Hadrian had never believed that he would meet a boy that he hated more than his former cousin, but that was before a Draco Malfoy started to stalk him at Hogwarts. That insufferable boy thinks that he is something alike to a Prince here in the castle. And worst, at this moment Malfoy stands in front of them with a group of Slytherins. "You're a fool if you think that I let Greengrass any longer in the House of Ravens when everyone knows that she belongs to the Snakes, and she especially belongs to me. I, Draco Malfoy, a pureblood wizard and one of the most influenced wizards here at Hogwarts. After all, my father has the ears of the Minister."

Two tall, gorilla looking boys snickered dumbly at the smaller boy's comment. "Heir Malfoy is always right. His father held the ear of the Minister and that makes Heir Malfoy the most powerful person at school." One Gorilla said while the other dumbly nodded.

"You're a fool, Malfoy if you think that a lesser House like yours has any say in the matters of Houses more powerful than yours. You might think of yourself as something important but the older students know you're not. Even if you think that the support given by the Minister because your father uses the money to bribe doesn't say that he is powerful enough to stand against the combined powers like the House of Greengrass and my own." Hadrian flared a bit of his magic and at the same time showed his Heir ring that adorned his right hand. "And for someone that thinks so highly of himself and usurps the position of Most Ancient, you show a poor understanding of our magical history; because everyone knows that the House Le Fay is royalty, even here in our world."

Snickering escaped Malfoy's throat, and the blonde boy grinned unpleasantly. "Everyone knows that those are mere fairy tales. The stories about Le Fay is nothing more than children stories to bring false hope that witches are more powerful than us Wizards, especially wizards like the True Purebloods!"

"From today onwards, Heir Malfoy of the Lesser House of Malfoy, you have made a terrible enemy. No one insult my House; or my allies and friends and I promise you, Heir Malfoy, you will rue the day you crossed my path," says Hadrian in a cold voice. Grasping Daphne's hand, the two of them walked away from the arrogant ponce. Turning their backs to the group of Slytherins, however, the dark-haired sorcerer felt the discharge of magic behind him and with a flick of his wrist, the young Heir cast a shield behind his back and that of Daphne. "You dare to attack an Heir and an Heiress of an Ancient House, you will hear of us ––- Mark my words, Malfoy."

"Detentions, Mr. Malfoy!" A high pitched voice rang through the hallway. "Never in my life had I seen such disgraceful attack! You will hand over your wand to me and we will visit the Headmaster and speak about your actions. Also, that is one hundred points from Slytherin for attacking a fellow student with a dark spell. Now, move you three!"

But Malfoy did not move and angrily glares at the Head of House Ravenclaw. The Malfoy Heir's contorted into an ugly mask. "I do not listen to freaks. My father is right, Dumbledore made a stupid decision to open this school for Mudbloods and freaks!"

Professor Flitwick once brilliant bright eyes dimmed and turned cold. "That is another one hundred points from House Slytherin and six months detention with me. You will now follow me to the Headmaster's office and you will be punished for this uncanny behavior." The diminutive Professor spoke to the younger wizard harshly.

"Just wait until my father heard of this," Malfoy started, only for his speech to be cut off when a silent spell was cast over him, courtesy of Daphne. Professor Flitwick turns to the young witch and smiled slightly at her.

"Thank you, Miss Greengrass," He spoke in a much friendlier voice. "Fifty points for defending a teacher by silencing this unbehaved boy. I can promise that a heavy punishment awaits this boy; one his father will have no say in. Now off you two,I believe you have a lunch break right now."

Daphne and Hadrian watch how their Head of House walks off with the members of House Slytherin. "What a delusional fool!" Spat Daphne. "It's well known that the small faction of the Dark at the Wizengamot is full of delusional fools with only five houses having real power. Which are the House of Nott; House of Lestrange and House of Black with the latest House having most of the power. And everyone knows that the House of Malfoy only have that seat because of his wife, but if the true Lord Black," here her blue sapphire eyes flitted to her friend. "Steps up then they will lose a lot of power."

"Let him enjoy the moment before it is all taken away from him," said Hadrian while guiding his friend through the hallway for their break. "We will see how many friends Heir Malfoy have here in the castle, especially when all of his father's influence melt like snow in the sun."

