Well, after my break from school that I have had last month, this seems like the last chapter I have got done in the time when I got to write, so this will be the last chapter of quick posts and I might have an extended period of time where there is no chapter, but do not fret! I will be working on alot more in the mean time and I will get back to posting some more as soon as possible!

In the meantime, as this is a turning point for my story and most of the background work has been set, we will be moving into uncharted AU territory after this chapter as timelines will be broken and new stories will be told.

I ask if you can help with the shape of this fic, if you have the time. Can you tell me:

- One thing that this story does well
- One thing that I need to improve on in the future
- And your general opinion of Knor as a character (as well as any characters that do not appear in the actual series)

Any answer will help as I wish to improve my writing for all you guys, you are what make me want to keep writing after all :)

As always, Reviews and Comments are Appreciated.

Chapter 10: Kill the Past

"YOU WILL DIE AT THE HANDS OF THE MINISTER AND NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO HELP YOU, YOU WILL DIE A VERY PAINFUL DEATH." The dragon shouted at Leone as she took a second to comprehend what she was just informed. She looked back at the dragon within Knor, who had a very strong hold on the human.

"And how do you know this?!"

"This human knows of the future! He won't tell you, but he knows what will happen to everyone in Night Raid. Everyone will die, Bulat wi-" The monologue was cut off short as Knor fell to the floor in pain as he held his Necklet in his hand.

"Dragonaut, let go of me now." Knor said hopeful that the spirit inside of him was calmed by the words of both of them.

"Fine." The dragon eyes receded. Knor looked through his real eyes and saw Leone looking at him with a sort of angry and emotional face. He knew what Dragonaut had said to her. He was not ready for this to get out so early.

"Look, Leone, I can explain…."

Leone turned Knor around to face her. With one swift crack of a fist, Knor was on the floor in an instant, Leone had punched him so hard that he felt it through is scaled skin. He pulled himself up off the floor, trying to surrender to her, but her mind was not on mercy right now. "You sure as shit have some explaining to do mister." She raised her hand again into a readied punch as Knor put his hands to his face in preparation, but it didn't connect. "Come on then, out with it, I can't know when you are unconscious now can I?" She said with a snarl.

"Yes, yes… that is very true… um. How best to explain this." Knor mumbled to himself as he tried to think of a good enough back story.

"No games, out with it now!" Leone shouted at him as he was pulled right out of his thought process. "How does he know that you know about my death?!"

"Well, you see… I'm not from this place, far from it." Knor stammered as he tried to get his facts right as a punch from Leone was not the best of encouragement at this frame of time. "I'm guessing Dragonaut looked through my memories of this place and then wanted to shock you to kill Esdeath."

Leone's mind was trying to figure out what on earth the man was talking about, he was backtracking on his points to many times. She landed a punch into his stomach, this time, there was no resistance from scales and the full force was felt by Knor, who lurched down in pain as he was now winded on the floor. "How are you not from this place, but you know about the place, smells like crap to me."

"Yes, that is the point, you will never believe me when I tell you, how am I supposed to tell someone that I am from another universe!" Knor shouted back at her and made her stop dead.

"What are you on about?"

"Be prepared to find this absolutely nutty, but I know this place from a book I read in my world. I knew you and the whole of Night Raid before I even joined up, I was playing dumb so that you lot would not suspect something of me when I joined up. That's how Dragonaut knew your name when we first met, he had gone through my memories when I was being tortured by the elite guard back in the temple." Knor blurted out as fast as he could before he was about to be hit again, in a shock turn. Leone lowered her hand and crouched down next to him.

"So, let me get this straight, you are a person from another world to this one you currently reside in, let alone knowing who we are before you even met us, but you found out through a book of all things?" Leone replied as she was trying to wrap everything up to make a lick of sense to her. She stared right into him as she looked for any senses that he was joking around or trying to lead her down a stupid path.

Heart rate not fluctuating;
Not overly sweating;
Keeping eye contact.

"He wasn't joking at all…" She thought as she sat him down next to the tree. "I wonder what else I can get out of him." She also thought as she looked at him again.

