Warnings: Charcters can be OOC, A/U, Violence, and sexual secenes.

Rating: M for sexual secenes, adult themes, and profanity

Disclaimer: I do not own any HP that is recognized in this fic, just the PLOT! :)

Description: Hermione is being threatened from an unknown source and reluctantly looks to a shut off Draco Malfoy when the threats get increasingly worse. The threats they face will be dangerous, but through their trials will they realize how deeply they care for each other or will potential danger rip them apart?

Suggested song for this chapter: Fix Me ~ 10 Years (I do not own this song)

It's taken a lifetime to lose my way
A lifetime of yesterdays
All the wasted time on my hands
Turns to sand
And fades in the wind
Crossing lines
Small crimes
Taking back what is mine

I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me
I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me

Chapter 1

Hermione wondered how much longer she could deny the threat that was now encompassing her life. It started off harmless enough, it wasn't like she was not used to the occasional letter that contained an ill-written threat. Three years had passed and much had settled after the war, but there were still some die hard pureblood elitists who saw fit to tell her, Harry, and Ron how much they were despised and wished dead.

She grasped the parchment tightly in her hand as she sat at her desk pretending to do reports. She just couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that spread through her whole body. For five months now these had been invading her life, all from the same sender. Along with that piece of unsettling discovery they were also coming daily and were getting more detailed. After this morning's letter, she knew someone had been following her at the very least.

How dare you think you can kiss or even be seen with someone such as Draco Malfoy; you will pay for tainting him along with the magical community. Your dirty blood will be drained from your mudblood body for the whole magical world to see.

~ R.

Cold shivers ran down her spine as she re-read the letter again.


She had racked her brain for months since the letters started. Having no idea who it could be made her crazy with rage. After the first mention of Malfoy in a previous letter she had a dreadful feeling it could be him, but it just didn't sit right in her mind, not after everything. Sure, he was a prat in school but they both worked as Auror's now, and even were partners, and somewhere along the way she noticed he changed, gone was a cowardly boy who called her 'mudblood' to a strong, and even brave man, as he once told her; 'I'm just trying to redeem my past.' Which led to their brief relationship if you could call it that.


The things that happened between Malfoy and her happened six months prior. Plus there were obviously more pressing issues at hand.

She hadn't shown anyone the letters, not even Ron or Harry. Even though she wasn't even sure if Ron would even care. Lately he was so distant, she knew it was partly due to him always being on assignment but she couldn't shake the feeling that things were headed to heartbreaking end for them, they were supposed to be best friends, and what she had thought been one of her closest friendships somehow, unknowingly to her, went horribly wrong sometime in the last year. Whenever she tried to set things right he just pushed her away. When she did see him, he was moody and even rude. Constantly putting her down for 'lowering herself to work with ferret face.' In his words. But that issue was for another time.

She let out a much needed sigh as her eyes scanned the parchment again. She tried every spell she knew and even some she didn't to hopefully discover who was sending the letters, she had even waited, evading sleep to try and intercept an owl, but much to her surprise that wasn't how the letters were showing up. She threw the parchment down on her desk as she let out a frustrated growl. How was it that the brightest witch of her age couldn't figure this out?

"Something wrong Granger?"

Hermione jumped slightly at the sound of Malfoy's voice. She looked up from her desk to find sliver-grey eyes peering down at her. God how was it that he got more attractive everyday.

Woah. Bad thoughts, where did that even come from?

"W-what? Oh yeah, just tired of doing these reports." He raised an eyebrow and put his hands down on her desk, leaning in with a delicious smirk playing at his lips as his head dropped inches away from her face.

"Somehow Granger, I don't believe you, What's that you threw down, it sure doesn't look like a report." He tilted his head in the direction of the letter. His voice was low and surprisingly sexy, did it always sound that way she thought. Before she could respond he snatched the parchment from her desk.

"Hey!" She shouted as she bolted up to her feet stepping around her desk to meet him face to face. She went to grab for it but he jerked away just in time while his molten grey eyes were fixated on the letter. She sucked in a breath waiting for his reaction and just on queue she thought, his eyes went wide. She was suddenly very nervous. He slowly slid his eyes from the parchment clutched in his hand and met her horror filled face.

"Hermione, this isn't the first letter you received is it?" His voice was perfectly even, but she could tell it held something that almost sounded like worry.

The question should of took her by surprise but her mind decided to react to him calling her 'Hermione' for the first time in over six months. She liked the way her heart fluttered at just the simple fact that he used her first name.


"No, it's not, and it was also not your business to read it!" He didn't need to be bothered by her problems, he made it very clear they were just work acquaintances, besides every time they mentioned Malfoy it was just to accuse her of being 'not worthy.'

"Granger, how long have they been coming, and have they always been this bad?" Oh so it was Granger now. His tone was purely professional, like she was a victim and he was just doing a routine questioning. She let out a heavy sigh debating whether she should confide in him or just simply tell him to bugger off.

"I'll only answer your questions if you promise not to tell anyone else. Especially Ron." There was a flash of confusion that occupied his perfect face and then a look of 'I would never be caught dead talking to a Weasley.' it was only for a moment. He gave a slight nod as in agreement to her demand. She was about to speak before he silenced her with a motion of his hand.

"Not here, we will go to my place after I grab my reports, you've obviously been foolish in thinking you're safe here." His words hit her like a brick, not only was he being insufferable, feeling the need to tell her what to do, but he also wanted to go to his place, a place where she would be very much alone with him. A hot rush went through her body and resonated in her stomach

"Malfoy don't be ridiculous, yes this isn't the first threat, but I can take care of myself. You don't need to bother yourself with me." Something dark crept into his eyes, a look she had seen before. He stepped into her personal space, backing up so her thighs were pressed into the desk. He leaned in so his mouth was by her ear, sending delicious chills down her neck.

"You're the one being 'ridiculous'. I always want to be bothered by you."

Please rate and review I would appreciate since this is my first fanfic! Going to update everyday unless otherwise stated!