A/N: Ahh, this is such a fluffy fic. It was fun researching how Christmas is celebrated in Japan, I hope it turned out alright!

Merry Christmas, Baby

Hiro's POV

I was on my way to meet my boyfriend at the school gate, like usual, when one of my girl friends (it's okay to call them that if there's a space, right?) caught me by the arm.

"Hiro-kun, what are you planning for tomorrow? I promise I'll keep it a secret~!"

"-From Takashi-san." girl friend number 7 coughed.

I racked my brain but came up with nothing, "Tomorrow…?"

The girls gasped, "Tomorrow's Christmas Eve!"

"Oh, really? What do you do on Christmas Eve again? I don't remember ever celebrating it because it's for couples- Wait. Couples? WAIT?!"

Girl friend 7 facepalmed while girl friend 3 sniggered, "Omg, Hiro-kun done fucked up."

I clutched my head. Oh no, this is bad…

"What are you girls saying to Hiro? I'm the only one allowed to bully him." Takashi wrapped a protective arm around me.

I jumped and began sweating, "T-takashi! You came to see your super popular, amazing boyfriend, huh? Y-yeah, I'm the best, right, hahahaha?"

Girl friend 7 commented in the background, "Good job Hiro-kun, you're totally not acting suspicious at all."

Ahh, girls are so mean, shut up! Luckily, I don't think he noticed her comment. Takashi really doesn't give a shit about my friends, huh?

He rolled his eyes, "Are you ready to go to my house yet?"

I swallowed and averted my eyes, "S-sorry I- uh- actually- have to… have to… babysit Hiromu today, yeah!"

"Isn't he like 12? Well, I can come over and help. He's fun to play video games with because he's actually a challenge- unlike his older brother." Takashi smirked.

I scoffed, "Hey, I'll show you! I mean-! N-no, you can't come because… because… Hiromu he uh… has a crush on… you? Y-yeah! You know how homo runs in the family, right homo? Hahaha, yep. He's so embarrassed about it. We're having a duel over who gets to be your boyfriend. Don't worry, I'm the hero of this story so I'll definitely win! Hero's always get the girl- shit, I mean boy- I mean- bye? Yeah, I gotta go!

What the Hell am I even saying?! It doesn't matter I have to get out of here!


"Ahh, what am I going to do?" I stared at my own reflection. Mirror Hiro is always there for me in these trying times.

"Come on, this is your first Christmas Eve with your boyfriend! You have to sweep him off his feet! Wait, can I even carry him? Dating is so hard." I whined.

Hiromu peaked his head into my room, "Nii-san! What's going on?"

I crossed my arms, "N-nothing!"

"Aww, come on Nii-san, I want to help!" Hiromu pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

I groaned, "Ugh, fine… You see I… I forgot something important."

"You forgot Christmas Eve is tomorrow, didn't you? You're such a bad boyfriend, Nii-san. I'm so ashamed." My younger brother shook his head at me.

"Ahh, I know! I don't even have a present or any idea what to do tomorrow!" I blushed and covered my face.

Hiromu suddenly sat down in front of Hiro's bookshelf, "I have an idea!"

The younger boy pulled out a sparkly notebook titled Romantic Date Ideas for Hiro's Future Girlfriend.

I beamed, "Wow, I forgot I even had this! Thanks, Hiromu!"

We opened the notebook up and I read the first date, "Go out shopping for clothes and get manicures at the mall."

Imagine Takashi coming out of a dressing room asking, "Do these pants make my butt look big?" The answer would be yes, of course. That boy is thicc.

Hiromu giggled, "Pfft, I don't think Takashi would like that very much. Hey, why are you blushing?"

I cleared my throat, "Mmm, yeah, you're right. What else is there… Go out for ice cream? No, it's too cold. The movies? We've already done that. Go on a cruise and do the Titanic pose? Dang, too expensive. Propose? Hey, that would be romantic!"

Hiromu made a face, "Mom would kill you."

"Ugh, you're right!" I flopped down on the bed, "I'm doomed!"

"Why don't you just go look at the Christmas lights downtown together? Isn't that what most couples do anyway?" he suggested.

I stared off into space, "Christmas lights?"

Me and Takashi walking around holding hands and drinking cocoa and pressing close together in the cold…

"Yes, of course! Christmas lights! I'm so glad I thought of that, omg I'm so smart! It's perfect!" I sat up and beamed.

