Shepard opened his eyes and found himself in a white room. He looked around and then he noticed that he was in a hospital, he looked out of the window and saw that he was still in London. When he tried to get up, he winced and found that he was wrapped in bandages and was on life support.

The door opened and then he saw no walking and the moment she entered she dropped her datapad. "What's going on?" he asked weakly.

The nurse quickly rushed over to him and forced him back down. "Take it easy, you've been through a lot."

Then before he could answer any questions she rushed out of the room leaving him completely bewildered. He tried to remember what happened, he remembered how he destroyed the power conduit and was engulfed in the explosion.

He can only assume that it worked and the Reapers were destroyed, but the biggest question was how he got here. Plus he also want to know what happened to his crew and more importantly Ashley.

He then looked up and saw doctor entering the room. "I see our hero is awake," he said as he approached Shepard and began to check his eyes.

"What happened? How did I get here?" Shepard asked.

"Well, you save the entire galaxy that what happened," said the doctor. "As for how you got here. Well, I'll let your commanding officer explain."

Shepard looked up and then he saw Hackett entering the room with a proud look on his face.

"How is he, Doctor?" Hackett asked.

"Considering what he went through quite well," said the doctor as he used his omni-tool to scan Shepard. "I'm still surprised he survived the explosion."

Hackett chuckled. "This is the man who survived the destruction of his own ship and ended up spaced."

The doctor raised an eyebrow. "To my understanding he did die in that incident."

"Any chance he'll be back onto his feet soon?" Hackett asked.

"Not for long time, he needs to rest," said the doctor finishing his examination of Shepard.

"Considering what he has done I think the rest is well-deserved," Hackett chuckled. He looked at Shepard and back to the doctor. "I don't suppose there's any chance we could be alone?"

"Of course, but if anything happens summon me," said the doctor.

Hackett nodded. "Of course, Doctor."

The moment the doctor left the room Hackett said down next to Shepard.

"How are you feeling, Shepard?" he asked.

"Like death, sir?" said Shepard as he turned his head to face Hackett. "How did I get here?"

"You have Major Ryder to thank for that," said Hackett. "The moment of the Crucible had destroyed the Reapers he organised a rescue team to look for both you and Anderson, plus any stragglers that fail to evacuate in time."

The mention of Anderson ripped Shepard's heart out. "Sir, I'm afraid that Admiral Anderson is—"

Hackett raised his hand. "You don't need to say anything Commander, we found his body right next to the Illusive Man."

"How long have I been out?" Shepard asked.

"A few weeks and we are starting to rebuild all across the galaxy," said Hackett. "Earth has seen better days and it was a long time to rebuild it, not to mention the damage which was sustained to the mass relays, but we can rebuild."

"And my crew?" Shepard asked.

"They were knocked off course and landed on a distant system, but they were able to reach the rendezvous point and all of them are alive and well," Hackett assured.

"So, what happens now?" Shepard asked.

"For now you can rest easy, Shepard," Hackett smiled. "You've earned a rest no one can dispute that. Was starting to collect the dead and will be having a ceremony to honour them. I was hoping that you would make some sort of speech if you're up to it."

"I'm always up to it, sir," said Shepard.

"Well, it will depend on what your doctors say, but knowing you you'll be back on your feet in no time."

"Yes, sir," Shepard saluted.

"And there is now a thing you should know," said Hackett with a smile.

"What's that, sir?"

"You're being promoted to Admiral."

Shepard stared at him. "Ad-Admiral? But sir, I haven't even reached the rank of Captain?"

"Shepard you just save the galaxy, I think you've earned a larger rank than just a Captain and there is no use arguing, because we need someone to replace Anderson and I can't think of anyone better."

"Then I hope to serve to the best of my abilities," said Shepard.

Hackett laughed. "You've already shown your best. Now just get some sleep and regain your strength, you've earned it Admiral."

