The Rain Woman - Chapter 17 -The Last Raindrop

A/N: Thankyou for the reviews of last chapter and all the follows and favourites! This is it! The last one! Enjoy

Beads of sweat descended off the icemages forehead, rolling down his cheeks and chin, dripping its salty solution onto the floor. His bare chest rising and falling with each exhausted breath. Gray had been trying to brake or squirm out the chains that bound him for what seemed like forever. The door across the room creaked open and three silhouettes entered the dark space. A ball of flame appeared slightly illuminating a wizards face before it fired off into the sconces on the walls and the candle chandelier on the ceiling in the middle of the room, throwing the whole area into colour, well colour being the dreary gray brick and green moss that lined both the walls and floor.

"Your time has come little ice wizard." The middle one smirked his voice velvety smooth, his dark blue hair stuck out at odd angles almost as if he had been dragged through a hedge backwards and his lime green eyes stuck out like a sore thumb against his tanned skin.

"Yeah and don't try anything funny." The one on the left spoke with rough, grating tone of voice, he was built like a tank with short, close cut light green hair military style, they moved towards the icemage in a line, the fire wizard reaching out towards Grays feet with some more restraints, Gray shoved his shoulder back against the wall feeling the cold, damp of it on his hot sweaty skin, before kicking his unbound feet into the fire wizard sending him stumbling back a few paces groaning in agony.

"Why you little…" His right hand clutched at his abdomen, the left aimed a fire ball at Gray who was helpless to do anything, the fire burned a sharp but short searing pain through his body as the icemage closed his eyes to take the attack, he opened them again briefly only to be met with a punch squarely in the face and one around his head causing him to smack his head back on the wall behind him, the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth where he had bit his tongue and they had busted his lip. Gray felt the shackles fasten around his ankles, as he let his body go limp, one eye creeping open as he was dragged out the room in the bright light and a sea of unfamiliar faces.

Juvia sunk back on her knees once she was alone, tears streamed down her face dripping onto the floor as anger made her blood boil;

"STUPID! STUPID JUVIA!" The watermage pounded on the floor repeatedly, why did Juvia not tell Gray-sama about the letters from the very beginning? Juvia let out a sob remembering the threat which had been made against him. Juvia watched her teardrops amounting on the floor, could Juvia turn herself into a puddle and seep through the bars? She was sceptical after all it could be an electrical forcefield and not just the bars themselves, but still, she had to try, her beloved's life was at stake.

"Waterbody." Juvia whispered feeling her cells change as the door opened once again and hurried footsteps could be heard, they pounded urgently on the floor and Juvias eyes grew wide at the sight of the person in front of her; Mitch.

"Need a hand?" Mitch smiled that crooked smile at her, hitting a button on the opposite wall as he stepped closer.

"How are? Why are you?" Juvia was lost for words. "How does Juvia know she can trust you." Juvia already knew the answer, he had always been looking out for her.

"We don't have time for all that, Gray is about to be killed!" He didn't shout but he raised his voice in a matter of urgency, as he opened the lock with a key and let her out.

Juvia made a run for it her heels clicking on the floor only pausing when she got to the door way, was she to go left, right or straight on? She chewed the inside of her cheek.

"Hold up a minute!" Mitch shouted catching up with her, "you don't know the way." Juvia stared at him, her eyes narrowed but Mitch could see clarity and purpose in them now, no, he could see life.

"Well then let's go if you are going to assist me." Juvia said in a low, impatient voice.

"This way." Mitch led her off to the right at a run, it wouldn't be long before guards were swarming the place and surrounding them. They went straight at another cross roads before taking another right straight into four wizards completely blocking off the corridor.

"Water nebula!" Two columns of water took out two of the wizards, sending them flying back and through a large metal door.

"I'll handle these last two and anymore that have followed us up behind." He locked his eyes on Juvia, "Gray is through those doors." Juvia wasn't sure whether he was leading her into a trap or not, but he had opened her cell door and had led her this far.

"Thanks." She nodded at Mitch before launching herself through the metal doors into a room full of people and her Gray-sama, head bowed, knelt and bloodied at the centre. Was she too late? "GRAY-SAMA!" Juvia hadn't even known she had spoke let alone shouted until she heard her own voice echoing off the walls back at her.

Gray could barely make out the faces and he struggled to regain the focus in the left eye, he could open it now, but everything was blotchy. He was jeered and spat at as he was dragged through the crowd like an animal carcass on parade, a lamb to slaughter, a sacrifice. The icemage was pulled up onto a platform and forced to kneel. His mind wandered to Juvia, her beautiful smile, her loving eyes.

