Hey guys! This story was one of the first i posted. I wrote it three years ago and then kinda left it to collect dust. I'm very sorry i never updated it cause i know quite a few of you wanted to see more. So today that hiatus ends. I will rewrite the chapters that are already done because they were god awful and then i promise to continue the story. There are many things i have changed and some of the OCs have been toyed with a little,but please don't get mad. My imagination went wild while rewriting this. :3


The navy skies were coated with thick black smoke as a figure charged threw it,flapping his wings as hard as he could. He had watched a fatal attack on his home and temple that he had believed killed everyone,except him that is. This figure was dark green with a dark grey underside,two jagged white horns(one on each side),a slightly shorter tail than he should have and silver tail blades. As he flapped,what little light shone through the black reflected off his silver wing webbing. He breathed heavily as the speed and strain of the flight was almost painful,but he knew that he had to push on. After all,a valuable life depended on him. Glancing down on what he was holding,his eyes filled back up with a determined black flame and he picked up speed.

"Even if it means my own demise,this child must survive."

After flying for so long that the sun fell beyond the horizon,the young dragon decided he had to land. For the darkness attracted what he was trying to avoid and he did not want to have to fight them off after the day he'd had. Upon landing in the shaded grass beneath a canopy of trees,he spotted a large rocky structure. Nodding to himself,he opened his maw and sent out a blast of black fire toward it,creating a large gaping hole on the inside. He had created a cave. Sighing tiredly,he stumbled into the newly made home and carefully laid the the egg down on patch of grass inside. Then he let himself collapse,he was utterly exhausted.

"How did those things even get past our defenses? We had increased them due to being the Year of the Dragon and ever since the Age of Darkness we have protected our young far fiercer than we have before,as we did not want to lose another child to the darkness..." he thought.

Moving his head to the floor and looking at the egg without moving it,he let his expression sadden.

"That egg was the only one not born to mates. It was discovered in a forest not far from the city and brought back by one of the female guardians. When others saw the color,they saw it as an omen of darkness and death but when i saw it,i saw a glimmer of hope. After all,i had been raised on the ancient writings and they depicted a purple dragon who saved us all from the very same threat. Maybe that's why i was the only one who jumped to save it after all the other eggs were hidden away..."

After a few minutes of thought,he decided that he'd better make nests for himself and the egg so that it wouldn't die after all that. Scraping together the softest materials he could find,which consisted of grass,dirt,leaves and some hay that had been blown from the south he built the nests. He had decided to put them close together so he could wrap himself around the shell. Taking a breath,he placed the small object in the nest and laid down behind it. It was here he started to think deeply about how it looked.

"It's purple coloring is a darker shade then what i saw of the hero's egg in the writings...not to mention the strange symbol..."

The egg was indeed a darker shade and the black symbol had three points at the top and one on the base which they connected to. It almost looked like a footprint.

The dragon shook his head. "Don't even begin to conceive that. I will not believe that this child will bring about the world's end. It will be but a child and i will hopefully raise it to be merciful. I especially hope that no one will find us,the child doesn't need ridicule. I've been teased and abused all my life due to my Shadow element and i will not let the same happen to them."

The young male raised his head to the roof of the cave as he saw moonbeams leaking in through cracks in it. He figured he'd have to find something to patch it as he didn't want himself nor the egg to get wet. Looking back at the egg he let himself smile and wrapped his tail around it,letting his body head seep into the shell as his dark blue eyes slowly closed.

After what felt like a few hours later,a bright light shone throughout the dark cave which caused the young male to awaken and squint at the source.

"The egg...is it hatching!?" he thought,excited.

Shielding his eyes with his wings,he waited for the light to die down and when it did he was greeted with a welcome sight in his eyes. In the small nest,among the shards of egg shell was a small purple dragon. It had six blue horns(three on each side) that came out and slightly pointed up,a blue underbelly,three tail blades that resembled spikes(two blue on the sides and one black at the tip),her wings had blue webbing with black flames at the ends and it had three triangular black spines starting from the top of it's head and stopping just below her head.

The male dragon studied the child. It's muzzle was pointed,wings were small,and the tail was long. Indicating that the child was female. He didn't much time to react as she immediately started to fuss and soon it turned into loud wailing. Reacting quickly,the male grabbed the young girl and laid her down in his nest while he cradled her. This seemed to calm her after a few minutes and that's when he got to see her eyes. They were a vibrant green and they shone like emeralds. They looked up at the dragon with curiosity and he noticed it.

"Hello,little one..." he said,in a soft soothing tone. "My name is Venus." he said with a smile which the hatchling returned and then snuggled closer into his chest.

"Heh...you noticed that,huh? I guess i was so worried about you i forgot about the slice in my chest. Funny how you can tell-"

He stopped when he saw her eyes glow a soft white and she touched her nose to the wound,which caused it to slowly fade away.

"What the-How did-" he stuttered. He was in total shock. A newborn dragoness just preformed healing magic which not even fully grown dragons could do so easily,however Venus quickly reasoned with himself that she WAS different than others. She was a purple dragon and they were known for being full of surprises that questioned what dragons knew.

"Well,looks like you'll live right up to that expectation little one." he spoke,warmly as he saw the child start to drift off to sleep.

"What should i name her? She obviously needs name...gods above! What do you name such a special creature?"

He huffed in frustration as he felt she needed a very special name. He had some ideas,such as Mystic,Kurai and Vivian,but he felt they were too generic. But then,he started thinking about the draconic elements. Fire,Ice,Electricty,Earth,Poison,Fear,Wind,Shadow...all things that a purple dragon learns in their lifetime.

"Wait...maybe i can combine elemental terms...Shadaria...no...Terrian...no...Breezy? No,of course not...Blazera? Hm...that's close...wait...Voltage comes from Electricity... and Terra means Earth and expresses life...I've got it! Voltara!"

Looking at the child again,he smiled wider. "Your name will be Voltara. You are Sparking Life and our Light in the Dark."

Not like he was expecting the newborn to understand,but he couldn't help but love the name. It felt it was nothing short of perfect for the little heroine.