Please Note: I said Brallie is included in the summary, and I mean it. Brallie is included, so I changed it to "Romantic Brallie included" in the summary because Romantic Brallie is included in the story, and if you don't ship Brallie you don't have to read it. Brallie isn't the only aspect of the story, but they will be romantically involved.

Trigger Warning: Liam Flashback in the middle on the chapter.

Fanfiction based on the fosters 4x11 promo.

Chapter Twelve

Lena's POV

After we spoke to the doctor, he concluded that both Callie and Jesus will be fine. They just need to take it easy for a few weeks. No heavy labor. They both been prescribed pain killers for any headaches or any other pains. They both get to be released tomorrow morning, they have to stay in their rooms though. That means Jesus and Callie can't see each other until tomorrow, but that doesn't mean Mariana and Jude can't see her now.

Stef and I walked into Jesus' room. All of the kids looked up at Stef. They know her and Brandon went to go find Callie, that means if she's here that she was either successful or not. Good thing she was.

Jude, Mariana and Jesus all had a concerned face ready to know anything new on Callie.

They studied our moments and expressions carefully.

"We found her." Stef smiled at them. I could see the relief lift off all of them individually. "She's fine, she's in the next room. Jesus and Callie get to leave tomorrow."

"Really?" Mariana asked. I nod.

"Saying Jesus and Callie are stuck in a hospital bed until tomorrow, you two will have to wait to see each, but Mariana and Jude, if you want to see her she is in the next room." Stef told them. They nodded and Jude immediately stood up. He is ready to see his sister. Mariana nodded and followed Jude out the door. We stayed with Jesus to keep him company.

Mariana's POV

We exited Jesus' hospital room and Jude and I looked on the room on the right to see if she's in that one, she isn't. She must be on the room on the left. We went to the door, and it was closed.

"Should we knock?" Jude asked. I looked through the hospital window on the side of the door and see Brandon and Callie.

They're kissing.

More like making out.

To be honest, it's kind've cute. STOP IT Mariana! They are siblings, you can't find them cute. But they are. He does love her, we all know this. She must love him back. Their kiss is so passionate, I'm stupid to think they didn't have any real feelings for each other.

"Mariana!" Jude snapped me out of my thoughts. "What are you looking at?"

He must've not see Brandon and Callie. I shouldn't tell him. No. If they get together they will tell us. Jude doesn't need to know that right now.

"Nothing. Go ahead, knock on the door." I told him. He knocked on the door. I'm so excited to see my sister. I missed her so much. I see Brandon and Callie pull away from each other and straighten up so we couldn't tell they were making out.

Brandon comes up to the door and answers it.

"Hey guys." Brandon says when he realizes it's us. I smirk at him, he's trying to cover up the fact that he and Callie made out for who knows how long. He was confused at my smirk as well as Jude, so I just walk in to see my sister.

There she was looking straight into my eyes, and smiled. I run to see and gave her a hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe. And back with us." I said. I could feel the smile on my face. My brother is out of acoma and my sister was found. Both alive. This is the best possible scenario and I'm so relieved.

Jude's POV

After Mariana released Callie from her arms it was my turn. I pulled her into a tight hug. I need to make sure she's actually here.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered in her ear.

"For what?" She asked.

Does she just not remember everything I said? That I wanted her stay out of my life. That I fought with her.

"For what I said when Jesus was in the hospital for the first time." I said. She was confused. Brandon saw her confusion.

"She has some memory loss." Brandon filled us in. What memory loss? I looked at Brandon and his face dropped, what was he thinking about?

"It's not that bad." She defended. Memory loss. What doesn't she remember? I need her to be okay, she can't be perfectly healthy if she can't remember somethings.

I looked at Callie. I need her to be fine.

"Jude. I'm fine. Don't worry. I remember enough." She said while looking at Brandon. He looked guilty for something. For what exactly. I don't know.

"Callie, if don't remember some things, then I'm worried."

"I'm fine. I remember all of you, and the more important things. I'm fine, I will remember everything eventually." She assured.

