The house of Yoo clan was quiet as the wind breezes the tree flowers. Petals dropped and flow on the small pond touching the water. Birds were singing only to be stopped as they heard a wailing inside the house. Curious, they flew towards the window to see the man who was trying to stop his two years old daughter from crying.

"Don't cry, don't cry…I'm here." Jung, who was now remarried to Lady Munhye, tried to calm the child. He smiled as he let go of his child and let the child sleeping on the large bed. Jung quietly walked out of the room as she was resting.

Then, he heard another burst from the door behind him, revealing the thirteenth prince who rushed to Jung's house after read the letter.

"Where is she?"

Jung turned around, revealing a now sleeping baby who was quietly snoring in the room. Baek-Ah's lips were opened in surprise as he slowly walked closer, worried he might wake the baby. He took a closer look and saw the face. Despite her slumber, Baek-Ah smiled softly seeing the striking resemblance of her mother. Confirmed that the child is in deep sleep, Baek-Ah went outside the room with relief.

"What did you name her?"

Jung stared at his 'daughter' who was sleeping. Her pouty lips were pink as a petal of flower, hair was black as night, and her skin was white…as a snow. Jung remembered the day where there was no bloodshed, no greed consumed his brother, when Soo once told the story of a beautiful girl whose skin was fair and white as a snow.

"Seol. Yoo Seol is her name." Jung smiled.

"Hello I'm Seol," the little girl who was no older than six years old greeted politely, "please to meet you."

She was practicing the etiquette from Lady Munhye while Jung was taking care of three years old sons; Cheon Chu-Jeon and A-Ji, who is Seol's half-brothers.

"Yes," Lady Munhye, Jung's second wife, smiled in satisfaction, "much better."

Seol giggled happily as she looked out to the outside. As a cheery, lively girl she wanted to play outside with her brothers and was curious of the world outside. She saw two of her brothers running around.

"Father, can I go play with them?" She asked as she impatiently jumping.

"Absolutely~!" Jung yelled out happily as he saw Seol ran to play tag with them.

Seol skipped towards the garden and saw the gate was slightly opened. She remembered when she once asked her father to go out, he refused unless he goes with her. She turned around and saw Jung was paying attention to her brothers. With a mischievous smile she tip-toed towards the outside but flinched as Jung called out for her. She made a teasing face as her father then ran outside to the lake where Jung took her once in a year. Jung finally remembered today was the day; death of Hae Soo. He smiled wistfully then followed his daughter.

Seol kept wandering around, looking at the large trees and wild flowers as she reminded herself she could pick them for Lady Munhye. She turned around to see Jung, her father, ran after her. Surprised, she ran faster but unable to look front as when she did it was too late as she was bumped into some. She yelped and saw the tall man with a refined robes looking at her while tilting his head. Remembering that she has bumped into him, she feigned the injury with her hands on her forehead.

The man smiled softly at her antics as it reminded him a certain woman who had done the same many years ago.

"You bumped into me at the first place."

She slowly looked up, blinked her eyes. Then they heard her father walking towards her. She turned around and ran to him.


Seol hugged her father's leg as the man's eyes grew cold when eyeing Jung.

"Why are you here when you are forbidden to come back to palace?" The man asked, his cold gaze piercing her father's.

"I beg your pardon, your majesty. Today was Soo's—I must have slipped my mind." Jung stuttered.

The man's gaze briefly softened when glancing at Seol.

"Is she your child?"

Jung caught off guard at his question.


Then, the king eyed the child with a slight suspicion.

"I remember your family asked for your remarriage, yet…" His eyes never left the child whose big eyes glanced back with confusion, "she's quite grown."

Seol looked up to her father then back to the man who—she assumed—is her uncle but didn't say anything.

"How old is she?"

"You must have been very busy with taking responsible with a country…I'll take my leave…" Jung said as he held his daughter up attempting to hide her.


Jung stopped as he looked back at the king whose eyes then confirmed the true identity of a child. He looked at Jung with stern, determined eyes.

"Leave the girl."

Jung bit his lips as he put his daughter down and kneeled, much to Seol's confusion.

"I won't allow it, unless you kill me!"

King formed a rather bitter smile at his outburst.

"Soo didn't wish for her to live at palace…she have been concerned of it even in her last breath."

Seol looked at the man but didn't say anything as his eyes glanced at her with somewhat wistful and softened expression. He looked back at his brother who was still kneeling.

"Fourteenth prince Wang Jung," the man called, "Your exile will be hence forth released."

Jung looked up with, not bothering to hide his surprised look.

Seol and the king met their eyes once again. The king formed a short smile.

"I'd like you to visit the palace in some time."

Then, the man left, leaving Seol glanced at the king and Jung embraced her, relief brushed off the heaviness from his shoulders, determined to protect Seol as a promise made with Soo, the girl's mother.