Chapter 10

AJ woke to an empty bed but it still held the warmth of Kat's body. Her scent clung to him and his bed linens, and he groaned at the throbbing in his cock while he stretched his muscles.

He wasn't lying last night. He couldn't sleep without her anymore and that could pose a huge problem for him but the only one his mind could focus on was damn near poking his belly button.

He briefly wondered if she returned to her room to keep up appearances but his youngest son opening his door answered his question. He quickly bunched the sheets over the tent in his shorts before his son came into view.

"What's up, kiddo?"

"Breakfast is ready, Daddy." Albey swung the door back and forth by the knob, waiting on his father. "Ms Kat said to hurry up or she'll braid your hair before we go to the mall." He giggled when his dad narrowed his eyes on him, turning to run when AJ darted after him. "Ms Kat! Daddy is try'na get me!" He ran behind the woman, keeping her between him and his father.

And there she stood at his stove; still wearing his tank with a pair of shorts, flipping a pancake in the air and catching it in the pan to his daughter's delight. This woman captivated him, and apparently stole his breath because he couldn't speak a word when she turned an inquisitive look his way.

"And why are you chasing Albey, Daddy?"

AJ's breath caught in his chest; the blood in his body rushing to his very interested cock. It was an innocent question but she damn near floored him with that last word. He had to shake his head to focus on answering the question when she cocked her head at him.

"He laughed thinking you're gonna braid my hair and drag me through the mall with girl hair." He crossed his arms over his bare chest, pouting at Kat when she held him off with a spatula.

"You already have girl hair, AJ. Besides, I think a random braid here or there would look se-nice." Her cheeks colored with the slip up and AJ grinning and biting his bottom lip didn't help her embarrassment in the slightest. A quick glance down and she found herself back in the embarrassment game. "I think you need to sit down – if you get my point." She arched a brow, darted her eyes down and had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

"Son of a –" He groaned; turning away from a scarlet red Kat to find his daughter standing there. "I'm in hell. Hush up, woman." He tossed over his shoulder when Kat broke down in hysterics.

"Daddy, sit down so Kitty-Kat and I can serve you." Anney grabbed her father's hand and dragged him to the table.

"Whatever ya say, Peach." AJ dropped down into his chair with a painful smile. "Boys! Come sit! Apparently the women are ruling the house now."

"I'd say it's about time. Poor Anney has been outnumbered in this household for too long." Kat spoke nonchalantly while dishing up pancakes on a platter.

"This looks really good, Kat." Ajay spoke up from his father's side, glancing over the plates of eggs, bacon, sausages and buttered toast.

"Why, thank you, Ajay. Your sister and I rocked out an awesome breakfast for you boys. Right, Sweetie?" She held out a fist to the young girl at her side.

"Wight, Kitty." She bumped her small fist against the woman's and held on to the hem of her shirt when she walked over to the table, setting the large stack of pancakes in the center of the table. "Mooove, Avery. I wanna sit next to Kitty." She pushed at her brother who went to argue but his father clearing his throat stopped him cold.

"Fine." He grumbled, moving over one seat to sit next to his dad.

"Up you go, my lovely little helper." Kat picked up the young girl, sat her down and pushed her chair in before taking her seat across the table from AJ. "I didn't know what everyone wanted so I covered my bases and set it out so everyone could grab what they wanted." She shrugged with a blush coloring her cheeks under AJ's scrutinizing gaze.

"You take good care of my kids and my brothers. Thank you." He had never meant those two words more than in this moment and if he thought about it, it was really odd but true.

"You're most welcome." Her green eyes met his blue across the table even while she served Anney.

He felt like they shared a moment in that glance. He was positive he felt some exchange between them but couldn't put his finger on it. He leaned back in his chair and just watched her take care of his children and how they interacted with her.

His kids adored her already which made him kind of nervous but deliriously happy at the same time. He really wanted this woman for his own and of course that meant his children had to approve. Just a glance around the table told him that his kids were well on their way to loving her.

'Just like I am.'

He sighed; knowing perfectly well he was getting ahead of himself with his feelings for her but they couldn't be stopped. He was invested and his children were becoming invested and that presented all kinds of problems if she decided she wasn't interested in him romantically. Just the thought of her eventually finding a place to move to gripped his heart in a fist.