"How much do you not remember?" I asked.

"I remember all of you, and Moms. And Kyle's foster family and Jim's as well." She assured.

"Is that it?" Mariana asked worriedly.

"No, she remembers Aaron and AJ." Brandon added with a hint of jealousy, but I ignored it.

"And is that it?" I asked. She nods. So she doesn't remember all of the other abusives homes. She remembers Pearson's, and that was one of the worst abusives homes, but it wasn't the worst. Not for her at least, may have been for me, but not for her. I worry when she does remember that specific home. When she remembers him.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She saw the worry on all three of our faces. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing." Mariana and I dismissed at the same time.

She doesn't believe us.

"Brandon?" She asked hoping he will tell her.

"It may be better telling her, and her expecting it, than her remembering it and hurting when she does." Brandon told Mariana and I.

"Tell me what?" She asked.

"I can tell her." Brandon said. It felt a little too impersonal for me to be here when he does.

I can't tell her. I barely could comfort her when it happen. I was little, and we both knew I couldn't protect her from him. I would be just telling her what happen, but I think Brandon can do a better job.

"We'll let you tell her, we'll be back." I said while nudging Mariana to come with me. She gave an understanding nod and exited the room. We went back to Jesus'.

"What's going on?" Moms asked once we came back.

"Why didn't you tell us she had memory loss?" I asked them.

They looked a little confused, but caught on.

"Because we thought you would just need to see her. It slipped our minds. She remembers all of you, so I thought it wouldn't be a problem." Mom added. "Is there a problem?"

"Once we found out she had memory loss, she knew we were hiding something. She knows we know something she doesn't. She wants to know what we're hiding."

"Hiding what?" Jesus asked.

"What happened with Liam." Mariana added. "She wanted us to tell her, and Jude and I think it was best for Brandon to tell her."

"Did he tell her?" Momma asked.

"He's doing that now." I added. "He thinks it would be better if she expected the memory to come back instead of it being a surprise."

"Well he's right." Mom replied. She was worried, but knew it would be easier if there was only one person telling her. SHe wouldn't feel crowded. "I need to ask all three of you kids something."

"What is it?" Mariana asked.

"How would you feel if we allow Brandon and Callie to… I don't know. Date? Be together? I don't know what to call it." She asked. "Would you be okay if they were together?"

She looked at us.

What do I say?

It would be kind've weird, but what if this is what she wants? What if she loves him back.

"I'll be fine with it." Jesus said.

"Mariana?" Mom asked.

"I don't mind." She responds.


I'll be honest.

"If it makes her happy, i'll be happy." I respond.

She smiles a little awkwardly. "Okay."

Momma looked at her. Did they talk about this before asking us? I don't think so.

"Stef can I talk to you for a moment outside." Momma asked.

"Fine." She responds, and they left.

I guess she didn't know.

Stef's POV

Lena and I walked out of the room.

I could tell she was angry.

"Why did you do that?" She asked angrily.

"Because it was the perfect time. The three kids excluding Brandon and Callie all in one room together was the perfect time to ask."

"But WE haven't even talked about yet!" She quietly yelled so the children won't come out.

"Then let's talk about it right now." I told her.


"So what do you think about Brandon and Callie being together?" I asked her.

"Well I admit, it would be a little weird."

"Then let's set a no PDA rule, but we should give them a chance to show us how much they really mean together. Let them give us a chance to see the love the two share."

"We know Brandon loves her, but how do you know Callie feels the same way?"

"When Brandon and I found her, he found her first. When I caught up, they were hugging. She looked so happy and safe in his arms. When she was questioned by the police, he stood by her side, and she she appreciated his presence. When they were in the car on the way here, before she acted up, her and Brandon were sitting really close together. They were holding hands before she fell asleep on him. She felt safe enough, and comfortable enough to be able to fall asleep on him peacefully."

She let out a big sigh. Her expression changed to worry.

"How? How are we going to let them be together?" She asked.

"Well adoptive siblings can legally date when both turn 18, or parents give permission." I explained.

