My first ever fanfic I'm ever posting... and I'm using an iPhone. Not the best choice, so wish me luck. Edit: Just fixed a few spacing errors I made.

Lucy: Big Brother, Big Brother

Who loves me like no other

Most people find me scary

And often run away

But whenever I come to you

You'll gladly choose to stay

Although it's true that I'm into different things

That others may judge me for

I'm glad you won't be like them

And rip my heart from its core

Lola & Lana: Big Brother, Big Brother

Who loves us like no other

No matter how much I yell

Or how messy I can get

We both know you'll love us

Because you're the nicest person we've ever met

And, yeah, I may not be an angel

And I may have ruined a car

We already know you love us

Just the way we are

Lisa: Big Brother, Big Brother

Who loves me like no other

You seem to show the most understanding of my passion

At least compared to any other

Even if you aren't interested

You'll gladly be there, dearest brother

Sub-intellects lack any chance

To comprehend anything I study

At least I'll be familiar with a life-form

Who I can call a "science buddy"

Lily: Big Brother, Big Brother

Who loves me like no other

Like mommy and daddy

Who love me a lot

I know you feel the same way

Even if you say you do not

Whenever I cry, you'll be there for me

To make sure I'm okay

I just hope while I grow to be a big girl

You'll be here to stay

All: We all love you Big Brother

Our bond to you will never weaken

It's been said before and we'll say it again

We love you Lincoln

I hope you all love it, and some quick notes-

Lana's part with a car was a reference to the Christmas special

And just to be clear, these are the younger siblings thoughts on Lincoln, so that explains Lily's segment.

Other than that, I think this was a good way to open my FanFiction debut.