Daphne smiled, grasping his hand and together they move towards the Great Hall of lunch. They walk together through the large entrance, and the two large doors were open which showed that the Great Hall had changed a great deal. Floating in the air were hundreds of carved pumpkins heads, each having a different expression. And, not far from the pumpkins, hundreds of candles floated around while a swarm of sugar bats flew through the air, maneuver in and out between them.

"Wow, I've never seen something like this," Hadrian said in amazing.

Daphne smile widened a little more. "Me too, I had never seen something like this… the only thing we do miss right now is the ghosts."

"You've jinxed yourself, Daphne." Laughed Hadrian, when ghosts in all different sizes floated into the Great Hall.

The first ghosts that appeared, were those of Slytherin and Gryffindor. Slytherin ghost floated through the floor and the dinner table, and much to Daphne and Hadrian amusement he appeared in front of Malfoy whose eyes rolled back up and like a string was cut, he fainted. And, the ghost of Gryffindor floats right through the youngest Weasley, who felt out of his seat, falling flat on his face. Laughter erupted a second later when all the other students laughed loudly, and Ronald Weasley ran with a beat red face past the two Ravenclaws, and out of the Great Hall.

Daphne laughed, while she watches the youngest Weasley run out of the Great Hall. "It seems that Jinx just ignored me," She then dragged her friend towards the Ravenclaw table. "Or the Ghosts of Hogwarts have a good sense of Judgement, and scares the living daylight out of them."

Hadrian shrugs his shoulders. "I do not care, one way or another Malfoy will pay for what he had said, and if this makes his life miserable –- then it is a nice start. But, let us get this over, so I can leave."

She tightened her hold on his hand in comfort. "Did Headmaster Dumbledore, or Professor Flitwick give you a leave absence?"

"Our Head of House gave me and you a leave of absence for the privilege of our House business," Hadrian replied and took his seat at the Ravenclaw dining table. "Also, my mother has invited your parents too, and we can pay our respect to them. I think they would like to see us visiting them, from wherever they are watching us." he tilted his head upwards, watching the magical ceiling that turns into an endless black with stars sparkling in the darkness. And if he looks a little bit closer, Hadrian could see a constellation of himself being held by his birth mother, and his father standing together who held an arm around them ––-

Around them, ghosts floated around, drifting in and out through the tables. Scaring the young witches and wizards, if the pale skin of the was any indication. Daphne noticed that many ghosts now moves towards the front of the head table. A loud ring sounds through the hall, which got her attention. "May I get your attention everyone," She turns to see Headmaster Dumbledore standing at the head table. "Tonight, I ask for silence in honor for those we had lost in the dark period of our country." Murmurs round through the hall before everything fell silent. Daphne grasps her friend's hand and held it comfortable. "Today also marks the new era for our people when the Dark Lord Voldemort was vanquished by Harry Potter, whose to my shame still missing. I want to bring out a toa––-"


All the students, witch or wizard and the professors turn their heads towards the entrance of the Great Hall when the door connected with the walls on either side of the entrance. A wizard, Professor Quirrell stormed into the Great Hall and made it just before the head table. "Tro–-troll, troll in the dungeons! I–-I, I thought you should –-know." He managed to warn them before he fainted in front of hundreds of students.

The students were all quiet, until… chaos broke out. Pandemonium erupted and the students shout out in panic, and many other surged to their feet to make their way out of the Great Hall. "Silence! Sit down and be quiet, Silence!" Albus Dumbledore loud voice was magical lifted over chaos. "Bombardo!" An explosion happened over the heads of the students. Freezing them on the spots, and many of them quickly returned to their seats for those who had surged towards the entrance to the great hall, while others slowly sunk back in their seats. "Thank you, now, I want Prefects lead the students back to their common room. As for our Professors, pair up in groups of three and search the castle for the Troll." Everyone nods at the instructions of the Headmaster, however, Professor Dumbledore had one more thing to say. "However, before we all go, ghosts of Hogwarts, can you first scan the dungeons or any corridors that lead towards the common room of House Slytherin and that of House Hufflepuff if they are Troll free?"

At the direct order of the Headmaster of Hogwarts, all ghost splits up and vanished through the walls of the Great Hall, or through the floors, searching for the Troll. "How could a Troll come inside Hogwarts? Especially after all the wards that protect this castle, Hadrian?"