"Okay. So, what? We'll let them date. What if they want to get married. Adopted siblings can date, but they can't get married" She argued. That's a good point.

What if they love each other that much?

Enough to get married.

Enough to start a family.

"Then we'll have to unadopt her, but we can do that after she's 18, so she can still live with us. Still be an Adams Foster. She will still be one if she got unadopted."

"Okay." She said.

"Of course, now we have to find out what they want." I told them.

"We should check to see how she's doing. Since Brandon told her about Liam." She replied. I nodded and we went to her room. We knocked on the door and Brandon said we can come in. Something felt wrong.

When we did, the sight broke my heart.

Callie was in Brandon's arms with tears streaming down her face. I automatically know she remembers. She remembers Liam. She remembers everything he did to her.

Callie's POV

Jude and Mariana left. So it's just me and Brandon again. All of them knew something I didn't, and I want to know what it is.

"Brandon can you tell me? Tell me whatever they're trying to hide from me. It can't be that bad, so please just tell me." I begged.

"It is that bad. What you want me to tell you is something you don't remember. It was the most traumatic thing that happened to you while you were in the foster system." He explained.

"What? What happened?" I asked. I need to know.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you? You could remember and it is very traumatic." He asked. This is one of the reasons why I love him. He cares about my feelings.

"Yes. I want you to tell me."

"Okay." He silently said while nodded. He took a seat on the hospital bed and took my hands, and stared into my eyes.

Whatever it is, it's really serious.

"Callie. When you were in the foster system. You were with a specific family, and they had a son. He's twenty two right now, but when you met him you were 14 and he was 19."

Where is he going with this?

The story he's telling me seems so familiar, I just can't remember.

"Go on."

"You two started getting closer, and he wanted more." He said. This was hard for him, to tell me.

"What do you mean more?"

"He wanted sex." He replied.
There was a five year difference. Something was wrong. I can feel it.

Is this going where I think it's going?


"Liam, he wanted it more than you did… And..." He continued.


The name is so recognizable.

I remember him.

He was my foster brother. He was older, and I was younger, but I had slight crush on him.

That was until the worst night of my life.

I was trying to sleep, it was a stormy night. I wasn't scared. I felt safe in the house. The Olmsteads was the best foster family Jude and I had since my mom died.

I heard the door open.

I looked over and saw Liam walk in.

He was sneaking in my room.

"What are you doing here Liam? We can get caught." I whispered. We started having something more than a brother-sister relationship.

"I wanted to see you." He smiled. Something felt wrong. Something didn't seem right. He seemed different.

I sat up on my bed full awake. He came closer.

He leaned in to kiss me, and I accepted it.

He continued the kiss until I pulled away.

"Liam, you should go. Your parents can come in any second. I don't want to mess anything up for Jude if we got caught."

"They're out. And Jude's asleep. That gives us a perfect opportunity to have some fun."

"Okay." I leaned up to kiss him. He returned the kiss. I felt his hands reaching up my shirt.

I pulled them out of my shirt and broke away from the kiss.

"Liam I'm not ready for anything like that. I'm only fifteen." I told him.

His eyes flared up. He was angry.

"Come on Cal, we can have some fun." He said disappointingly.

"Liam. I'm not ready. Please just let this go." I pleaded.

He shaked his head. "No. I always get what I want. I want this." He said.

He threw his body on me. He was stronger and I couldn't fight him.

He started removing both mine and his clothes.

"Please Liam, I don't want this. Don't do this. Please stop!" I begged.

He got both of our clothes off and continued.

He didn't listen to my pleads to stopped.

He continued and after he got annoyed to my cries to stop, he slapped me.

And for the night he forced me into having sex with him.

I didn't enjoy it one bit. And the next day, Jude and I got kicked out of the house.

And that night was the worst night of my life.

