
This is Berk, where the Vikings are as tough as the hard rock this town is built on. The winters here are long and full of snow. The days can be darker then a moonless night, and colder then a bewilderbeast's breath.

I gazed at the snow covered village. Berk was calm this morning. The brisk morning air nipped at my fingers.

"Are ya ready bud?" I grinned at Toothless beside me.

The wind blew in my face, as we rushed up toward the clouds, the island shrinking from view as we flew farther away. I took a deep breath, basking in the freedom of flight. I didn't have to worry over the stresses of running Berk, for once. I let the thoughts float away for a while. We flew through the endless formations of clouds, as the sun rose over the archipelago.

"I guess we better head back." I said.

Toothless shook his head.

I set Toothless and myself down near Dad's memorial. Toothless cooed against me, sensing my stress.

"I know bud, we all miss him."

I stretched out, and yawned out the rest of the tiredness.

"I guess we better get started." I took a deep breath in, only to be met with an unexpected fit of coughs.

Toothless gazed at me, concerned in his eyes.

"Oh, come on-I'll be fine. Let's go bud"