His kids would be upset. He would be devastated.

'She's not ready.'

He didn't want her to leave. He wanted her here with him and his kids. He wanted her in his bed; here and on the road. He wanted to make love to her; get lost in her body and never find his way out.

'You're jumping the gun, AJ.'

"What can I get you, handsome?"

He startled out of his thoughts when she appeared at his side; his plate in her hand and striking emerald eyes staring into him. He could almost swear she could see his thoughts on his face.

"I coulda served myself, darlin." He flushed red when a slight smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth and her free hand gently settled on his bare shoulder. "I'll take all of it, princess. I mean – some of everything." He lowered his head, hiding his embarrassment behind his hair and forced himself not to smack his forehead for the slip of his tongue. "Thank you." He wrapped his hand around her small wrist once she set his full plate down before him, and glanced up at her.

"You're welcome again. Now eat up." She placed a quick kiss to the top of his head to his kids' amusement before returning to her seat. "We have a long day ahead of us at the mall." She sighed, deflating her good mood with the thought of shopping.

"We can do it in stages, darlin. Just get some things for the season, our climate here and a few things for the road. You can worry about the rest later." He gave her a sympathetic look while he poured syrup on his pancakes. "Despite the fact that I know women tend to have a large wardrobe, I've noticed you're more comfortable in t-shirts and shorts on your days off and downtime, and I have plenty of shirts you can use." He winked at her smiling face before taking a bite of his meal. "Oh damn, this is good. No wonder the kids are so quiet."


"What? It's true. The four of ya are usually yammering away nonstop during breakfast. I think I'm gonna keep Kat here for her to cook in the mornings just so I can wake up to a peaceful house." He smirked at his kids; taking a big bite of a sausage link.

"And then when we're done I can braid your hair." Kat grinned at him; his kids giggling while he scowled at her across the table.


The six of them entered the mall and AJ instantly felt overwhelmed. For some reason, it was crowded and he mentally cursed at the thought of keeping track of his kids in this mess.

He wore a baseball cap low on his head to try to conceal his identity; and the few braids she wove his hair into, but he tended to get noticed by fans eventually. It was a task to go out in public with his kids and keep an eye on them while he signed autographs and took photos with people.

"Hey." He turned his wide blue eyes to Kat when she gripped his hand. "I've seen that look before. Roman and his cousins had it in their eyes when we took their kids out around people. How about I take Anney and one of the boys with me? I'm not much of a shopper. I know what I want, run in and grab it, and get out as fast as possible. I won't be long enough for the kids to get bored and we can get out of here, I promise."

"Thank you. That sounds perfect." He squeezed her hand and turned to the boys. "Which of ya little monsters wants to go with Kat?" He was surprised when all three boys raised their hand. "Well none of my kids want me anymore. I guess you're taking 'em all."

"Dad, I wanna go with her so we can talk about Roman." Avery pouted and AJ rolled his eyes, staring up at the ceiling for a moment.

"Great! He wants you and Reigns. I hope the two of you are very happy with your new son."

"Stop being such a baby." Kat elbowed him in the ribs before taking Avery's hand. She already had Anney's from the moment they stepped out of the truck. "Come on, Avery. Maybe I'll call Roman and you can talk to him while I pick out some clothes." She chuckled at AJ's scowl and began to walk off with Anney leading the way.

"I hate ya." He called out to her with a smile.

"You love me and you know it." She shot back at him over her shoulder, drawing him up short with the truth of her words. "We'll meet you at the Food Court in an hour!"

"What?" He asked his oldest when he glanced down to see a smile on his face.

"You stare at her a lot. She makes you smile and blush too." Ajay chuckled when his father's mouth dropped open and snapped shut a moment later, at a loss for words. "I think you like her. I think you like her. You wanna kiss her because you like her." He began to sing over and over; doing a little shoulder dance while they walked in the opposite direction.

"Oh hush, kid." AJ pouted; shaking his head a second later when Albey joined his brother in singing.


AJ and his boys were already seated at a table in the Food Court, waiting on Kat and his other children to arrive. He had taken his boys to buy more clothes since they were growing like weeds; picking up some things for Avery and Anney as well before they ordered some food and took a table big enough for all of them.

