phoenix wright ace villain number one

chapter 5: the fifth one

by jakkid166

"THERE IT DOES" said wright pointign at the building wit his finger of objection

"THATS thE HQ of tha NICK JR CENSOR SHIP BOARD" said blue suit man named wright

"COOL" sayed robbie from tha trunk "HOW MUC H LONGER I CANT SEE FRUM OUT HERE"

"weve been here for 5 minutes" say wrighte

"WTF WHY DIDENT U TELL US" sayed stingy opening the trunk

"i herd some weird sounds comin from in there i dident wanna disturb u guys privacy" said phoen ix

"you dubm shit" say ema" ok never mind lets jus get in ther so we can GET THA PROOF"

"right" say wright

dey went to the fence surroundin tha place

"ok guys how we gonna get in we need a PLAN" said wright

""HMMMMMMMM" said robby "AHA i got it" and he tooked out scissors and he cut the fence but it shockd him


"i agree" said wright "but how can we get in then"

"well if we catn get over the fenc then well have 2 get in throug the front door" say stingy

"but HOW, they have GUARDS" say ema

"AHA" say robby "its DISGUISE TIME"

"hey dat was my idea you jack hole" say stingy

"but wher can we get disguise" say phoenix

"frfom the disguise store" said robby and he point to the disguise stor which was right next 2 the head quarters

"oh ok" say wright and they all go in and buyed disguisez that make them look lik boring business men people (exce pt wright caus he already dress like that)

they all walkd 2 the entrance and ther was guard there

"HALT WHO IS THERE" said the guard man

"were here for the super special nick jr cnsorship board business meeting" say wright

"ar you sure yo u wanna go in wit… DISGUISES ON?" said the guard


"YES THEY AR" say guard "iv got a trained eye, it went to college"

"and if ur all disguised, that must mean 1 thing…"

"...wat" said wright


"uhhhhhhhh" say robby "YEP DATS US"

"sweet bro i hope u brought the phoenix wrighte costume that ones my faovirte" said guard and he let me in "nice phoenic wright custume by the way sir its almost like ur actualy him"

"o thanks" said wrighte and they all went in

"OK" say wright "now we gota find tha evidence room"

"but where" say robbie

"i haves a plaves" said wright and he went 2 the front desk

"yes helo wat is your appointmetn" said the guy

"yes helo we have dese disguises we hav to deliver to the evidence room" said pennix

"oh ok" said the guy and he gave dem the evidence room key

"SWEET" said wright

"wtf why are u so happy" say the guy

"UHHH" said wirght "no reason"

"oh ok well hav a good day"

wright and people went to evidence room and wetn inside and wrighte got on thec ompuiter

"ok" say wirght "lets find da missing episode"

"lazy town has a shit tonne of episodes tho" say ema "how we gonna find it fast"

"umm duh" say wirght and he typed in searc "the one where sportacus die" and it came up

da episode started playign on the screen

"ok phoeni lets go to the partr where sportacus was dead" said robby "I CANT BEAR TO WATCH"

wright went 2 the part

"O SHIT THATS ME IM ON TV" say wirght

"yea mr wirght you shud get an emmy award for ur performance for ur acting" say ema

"what acting" say wirght "WAIT look its SPORACUS"

sportacus wetn to the cage and dropped it on his own head and killd himself

"WTF" say robie "so sportacus DID COMIT SUICIDE ON HIMSELF?"

"ya i guess so" say wright

"BUT WHY" say stingy "hes a HERO"

"perhap the guilt from his just actiones were too much" say robbie "he will be missd" and he shed tears out of his chin


yes indeedy do there wa two sportacuses on the scren now and the alive sportacus wetn and put fake blood on tha dead sportacus and left

"WAT COULD THIS MEEN" said robbie

"IT MEANS" say wrighte "uhhh i dont know"

"weLL" say stingy "wat matters is ur not guilty"

"YES" say wrighte "AND WE HAV DA PROOF" and he took out a 32gb sandisk usb flash drive and copied tha episode onto it

"hmmm now dat we're at it lemme copy all da other episodes too" say wirght but he was STOP

"STOP" say a voic

everyone turnd around

"WHO ARE U PEOPLE" said the guy

"ummmm" said wirght "we are costume delivery peopl e"

"HAHAHA u dont think i know who you are… PHOENIX WRIGHT" said the guy

"SHIT" said wirght "how did you KNOOOOOOOW"

"caus im not blind" say he "caus of shit laws i was force to hire blind ppl for all my guards whic is why nobody recogniz you"

"oh" say wirght "i thought our disguisze were jus REALLY good"

"NOPE you suck lol" said guy

"HEY THATS MEAN U OLD SHITFART" say robbie "who even are u"