"So, tell me, what was Dragonaut on about then first? Once you clear things up about it, then we can get down to how in the twin hells that you are here in the first place." Leone asked as she tended to his bruise on his stomach, which was growing in the dead blood across it.

"What exactly did he say? I got control just at the end of the tirade." Knor said.

"He said something along the lines that I was going to die by the Minister's hands and be a painful death?"

"Oh… he had to say that didn't he…" Knor said as he looked down. Well, from what I have read, near the end of this quest, you get a chance to kill the Prime Minister and when you do, he breaks your Teigu." Knor pointed at the belt. "And then proceeds to shoot you and push you off the castle, leaving you to fall to your death."

"Did I at least kill him?" Leone asked hopeful.

"No, not even close, it was fruitless as he was too strong for you once Lionel was broken by his ring." Leone's eyes closed in rejection.

"Look, I don't even know if that is the true future, it was what the person who writ it wanted, not many of you lot survive this road at all." Knor said as he gritted his teeth through the pain that was his stomach now, the adrenaline wore off and the full extent to the pain was coming through.

"Ok…" Leone thought of the next question to ask as she moved along to the crook of his neck and leaned on it.

"You still mad at me?" Knor asked optimistically.

"Oh, sure I am, but I can wait to beat the crap out of you till later. Maybe during training again. But please, keep explaining…"

"I'm going to give you the whole backstory, okay? It might be long winded and may involve a few lost memories, I'm able to remember it somewhat okay now that Dragonaut has had his way with my mind."

"The longer it takes you, the more calm I may be when we get back to base, so explain away dragon-boy."

"I told you to not call me that ever again." Knor sneered at Leone, who was smiling at him back. "Fine."

Knor proceeded to explain all of the details of the Akame ga Kill! Manga and Anime that he had seen, all of it making Leone want to punch him and then hug him at the same time. Most of it was graphically explained and not the best, some holes left in the plot as he had legitimately forgot about it after all the mess that he had been through today. It took a while, but after about 5 hours, everything was out to the open and Knor was just hoping that he could keep Leone near him, she was the only one who could know and now she knew everything, she could help. Bulat's death was fast approaching.

Leone and Knor made it back to the base and sat down in their respective chairs in the hall, they had walked in on one of Najenda's briefings, it was getting heated no less. Knor and Leone made their best effort to keep their knowledge as much as they could to themselves. Not to spook anyone or make Knor's knowledge go to complete waste.

"Reports have been spiraling out of control since yesterday, there seems to be heightened activity in the city and the outside colonies, the Mayor of a revolutionary-sided village was murdered in broad daylight and the village was burnt down, leaving these behind." Najenda said as she pulled up the fliers that the Three Beasts had left all over the town.

"They trying to put dirt on our name or something?" Tatsumi said as he clenched his fists together.

"Exactly, but I don't think they need much after all we have done, we are also suspected of the destruction of an important building in the Capital, they have increased their presence threefold in the past 12 hours, no thanks for the pair of animals." Najenda opened her arm at Leone and Knor, who was looking at her as well. "But that is nothing to be discouraged by, due to these two, we now know that Esdeath is in the city and working with the Minister, up to something we will probably find out in due course."

"But now we have other, important matters to attend to." Bulat said as he got off of his chair. "I have picked up information of multiple high ranking officials that are now being targeted for assassination by the same people." Bulat swung out a map of the kingdoms and pointed out the one with most promise to it. "There will be two politicians around the east of the Kingdom and they will have to be defended, then there is the three that will be aboard a ship leaving the port within the day. Both seem important enough to defend and splitting up will be the only viable option."

"So… you are saying that, in the event that these guys show up, we should just attack them back and defeat them? They took down a whole village Bulat." Lubbock commented as he looked around the map. "That seems like trouble we need to stay out of, we are not strong enough to take whoever it is on."

"Hmpf, maybe if we go in pairs, we could take them down, but even then, it would be a task in itself, going on the information that we have been provided." Mine said as she crossed her arms. "And I saw as hell ain't going on that ship, I don't think a nauseous sniper is a good person." She looked around. "What about you?" She pointed at Knor, who was half out of it after having the massive talke with Leone on the way back.

