them ever said anything. From time to time, one of them opened their mouth, but closed it just as quickly, second guessing the things they wanted to say. It wasn't until the laptop display turned itself off that one of them lost their temper. That one person being the Schnee heiress.

The white haired girl slammed her hands on the small table in front of them, causing all the other girls to shriek in surprise.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" the ice queen shouted, pointing at the laptop. Seeing as the display was black, the girl furiously moved the mouse, in order to get the video back on display.

"This….THIS….! I….I….I don't even know what to say! This is outrageous!"

"Try downright disturbing." the faunus spoke up, her voice having lost all of its usual deadpan manners. Instead, she sounded uncertain as for if she was facing five King Taijitu at once with no ammo left in her weapon. "This...I-I mean how! I...I didn't even tell you about this." Blake faced her friends slash teammates.

"...This?" Ruby spoke almost in a whisper. "You mean...the video?"

Blake turned her head towards Ruby and nodded slowly. She turned her gaze back to the video, which was stopped mid-combat between the Atlesian Robots, Blake and Adam Taurus. Just seeing the bull faunus, even if it was animated and on a screen brought up a mixture of emotions in Blake's stomach, which she barely managed to suppress with all of her willpower.

"This...this looks like the last mission I went on with the White Fang," Blake spoke slowly, her voice quivering a little. "We…we simply wanted to disrupt the dust transport. Cause trouble for the SDC."

Weiss tensed up a little but managed to remain quiet.

"If this goes on like I remember...we'll defeat the robots. Adam wants to set the charges. I asked about the board personnel. And he...he…." Blake looked down on her knees, forcefully shutting her eyes.

Yang placed a comforting hand on her partner's shoulder. "He wanted to blow them up with the train, right?"

Blake nodded, unable to say another word. Weiss frowned in disgust, not because of her teammate, but because of Adam Taurus, a name she was only way too familiar with. She took the mouse once again and skipped the video a few times. It showed a few more fight scenes until she finally found the scene where Adam and Blake were standing in front of each other, which was pretty close to the end. The heiress hit the play button and the first thing they all heard was Blake's voice coming out of the small speakers.


The Blake in the video then proceeded to cut the link between the Wagons, so that the cat faunus would be left behind. The video then played a tune, the screen turned red, with Blake's black silhouette visible. The scene quickly changed to the now all too familiar RWBY logo, with Ruby, Weiss, and Black being revealed. Yang was the only one left as a silhouette.

"Just like back then…" Blake breathed out.

"This is messed up," Yang commented, glaring at the screen. Ruby now held to her sister's arm, shivering a little upon what she had just seen. The brawler quickly wrapped her entire arm around her sister, pressing the younger girl against her own body.

"I'm starting to think the explosion has knocked me out and I'm dreaming." Weiss clutched her temples with her hands. "I certainly hope this is the case."

"If so then we're all dreaming the same thing," Yang spoke slowly her eyes turning red and back to Violette every now and then.

"Of course a dream image would say that," Weiss said sarcastically.

"Girls?" Ruby spoke up, already sensing an argument coming up. "There's still the "Yellow" trailer left. Maybe we should watch it?"

Everyone looked at her, causing her to shrink back.

"I-I mean, it just MIGHT answer some questions?"


Ruby then decided it was best to hide her face inside her sister's chest, ignoring the ominous feeling of being watched. Yang couldn't help but chuckle at the antics of the young teenager. The blonde brawler slowly stroked circles over her sister's back, trying to calm her somewhat down. Given the situation the team was in, it was a small miracle that Ruby's breathing steadied itself with the girl calming down, at least a little.

"Welp, on the risk of all of us losing our collective minds, how about we watch me kicking some serious butt?" Yang offered with her trademark grin.

Weiss groaned, but her finger was already on the mousepad. "I can't believe I am doing this."


