Auspicious Rebirth
Summary: There was always more to the Girl-Who-Lived than meets the eye. Now, armed with memories of a past life and a new mysterious power, the last Potter emerges into the conflict with Voldemort with a new lease on life. And may heaven help all those who stand in her way…
AN: If there is going to be any bashing in this story, it will be of the Wizarding World in general. I'm not much of a fan of bashing unless it is done well. Dumbledore will be close to canon, a good natured manipulator if anything. I do not own Harry Potter nor Code Geass.
1/17/2018: Okay, so I have rewritten pieces of this chapter. This story will again be something of a side project. A plot bunny if you will. I might take it a bit further. Its been a while since I have written anything.
Prologue: A Lioness Emerges
Whoever conceived the saying "You only live once" obviously has never met me.
I gazed into the mirror in front of me, unsure of whom I am seeing. Nothing of particular note has changed. At least, not physically.
My long jet black hair was still a bit messy from having been in bed in the smallest bedroom of 4 Privet Drive. The ugly lightning bolt scar, awarded to me for surviving the Killing Curse, still marred my forehead. And my eyes…shining emerald green.
Like his.
Merely thinking about him brought me to tears. His emerald eyes, filled with caring, hope, and a touch of regret.
The man I once loved in another life. A life that had so much promise, but ended so tragically.
And it was all an accident.
It would have been easy to blame him for my death. It was his power that compelled me to commit a crime so heinous. But...I could not bring myself to blame him. My own brother, who did not live for long after I passed into the nether.
Okay, let's be honest. I was not forgiving at first.
I was betrayed. Dare I say, I was violated. Forced to watch myself commit atrocities against the very nature of my being as a passenger, no, a prisoner in my own body. Only to be shot and used as a clarion cry for the bloodshed that I worked so tirelessly to avoid.
I wanted to hate him. I wanted to despise him. Everything I did, I did for him and our little sister; to help the people wronged by the system we equally decried. I wanted to scream in rage at him for not allowing me the chance to be with the ones I loved.
But I didn't.
All of those feelings drifted away as I continued to watch the events following my death.
I saw the guilt slowly destroy him.
I saw the agony of the ones I loved.
I saw the deceit that drove him to the very precipice of insanity.
I saw the shadowed hands behind the acts and beheld their reasons. My anger turned upon them, but it was for naught. I could only watch in agony as my brother and lover destroyed themselves, culminating into a plan to make everyone overlook the crimes I committed.
I could only witness in horror as I saw the rise and fall of a demon.
And as he joined me in the world beyond, he could barely look upon me. His eyes, filled with sorrow as he briefly glanced upon me, glanced downward as guilt filled his soul. A broken man who sacrificed everything to create a world without hatred.
And I embraced him.
I forgave him.
And I never regretted it for a minute.
Now, I am no longer tied to the collective unconsciousness. I am living another life and bearing another name while currently reminiscing over memories I should not have. Memories that have awakened in me following the incident in the graveyard. Knowing that now in this new world, I have implacable enemies and those I am not sure I can trust. Those who would wish the best of me and those who would think me a pawn to be used and thrown away.
But I digress.
I realize that I could use this to my advantage and take a page out of my brother's book.
"You will live in a different life, a different place, a different providence. And should you accept this contract…you will walk a new path. While the Power of the King may condemn you to a life of solitude, there are those who proved that not quite correct. So…will you accept?
I would accept this contract to have this power. I have to accept, for there is no other choice.
This time, I will be no one's pawn.
My name is Euphemia Lily Potter. I was Euphemia li Britannia, 3rd Princess of the Holy Britannian Empire.
I will not bow.
I will not bend.
I will not break.
I am a lioness of Gryffindor house and the world will hear me roar.
AN: Okay. I know this is short…but this is only a plot bunny. Yes, fem!Harry is reincarnated Euphie. I was motivated to write this by MistyNocturne, who is writing a brilliant story called The Demon Who Lived of which I encourage all of you to read. Also, I encourage all of you to add more to this crossover fandom. THERE AREN'T ENOUGH GOOD STORIES! So, please contribute to this. Regarding this story, I am not sure if it will be updated. Feel free to PM me if you want to continue this as this was just an idea that has been stewing in my mind and I'm not really sure where I wish to take it. Of course, if the inspiration strikes me, I will continue this story, even if others are doing so as well.
PLEASE REVIEW and/or FAVORITE! As of this point, I am refusing to update my stories unless I receive more friggin reviews. Reviewing shows that people are actually reading what I am writing and gives me the inspiration to write more. And make them constructive if you can. No flames please.