Hiromu pouted, "Hey wait, I was the one who-"

"-I still need to figure out a gift for him though and it's starting to get late." I mused.

He sighed, "Well, what are his hobbies?"

I rubbed my chin, "I know exactly what he likes, but I don't know what I'd get him. I mean he already has so much rope and other weird stuff and por-"

"Ehhh?!" Hiromu blushed.

"Ahh, thank you so much for your help, but I've got it from here!" I flushed red and pushed my little brother out of my room.

Hiromu turned around, "Wait what-?!"

I quickly slammed the door and leaned against it to make sure Hiromu couldn't come back in.

After taking a breath, I lunged at the phone book and turned to the business section, punching the buttons into my phone, "Hi, I was wondering if you had any S&M items, specifically for two guys? ...Hello?"

Huh, I guess we got disconnected.

"Hello, this is Dick-Fil-A, how may I help you?"

It seriously took forever to find an employee who was able to stay on the line. Seriously, what's with all these businesses' bad phone connections?

"Yes, we have a large supply of S&M oriented products to suit our male and female patrons and their partners. We are currently offering a Christmas sale and are opened until 2am." the employee informed him.

I sighed in relief.

What luck! It's almost 9 o'clock, I was so sure they'd be closed soon!

"Ah, what's your address?" I asked grabbing a pen.

I quickly jotted down the information and thanked the employee.

Time to go find Takashi the perfect gift!


"Awww!" The girls all squealed when I ran into the classroom. I guess because they could see I had brought a bouquet of roses and a gift bag for Takashi.

"Sorry, I'm late!" I panted, my eyes immediately snapping to Takashi's desk.

Huh? He's not there...

"Could you please sit down Hiro-kun?" Sensei asked.

I ignored the teacher, "Where's Takashi?!"

One of Takashi's guy friends spoke up, "He never showed up this morning."

Oh my god, Takashi's never missed a day of school! And on Christmas Eve too! Is he okay?! What if he got into a car crash or something?! Wait, he doesn't drive… He must be dying of an illness then! Oh no, my poor baby!

Sensei's voice became firm, "Hiro-kun, if you don't sit down right now, I will assign you to cleaning duty after school."

I sat down and took some deep breaths trying to calm myself.

It's okay, Hiro. I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just late himself! Yeah! He'll definitely walk in any moment!

Any moment… Wait, is it already lunch time?!

I felt my stomach sink as I dug out my cell phone. I'll just send him a quick text to make sure he's okay!

Wait… I don't have his phone number?!

I groaned facepalming myself. I guess we never needed each other's numbers because we're always together...

"Hro-kun, where's Takashi-san?" Girl friend 7 sat backwards in Takashi's desk to face me.

I cast my eyes down, "I… I don't know."

I tried to think of something to say, not wanting my friends to worry, but… I just can't stop thinking about him.

"Poor Hiro-kun…" Girl friend number 3 whispered shooting a look at girl friend 7.

"Ahh," she began, "Hiro-kun, why do you have all those different colored roses?"

I looked up, "W-well, in flower language, each rose color represents different feelings towards the recipient: love, passion, loyalty, gratitude, desire… Takashi makes me feel all these things, so, of course, I couldn't just decide on one type."

The girls teared up, "Hiro-kun, you're such a romantic!"

I felt a grin growing on my face. They're right, I am romantic!

"I know! Aren't I such a cool boyfriend~?" I bragged, feeling my spirits lift as I continued chatting with the girls.


As soon as school got out I ran to the train station following the familiar route I took almost everyday.

Don't worry, Takashi! I'm coming!

I stood in front of the door trying to work up the nerve to ring the doorbell.

Calm down. He has to be here. I mean, where else would he be, right?

I finally just rang the doorbell, holding the flowers behind my back. I hope he doesn't mind that they've gotten a little wilted…

I waited. And waited. And waited. No answer.

Is he really not here?

Suddenly I heard a faint voice shout, "FUCK!"

I perked up. That's has to be him!

I leaned over and stared at the gate leading into his back yard. I nodded with determination.

My name's Hiro and I'm the protagonist of this story! Today, I'm going to spend my first Christmas Eve with my boyfriend!

