I had taken my shower and reapplied my makeup. I put on a plain off the shoulder dress, my shoelace choker, some bangle bracelets, and some lace hand gloves. I shoved the tin under my bed, telling myself I would look at it later. I hopped in my car and drove out to the rez. Everyone piled out and said hello to me. I smiled and was yanked inside by half-naked boys. Food was first. I was sat next to Rae and Paul; Paul seemed much more at ease and I could tell it was because Jake wasn't here, I wasn't given time to ask where Jake was. I was given a plate of chicken parmesan and garlic bread. I looked up to Sam.
"Oh I did cook it on my own, with Emily hovering over me every second." I smiled, deciding to put my worrisome thoughts aside and dug into my food. The boys all sat around me stuffing their faces with food.
"So where is Jake?" I saw a line of tension run through each of the boys. I glanced to Sam. "Where is he?" My mind was swirling with weirdness. The news that had just been loaded on me and now my boyfriend wasn't at my birthday party?
Sam shifted in his seat and glanced around at everyone. He cleared his throat, "He said he was going to come over after everything to give you your present." I pouted and I felt a warm arm around me. I looked to my left and saw Paul's face.
"It'll be fine. That dick bag loves you. I am sure he is just wanting to make your present extra special." I knew that Paul encouraging me about Jake was hard for him to do, and I appreciated it. I leaned into his embrace the rest of the time as I ate. Once I was finished Paul, Sam, and Jared disappeared for a moment outside. I assumed they were getting me my presents. When they all came back inside I noticed I was partially right. Jared had his giant arms full of brown boxes and Paul and Sam were carrying in a giant four tiered cake. This was Cullen level extra.
"Jesus guys that cake is huge! You know I don't eat as much as you do right?" I laughed and inspected the cake that was placed before me. It was beautifully done. Each pack member had signed their name in icing on each of the tiers, even Emily and a few of the other imprints, and my name was on the very top.
"It's a strawberry cake with strawberry filling and whip topping. We decided to make it so big so you could take the top tier home with your dad and share it with him and Bella, when she comes back, and the rest you know the boys will eat." Emily said with a prideful look on her face. I shook my head in disbelief. Yes I am quite sure the boys could eat the entirety of the cake without me, but it was a nice thought for them to have made my own tier to eat with my family. Bella was out of town with Edward visiting her mother and wouldn't be back till tomorrow. "But you must open your presents first then we can enjoy this lovely creation!" Emily was so excited and lively that I couldn't help but smile more. Jared handed me a small package. All the boxes varied in size, but had the same plain brown wrapping.
"That one is from me and Jared. We divided your presents in groups. And before you say anything we didn't mind spending money on you so shush your objections. You are definitely worth every penny. Just don't expect lavish gifts like I am sure you got from the Cullens." Sam said, I rolled my eyes at the not to subtle jab, and ignored it. I didn't like the pack spending money on me. I would have much preferred if they had all just bought one gift instead of many, but I bit my tongue and opened the first small package. Inside was a beautiful necklace. It had a silver chain and a pendant the size of a half dollar that was a bright red rose. I smiled as Sam slipped behind me and put it on. "I know it isn't much or flashy, but I think it suits you." I smiled and thanked him and Jared.
I was handed the next package, "Oh that's from me and Embry and Rae." Quil chimed in. This package was the smallest out of all of them. I guessed what it was as I opened it. It was a matching set of earrings to the necklace that I had just got. Two small roses set in gold fixtures.
"I sense a theme here. Do I remind you guys of a rose?" I quirked on eyebrow at everyone. I was met with chuckles.
"Well you do seem to be a rose among us mangy wolves." Seth quipped. I threw a piece of cake at him.
"You guys are NOT mangy. You guys are majestic, but thank you." I smiled and grabbed the next package from Jared. I read the tag and glanced up at Leah with a weird look. Her and Seth had phased right around the death of their father, and I hated hearing Leah's thoughts; but I still liked her. I just wasn't expecting her to put her name on anything tonight.