"I AM THE CHAIR MAN OF NICK JR" say the guy "MY NAME IS… uh one secodn"

he took out his phone and used google


"yea well u cant stop us" said wright "we hav da episode and were gona prove ourself unguilty in court"

"i disagree" said thomas and he hit a buton and robots came outta tha floor "KILL HIM AND GET DA EPISODE"

"SHIT" say wirght and they all ran and the wobots chased them and wirght was runnin with them and he was shootin his gun at da robots but it dident work caus they had bullet proof sprayed on them


"SHIIIIIIT" said wirght caus they were fallin like 50 storiez

"dont WORRY ILL SAVE US" said robbie and he ran to the ground and caught them all

"oh shit thanks bro ur a hero" said wirght

"WHAT" said robbi and he dropped them "IM NOT A HERO IM A VILAIN NUMBER ONE FUCK YOU"

"o right" say wright "i forgot dis is a lazytown story"

they all got in2 stingys car and drove back to lazytown courtroom


"COURT IS SESSION" banged the mayor "now then wil thew defense give their opening statment"

"yes ur honor" said wirght "i have proof positive proof dat neither me or robbis are guilty for the murder of the murder"

"AHAHA" sayed the prosecution "i DOUBT THAT"

"yea well i dont" said wirght "mayor pls get the courtroom TV ready"

"ok said mayor" and he got the TV

wirght stuck the flash drive in the TV and tha episode played

"wait" say prosecution "NO NOT DAT"

the episode showd well u already know what happens

"HMMMM YES" say mayor "i believ this is proof u guys dident kill sportakus, i pronounce you NOT GUILTY"


"but what is the truth" said robbi

"hmmmmm" said wirght "i dont know"

"well do u have any clues" say mayor

"well lets sEE" said wright "in tha video there were two sportacuses whic leaves us with a few possiblities"

"1. one of tha sportacuses is some1 else in disguise

"2. one of the sportacusses is just a fake person who isent real or alive

"3. sportcus has a twin brother"

"AHA" say the prose cution "i know wat it is:

"what is it" say mayor


"shIIIIT" say robbi "NO THATS NOT TRUE"

"well" say myayor "it wouldent be tha first time he did that"

"WAIT" say phoe nix "even if dat were true we already got not guilty so we cant git guilty for it again caus double jeopardy whic means it CANT BE THE TRUTH"

"SHIIIIIT" said the prosecutione

"well dat leaves two options" say mayor "whic one"

"well" say phoe nix "i dont tink sportacus has a twin brother so that is not option"

"so that leaves… A FAKE PERSON" said robbis


"what" say judge

"its simple" say ph oenix "the dead sprotacus WASNT REAL, sportacus FAKED HE DEATH WITH THE FAK SPORTACUS"

"NOOOOOOOO but do u have proof" say prosecution

"YES" say wirght "notice tha alive sportacus put fake blood on the dead guy head, and let me ask you what does not bleed?"

"FAKE PEOPLE" say robbie

"THATs RIGHT" say thats wright

"but" say mayor "if sprotacus fake he death where is he now then"

"let think about that" say wright "who is da one person we dont know their name of"

"uhhh" say mayor "i think dats me wAIT ARE U ACCUSING ME?" and wright got penalty

"NO" say wrightonator "the OTHER ONE, tha PROSECUTION" and wirght pointed he finger "PROSECUTIONE, YOU ARE SPORTACUS"

"SHIT NNNOOOOOOOO" sayed the prosecution who was sportacus

"howd i not notice that" say jujde "hes not even in disguise hes just normal clothes"

"shit ur right" say robbi

"SO" say wirght "why sprotacus did u fake you r own death"

"becaus" say sportacus "robbei was always tryin 2 get the kids o lazytown to become lazy and eat shit food all tha time and make them unhelthy and i was SIK OF IT, i had to get rid o him somehow so i frame him for my death"

"wow wat a noble reason to commit crime" say mayor "i see sprotacus is still the hero we all kno and love, i only sentense him to 5 minutes time out"

"welp dat works for me" say wright "hey robbey wanna go git some donuts and ice cream?"

"YEEEEA" said robbie


wright flew back to his house on tha plane

"ahhh" say wirght "time to relax"


"fuckign goddamit" say wirght "ooh maybe me nintendo switch is here" and he open tha door

"hello" said nick jr executiv person "im from nick jr and from ur appearanc in lazytown i have dis check for you" and he gave thas check to wright and it wa 15 million dollars

"O FUCK" say wrighte "sweet im a 15 millionaire tv star now" and he cashed tha check and kept the money in a safe under he bed

but littel did he know someone was schemign against him