I could remember the whole thing clearly and perfectly. I remember him coming back to threaten me at Wyatt's party when I found out a younger girl was living with him. Then Wyatt threatened him to stay away from me, and Liam thought I told Wyatt about that night. I didn't, he threatened me again, and Wyatt started a fight with him. I remember taking him to court and him winning. Then when Wyatt and I tried to have sex, I couldn't do it because I wasn't ready after what Liam did to me. I started seeing Liam places when he wasn't there and then I saw him at the mexican festival after he had a fight with Wyatt and Brandon. I didn't see him until I found out he used my name and information to make credit cards in my name to make money. And Sarah admitted to having a sexual relationship with him, and he was sent for jail. For a long time, but I can never forget the night Liam raped me.

Even if I was in a car accident and the effect was amnesia, I can't forget him.

Brandon was talking, but I didn't listen. I couldn't listen.

I could hear him trying to snap me out if.

It worked.

"Callie, are you okay?" He asked with the biggest worried expression on his face.

"I remember." I choked out. I can taste the salty tears streaming down the face. His face was washed with guilt.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have tried to tell you."

"I was going to remember anyways… I'm glad you're here when I did." I can barely see him, he's blurry with all the tears blurring in my eyes.

"Callie come here." He whisper gently. He pulled me in his arms. I feel so safe there. It's home for me. I feel so protected with him just in the room.

How can I live my life without him. He is the only guy I can truly trust, with my life, with all of my secrets, with anything.

I can trust Jude and Jesus, but Brandon is one who can be there for anything.

"Just remember he's gone. He won't be after you ever again. He's in jail for a very long time. He can't hurt you." He said. I love him so much. I need him. I can't live another minute without having him in my arms.

Well figuratively, because I'm in his physically.

"Thank you. For being here."

"Anytime." He said that made my heart flutter whenever he spoke.

I stayed in his arms, I'll feel unprotected if I wasn't.

"I can't not be with you." I tell him. "I love you too much for that."

"I love you too." He replied. I put my head on his chest while he rubbed my back.

How are we going to be together, more tears were streaming down my face at the fact that we still can't be together.

There was the knock on the door.

"Come in." Brandon said gently. He didn't leave my side. He didn't even care that whoever was outside will see us like this. I don't care.

Moms walk in and I saw both of their hearts break.

"She remembers?" Mom asked. Brandon nodded.

I can't look at them. I can't see them in pain because I am. I can't see them hurt again.

Stef came quickly to me.

"Honey. Everything is going to be okay." She said. I left Brandon's embrace. And nodded at her. Everything is going to be okay. I'm with everyone I love. Either them being here or in the next room.

"I love you both so much." I told them I gave Stef a hug, and then Lena one to.

"I don't want to leave you, but visiting are over." Lena said. I looked at Brandon. I don't want him to leave. He's the only person I can be in his arms for hours and not feel uncomfortable being in his arms for that long. I don't feel safe without him.

"However… This hopital allows for one person to stay the night with per patient." Stef reminded.

"They have to be a family member that is over 18." Lena said looking at Brandon.

"Would you two like it if Brandon stayed here with you Callie?" Stef asked. I smiled and nodded while wiping the drying tears on my face.

"Okay." Stef smiled. "Lena or I will stay with Jesus."

"Okay." I smiled. I hugged Lena and Stef before they left. Stef is staying with Jesus, and Lena will take Jude and Mariana home, and they will be here when we get to go home tomorrow.

I look back at Brandon. I'm so happy he won't leave me.

I layed in bed while he turned off the lights. He was eyeing the small sofa that overnight patients can sleep in.

'You know you can lay with me." I told him. He looked back at me. I can see the love in his eyes.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes." I smiled and I made room for him on the bed. "Now come lay with me."
He had a small giggle at my attempt at a demand.

He slide in on the bed and put his arm around me. I layed on his chest and he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight." He said

"Goodnight Brandon, I love you."

"I love you to." He replied back.

For once in a long time, I fell asleep well.

The Next Morning.

I woke up to see Brandon was staring at me. I was still in his arms.

"Why are you just staring at me?" I asked him.

"Because you're beautiful." He smiled. I blushed.

"Well you're handsome." I smiled at him.