"Don't look so surprised. You are apart of this family." Was all Leah said with a shrug. I sighed and opened the next present from Leah and Seth. It was a beautiful rose ring. Almost antique looking with it's gold frills lacing out from the rose. I smiled and put it on the ring finger on my right hand. Definitely a theme to tonight. "Mom helped us pick it out as well. She said the gold would look good against your skin." I smiled and nodded my head to her in thanks. The only people who hadn't given me anything yet was Paul and Jake. Jake still had yet to show up, but I turned to Paul. He was blushing bright red. I poked his cheek.
"Don't explode hun." He smiled and gave me a quick hug.
"I know you're half Irish and half Italian so…" Paul's face turned even redder as he handed me a small black velvet box. I opened the box carefully. Inside was a small silver claddagh ring. I gasped. Claddagh rings are very traditional Irish. They represents love, loyalty, and friendship, the hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty. "Can I put it on you?" Paul squeaked out. I nodded. He smiled his cutest smile and placed the ring on the ring finger of my left hand. "This is my promise to you. I will never leave you. If you need me I will be there. Reach out and I will be there. Fall and I will catch you. I know you are with Jake, and I am not really ok with it; but if you are happy then I am happy. I just want happiness for you. I will be your protector, your shield, your shoulder to cry on. Forever." I blushed and puffed out my cheeks. A habit a did when I was extremely embarrassed. "I am not proposing, but I am just letting you know how it is." He smiled and yanked me into a hug. I buried my head in his chest and wrapped my arms around him. Someone cleared their throat from the door and I jumped away from Paul to see the eyes of my boyfriend Jake.
"If you're done with my girlfriend Paul I would like to have her for a moment. In private." Jake said icily.
"I'll be right back guys." I said and walked to Jake. He put his arm around me and walked me out a bit into the woods.
"Sorry I've been a bit MIA. I had a lot to think about." He stopped walking and gave me a quick kiss. "Here present first." He handed me something wrapped in green tissue paper. I unwrapped it and found a woven agate bracelet. "I made it myself." He smiled and put it on my right wrist. I smiled and kissed him.
"I love it thank you!" I walked ahead of him a bit and sat down on an overturned tree. He came and sat down next to me.
"Paul really loves you…" Jake muttered. I nodded my head and leaned on his shoulder. "That's why...among other reasons I've decided something. You know I love you. I love being with you and being your boyfriend, but...I still have feelings for Bella. A lot of really strong feelings. And what we are doing to Paul isn't right. You can hear everyone's thoughts. Not many agree with what we are doing….So...I think….no...I know we should break up." I tensed at his words and pulled away from his shoulder. My eyes started to water and I shook my head. Jake's head was still looking down into the dirt. I couldn't see his face. I bit my lip and thought on what to say. My mind drew a blank. I know he wasn't looking and couldn't see what I was doing, but I nodded my head, patted him on the shoulder, kissed his cheek, and walked back to the house. He never looked at me once.
Back at the house a few minutes later everyone was fussing. A few people were missing and in their wolf forms. I could hear them buzzing about a vampire in the area. "Victoria is here?" I ran to Rae.
"The Cullens are chasing her. Paul and a few other's went out to try and grab her. Sam has ordered me to take you home." I clinged to her arm and nodded handing her my keys. I would tell her everything on the way home what happened tonight. At the Cullens and with Jake. I quickly said goodbye to everyone and got into my car with Rae. As soon as we are in the car Rae immediately says, "You going to tell me why you look like you are on the verge of tears?" I sigh and start looking out the window. I know if she glances my way she will see the tears starting to pour down my face in my reflection.
"First...Apparently my bio parents were killed by rogue vampires. I have a twin, and the vampires that killed my parents got away with him. No word on where or who he is, if he even is still alive. The Cullens somehow knew my mother and kept me for five years raising me until they found Charlie and left me with him. And also Jake just broke up with me. There are you cliff notes." I say a short version to her.
"Fuck dude." Was all she said in reply.