"Where are they?" He mumbled, looking among the crowd of shoppers to spot them.

"Dad, I'm hungry. Can't we start without them?" Ajay asked while he eyed the pizza box in the center of their table.

"Your brother answered Kat's phone and said they were on the way so don't be rude and just wait, son."

"There they are!" Albey shouted excitedly, pointing in the other direction.

AJ turned to see his daughter piggybacking on Kat while the woman clutched a few bags in one hand and his son's in the other. Avery had her phone plastered to his ear and seemed to be in an animated conversation with someone.

"Last stop, sweetie." Kat turned her back to the chair AJ held out and set Anney down on it. "Park it, bud." She held out the next chair and Avery plopped down into it before she took a seat next to AJ, and dropped her bags on the floor. "That was sucky but I am so happy I went with your idea and just bought for the season, here and the road."

"She bought some stuff from the panty store too, Dad." Avery proudly announced during a brief pause in his phone call.

"Hey, kid! Don't go saying stuff like that in front of everybody." AJ admonished his child while Kat turned a furious shade of red and shielded her face with a hand. "And who are ya talking to that just heard ya say that?" He asked when he heard a loud laugh from the cell.

"It's Roman and he knows she went panty shopping. I was talking to him while she was doing it." His middle child answered matter-of-factly before continuing his conversation. "What, Roman?" He listened for a few seconds, nodding his head before glancing up at his father. "Roman said not to get too interested in what she got at that lady's secret."

"Oh my God." Kat groaned behind her hands and AJ snatched the phone out of his son's hand.

"Reigns! I don't think you need to talk to my kid about 'that lady's secret', or would you like it if I told your daughter about what her mama buys there and why?" AJ grumbled into the phone, turning away from his kids but watching Kat compose herself while divvying up pizza onto all of their paper plates.

"Calm your tits, Styles. He has no idea what I was referring to or why you'd care." Roman chuckled on his end of the line. "Your boy is amazing, by the way. I had a blast keeping him busy while she was uh, indisposed. I like him already and can't wait to meet him."

"Thanks. Avery has been badgering Kat about you since I introduced them. He's dying to meet you too." He fought back the smile in his voice since he was talking to Roman – the man that has put him through the wringer since Kat came into his life – but couldn't conceal it well since he was complimenting him on one of his kids.

"How is our girl doing?" Roman ventured to ask but knew he couldn't expect much of an answer since she was sitting right there.

"She's been relaxing and stealing my kids' love away from me." AJ laughed when Kat swatted his arm and returned her hand to Anney's midsection since his girl decided to move to her lap. "Even now, she has my Peach in her lap. Just steals my baby girl from me in one day." He shook his head with a sad expression and a hand over his heart.

"Stop, Daddy! I wuv you too! But I weally like the pwetty Kitty Kat."

Roman's booming laugh erupted from the cell and AJ couldn't help but feel his heart thump extra hard against his ribs when his little girl kissed Kat's cheek. The woman that was swiftly laying claim to his heart beamed at his Peach and kissed her forehead in return.

"Don't take it personally, AJ. I can never get Joelle away from her Aunt Kat when they're around each other. So how did moving go?" Roman asked in passing and the Georgian felt his blood pressure rise.

"Uh, can we talk about that later, Roman? I've got to feed these kids and get us out of this mall before my hand falls off from signing one more autograph."

"Sure, man. Tell Kat I'll call her later." Roman could hear the change in AJ's tone and it was clear as day that he was shutting down this conversation. Something happened at the house in Vegas and he intended to find out the first chance he got. "Enjoy your lunch, Uce. Bye!"

"Thanks, Roman. Talk to you soon." He ended the call and pocketed her phone. "He called me Uce. Does that mean I'm family now?" He whispered against Kat's ear; feeling unusually happy when she nodded her head. "So, what did you get from 'that lady's secret'?" His lips brushed the shell of her ear and he felt a sense of satisfaction when she visibly shivered from the contact.


When they got home, Kat took her bags and went straight to her room. AJ was a little concerned when she slumped her head against the passenger's window in the truck during the drive; barely joining their conversation, and now he was downright worried.

He took the kids' bags to their rooms, showed Anney and Avery his purchases since they were with Kat when he bought them, and told them to put everything away before he wandered back out to main den. Kat was nowhere to be found.