In the meantime, Sarah stood in the longer than usual line in front of the bakery section. Behind her was a small kiosk and to her right was the entrance to the actual supermarket. As always, she was tempted to just go in there and buy herself some sweets, but luckily she had a very good reason not to waste her money on sweets, namely that being her guests waiting for her. Just her luck that now of all days the line would be longer and to top it off, it was moving forward at a snail's pace.

The girl in blue let out a frustrated sigh and decided to check the internet for something to distract her. However, to her surprise, her phone showed her that she missed a text message, which was strange. She never received any kind of text messages for multiple reasons. One being that her contact list was rather sparse and mostly consisted of co-workers and a few-

Oh, that was it. It was Sandra, one of her co-workers. In fact, the two worked in the same department and thus shared an office. The message read:

"Hey Sarah,

do you book Buderus on KOST 140 or 141?"

Sarah resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Sandra worked for far longer than Sarah at their workplace, she should know the answer.

"It's 194. Why'd you ask?" Sarah typed back.

To her mild surprise, it only took a minute for a reply to come.

"Couldn't send the pays, 'cause of the connection troubles. Am currently at work, just sending everything again :( "

The girl in blue winced.

"Oh, sucks. Good thing you just need to send the stuff."

"Me 2. Thanks, btw."


With that conversation out of the way, Sarah returned to her actual objective and search for something entertaining on the internet. The video from before came to mind and she decided to simply type in "rwby" in the search engine. The results came in quickly, showing a to her unknown site called "roosterteeth", followed by Wikipedia, because of course and a fandom Wikia page. There was also a YouTube video: "RWBY Chapter 1: Ruby Rose".

The text under the Wikipedia page was what caught Sarah's attention:

"RWBY is an American 3D web series created by Monty Oum for Rooster Teeth. The show is set in the fictional world of Remnant, where young people train to …"

~Anime from America? That's gotta be a first one, as far as I'm concerned anyway. This is either a really awful series or really good. Given that I have four cosplayers of this series at home right now, it's gotta has a decent fanbase. Oh, the line goes forward. Move it girl.~


"Well shit," Yang muttered to herself after the video finished. "That's just like it happened."

"I'm torn between slicing the stupid thing up and asking you what you were doing at such a locale in the first place." Weiss groaned, sitting bent over on the couch, not really feeling like keeping up any kind of posture.

"I think I go with the latter one. What were you doing at a place like this?" Weiss asked in a disapproving tone. "It looked like you were searching for someone."

"Uh…" Yang looked away. "Why do you think I was looking for someone? Why do you think this is all real in the first place? Didn't you say you were dreaming?"

Weiss just deadpanned at her partner's sister for a whole of five seconds, before the blonde cracked. Yang let out a small sigh, suddenly wishing the video had shown something else.

"Yang…" Ruby tentatively spoke up, but the blonde shook her head.

"It's alright. It's gotta come out sooner or later anyways." the older sister gave the younger one her trademark smile, before facing the rest of the team.

"Well, you know how Rubes and I are technically half-sisters?" she asked the other two, who in return nodded.

"You see...long story short, I was looking for my mom. My biological mom."

"Oh." Blake and Weiss spoke at the same time.

Yang's smile weakened a little, but she continued talking. "Dad never really talks about her for some reason. Probably a bad breakup or something. I have been looking for leads for where she might be my entire life. Thing is, she didn't exactly tell anyone where she went. I checked out all the official stuff and every social media platform I know. Got nothing." Yang let out another sigh.

"Since there was nothing official about her, I started looking elsewhere. Over time I found out Junior is the kind of guy you ask when you want some info about someone. Rumor has it, he's on good terms with every major underworld player in Vale. Met quite a few actually."

"And every time you "met" one, another house disappeared." Ruby mock-complained.

"Hey, I didn't see anyone complaining about them being out of the picture." Yang defended herself.

"Dad had to explain to the police, why three different gangs tried to kidnap you!" Ruby retorted.

"Three gangs who are now serving in jail!"

Blake and Weiss looked at each other, as the siblings "bickered" back and forth.