"Fellow wizards!" Juvias father bellowed, silencing the gathering, the icemage remembered the first time they had met on the roof of phantom lord one rainy day, how he thought she was beautiful even then, sad, but beautiful, the prophecy which had been spoken to him not so long before about "water and women" she was 'the rain women'. "You are all here to witness the death of a pesky Fairy Tail wizard, one that has foiled my- "He cleared his throat, "our plans. He has led my daughter awry and with his death she shall follow us once more!" The crowd cheered and clapped, Gray still remembered dying for her at the Grand Magic Games, a secret he kept to himself, he didn't know the extent of his feeling back then. He thought of the missions they went on together, the pool table they had been given as a gift. The background noise stopped, the crowd had stopped cheering, am I dead?

"GRAY-SAMA!" His raven eyes shot open wide, his heart pounding hard in his chest as if trying to break free, he'd know that beautiful voice anywhere. There she was, Juvia, his Juvia, standing tall, a sudden look of relief on her face as he had lifted his head.

Juvia flew into action the second she saw that black mop of hair rise and those coal black eyes bore into hers, she would save him, she could save him, she still had time. Wielding her water magic Juvia attacked any and all, conjuring up dark water nebulas and cyclones, water clawing any who came too close. The watermage managed to wipe out the top two rows of 'spectators' in the semi circled seating area. Panting hard she looked up towards the platform where her father stood enraged, a look of pure evil and anger across his face, teeth gritted together hard.

"Why you!" He roared across the room as he motioned to the two wizards either side of Gray, who nodded to one another, one used his wind to tear bit by bit at the icemages skin, Gray grimaced, why couldn't they just kill him already if that was their intention. He looked up to see Juvia making her way over as fast as she could, he had to act now.

Juvia didn't have to think as jumped and leaped over the rows of seats knocking the opposing wizards sideways and blasting them with jets of water, her one goal, her one path was to get to Gray-sama before the two wizards could harm him further.

Gray bent his legs up so only his bottom was on the floor and used his shackled hands to spin himself around 360 degrees, sticking his legs out straight, he took the two wizards by surprise sending them toppling over and off the platform edge, before he to, jumped up and half hobbled half jumped off the platform himself only to be caught mid-air in a water noose.

Juvia had almost made it all the way down to platform, her eyes locked onto her Gray-sama, only a few metres to go. Juvias eyes went wide as the ground suddenly rose up in front of her blocking her way.

Juvia glared at the offending wizard, "boiling water cyclone!" The watermage shouted as the boiling cyclone melted through the column like a hot knife through butter. Nothing would get in the way of her getting to her beloved. The watermage lurched forwards just as Gray threw himself off the low platform, he almost hit the floor but what happened was worse. Her father had him in a water noose, dangling in the air in front of her, taunting her.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia shrieked, looking suddenly to Jimquin. "Release him!" Desperation in her voice, "Please!" The watermage begged, clasping her hands in front of her, even though she knew it was futile, her father was beyond reason now.

"Pah!" He shouted, "look at you, begging for your 'beloveds' life." He paused, a twinkle in his eye, "just like your mother did when I had my men dispatch her on the road." Juvia threw her hands to her face in horror. Her mother! Had been murdered? Under her own fathers' instruction. Tears filled her eyes, spilling over the edges and sobs escaped her mouth. Grays heart twisted in sympathy, but anger crackled through him. "She would have only spread alarm, of both my plans for you and the whole of Fiore." He gloated, "she had to be dealt with accordingly…" Jimquin almost sounded sad as he trailed off, seeming lost in past memories, maybe of their happy days.

"Water key." Juvia whispered, not breaking her fathers eye contact, she had never tried to make a water key before, but clearly Gray-sama was unable to use magic otherwise Juvia was sure that he would've broken free by now. The water key floated towards the shackles that bound Grays hands in front of him.

"But I am sure that once this bump in the road is dealt with, you will join us again. I'm sure Jose will be happy to see your improvements." The water wizard sounded proud, it sickened Juvia to think she was his pawn as she had been Joses' pawn but this was worse, he was her father he was meant to protect her.

"Water key." The watermage conjured up another water key, both Gray-samas restraints would have to be released at the same time.

"Juvia will never join you." She glared at him, as the keys slotted into place.

"Fine." The noose tightened a bit and Gray choked. "Have it your way!" A clicking sound could be heard, as the shackles came undone, crashing to the floor in a heap.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia shouted, "Water slicer!" Juvia added some dark magic into the water, overpowering her father noose and cutting Gray-sama free.

The icemage fell to the floor, only for a few seconds as Juvia raced to his side, before his devil slayer magic took hold, the black mark covering half his body, "Let's get outta here." He smiled at Juvia, taking in the smile and slight blush in her cheeks.

"Yes, my love, let's." Juvia turned to her father, who was stood in shock. She is stronger than I thought, the dark magic has more of an impact on her water magic than I thought possible.