He quietly made his way down the hall to their rooms and; seeing her door slightly ajar, eased it open. She was out like a light, face down on the bed.

'Must be really tired to sleep without me.' He sighed softly, pulling the door closed behind him. 'Wonder if the kids wore her out?'

It should have been funny but instead it worried him that she couldn't handle a ready-made family this large. Four kids were a lot to take care of especially if they aren't yours; if you walked into this and weren't there from the start.

He and his kids were a packaged deal. If by some miracle, she was interested in him romantically, his kids came with him. He really didn't think he'd find love again after his wife's infidelity until he met Kat. Despite his job, he had full custody of his kids and they'd always be there with them.

'If there ever is an us, AJ. She just went through hell; is still going through hell, but on the off-chance she eventually wants me, I'm asking a lot of her to walk into a pre-made family.' He felt a lump build up in his throat; the thought of being alone forever was horrible but the thought of not having Kat was agonizingly painful.


Later that evening, they had a light meal; after having a heavy lunch at the mall. AJ had to send Anney to wake up Kat. She yawned behind her hand a few times at the table and didn't talk much; instead shifting her tired eyes around while they conversed.

"Would ya like to spend the evening with me outside? Just a few hours walking the property and maybe go for a nighttime swim?" He quietly asked while they washed the dishes together.

"I'd love to." A little life returned to her eyes and a warm smile tipped her lips while she placed the last dish in the washer.

"Go change and meet me in the kids' den." He swatted the dishrag at her ass and laughed when she huffed and rolled her eyes before heading to her room.

"Go get ready for bed." He called out to his kids still sitting at the table, shaking his head when they groaned and complained about it being too early. "I'm putting on a movie for ya to watch before ya turn in but I want ya changed – now go."

He ran to his room to change real quickly and was setting his kids up to watch the movie when Kat finally strolled in; her hair loose and feet bare with two towels clutched in her hand.

"I want ya to go straight to bed after this ends. Kat and I will be out on the property so ya tuck yourselves in. Peach, ya need to be up early if ya want to help with breakfast again." He ruffled his daughter's silky locks before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Okay, Daddy. Night, pwetty kitty!" Anney hugged her good night and pecked her daddy's lips before settling on the couch to watch the movie.

"Good night, Kat. Night, Dad." Ajay grinned at his father; moving his shoulders to the silent song playing in his head.

"Night, Ms Kat. Night, Dad." Albey giggled; joining his brother with a shoulder shimmy.

"Good night, you two." Avery waved a hand at them; already focused on the TV.

"Come on, darlin." AJ shook his head at his two sons and led her down the hall away from the kids' side of the house.

"Why are Ajay and Albey shaking their shoulders like that?" She arched a brow at him and he just shook his head; running a hand over his mouth to hide his grin.

"They're hopped up on too much sugar." He shrugged; opening the patio door and followed her outside. "Do ya have your bikini on under that?" He eyed one of Finn's shirts that she customized into a tank with a pair of scissors.

"I do. You asked if I wanted to go for a night swim so I put it on." She glanced down at their joined hands before letting her gaze drift over all of him.

'I must be lonely.' She bit her bottom lip running her eyes up his bare arm, lingering on his bicep before moving on to his shoulder.

If she was honest with herself; and she always tried to be, she had to admit he looked smoking hot in his faded overalls. The appeal was sweeter since he was shirtless under it. The denim came up the center of his wide back before the straps ventured over those amazing shoulders and attached to the clamps low on his chest.

The light dusting of his chest hair was visible just enough to entice the eyes before vanishing under the front. His upper torso was so impressive that his toned curves held her gaze just long enough that she felt she cheated his firm ass the attention it deserved.

'Fuck, Kat! Get it together and stop objectifying AJ!'

Of course, he had been talking to her the entire time that she gawked at him and she was left blinking her eyes when he turned a curious look at her.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" She fanned her red face with her free hand while staring up at him with big eyes.

"Are ya okay, darlin?" He stepped towards her; still holding her hand and traced his index finger down the side of her face. "You're looking a little flushed. Is it too hot out here for ya?"