"A Troll isn't smart enough to find its way towards the Highlands of Scotland. Also, in Magical Beast and Where You Can Find Them, Trolls do not stay around here, which means that someone has led it inside the castle." Said Hadrian, and held Daphne's hand tightly. "Also, Professor Dumbledore made a good chose by using the ghosts to see if the Dungeons are Troll free."

"That might be," Daphne voiced out. "But what if the Troll is no longer in the Dungeon and somewhere else in the castle."

"We can only hope for the best," Hadrian said.

Slowly, one by one the ghosts of Hogwarts returns and floats in the Great Hall. Each of them told the Headmaster that the Troll cannot be found in the Dungeon or on the nearby floors. "Students, may I gain your attention again. Headless Nick, one of the ghosts of our castle has just informed me that the Troll is currently on the third floor. I want you all, calmly move towards your common room, while I will guide the Professors to stop the Troll."

All the students, including Daphne and Hadrian, surged to their feets, and all gathered together with their House Prefects who led them out of the Great Hall. Every student that was sorted in one of the Four Houses splits apart, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw climbing the stairs while the Hufflepuff and Slytherin move down, towards the dungeons. A few stairs further the first two houses split and each went to their own tower, while in the dungeons the same happened, and they moved to their own section of the dungeon.

Each house arrived safely in their own common room, while the Professors search for the Troll, who miracle hasn't shown up when the students moved through the castle. However, now with the students safe in their common rooms, Hogwarts Professors now actively searches for the Troll. But, one student, a Muggle-born witch who was bullied by a fellow student sits now, crying on the toilets, and with no knowledge of the danger that lurks in the castle.

Back in Ravenclaw's Common Room...

"Mr. Le Fay, Miss. Greengrass," Penelope called, once the common room was a bit empty when most of the students moved towards their own room. "Professor Flitwick had told me before we moved towards our common room, that the two of you were allowed to use the Floo for House Business, am I correct?"

"Correctly, Miss. Clearwater, but how will we get there when Professor Flitwick office is closed?" said Daphne.

Penelope guides the two first years to the floo. "Professor Flitwick has allowed to let you use tonight the floo network in the common room, with the reason that the moment is dangerous to move through the castle with the Troll still on the loose." They came to a stop in front of the floo. "He says that the two of you can stay with your family until the morning, and I hope everything will work out fine for the two of you." She handed over a handful of floo powder.

"Thank you, Penelope, hopefully, is the Troll case quickly solved, and our castle safe once more," Daphne said, before she threw in the powder, and called out her destination. A minute later, Hadrian followed the same example and also threw in a handful of the magical dust, and disappeared from Ravenclaw common room.

London's Sanctum…

Arriving in the welcome hall of London's Sanctum, where Daphne and Hadrian were warmly received by Wong. "Welcome back home, young Master, and Miss Greengrass. Your stay at Hogwarts has been pleasant so far?"

"Hogwarts is a different experience, with ups and downs." Says Hadrian, smiling. "I have missed you Wong, and we are glad to be back."

"Hi, Wong," Daphne says. "The castle is truly Magical, if only a few unpleasant elements were removed, then I would have enjoyed being there some more. But curriculum of Transfiguration and Charms are wonderful, maybe becoming a Charm Mistress or Transfiguration will be something for me in the future."

Wong smiles at the young lady. "Truly, Miss Greengrass, that would be something for you to strive for. And what of yours, young Master?"

Hadrian smiled brightly and spoke with confidence in his voice. "Becoming Sorcerer Supreme, just like my mother –– and surpass her and this Strange person."

"A lofty goal, young Master," Wong said, pleasantly, laughing inwardly and wondering if the young master could surpass Doctor Stephen Strange. "I'm sure that one day you will make us proud, but for now, your Mother and Miss Greengrass parents awaits you in the lounge. Shall we?"

Hadrian and Daphne were led by Wong through the Sanctum. Wong pushed the door open and led them inside. "Hadrian, my cute little boy, you have grown in the time I haven't seen you." Morgana's voice floated through the room. "Come here, and give your mother a hug."