"...I feel another headache coming up." Weiss complained. "Is it just me or did we end up with the craziest people in the entirety of Remnant in a team?"

"Uh…" Blake scratched her head. "I'm pretty sure Nora is- wait. Shouldn't we rather worry more about our existence within this plane, then the fact that two girls in our team are a little mental?"

"First of, we're still not sure what is going on. Second, I'm trying to ignore the particular fact that some random website claimed our school was destroyed by some woman or other and that someone made some videos about seemingly random occurrences in our lives."

Blake looked a little uneasy upon the last remark. The hidden faunus checked the laptop again and the first video in the playlist was labeled: "RWBY Chapter 1: Ruby Rose". Out of (morbid) curiosity, Blake scrolled down the list, going over their individual names. The pictures showed either members of Team RWBY, JNPR or other people Blake never met in her life.

"Well then!" Yang spoke out loud, getting the attention of Weiss and Blake. From the looks of things she just finished her conversation. "What should we do now? Wait, there's more?"

"Much more." Blake confirmed. "I'll be honest, just by reading some of those" she shivered "I...I'm just not sure if it's a good idea to continue watching."

Everyone looked at each other.

"It's not like we're gonna get any answers from not looking them, right?" Ruby raised her voice, getting her team's attention yet again. "L-look, I'm just as confused as everyone here about those videos, even though they were pretty awesome to watch. But if we don't watch them, it won't get us any further, right?"

The other three girls looked at each other and back to Ruby, each of them nodding individually.

"I'm going to file a complaint afterward." Weiss declared, once again handling the mouse pad. "Using our faces like this without our consent. Some people really have nerves."

"At least they got my good side." Yang grinned.

"I'm really concerned as to how he or she got this information in the first place. I would have noticed anyone following us, especially on a moving train." Blake put a hand under her chin, her brain going into overdrive. In the meantime, another video loaded on the screen.


Sarah sighed in relief, once she was outside again. She had her arms full with bread and all kinds of buns. She was in luck, as this week the bakery had a special sale going on when you bought a certain number of buns.

The girl avoided the way she used the previous day, shivering only thinking about what almost happened. She mentally chastised herself for even thinking about this. The last thing she needed was a mental breakdown now, though avoiding it was easier said than done. Sarah stopped in her tracks all of the sudden for no apparent reason, as multiple alternative scenarios went through her head. It got so bad that she actually started shaking in place. From an outsider's perspective, it must have looked like she was simply freezing. Luckily the distant sound of a car honk managed to get Sarah back to reality.

The girl needed to orientate herself a couple of seconds before she remembered that in fact she had not been beaten to a pulp or worse raped. Biting her lower lip, Sarah almost ran all the way home, trying to get to safety. While she walked at a quick pace, she always had her eyes open for people, her basic thought being that no one would do anything to her, while there were witnesses. Luckily cars drove by on a fairly frequent basis, which helped the brunette keeping her anxiety down.

Finally, after five long, agonizing minutes, Sarah entered her house and dashed all the way upstairs, almost colliding with one of her neighbors. Apologizing rather rudely, the girl continued her way up, this time with a little more care. When she finally arrived in front of her door, she dropped the paper bags and fished for her keys in her pockets. Her hand shaking a little, she managed to open the door at her second attempt and let out a huge sigh of relief.

"I'm back!" she called in, taking the bags back into her arms and entered. She found the cosplayers back where she left them: on her couch. Though this time, they weren't focused on the laptop. Instead, it looked like Sarah just interrupted some kind of discussion.

"Sorry, it took so long. More people there than usual."

"It's alright."

"No problem."

Multiple answers hit her at once.

"Mhm. So uh...I already prepped everything in the kitchen. Just take whatever you want, 'cause I really need to use the bathroom." And without another word, Sarah stormed off. Once a "click" sound could be heard from the door, Team RWBY looked at each other for the umpteenth time this day.

"This is not going to be easy, is it?"