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, and your aunt may pay you a visit. She was worried about you," said Hackett as he got up.

"Haven't seen her in years," Shepard smiled.

Hackett smiled. "I don't think anyone could want a proud nephew than you."

Hackett then made his way out of the room leaving Shepard completely bewildered. He… an Admiral. It was hard to believe, to think three years ago he was just a lone soldier fighting against the odds. He was then ridiculed for his warnings against the Reapers and had to fight against them on the other side of the law.

He however was more relieved to hear that his crew and Ashley was still alive. He knew there was going to be a lot of rebuilding to do, but he had a feeling that the galaxy was become a much more peaceful place. Despite what the Catalyst believed, he knew that keys could exist between organics and synthetics if they only tried.

A few days later, there was a large gathering of people in the very centre of London and in the middle were coffins that contained the fallen or at least those they were able to find. Everyone was staring at a podium that overlooks the coffins and there were some of the great military and political leaders that survived the war, including Commander Shepard, or Admiral Shepard as he was called now, who was in a wheelchair.

Shepard just sat in his chair and looked into the crowd and saw that standing right in front of the crowd was none other than his own crew. He was pleased to see that they were all right especially Ashley.

He looked into the crowd and saw that it was not only humans that had joined, but members of every single race in the known galaxy. Even the geth and rachni were there, but many people gave them a wide berth.

Major Ryder soon approached the podium and it had been decided that he would take on the full role as Councillor by popular demand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to remember those that died in what is now known as the Reaper War, the bloodiest conflict in known galactic history as more died in this conflict than in the Rachni Wars and Krogan Rebellions combined.

"All of us have lost someone we care about, friends, family, but each and every one of them made a sacrifice that allowed us to see today. Now our biggest challenges to be billed what we have lost and while we can repair broken buildings and fix our broken bones, we cannot bring back those that died, those that sacrifice themselves for the greater good. And now I shall allow the man that saved us all the chance to speak. I am of course speaking about newly appointed Admiral John Shepard!"

The moment his name was heard people cheered and clapped as a marine guided Shepard's chair towards the podium. Shepard waited until everyone had calmed down, before he spoke.

"I wish to thank Councillor Ryder for his kind words and to congratulate him on his new appointment," Shepard began. "As he said we have lost much in this fight against the Reapers and while I was the one that brought an end to this war, I am not the real hero. The real heroes are those that sacrifice themselves for what they believed in, in order to correct the mistakes they have made, in order to better their people or just doing what they believed was right. They are real heroes.

"And while we rebuild our broken galaxy we must not forget their sacrifice. We also must remember that in this war has taught us one thing is that we are stronger when we are united. This war has proven that we can cast aside petty differences in order to provide his comrades and friends no matter what race were from. Whether we are organics or synthetics we all played a part in this battle.

"I myself have lost many friends in this conflict, so my even lost before this war began and some even before we knew the Reapers existed. This is a new age of peace, not only between races that once hated each other, but also between organics and synthetics. Now more than ever we must unite in order to rebuild our galaxy and perform deeper bond of trust and friendship, because if we forget that then the sacrifice of all those who took part in this war would have been in vain. A great man once said: 'Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few,' but this this time it was not just the humans that suffered so much, but it was the entire galaxy from all races."

There was silence among the crowd as they took what Shepard said to heart and then slowly they clapped so hard that it could probably be heard across the planet and beyond.

Rick then made his way to the podium. "Now may I ask you all to remain silent as we remember those that died?"

Everyone remained silent as a marine placed a bugle to his lips and began to play the Last Post. As the music filled Shepard's ears he began to remember all those that have fallen that died for their people and the galaxy.

Once the bugler stopped playing several Marines aimed their rifles into the air and fired several shots. Shepard hoped that this would be the last time that wars were fought, but he had a feeling that the piece won't last for long as they might encounter new enemies. However, if they joined together to stop a forest like the Reapers then nothing could stop them from reaching new heights.