Hadrian steps forward, closing the distance between himself and his mother, and embraced her. "I'm home, mother."

"You too, Daphne, don't we get a hug?" Daphne's mother called out, a bright smile on her face. A second later, Daphne ran to her mother and jumped into her arms, embracing her. "Welcome back, daughter, how was your time at Hogwarts?"

"Pleasant so far, with a few ups and downs." Daphne murmured against her mother's bosom. "Hogwarts is different than London's Sanctum, but with Hadrian, at my side, I will manage. If only that idiot of a Malfoy could leave me alone, and stop one second talking about me as if I am an object or about his stupid father, then our stay at Hogwarts would be more pleased."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head over the Malfoys. Your parents and I have gathered enough dirt on them to put that House away for life," said Morgana, while she slowly pushed her son gently away from her. "I can promise you, with our new allies, their end is near."

Daphne smiled, she looks forward to seeing that annoying boy in misery. "However, lets us forget them, and tell us about your time at Hogwarts. How are the subjects, or how are the tutors..." Her friend's mother asks her, and she happily told of their days in the castle.

Back at Hogwarts, we find a young witch who has started her first year at Hogwarts. This young witch is the first magic user in her family, and she thought that coming here was a privilege, a new start for her. Her name, Granger, Hermione Granger, and she thought that she finally had found why she was different than her peers.

She namely could use Magic, manipulate some kind of energy what others could not, however just much later Hermione found out that there were others who could do what she did. But unlike her, and in her opinion, they were stuck in the old way. Everything that they uses reeks of time long past, and she had heard of the adults who told her that she is smart and that a bright future awaits her –– and with those thoughts in mind, Hermione Granger had decided to show them how long these people have stayed frozen in this medieval time, and Hermione Granger would climb to the top –– and change the world…


The toilets cabins where she had hidden when Ronald Weasley had insulted her when she had tried to help him, shattered when an object crashed through it. Her plans for the Magical world, changed this day. This moment, her life changed. She flew through the pieces of the toilet cabin, and through the air and roughly crashed against the stone wall. Hermione lay weakly against the wall, dizzy and confused. "Wh–-what… hap–-happened!" She weakly said. Her eyes slowly focused on the thing that had slammed her into the wall.

A pair of large, stinky and dirty feet stepped into her sight. Her nose crinkled under the smell, and her eyes climbed up the legs, higher, and past the waist and bulky belly. Fear growing when her mind connected that this was not a wizard, nor a witch or anything human. Her eyes finally settled on the horrifying face, and out of the mouth, two sharp, and deadly tusks stuck out from under its lips. "NOOoo–-" she screams, and Hermione watches how the creature lifts up a weapon, a large branch of a tree that held many pointy sharp ends. And then it came down –– towards her.

Adrenaline surges through her veins, and Hermione jumps out of the weapons deathly path. Only one thing on was on her mind, namely, escaping this place. She rolled under the attack and managed to get back on her feet, however, the weapon continued, making a circle and connected with her side. The young witch felt the sharp ends dig into her skin, dragging her with it until she was released and slammed into the wall. She had no time to recover, or think of what kind of creature this is… and unknown to her, a Troll might be dumb, but just like an animal, it follows its instinct and tries to kill its prey, which namely is the young witch.

Hermione fell towards the ruined floor and lay there motionless. A second later, a painful hard object slammed into her back, repeatedly as the creature uses his weapon to kill his target. Blood pooled out of the young witch, and her mind slowly faded away… and in the distance, she could hear footsteps, and a voice of rage, before everything went black.

Godric Hollow, Cemetery…

Seven people enter the cemetery of Godric Hollow at twilight. They were Hadrian with his mother, Morgana, and Wong, his mentor, and friend. Daphne, his best friend and her sister, Astoria with their parents. They walk through the cemetery, silently until they arrive at a pair of graves.

These graves are the last resting place of his birth parents. Beautiful golden markings were engraved on the obsidian black stones. "Hi, dad, here I am, again..." Hadrian softly said, staring at the text on his father's grave.

James Charlus Potter

Husband, Father, Marauder

May Prongs Run Free

Born 11 - 04 - 1960

Died 31 - 10 - 1981

Honour Thy Blood

Mischief Managed

"Another year has passed since my last visit. I've become a student at Hogwarts, just like you. It makes me smile when I think that I walk through the same halls like you, a place where we could connect. My work in class is in the top grade, and know that you, wherever you're, you smile down at me proudly."