'That is an understatement.' She smirked, shaking her head no. "I'm fine, AJ. Just my mind wandering away from me. What did you ask me?"

"I asked if ya fish?" He asked hesitantly; squinting his eyes like he was preparing for a laugh or slap.

"What is that look for? Just because I'm a city girl, you automatically think I can't do outdoor activities? I swear you three men thought I was going to die when you took me to Aogashima and I kept up just fine, didn't I?" She playfully pushed his chest but AJ's hands quickly snapped up and grabbed her wrists, holding her hands in place.

"Yeah, ya did hold up beautifully on the Island. I just know fishing isn't for everyone. So ya think you'd be interested in taking the kids tomorrow? I have river access a few acres back." He jerked his head over his shoulder towards the river but couldn't stop biting his lip when her fingers hooked over the top flap of his overalls; her nails brushing his flesh.

"I'm up for it if we go after breakfast. I can't lie, handsome; I want to be a bum either lying out in the sun or on the couch the rest of the day. Deal?" She cocked her head; staring into his soft blue orbs.

"It is a deal. We'll be lazy bums the rest of the day before we have to go back to work." He placed his hands on either side of her head and kissed her forehead. "My mom comes to pick up the kids right before I leave so they can sleep in. I've already arranged our flights Monday morning so ya don't have to worry about it." He wrapped his arm over her shoulder and continued their walk.

"Thank you, AJ." She smiled up at him and he laughed, pulling her into his side.

"Don't think it will always be this simple, princess. You and the kids are still new to each other. Once ya aren't so shiny anymore, they'll be hell on wheels like they usually are. We'll be lucky if we can lay around for a catnap." He chuckled; suddenly finding a lump in his throat when her hand settled on his bare side.

"I don't know, I think we tag-teamed well."

"I'd have ya for a partner any day, darlin."

He meant those words too. He knew his feelings were running rampant but it couldn't be helped. His heart wanted what it wanted and that is her. He just needed to make sure he didn't scare her off before she was ready to pursue another relationship.


"This water feels wonderful." Kat had a dreamy sigh in her voice. She was floating on top of the water on her back; her arms barely moving to keep her in place. "If I wouldn't get pruny, I could sleep right here."

"Did the kids wear ya out, darlin?" There was no joking tone to his question. He was still worried that she got overwhelmed with two of his kids and wondered if she'd run screaming when she had to deal with all four.

"Not the way you might think."

"What do ya mean?" He swam up beside her; his arms reaching under her back and thighs to keep her close to him.

"I was scared to death." She choked out and; when he saw her eyes glistening, he scooped her up in his arms.

"Hey. Look at me." He whispered in concern when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and buried her face in his neck. "Why were ya scared, baby?" He couldn't even worry about the slip of endearment when he saw tears in her eyes.

"They're your babies and I was responsible for them. We were out in public." She spoke in a shaky voice; clenched her eyes to get a hold of herself before opening them and starting again. "When I go out with JoJo, no one knows who we are and it is easier to keep her safe from strangers or rabid fans. People know you here; this is where you live and I was this close to dragging Avery into a dressing room with me just so that I always had eyes on him. Turns out I paid the sales clerk a hundred bucks to stand with them right outside the dressing room door and my heart was still threatening to beat out of my chest."

"Oh darlin, I feel like that every time I take them out too." He pulled her to his chest; holding her tight to his body when she continued to tremble.

"I don't think I've ever been so damn scared in my life than in those few minutes. I made them talk to me the entire time and I peeked through the slats to make sure they didn't move but…" She shook her head; too flustered to go on.

"Baby, it's okay. I trust ya with my kids." He pulled his head back a bit, cupping her chin to force her eyes to his.

"If anything happened…if someone took them…"

"Shh, nothing happened and someone could just as easily take them from me. I trust ya with my kids." His eyes darted between her wide, wet eyes, giving her a soft smile before he went with his heart and pressed his lips to hers.

She didn't pull away and he took that as a good sign. It was just a gentle touch of his lips but it felt like so much more. He parted from her; just a breath away and stared down into her almost innocent looking eyes, darting between his since they were so close before her gaze dropped to his lips again.

His palms cradled her jaw; his fingers beneath her ears and in her wet hair when he closed the scant distance between them and placed a few sipping kisses on her full lips. Their eyes remained open and staring into each other. When he pulled back again, he smiled softly at the look of wonder in her emerald orbs.