"I think you're outnumbered." He smirked at the two Fairy Tail mages, straightening his suit.

Gray and Juvia glanced around them, they were surrounded, would they be able to take on her father and the room of wizards? Or would they just escape with their lives and leave Juvias father behind?

The watermage turned to Gray. "My love, what are we to do?" The stood arm to arm, a warmth and power flowing between them.

"Damn it." Gray groaned. "I think we're going to have to just make a run for it, I'm pretty low on magic." He paused. "But I have enough for this at least." The devil slaying magic tingled at his fingertips. "Ice-make Hammer!" Gray took Jimquin by surprise as a devil slayer ice hammer landed on his head, knocking him unconscious.

The room of wizards closed quarters on the pair of mages. "Now let's go!" Gray grabbed Juvia by the hand and began to pull her away.

"Lightning dance!" Someone shouted as random bolts of lightning rained down striking both Gray and Juvia with a strong current.

"Wind slicer!"

"Earth hammer!" More attacks came flying in, as they struggled to dodge them, Juvia dress coat being sliced open to reveal a green corset, and Greys trousers ripping down the legs.

"That's enough!" Juvia shouted stripping down, her dark water magic rising inside her, "Water lock!" Gray looked surprised as Juvia focused on only allowing a certain amount of the dark magic to be used as each and every person was encircled in their own water lock. "Go my love!" Juvia gritted her teeth in concentration. "I'll be right behind you."

"No way!" He replied, "I'm not leaving you! You can't keep this up." Juvias hand wavered as Jimquin stirred behind them.

"Go!" Juvia pleaded, Gray just took her soft hand in his, the other turning her face to meet his.

"I said, I am not leaving you, Juvia." The waterlocks broke as tears brimmed in Juvias eyes.

"Gray-sama…" She trailed off awash with emotion.

"We're getting out of this together." Gray paused as the wizards in the waterlock began to pull themselves up off the floor and regain their breath. "I've been meaning to say…" his eyes frantically searched hers. He had practised this a million times over, but now, looking into the vast sea of her navy-blue eyes he felt lost. "I…" He craned his head, his hand still cradling her cheek and placed a soft kiss on her lips, feeling the soft plumpness of them, the sweat scent of a fresh spring morning, meadow flowers and that lavender shampoo she always used, he felt like putty but at the same time strong. They say action speak louder than words.

Grays lips met Juvias and at that moment she felt like the world had simply fell away, that it was just the two of them, she felt whole, light and joyous, like all her wishes had come true at once, she felt strong but at the same time vulnerable. The icemage pulled away slowly. "Love you." Her eyes shone at those words, her spirit renewed as Gray-sama still held her hand.

"Let's go home." He smiled at her as their magic grew, melding and sparking, wind whipped from nowhere, water rose and span around them mixed with shards of ice as they stared at their foes, feeling joined in more ways than one.

"Gahhhhh!" They both shouted leaning forwards and throwing all their magic, dark and good at the enemies who stood in their path to happiness and freedom. All the mages went flying into and through walls screaming as a huge tidal wave of water and ice hit them hard, Juvia and Gray didn't waste any time in making a run for the doors.

"STOP!" A loud booming voice that could only belong to Jimquin resounded through their very core.

The pair made it through the threshold and straight into Mitch. "You guys made it!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, but Juvias father has regained consciousness!" Juvia blurted out quickly. "We must go!"

"Wait a sec, isn't he bad?" Gray folded his arms staring at Mitch.

"No, my love, he actually helped Juvia, he helped me not lose control of myself and my magic." She paused, "he also broke me out of the cell to come rescue you." Gray glanced at Juvia then back at Mitch.

"Well then let's all get out of here!" The icemage pulled Juvias hand again.

"You two go, I'll keep Jimquin sealed in here with my shielding magic." Mitch spoke not looking at the pair, "I work for the magic council and sent word to them just before we left to come here." Juvia was shocked. "They'll be arriving any minute."

As if on cue a large group of magic council members stormed the corridor, their white cloaks gliding majestically along behind them. Juvia looked at Gray confused then back at Mitch.

"But… if you were a council member all along then why didn't you stop anything from happening?" Juvia enquired, head cocked to one side, half annoyed, half curious.

"I…" Mitch ducked his head as the council members poured into the room Jimquin was in, "I wanted to Juvia," he looked at her apologetically, "I was told to wait, to find out Jimquins grand plan… he started to keep close tabs on me when I started asking more questions… you were falling deeper and the last thing I wanted was to be killed or forced to leave when you were in danger from yourself, and a danger to everyone else." Mitch bowed his head and Juvia chewed her lip.

"So, you were playing both sides then." Gray wanted to punch him and thank him both at the same time.

