Hey guys! I can't say that I'm back, but I will say that I can finally understand why my favorite authors on ff take a break. It's exhausting. I do this for fun. I don't feel that my work is the best, but I don't think it's terrible either. I got really down and out about ALL of my stories for a while.

I just came back this morning and re-read paranoid and I was almost embarrassed to read it because I am super critical on my own writing already, and when I feel like someone puts it down (in a non-constructive way) I have to step back. And I hate that, because I get so sad when my favorite stories are put on hold due to the exact same reason.

All I can say is I'll try to be around, I enjoy writing these stories for myself, and if you hate what I'm doing, then don't read or review unless you have a positive suggestion for me (:

**The sad part about this is that I haven't really gotten many 'bad' reviews, but when there's one negative comment on ONE story it kills your vibe! If you like someone's work, TELL THEM!

She storms into the office and throws herself down in the armchair in front of the desk. She's not wearing formal clothing, as she doesn't work in a courtly setting, which begs a question to be asked.

"What are you doing here?"

"She's interested in your work."

"My work? Of fucking course." He throws his parchment down, "Leave it to bloody Granger to only be interested in the most boring part of me."

"I didn't even know you did anything admirable?"

"It's good business." He leans back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head.

"What is it?"

"Apothecary shop."

"Hmm. I don't see how that's admirable, but alright."

"Maybe the two of you should do some digging then, huh, Weasley? Or has Hermione already done it all herself…"


"Nothing, nothing."

"Alright, then. Shall I ask her about it?"

"No." He snaps, "Blaise told me you're digging around in our business too much, I need you to back off."

Ginny's face turns a shade of tomato red; "I'll floo you later. I've got a husband to deal with."


"The tournament takes place in a matter of months, I want to be a part of it, McLaggen."

Cormac doesn't look up from his paper, "Fine."

Well that was easier than I thought.

"…And I want you to tell me what you think you're doing? Showing up to Ginny Weasley's house when I never invited you." A twitch in his stomach appears. There's something shady going on.

"Well, seeing as I was invited, by Potter," McLaggen sets his quill down, "I felt that invitation was sufficient enough for the average person. Also," his eyes now boring into Draco's, "that it would be uncharacteristic of myself to not oblige."

"You're walking a thin line. Don'tcome near her again."

"Who, pray tell, are you referring to?" He smirks, clearly goading him.

Draco gives him a look of detest, "I'll be in touch, about the tournament… I would like to have my apothecary business involved. I don't know that I have informed you, but I am working to provide medication to those in lower income countries."

"How… philanthropic of you, Malfoy. I suppose this was brought on in your efforts to win over Hermione Granger?"

"Not quite, I already had this ball rolling."

"Hm. Fine, owl me details later."

"Yes, and you… keep your hands to yourself."


"Blaise, you know how desperately I want to help them see that they really could be great together. How could you tell Draco that I'm too involved?" Red paces around the kitchen.

"Because, Love, you are much too focused on it. You could drive them apart in the end. They need to do this on their own time." Blaise is sitting on the barstool at the counter, trying to solve a Sudoku.

"Who says they are working on anyone else's time?" She quite literally huffs.

"Well, I can't say that this isn't taking you away from me for a portion of the day, daily." He rolls his eyes.

"Aw, baby…" Ginny positions herself behind him, placing her arms around his shoulders, "Are you jealous?"

"Perhaps." He shrugs.

"WELL GET OVER IT!" Arms fly in the air, Sudoku book in hand, Ginny whacks Blaise on the back of his head, "That's my best friend and your idiot of a friend who could never string together what he really means on his own! I refuse to stay out of this until what needs to be accomplished is done!"

"Gin, I- I- fine. I'll be back, I've got to get some Firewhiskey." He plants a kiss atop her head, "Hey, Cupid, I love you."

"Prove it by staying out of my way." She grumbles.

Blaise chuckles and hits the floo.


Draco Malfoy sits in his study, reading the statistics on some of the poorest countries in the world.

Until I can see Hermione again, this is what I will do. I will throw myself into work. I will accomplish unmanageable things. She can appreciate a man who has goals set.

… And, also maybe I can plan a trip to run into Jack Griffith.

The sound of the floo crackling reaches his ears.

"Draco, mate?"

Draco sits silently, wishing Blaise and his wife would disappear for a few days. Allow time and space to cease to exist until he achieved something, even if it was minimal.

"I know that you're here or else I wouldn't have been able to floo in."

No response.

"Draco, I'm going to run around this place yelling like a banshee until I find you or you just tell me where you are."

"Study." He states just loud enough for Blaise to hear the general direction he is in.

Blaise's footsteps can't be heard coming down the hall, but Draco knows he's coming straight for his office. Where else would he be… really?

He knocks twice, "Hey."

"Yes, Blaise?" Draco places his folded hands in his lap.

"Ohh, so formal we are now, My-Draco."

"I'm trying to make progress here, what is it?"

"Just a heads up that my wife, in no way shape or form, will be backing off of getting you and Granger set up until it happens. So, you should have plenty of opportunities to woo her."

"I'm not leaving my home until I have found a way to provide assistance to those in Africa."

"Wow, that's a noble, hard, and time consuming task." Blaise balks at how ridiculous Draco can be when he wants something.

"I have the time, now." He says simply.

"I see… well, alright. I'll drop in on occasion and update you on life? See you outside in a few years?" Blaise is still hanging in the doorway, clearly without intentions of staying long.

"Hey, no… I'm just trying to get a plan together, not solve world hunger. I want apothecaries set up all over the country. I want affordable rates."

"That's going to require some traveling. Let me know, I'll contribute and come along."

"Thanks, mate. I just need time to think and get a solid plan together."


"Now, now, be a good boy."

"I don't know if I can much longer, S-" Cormac hisses as the belt strikes the dampness of his back.

"How many times have I told you not to call me by name? What are you to refer to me as?" slight hesitation, "Say it."

"Yes, Mistress."

"You will wait this out. We will continue with what we have discussed. Having Malfoy become involved in the tournament for reasons other than financial gain is very intriguing… Find out more about the relationship he seeks and make sure it doesn't happen."