
We've chased each other for generations. Always brushing hands, but never much more. Something always keeps us apart. I sometimes wonder why we deserved this. I thought we were done with war-torn love. We were so close last time, but again he left me. Not by choice. Never by choice.

I was sure of it this time, though I was of water and he of fire. Every sign pointed for us to finally be together again, but it was not to be. Sometimes he's with another. Sometimes so am I. But sometimes I'm just too late. How does this always happen? Did we do something wrong? Maybe our love is too much for one life, so we must take what we can as the years and lives go by. I wish I knew the answer. I wish he wasn't leaving, though I know we'll meet again.

I feel like I'm not in control of my own story. I am strong, yes, as is he, but it's like someone else hold the quill that writes our fate. If I could I'd write his name always next to mine, but the ink of our tale never lets that be. Too far to take his hand, but close enough to see his soul. He always knows it's me. I am always chasing him. Forever chasing and he is forever leaving. Maybe next time.

Maybe next time.