"Yes… I wanted to contact the council sooner but we didn't stay in one place long enough, when I knew we were headed here, when I saw Juvia lose control of her powers in the bar, when we chased the old man, I contacted them then, Jimquin was far behind me and you were too far ahead to hear me speaking, and then again when Jimquin went upstairs to talk to you about your mother's death." He finished, his pale blue eyes almost ghostly in comparison to Juvias.

"Murder." Juvia spoke coldly. "My mother was killed." Those last words wavered and Gray squeezed her hand gently.

"That bastard." He muttered, as Jimquin was escorted out bound in a strait jacket and the same anti-magic shackles he had used on Gray, flanked on each corner by council members.

"Do you two need an escort back to Fairy Tail?" A blond-haired council member asked.

"No, we'll be fine thank-you." The icemage glanced at Juvia, "there is somewhere I want to stop off first." Juvia looked up questioningly but she remained silent.

The two mages walked hand in hand, as Juvia relayed to Gray the story of her mothers romance with the real father, she also spoke about he abusive step father and how she joined and moved up the ranks of the Element 4, Jose's connection to Jimquin, her mothers kidnap, the machine which injected her with dark magic and finally about how when his name was mentioned a little spark grew stronger. Gray listened intently the whole time as the sun beat down on them, warming their bodies and their souls although the ground was still sodden underfoot, birds were tweeting and flittering about.

The icemage stopped as Juvia continued her story, it was all confusing, but it all added up at the same time, he had always known she had more power than she knew herself and it made him angry that others abused it, abused her very nature, tried to twist and kill her goodness.

"You're safe now Juvia." Gray cupped her cheek as her blue orbs seemed to grow larger and softer, a small blush spread over her cheeks, she was safe, he would keep her safe, even though Jose who knew of Jimquins plans was out there still.

"Gray-sama…" She whispered as his mouth closed in on hers, "did Gray-sama mean what he said earlier?" She tilted her head slightly, her blue waves cascading down one arm, "that he…" her face went crimson, "loves Juvia?" The watermage cast her eyes down completely abashed.

"Yes," Gray lifted her chin up gently with one finger, "I love you Juvia…" A red blush spread across his cheeks now as Juvia let out a squeal and leaped into his arms, feeling his muscles contract and relax as they embraced, she could feel his heart beating hard and fast in his chest but revelled in the moment.

The watermage pulled back slightly, "Juvia…" She pursed her lips, "I love you to Gray…" His eyes filled with delight, she had dropped the "Juvia" (even though he thought it was secretly cute) and the formal "sama". Her lips met his first this time, the kiss deeper than before, their bodies touching in every place, Juvias hands wrapped around his neck and his settled around the small of her back comfortably.

"I thought I had lost you…" The icemage rested his forehead on hers staring deep into her eyes wanting to dive down into them.

"Gray-sama never gave up." The "sama" was back, old habits die hard.

"I never will." His eyes steeled and Juvia felt safer than ever there in that moment.

"Where did Gray…sama," she blushed "want to stop off before we went back to Fairy Tail?" Juvia asked holding her hands behind her back wondering what Gray-sama had planned, her mind drifting for the first time in a long time into Juvia land.

"Here actually." He scratched the back of his head, snapping Juvia immediately out of any romantic overnight hotel stay fantasies she had. "Close your eyes." He instructed and Juvia obeyed, placing her delicate hands over her eyes. Gray wandered off towards a hollow in a tree where a destroyed red tote bag lay, covering a Juvia plushie. He gentle picked the plushie up with his rough hands and walked back over to Juvia. "Okay you can open them now." Juvia swiftly moved her hands, the biggest smile on her face.

"Oh Gray-sama! Juvia knitted that for you!" She grinned, "Juvia was meant to give it to Gray-sama but then she had to….. OH!" Juvia went bright red. "Has Gray-sama been in Juvias room?!" Smoke may as well as been coming out of her ears with embarrassment.

"NO!" Gray waved his hands in front of her shaking his head, "no the girls retrieved it when they found your letters." Juvia let out a sigh of relief.

"Does Gray-sama like it?" She teased poking his arm and putting on her best puppy dog eyes.

"What sort of a question is that?!" Gray looked away, "and also I want to stop and say thankyou to Mary and Mr. Squiggles if that's okay?" He changed the subject but took Juvias hand in his.

"Yes! Juvia would love to! You met Mr. Squiggles? Isn't he the cutest?" Juvia cooed over the little black kitten as they walked hand in hand into the sunset.

A/N: Well that is it! I hope you have enjoyed reading this fanfic even with the huge delay in chapters at one point, thankyou to everyone who reviewed especially , all the reviews are such good inspiration and motivation to keep going forwards.

I am especially happy that I have now finished this fic, I used to get so annoyed reading Juvia backstory ones that never got completed!

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