Harry's POV

James was standing in Gringotts waiting for his turn in line with his son the youngest of the two twins. Harry Potter was practically a squib while his brother Alex was the boy who lived. Almost four years ago the oldest of the twins had vanquished the greatest dark lord of the century.

They were at Gringotts bank to officially disown the youngest son. It was just him and Harry if Lily knew what he was doing she would murder him. She wanted the boys to grow up together. Why should they? Alex should have everything after all he is the boy who lived. Harry needed to be the boy who went away and never came back. This was the best way to do it.

His only hope was that Remus and Sirius his two best friends would not question the brats disappearance. Finally it was their turn and he said coldly to the goblin pushing the in front of him," I wish to completely disown Harry Potter from the Potter line in favor of his brother Alex Potter." James did not notice the stunned look on the goblin's face. The goblin knew that humans were extremely protective of their young. This human wants to get rid of one of his blood just because the other had more fame. He would gladly do it and give the boy to someone he knew would look after him.

He handed the paperwork and sneered at the man. He hated humans like this. All children should be cherished not abandoned. After the paperwork was signed James said," I Lord James Potter herby disown Harry Potter from the Potter line. So I say it so mote it be." After another moment he sneered and said," May you never soil and darken my doorstep again. If you try and follow me I will kill you."

Harry's POV

I was stunned at what my father had just said. Not only had I been disowned he was being kicked out of the only home I had ever known under pain of death. I looked at the goblin who was talking quietly to another and was pointing at me. After a moment it came back and said," I have a friend that can help you. She is strict but she will never abandon a child like that... thing. Shall I call her?" I gave him a slight nod and he went off to another part of the bank.

Ten minutes later he returned with a lady in tow. She had midnight black hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. She said looking at me," You must be the young boy that was disowned. I am Madame Christmas." I said shyly," It's nice to meet you ma'am."

The goblin moved into the background giving us some privacy. She said taking my hand," With your new life you should be given a new identity. My sister married a Mustang so that shall be your last name. You look like a Roy. What do you think? Roy Mustang?" I said it over and over in my head. Surprisingly it sounded more natural than my true name. I said," I love it ma'am."

She clapped her hands and said," Excellent. Let's take you to your new home. It's not much but I'm sure you will like it." With that I followed her out of Gringotts and then out of England where I would not return for many years.

A/N hey guys here's the chapter sorry about the mispost. Thank you Sakura for the heads up.