I went through the gate and immediately pushed myself up against the house going into stealth mode.

I can do this! I'm the hero!

As I came to the back of the house, I spotted two bushes conveniently placed under an open window. I dove into them.

I brought my head up to peek inside.

Takashi! He's here! Oh man, he looks pissed, but he's still so cute. God, I have it so bad for him. And is it just me or is he wearing one of his mom's aprons?! Ahh, it's so frilly, but he wears it so well!

Takashi was angrily cutting up strawberries and grumbling to himself, "I can't believe that idiot showed up after forgetting about Christmas Eve. Ugh, and here I am making him a fucking-"

His eyes drifted up and met mine. Uh, oh.

"Hiro?!" he yelled running over and grabbing me by the collar before I could make my great escape.

"What are you doing in my goddamn bushes?! Are you-" Takashi looked down at his own attire and blushed, "Grr, first you ruin Christmas Eve, now you have to Christmas too?! This was suppose to be a surprise!"

He let go of me and stomped over to the back door, throwing it open, "Get your ass inside!"

I've never seen him so mad and I've definitely made him mad before...

I shuffled my feet as I came inside. He seemed to spot the flowers I had brought immediately and snatched them out of my hands. I watched as he silently prepared a vase for them.

He then walked back over and roughly kissed my cheek, "Go sit down."

I felt my cheeks heat up a little. Ahh, Takashi's in a really weird mood. I'm so confused…!

I swallowed, "Are you okay?"

Takashi shot me a glare, "Do I look like I'm okay?"

I winced, "You look kind of mad..."

Takshi rolled his eyes, "Wow, for once you're actually observant! I didn't know you had it in you. Argh. Yes, I'm mad. I know you forgot about Christmas Eve."

"I know… B-but all day, the only thing I could think about was how much I wanted to be with you!" I confessed hoping he would believe me.

Takashi's cheeks became rosy and he sighed as he carried two plates to the table, placing one in front of himself and one in front of me.

My eyes went wide, "Eh? Is this Christmas Cake?!"

Takashi nodded, "I figured since you forgot about Christmas Eve we could just push back our celebrating to Christmas day. I was going to pick up some fried chicken as well, but we're obviously not following tradition this year."

I smiled and joked, "Well, we wouldn't want our love story to be filled with clichés!"

Takashi blushed deeper as he took a bite, "Just eat your damn cake, dumbass."


After eating cake we went up to Takashi's room to open presents.

Takashi pushed a box with an intricately tied ribbon into my lap, "Open mine first."

I fingered the ribbon. Wow, I guess he would be good at tying ribbon since he spends so much time tying rope.

I hesitantly pulled the ribbon, thinking it was a shame to ruin Takashi's art. When it was untied, I took off the top and gasped as I saw my gift.

I handled it like I was holding a child. It was an elegant hand-held mirror covered with intricate designs. I ran my thumb over the engraving at the top, Takashi's.

"I never thought I could receive a gift as beautiful as me! Thank you!" I threw my arms around my boyfriend and gave him a loving peck on the cheek.

"I figured it would be the best way to remind you that you're mine…" Takashi combed his fingers through my hair for a moment before pulling away.

My face radiated as I handed him his gift bag, "Like I could ever forget."

Takashi smiled as he pulled his gift out, instantly making his jaw drop.

I grinned, "Isn't it awesome?! I mean, I have no idea what you'd do with a weird necklace, but the sales guy told me you'd love it! Don't you love it?"

Takashi burst out laughing, trying to cover up his snort with his hand.

Huh?! What's so funny?!

I searched his face, "What is it?"

Takashi leaned in and whispered in my ear.

My eyes went wide, "They're a-anal beads?! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I got you such a weird gift! Let me take them back-"

He shut me up with a kiss.

I swallowed as I recognized his signature bedroom eyes, "Don't. I… I want to try them out."

I blushed, "You want me to p-put them inside you?"

Takashi bit his lip and palmed my member, "...They're not the only thing I want inside me tonight."

I shivered, "You want… You want…?"

Takashi wrapped his arms around my neck, "I want you."

Feeling my chest about to burst, I pushed my boyfriend down on the bed and told him, "Takashi! I- I love you!"

Takashi held me tightly and I felt his breath on my neck as he softly muttered, "I love you too. Merry Christmas, baby."