"Him? Hell no, He's in no state to even be attempting a mission at this rate." Leone came to his side to talk for him, even though he was ready for anything, she was right that he was not ready to be taking on more enemies in that state. "How about me and you go after the pair that are walking around on land and then Bulat and Tatsumi can sneak onto the boat. Sound like a good plan?" Leone suggested and everyone looked at her with agreement, nodding their heads at the idea.

"And what am I supposed to do? Keep an eye on sick-note?" Lubbock complained.

"Yes, that is exactly the job you are being assigned to Lubbock, now I suggest you keep your trap shut before I close it permanently." Najenda said and the order from his crush shut him up instantly. "Now, if you lot are all in agreement… Akame, you can go out and scout the area for the land team to go, you will be their shadow and if anything goes wrong, you have permission to draw your weapon. Understand?"

"Yes." Akame replied quickly, unsetting Mine.

"You better not kill me in the crossfire Akame." Mine said as she looked at her.

"It would be your mistake if I hit you Mine, same can't be said when you miss a shot." Akame replied calmly and that infuriated Mine. "Now, now." Akame said as she patted Mine on the head.

"If you are all finished being a family, we can get ready to move out." Bulat said as he picked up his spear off the desk, dragging the map with it. "Oh, and one more thing, there has been a sighting of a brown clad man with a hammer, he seems to be able to control the ground below him with it."

"A Teigu?" Tatsumi asked.

"We don't know yet, but I would assume so, so keep your guard up as he has been known to appear out of nowhere." Bulat finished as he got a round of nods from the rest of the group. They all filed out and left Bulat, Knor and Najenda in the room.

"Well, you seem to be a very good leader Bulat, convincing them that an immediate death sentence was a good idea." Najenda said as she lit her cigarette. Knor sat there, listening to them with his eyes closed, like he was sleeping. "What on earth is she on about."

"Well, when you know something is not going to get them moving, a good plan always solves the doubts. Worked in the army, works here like a treat." Bulat said as he pulled the spear off the desk and walked out. "Oh and Boss, we will be back, I assure you of that." He said and left. Leaving Najenda and Knor in the room.

"You heard all of that didn't you." Najenda said in between drags of her cigarette. Knor opened his eyes as he had been rumbled, no point in pretending anymore.

"Yes, I did."

"Well, let me tell you this, what I said was true, they are all walking into a death sentence, but that is what all the missions that I have for you lot, I assume them as death corridors for all of you, then I don't have such an anticipation for when you return, the more I see back in this room at the end of the day, the better I feel. Just a mental thing. Bulat understands it as he had been a soldier for the Imperial Army like I was a General."

"Well, whatever you think of it, it's not how I like to think, better to give the troops hope than know that they are going to die?" Knor retorted as he stood up from his chair. "And I know that personally will not work forever." His voice turned into Dragonaut's

"You may think that." Najenda responded and walked up to Knor/Dragonaut and stared him right in the eyes. "But tell me this, have you survived?" Knor kept looking at her with his eyes and the draconian nature of them disappeared in an instant. "That's what I thought."

"I'm going to go to bed if you don't mind, Leone said for me to rest and that's not going to be accomplished with you two arguing now is it." Knor said as he pulled himself away, the scales on his hand receding.

"That's fine by me, the rest of them should be back within 2 days, depending if they survive." She said as she walked out of the room, throwing the cigarette stub on the floor on the way out.

"You know, the more I talk to her, the more I am getting to hate her, she is nothing like what you told me…" Dragonaut said as they walked back to Knor's room.

"Remember, I only know what I have read and I don't know every single move from her mentally, plus, the whole Bulat in charge thing is completely new to me as well, you can check." Knor responded to the mental construct.

"Well, that may be the case, but can we really trust her to lead us to victory? She seems to be in it and not caring for anything."

"Like you are any better with me eh?" Knor said as he slammed the door behind him. "You really need to look at yourself and then look at me, I'm trying to help you here, yet you are always against me when I try to do things my way."

