A/N: Yes, the overused coffeshop/college student AU. #sorrynotsorry. I've seen Fantastic Beasts twice now – I'll probably see it again in the near future. Queenie and Jacob were so adorably PERFECT I had to do this.

Anyway, as most my readers should know, I'm fickle and noncommittal and reviews are my substance. I'm working with the Muse for this while I have her, I hope I can get far enough along to produce something worthwhile.

Not sure if this is gonna be a legit chapter series or just a bunch of random hopefully-humorous loosely-connected one-shots (which seem to work better with me), I'm just rolling with it.



Chapter 1: Friday

in which you only meet the characters and the author awaits feedback on what you think of this idea cause she's self-conscious and pretty lazy without sufficient motivation



He usually works in the back.

It's not that he isn't good with customers. Quite the opposite in fact. He's great with people. But he's not fast with numbers and cash and so Mr. G would rather have Jacob working the ovens and espresso machines than the register.

Not that he minds, really. He enjoys making the food and drinks that keep people coming back to Grindelwald's Gourmet Bakery and Cafe. He just wishes he could see their reactions a little more often, but he's usually in the back or too busy to stop and look. There are those rare occasions though, where he can stop for a couple seconds, watch a customer take that first bite of their pastry or first sip of their latte and their face just lights up like the Christmas tree at Rockefeller.

Those few rare moments he can witness it, those are worth it. No matter how much Mr. G yells and complains, when Jacob Kowalski sees a customer love something he has created, it's like a shot of espresso reenergizing and inspiring him.

It's a shame that Credence is brilliant with the register but not with his people skills, but they're working on that. Slowly. All in all, they're a pretty good team together when they work the same shift.

Now, when Mary Lou is on duty, that's another story entirely, but thankfully she's on vacation for the next couple weeks.

If there's anyone gives Credence anxiety attacks more than Mr. G, it's Mary Lou. Jacob really wonders why Credence doesn't just find another job sometimes. (He knows why, it's cause Mary Lou is Credence's controlling step mom, but the boy really just needs to spread his wings and fly, get a job he actually likes. Like accounting for inanimate objects.)

It's a good job for the most part though. Nice customers for the most part, nice part of town, nice cozy setup inside, decent pay and not horrible benefits and only two insane coworkers to deal with (the rest are only mildly insane), if you don't count the owner. Who rarely ever comes by anyway, so it's not that big of an issue.

Jacob Kowalski likes his job.

Until the day he's pretty sure he loses it.


She usually works in the lobby. As an RA, she likes to be easily available for the girls to come and ask her questions, and it's just easier keep an eye on things. When she really needs to focus, she locks herself in her room and that's usually not too very often. She just enjoys being around people so much more. She finds fulfilment in helping people. Perhaps even more so than completing a design project or even being featured in an article of a magazine (although that had been pretty wonderful).

Queenie Goldstein is going to miss this when she graduates at the end of the school year.

She's pretty excited about the possible internships she has available to her once she graduates, though. And also really, really excited about being able to move back in with her sister Tina (whom she misses fiercely). Sure, they're attend the same campus, but Tina's a grad assistant and has her own place, and Queenie is required to stay on campus if she wants to get paid and be able to graduate. Their parents had a little money set aside for their girls' education when they passed, but Tina and Queenie have mostly had to rely on scholarship opportunities and work to get them through.

They still see each other occasionally and even get to talk sometimes, but it's hard when you have two really busy schedules, especially after Tina's near loss of her assistantship with a slight(ly major) mishap, and also even harder when Tina has a definitely-interested-just-too-awkward-and-shy-to-actaully-ask-her-out fellow grad student talking with her a bit more often. Rather than moping and worrying that the boy will take her place in her beloved sister's heart, Queenie has taken it upon herself to try and lift her sister's recently low spirits and help the situation along.

Message from Queenie Goldstein 6:31 pm

Hey Newton! You busy tomorrow morning? Wondered if you wanted to meet Tina and I at Grindewald's for breakfast at 9, we're working on a little project, maybe you could help us out :)

Message from Newton Scamander 6:34 pm

Hello Queenie, that sounds lovely. Count me in. What sort of project is it?

Message from Queenie Goldstein 6:36 pm

Ok so it's more like Tina was gonna help me on one of my projects, but I could use your European input ;)

Message from Newton Scamander 6:37 pm

Lol sure, I'll see you then.

So yeah, maybe Queenie just invited Newton to invade their Saturday sister breakfast time, but she's hoping that it can be a catalyst for better and brighter things for her sister's future.

Little does she realize it will also be a catalyst for her own future as well.

And in the process maybe ruining someone else's day briefly.

But only briefly.



"You're a reviewer, Harry." –Hagrid

Please review!