"Lena and the others will be here in twenty minutes to get you and Jesus released. We should get up." He smiled.

"Okay." I dragged out because I want to stay in his arms forever. He got up. "Not until after this." I playfully said and pulled him back and kissed him.

He sits back down on the bed and the kiss strengthens. Deepens.

I can feel the passion deepening.

I don't know how long we continued until there was a knock on the door.

He pulled apart, and I pouted at him.

He giggled, maybe a little too much, and stopped when he realized when there was another knock at the door. "Come in!" Brandon said.

I laughed at his dorkiness.

"What's so funny?" Stef asked as she came in.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Well are you ready to go home?" She asked. I nodded pretty enthusiastically.

"Well I brought you a change of clothes." She added while holding out a bag of clothes. How am I going to tell her I love Brandon it's going to hurt her. But I love him too much to not be with him. I am choosing him, even if it hurts them I can't hurt Brandon again. When I hurt him it hurts me to.

"Okay." I said. I got up from the bed and took the clothes.

"Thank you." I said. As I went to the bathroom to change.

Brandon's POV

After Callie left. Mom started laughing at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked her.

"'Nothing'" She smiled. I'm just confused. What is she thinking?

"Just tell me." I demanded. She just started cracking up.

"You two are so funny Brandon." She stated.

"What are you talking about?"

"You both are trying to hide your feelings for each other is just funny to look at." She detailed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked worriedly. Does she know?

"I know you two are together."

"What are you talking about? I choked up.

"Don't worry. I'm not mad. When we get home and settled in, I am planning to talk to you and Callie. We're going to let you two get together. Be happy." She explained.

"Really?" I asked I'm speechless, she was the one who told me what we did was "gross" and "sick", now she's telling me that we can be together. I never thought this would happen.

"I am sorry about the past. I'm sorry for not understanding sooner. I just want you two to be happy, and if that is together, then so it be." She said.

"Thank you mom." I smiled, and gave her a hug.

"I understand not being accepted by a parent based on the one I love, and I don't want to do the same to you."

"I love you mom."

"I love you to."

I kept hugging mom until Callie came out.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Everything is fine. Everything is perfect." Mom said with a teary eye as she smiled at me. "Now let's go home."

"Agreed." She said, and I laughed at her. She's adorable.

We met up with Lena, Mariana, Jude and Jesus.

We're back, our family is back.

Jesus' POV

Momma, Mariana, Jude and I met up with Mom, Brandon and Callie. I met up with Callie.

"I'm glad you're okay." She told me.

"I'm glad you are to." I told her. We gave each other a quick meaningful hug, and when we let go Brandon stood in front of me.

"Hey, I'm sorry." He told me.

"For what?"

"When I came in when you woke up, I didn't give you a meaningful hug. I want to make that up." He said. I look at him, and nod. We shared a brotherly hug.

"I did really miss you." He added.

"Of course you did. Who wouldn't?" I joked. He laughed, at this lame joke. We have our family back. Finally.

"Okay everyone. Promise me that if any of you are in trouble of any kind, you tell us." Momma asked. Tears were in her eyes of happiness that our family is back.

"We promise." All of us said.

"Good, because nothing like this can happen again." She said, and Mom hugged her, they kissed.

"Let's go home everyone." She announced.

And we did. We all finally went home. Together. As a family.

I felt so many feels writing this chapter. So many, especially of different kinds. Not only from Brallie, but also all of the family moments. And the heartbreaking Liam scene. I'm sorry for the late chapter, but I made two times as long as a normal chapter for you. I think this is so far my favorite chapter to write, especially because the end with the family scenes.

I hope you enjoyed.

Please comment, I love feedback.

Comment about anything. The 31st is so close away. Are you ready?

I knew Aaron was going to meet up with Callie, but left it out, and I might end it after a few more chapters, but I'm interested if you want more. Like would you be interested in a trial for Troy? Or Callie going to Juvie like she will in the show (SPOILER)? Or just more drama added to the story? Just comment if you want more.

Or any ideas for other stories?