Chapter One; The Birthday Party

Harry James Snape was a fifteen year old wizard. He had been adopted ten years ago by the Potions master and head of Slytherin house Severus Snape. The past few months had been incredibly difficult for Harry. Although he was excited that he was now fifteen years old and he would start working on his dream to become a dragon keeper this year at Hogwarts, the same dark wizard that had tried to kill him and his mother when he was a baby had returned to power.

Although very few people actually believed that he had mostly being his family members and friends. One surprising thing about it was that his Aunt Petunia had been one of them. Harry remembered as if it was yesterday when he saw and battled with Voldemort. He had watched his friend Cedric Diggory die right before his very eyes and his and Voldemort's wand had connected since they had been in fact twins. For they shared the same phoenix feather for their core.

Of course Harry was also going through normal changes as well. He recently had started shaving, and he was finally a registered animagus. He could turn into a stag at will. He was also looking forward to next year when he would learn how to apparate and disapparate and the year after that he would finally be an adult wizard and learn how to drive a car.

Today also just happened to be his younger brother and sister's third birthday party. Since they didn't officially turn three until he started back at Hogwarts, they were having an early birthday party for them. For right at this moment Harry, Tobey, and Teddy had their appointments at the barbershop so they would look nice for the party while Eve and Heather were a crossed the street at the beauty salon.

Harry dropped his head down to his chest while his barber cut off his stray hairs with the clippers. At last he had finished and Harry raised his head again and examined himself in the mirror. Although it was a nice haircut he personally thought that he looked better with his longer and messier hair. However he knew that he had better get used to it since his hair now laid all over the floor.

"There, all done." The barber said before removing Harry's cape and allowing him to stand up. Harry quickly grabbed his glasses as the broom magically began to sweep up his hair. Harry turned his head and looked over a crossed the room. His cousin Dudley was about to get his haircut sitting next to a little boy that looked a couple of years younger than Eve.

He had black hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and rather large ears. Harry knew exactly who he was when he saw him even though he had never personally met him. For this was Hermione's adopted little brother Elvis. Elvis widened his eyes and gaped his mouth open with amazement as Harry walked by. However Harry was used to people staring at his scar by now since they had done it ever since he had been a little boy.

"You really do have that scar. Hermione was right." He said. "I wish that I could go to Hogwarts. But I'm only six years old for one and for two I don't think I'm a wizard. Mum and Dad said that I would have been showing signs of powers by now if I was. The only thing interesting about me is that I'm starting to get my six year old molars, but that's nothing really special. Not as special as being a real wizard anyway." He said.

Harry had remembered when he, Tobey, and Eve had gotten their six year old molars, and when Harry had received his twelve year old ones. He didn't say it aloud but he secretly agreed with Elvis. They weren't really all that special, in fact they had hurt him almost as much as his scar hurt whenever Voldemort was by.

"Oh I dunno," Harry began. "they're a sign that you're growing up. And I believe that God made everyone special in their own way." He finished when suddenly he turned around and ran into the very person that he never expected to run into. For there, standing in front of him was his Uncle Vernon.

"Ah, it's you. I figured that I might be running into you here." He muttered under his breath.

"Well this is a barbershop for muggles and wizards." Harry pointed out.

"Well first of all you need to understand that I only brought Dudley here because it was the closest one to the bowling alley, and the only reason that I'm coming to your rotten brother's and sister's birthday party in the first place is because my wife is making me!" he spat which seemed like a good enough reason for Harry. He didn't really care for either one of them but Aunt Petunia was a lot better than Uncle Vernon.

Harry decided then and there that he best end the conversation right there and journeyed out the door to get some fresh air while he waited for Tobey and Eve.


Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat down on top of the bench and removed their shoes. Hermione was the only one out of all of them that had gone bowling before and Harry just hoped and prayed that he didn't make a fool out of himself. Ginny and Fred and George already had their bowling shoes on and walked down to the alley where Lily, Snape, Tobey, Eve, Teddy, and Heather were waiting for them.

As they went to go collect their bowling balls Tobey stepped up to the lane. "Tobias,.." his mother began warningly. "I already told you to let Teddy and Heather go ahead of you since they're the ones having the birthday." She told him.

"Oh c'mon Mum! I'm the oldest!" he cried.

"No you're not, Harry is. And if he's not going to act like a jerk then you shouldn't either." Eve told him as Tobey simply just scowled at her before he dropped his ball down on the ground.

"Fine." He began. "They can go ahead of me." He finished but he had dropped the ball with such force that it started rolling ahead of him anyway. "Whoops, sorry." He said but Lily knew that that hadn't been any accident.

"Alright Tobey your turn is over, and you can sit out on the bench for the rest of the game." She told him as Tobey sulked back over to his seat having getting a gutter ball anyway.

Tobey folded his arms and glared at Heather as she started rolling the ball down the lane. "Come on Heather, you can do it darling!" Lily cried as all of a sudden a bunch of pins fell over. Heather grinned widely revealing her mouthful of teeth.

"Yay!" she cried while she clapped her hands together excitedly just as Harry, Ron, and Hermione were walking over to her.

"Good job Heather!" Harry told her while squatting down in front of her and giving her a high five.

"Oh please!" Tobey remarked with a roll of his eyes while Harry smiled at her and kissed the top of her head. "She only got five pins down, I've got three strikes, big whoop!" he cried while throwing his hands up into the air.

"Tobias Elliot Snape, that's enough!" his mother scolded while pointing a finger at him. "If you keep this up then consider yourself grounded for the weekend with no Telly or videogames." She warned before all of a sudden he stood up.

"Fine. I'm going to the bathroom." He said before he turned around and ran up the steps.