Chapter 19.
The next few weeks was a blur for Alex and for Olivia, it had been quite boring staying in the hospital, especially when all she wanted to do was to go home and start working on the case as well as her new relationship with Alex, but fate would have it, that she would suffer from a minor infection and would have to stay another week. On a good note they had both talked to the Cabots about their feelings for each other, which apparently wasn't much of a surprise for the elderly couple. Their words where.
"We know how you feel about each other, it shows by the way you look at each other but also the ease in which interact with each other. You both more or less knows what the other it thinking before she do, so of cause you have our blessing, since we cant thank you enough Miss. Benson, for saving our granddaughter."
Olivia had been flabbergasted by that statement because she had been quite worried about making an impression on the Cabots but lo and behold she hadn't needed worrying about anything.
The most worrying this was the fact that none of them had heard anything about the case. It would seem that everyone held their cards close to the chest, so either something big had happened or they didn't want to worry them needlessly, though Liv hoped that the guys would tell them what´s going on sooner rather than later.
What had surprised them the most was the fact that the person who supposedly had been Alex´s mother, wasn't her biological parent. The still didn't know who the person was but from the information they had gotten from looking at pictures as well as talking to the Cabots, they had found out that the person had apparently been close to Hanna, they just didn't know how close.
The man that had acted like Alex´s father, had been a guy called Tom Stevenson, who had been apart of the gang, but other than that they hadn't been able to find much info on him, though Jane and her team, was still digging deep to find anything about that man. What they couldn't figure out was his connection to it all, and the fact that they weren't even sure that had been his real name, cause if it was, the man was a ghost.
The woman pretending to be Alex´s mom, who the hell was she, and what was her connection to the Cabots. Was she only after their money or had there been something else at work, they still haven't figured out.
Liv knew that Alex had been devastated finding out that her parents had died and the people who she had thought as her parents had been imposters. How can someone be so cruel to a child, not only killing its parents but imposing at her parents instead, and for what, money, power, who knows what was going trough their sick minds.
Luckily Olivia had been given permission to have the phone with her so that she could get regular updates from the guys, thought the only ones who had called so far, had been Jane and Maura, who just wanted to know how she was doing.
To her surprise Dana had also called to update her on the happenings at the FBI headquarters. Turns out that they had been right, and arrests had been made, and now they where working on going trough all the files and information their suspect had given them access to. It would seem that the boss had found out that when The Chief of Staff, had been in college, he and his friends, had spiked a girls drink, then proceeded to gang rape her. Though complaints had been filed, no arrests had been made, because the girl had been so out of it, she had a hard time recognizing any of them. Apparently he had a degree in electronics, she when he had decided to become a cop, the made sure to bury all information about that case. How the boss had found the information we cant be sure about, bot none the less it had been used against him, making him think he was going to loose his job if anyone found out the truth.
Dana told her from what the parents had told them, the their daughter went into a deep depression, the girl had committed suicide not long after the rape. She couldn't handle going to college and seeing her rapists every day, going free without any charges against them, and she had been certain that she hadn't been the only one it had happened to.
Lewis had been ordered to look into that college, and see if there had been any unreported rapes, though it was a long shot, they would even had that kind of info after so long, but if they could get evidence against the Chief, he would face long overdue charges against him.
Olivia asked Dana if she would show a picture around when on the campus, of the boss, because Liv had the sneaking suspicion that the reason why the boss had the info against the Chief, was because she had been at the same college when he went there. It seemed like the only logical ay she would know about it without having to dig deep for the info.
The phone rang and I answered with my customary Benson. Finally I thought when I heard it was Cragen on the line, apparently he has arranged for an early discharge from the hospital. Stabler would be picking me and Alex up and take us to my apartment where we will be updated with what they have found out so far about the case.
Getting up and getting dressed proved to be a slow affair, I was still sore as hell but I was determine to do dress my self without any help from the nurses, bad enough that I have to sit in that vile chair with Stabler pushing me out to the car.
Well lucky for me it was a nurse pushing me while he was parking the car in front of the door so I would have far to walk. What I hadn't noticed was Alex getting updated by the doctor about my care while I was being pushed out to the car. Apparently she takes caring for me very serious.