"I think it's time for bed." He swept her back up bridal style in his arms, carried her out of the pool and placed her on her feet by the table. "Here ya go, darlin." He grabbed a towel off the back of a chair and draped it around her shoulders, letting her dry herself while he did the same.


He meant what he said about time for bed. She was emotionally exhausted and he silently yet physically made his interest in her known. He knew she already had a lot on her mind and this day just added more for her to think about.

He followed her to her room, waited for her to grab his t-shirt that she liked to sleep in, and ushered her into the bathroom. "Go ahead and shower first, leave the water on and come on in to bed." He turned on the water, checked the temperature and turned to her. "I'll shower after and join ya when I'm done. Okay?" He placed his hands on her shoulders, took in her silent nod and kissed the top of her head.


She was barely awake when he emerged from the bathroom but held on because she didn't like to sleep without him. It was a startling realization that it switched from needing him close to sleep to wanting him close to sleep. She filed that away with everything else to think about. Right now, she just wanted to hold him; be held by him, and let his heartbeat lull her into blissful sleep.

She held up the sheet; like he did the night before for her, and he slid under it, taking his place beside her with his arm out. She moved into his side, placing her head on his chest, her arm across his midsection and slotted her leg between his – their usual position.

It took minutes for them to fall into a deep slumber…

…and oversleep because they startled awake by Avery yelling "Dad" at the top of his lungs.

It was still dark outside and one look at his son's tear-streaked face told AJ that his middle boy most likely woke from a nightmare, needing his father to comfort him. Instead of sadness in his eyes, he assumed his son had been standing there long enough, watching them, to morph his fright to anger, and he directed it at Kat.

"Why are you in my dad's bed? You aren't my momma! You shouldn't be in my daddy's bed!" The boy wailed at her; all the acceptance of her gone, all the bonding over Roman gone, just plain hatred reflecting in his watery gaze. "Get away from my daddy! You don't belong here!"

"Oh my God." Kat gasped in horror; tears pouring in rivers down her face while she scrambled out of bed and ran for the bathroom.

"Kat!" AJ shouted after her but the door swung shut, slamming behind her.

"I hate you! You're not my momma! You never will be!" Avery shouted after her; his hands clenched at his sides, tears still running down his cheeks.

"Avery, stop it! Now!" The fatherly tone in his voice made the young boy snap his mouth shut, not saying another word but chest heaving while he cried. "Come here, son." He held his arms open, sitting on the edge of the bed, and enfolded his boy in his embrace, letting him cry into his chest.

"Dad?" Ajay called out softly from the door, holding Anney and Albey's hands. "What's going on?"

"Just a misunderstanding, son." He whispered against the top of his boy's head.

Of all of his children, Avery was closest with his mother. He always figured his youngest kids would be the ones to miss their mother most but for some reason Albey and Anney were hit hardest by his heartbreak when they divorced and held it against their mother. His oldest remained neutral in the whole thing just wanting his parents to be happy even if it was apart. AJ couldn't understand it and didn't try.

"We'll talk about this in the morning, Avery, but right now I need to check on Kat." He looked down into his boy's eyes, drying the tears on his cheeks with his thumbs, and shook his head when he opened his mouth to argue. "It isn't up for discussion, son. You hurt her really bad and I need to see if she's okay. Now let's get you back to bed." He stood, placing a hand on his child's slumped shoulder to lead him back to his room.

"Daddy, Kitty Kat isn't here." Anney whimpered with a trembling lip, leaning into her older brother's side.

"What are ya talking about, Peach? Where is she?" He darted his eyes up to his oldest.

"She ran passed us and out the back door. She was crying something fierce."

As much as he wanted to tear out of the house and go find her, his first priority was his distressed son. He felt his own eyes well up when he took Avery's hand, led him to the door, and corralled his children down the hall towards their rooms.

He couldn't keep his eyes from lingering on the closed patio doors when they walked by if his life depended on it. Looking outside for just a sign of her; maybe by the pool or in the hammock, but she was nowhere to be seen.

A/N: A huge shout out to my girl, Dawnie-7. Here is part of what we talked about, chica. I hope it came out right!