Daphne steps forward, taking his hand, and comforting him when his shoulders slowly started to shake. "I will visit Mum now, and knowing her, she would like to ask if I have a girl in my life." His best friend blushed slightly.

Lily Potter

Loving Mother and Wife

Undoubtedly The Brightest Witch of Her Age

Born 12 - 02 - 1960

Died 31 - 10 - 1981

Honour Thy Blood

"Hi mum, I'm back. Dad probably makes the afterlife one big party now, knowing I do well at Hogwarts." Hadrian laughed quietly at his own comment. "But dad would probably be disappointed that I do not have a group of girls after me." Daphne next to him sends him a stern glare, which quickly changed with his next words. "But, Mum, I'm glad I do not have a group of crazy girls after me. One girl, a special one who stands always next to me is all that I wish. We are still young, but I know… Daphne and I, grow each day closer to each other, and once that time comes… we will give you a lot of grandchildren."

"Harry!" Daphne shouts out, her face red out of embarrassing. And in the background, her parents and that of Hadrian laughs loudly.

"I think that I made dad proud of this prank." Hadrian smiled, and slowly one by one, first his adopted mother and his mentor stepped forward to say a few kind words, and then the Greengrass family. They stayed there for half an hour before they slowly retreated back to the exit of the cemetery.

Behind them, on Samhain when the barrier between the life and the afterlife is the thinnest, two ghostly figures emerge. A young woman with long flowing red hair and green eyes, and a young man with wild black hair, and brown eyes which were obscured behind glasses watches their son walking to a brighter future.

"We are already proud of you, Harry, our son." Spoke the man, his voice a ghostly whisper.

"Take good care of each other, Harry and Daphne." Hadrian caught the voices and slowly turns around. His eyes widened when they caught sight of the ghostly appearance of his birth parents. "We always watch over you, my son."

Tears gathered in Hadrian's eyes, and he felt his Morgana, his adopted mother, and the others wrap an arm around him in comfort. "And son, don't forget to let the family tradition die out..." Here Hadrian looks confused while tears flow down his cheeks. And the ghostly figure of Lily suddenly looks rigged.

"James, don't you dare..."

James laughed, ignoring his wife's threatening voice. "Don't forget –– pranking is in our blood! If you don't, I come back and prank the life out of you… take good care, Prongslet."

Hadrian watches with open mouth when his father started to run, upwards and towards the stars with his mother running after him. Threatening to cut off his family jewels. "When I catch you, mister!"

"No, you won't..."

"I will castrate you"

"Nope..." James' voice echoes through the cemetery. "And son, you surely caught a pretty bird –– have fun over a few years."

Hadrian and Daphne blushed brightly, while the parents of Daphne shook their heads in amusement. "Is everything alright with you, son?" His mother asks him.

"Yea… everything is fine, it's just –– this was a surprise, a welcoming surprise." The young sorcerer smiled now, a warmth filled his chest for meeting them for the first time. They slowly left the cemetery and returned back to home.

Done, a new chapter finished. This chapter took a little time, a very long time. I was a bit stuck on what I should write.

Well, I know that many Hermione Granger fan would not be happy with what I did here, but be honest, I really did not like her or what other people made her. To me, many people added her for one reason or another, but I think if Harry really wants to fit in, he would with someone who has an understanding of his new world.

Before people ask, why wasn't it noticed that she was gone. I'm off, really, how many people are there at Hogwarts? Answer: A lot. When I was still at school, it took me some time to find my friends. So, I do not think that anyone who is withdrawn and really doesn't pull all the attention would be noticed in the Chaos. She finally gets noticed when she hung around in canon with Harry, who is famous, so, in my story, she doesn't and vanishes into the background.

As for the troll, it felt good. (Evil laugh) And the part of Harry and his dead parents. I think, when Harry has a good family of his own, (adopted mother and mentor) He would like to visit his parents on an important day, like Samhain and their day of death. Samhain is also according to the internet the thinnest barrier between life and the afterlife and this meeting had a high chance.

I hope you, readers, enjoyed this chapter.