Back at my apartment I was placed on my trusty old lumpy couch, with pillows in my back for comfort, while Alex was bustling around the kitchen making refreshments for everyone who would be there in a few minutes. It would seem the whole gang would be here including Rizzoli and Isle. A couple of minutes later there was a knock at the door, and every one piled in setting them selves up with the various drinks.
"Now that we are all here let me begin with what we have found out so far." Cragen began.
"It would seem that when we where done looking trough the files on the laptop, our little Tom sang like a canary." Earning a laugh from all of them.
"He told us that the boss is called Alicia Stevenson and sister to him. When they where children, Alicia was the best friend of Hanna Cabot, but when they got older she fell in love with Miss Cabot. Tom also told us that their father at a young age molested his sister, at least until their mother found out and left him with the kids. But not long after they had moved Alicia began coming into his room at night abusing Tom like her father did her. From what we could gather it has lasted ever since, and Mr. Stevenson apparently is tired of being abused, so he wants out, even wanted a deal, if he testified against his sister."
It had come as a chock to all of them that this was happening, but at least they manage to cut a deal with one of them. Abbie seemed to be happy about the outcome so far, making the job a lot easier.
"From what Tom and his sister told us, Alicia got mad as hell when Hanna fell in love with Alexander, so she plotted revenge on both of them. Apparently Alicia didn't like the fact that Miss. Cabot was in love with someone other than her, and would do anything for them not to be together, even kill them both." Cragen said taking a sip of his coffee.
"When Alicia found out that Hanna was pregnant with Alexanders child, she was enraged, and at that point there was no turning back for her, she had decided to destroy the Cabots happiness. She began plotting her revenge on them, and made her move when Alex was only tree years old" Making the group shiver with contempt.
"Alex your grandmother was right in thinking that Alexander had been poisoned, turns out that Alicia had, at an outing with both of them poured enough arsenic into his drink that he would later that day die from a supposedly heart attack. Later she tried to comfort Hanna thinking that now that he is out of the way Miss. Cabot would turn to her in her grieve. When that didn't happen she decided to do something about it, resulting in Hanna being raped and murdered by a shot in the head. Though she hadn't encounter for the fact that Hanna had you, she thought that the ultimate revenge was to take Hanna´s identity and take you in as her own, wanting to mold you in her own image."
Alex was distraught in her grieve, how was someone able to do something like that without anyone getting suspicious about it. People who had met her mother would have known that Alicia wasn't Hanna, So how was it that she was able to use the identity for so long.
"I know that you are thinking about the fact that Alicia was able to keep up the charade for so long. It turns out that she used Tom as her cover, making him act as her husband and also stayed away from areas where she knew that people would know who she was. It wasn't easy of cause but she apparently managed it quite well. The divorce they where talking to you about Alex, was Tom wanting out of her games. He had enough of her toying with him so he thought that if he could get a divorce from her, he would be able to go to the cops. And that why Alicia had some of them in her pocket, by either blackmail or threatening them., so that Tom would be unable to go to the cops fearing for his life. But now that we have them both we can charge them with quite a few crimes, though FBI have requested that they are turned over to them, since the crimes are quite severe, and I have agreed, they will be transferred within the next few days, and Miss. Carmichael will get the case." Everyone heaved a sigh of relief knowing that Alicia had been caught and would not get out of prison for a long, long time.
"By god that was one hell of a family, that Stevenson, but im glad that they are finally caught, though I hope Tom gets of a bit easier with everything he had been trough." Olivia said gaining the agreement from everyone in the room. They was just happy that it was over and they could now get on with their lives, well at least until the next case. Alex was also happy to know that she was free now, which came at a perfect time since she had just been accepted into law school, and would start in fall, meaning that she would be quite busy, much to the misery of Olivia who wanted nothing more that to spend all her time with Alex.
The End
An. A possible epilogue for the story if you want. Thank you for the support you have shown me trough out this story. I will take a small break from it for a while. Then I will revisit it and rework it so it will be better, maybe even longer than it is right now.