"Yes, because your way of thinking is completely different to mine, you don't know anything of death and despair." Dragonaut said as Knor stood frozen.

"You… think Sheele wasn't enough to prove that I have lost something?"

"That may be the case, but what if you lost everyone? What if you lost Leone as well?" That silenced any protest that Knor had to the voice in his head. "Like I thought. I was the only one left of my kind and then I was kill and put into this… thing." Dragonaut sighed as he was already resigned to his fate inside the necklet that Knor had.

"That may be the truth, but what is also true is that I am not your enemy, we both may have very different goals in all of this, but we must work together to get there. This is your best chance to get rid of the people inside the Capital and find out what has happened to your home that resides underneath it. You get me?" Knor said as he dropped himself into the corner of the room. "Maybe the problem with you is that you are looking way too far in the future with your plans, back them up a bit, then you may be able to see the light." Knor finished and that had seemed to make Dragonaut go quiet. He chuckled to himself as he looked around the room and saw his gun laying down on his bed, he had forgotten it as he went out to deal with the commotion in the hall.

Getting up and walking over to it, he picked it up and felt that something was off, looking down at it, he saw a glow emanating from the magazine that was being held within it. "What the hell is this…" clicking the release and dropping the magazine into his hand, the mag glowed with a pink aura. Slotting it back into the gun, he opened the window and aimed the pistol at a nearby mountain to test fire and to not hit anything. Pulling the trigger, there was a massive push to his shoulder, making the gun fly out of his hand and back behind him. In front of him was a massive beam of energy that ripped through the air.

"Um… that's an upgrade alright. WHAT THE HELL?!" He shouted as the pink clothed woman was standing in his doorway. "Mine!" Knor shuffled around to put his gun away from the gun maniac.

"Sheesh Knor, you are on the jumpy side today aren't you." Mine laughed as she walked into his room and pulled the gun off his holster, seeing the magazine that was glowing inside of it. "Seems like my upgrade did a load of good for you." She commented as she saw the whole ordeal of the gun flying out of his hands. "You need proper training with a gun? And here was me thinking that you were actually good with that thing."

Knor scratched the back of his head. "Well, I was good with the bullet version before you decided to give it some jalapeno sauce into it, now I can't even hold onto the damned thing when I fire it!"

"Oh whatever you weakling, there is nothing in it." She said as she effortlessly pulled it up and shot at the vase that was on his desk, sniping it off the table in one fell swoop with the pistol and then put it back into Knor's holster before he could even say a word. "See." She grinned at him.

"Well, I'm sorry Ms. I'm-amazing-at-using-guns. But that thing has so much kick that it was blown out of my hand when I used it!"

"Yeah, because you had a crappy way of holding the damned thing you idiot." She snapped back as she pointed at Pumpkin that was on her back. "How do you think I can handle this thing and then not handle a measly pistol?"

"Well, if you would care to explain, that would be lovely." Knor retorted as his eyes glowed at her, it seemed like Dragonaut was as annoyed with her as he was.

"Oh calm down you." Mine poked Knor in the face. "No need to shout, all you had to do was ask." Knor looked at her with a confused face as his eyes went back to normal.

"And what do you mean by that exactly?" Dragonaut said as Knor put his hand over his mouth. Mine seemed to not care as she looked past him and at the gun that was now on the floor.

"Are you just going to throw my equipment around like that?" She complained as Knor looked down at the gun and picked it back up, seeing as he didn't have full control over himself at the moment.

"Sorry. Now, when are you going to teach me how to hold this thing?"

"When I get back from my next mission, I should be able to do it, remind me in the morning and I can give you a show of all the stuff I have as well." Mine winked at Knor, making him grimace. "Anywho, I think it is time I stopped stalling everyone and got off, see you in a few days Knor!" And with that, she left in a hurry. Knor walked over to the bed and flopped down on it.

"Can I rip her tongue out yet?" Dragonaut asked as he was feeling the pain of having to speak to Mine as well as Knor.

"No, not yet, we still have things to do."