Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in the film The Lost Boys. I love this film so much, and it never gets boring.
Please no harsh comments on my spelling or grammar.
If you like the begining, please leave a comment if you want me to continue. This is my first M rated. This is a rough guide from a dream what I had so I will go threw the mistakes what I have made.
So I do hope you like it . . . . so here we go.
As the sun went down, the vampire family calmed down from the night of fun in Phoenix. As the other vampires went to sleep for the day, there stood brother and sister. Harper, the newby of the group swayed from side to side as she walked to the sofa. Her eyes half closed looked like she had a good night with a bag of weed. Her brother Dillan laughed. Harper tried to stay awake for as long as she can, because she didn't want her brother to leave. She was the smallest of the group, only a few days old. The sun drained the happiness out of her, making her weak.
Harper's brother Dillan smiled and pulled his sister into a hug. A hug what they have both missed.
Dillan hid in the shadows watching his fifteen year old sister hide in her bedroom from their drunken mother and father. He hated his parents for what they are doing to his sister, taking her teenage years away from her by walking late hours of the night, picking drugs up for her mother. Dillan watched closed if any of the men tried anything with his sister, he wanted her to meet the one.
The one who he was with now, Claire. He smiled thinking about her. But then his memorys came back to the night he changed. He was walking home from the bar, where he had worked. He walked passed a person who had geeky glasses and a hocky cap. They both nodded their heads and left it there. Thats what Dillan thought. One second he was on his feet, the next his back on the ground. Dillan remembers trying to fight him off, but the person was to strong. The person forced his mouth open, and something warm went down his throat. The person never told Dillan his name, only he said he was a . . . vampire.
From then on, for the past two years Dillan had to learn him self as a vampire, the DO's and the DON'T's. He thought he would never make it, till he saw the love of his life Claire, She taught him everything, everything he needed to know. To him, she was a life saver.
One night, it changed for Harper. She was walking home from her cousin's house Sam and Michael Emmerson, from the sound of her heart, she was scared. Scared of what her her parents would do to her. Sam and Aunt Lucy kept her over as much as they can so she won't get hurt.
As they rounded the corner, they could hear shouting. Their parents were in another argument. Dillan growled and Harper gave him a worrying smile. He could tell she was scared, he could tell she wanted to stay with them. But for a human to know vampires existed it could be dangerous.
Dillan watched Harper go into the house. Everything went silent. One minuet there was silence, then screams. The smell of blood invaded his nose. He nodded his head to claire, and she understood what to do. They walked in and saw that Harper was laying on the floor. Her heart beat was slow. He bit into his wrist and made her half a vampire that night.
As time went by, he could feel his sister getting stronger. He was getting stronger for being a Sire. He had no need to worry about his sisters safty.
Dillan looked down at his sister and smiled. The memorys were happy and sad. Happy that they are finally together, sad that their parents were cruel. He had no need to worry, Harper would be fully turned tomorror as it would be safe because their Aunt would be moving away to Santa Carla.
"Tomorrow right?" Dillan asked.
Harper smiled. "Tomorrow."
Harper woke up to the sound of screams and a pain in her chest. Opening her eyes, two men stared down at her.
"She's only half." A man said.
"Hay I know her, she is Sam Emersons cousin." A young boy said.
Without thinking, she scratched at his face. She needed to get to her brother. The man cursed, and hit her over the face. Her vision went blurry. They picked her up, and Harper screamed as loud as she could. They took her down stairs where her brother slept.
Harper moved of the man's shoulders and ran towards her brother as a stake was about to be brought down at his chest. The woman turned on her heels and put the stake threw her chest. She screamed in pain, her body shook while she was on the floor. One of the men walked up to her and pulled out the stake.
Harper could feel her self healing. The healing was much slower as to a full vampire, but the wound put its self back together. It was like time had stood still. She looked at her brother with blurry eyes, as tears ran down her cheeks.
Dillan smiled. "I love you."
As in slow motion, Harper watched in horror as her brother was staked. His screams pierced her ears. The chang in her shifted. Only one thing . . .she was human again.
"Harper wake up." A voice said.