Ashildr saw it too, and grabbed her hand in concern. "I was afraid of this."

Clara looked down at her worn Doctor had meant it when he said that her cellular functions would be suspended, which apparently included cellular regeneration. Whether he had thought about this part was another question.

"So what should we do?" she asked.

Ashildr shrugged. "Shorten our trip?"

Clara looked more vulnerable than Ashildr had ever seen her. I'm not sure I can. I mean, when you have no choice, it's easier to be resigned when it's inevitable. But choosing it for yourself -"

Ashildr softened, realizing how callous she had been. "It was always going to happen, she said sympathetically. "It's just coming a lot sooner than we thought. Death is always like that. But what else can we do? Eventually you'll be nothing but a walking boneyard" Ashildr said looking her over critically.

"I know." Clara paused. "But Ash -"

"There's nothing we can do. Not without risking the universe in the process"

"But maybe there is. If there was someone who knew how it all worked, how to get around these things, maybe he could help."

Ashildr looked at her critically. "What do you mean? Who would know when the Doctor didn't""

"There are other Timelords right?"


"They've mastered time. They've built an entire civilization that rests on bending its properties. At least one of them must know how to safely work with it to get around problems."

"You mean like an engineer?" Ashildr looked worried but intrigued. "Yes, I may have heard whispers of someone with that name, but his reputation is completely on deadlock. I have no idea what he's like or what he actually does " she paused "And Clara, I'm sorry to say this, but Timelords as a whole have never been particularly incorruptible. It comes with living long enough to know how to get your way, but not long enough to have learned that none of it matters." "trust me, I've met enough of them."

Clara looked offended. "You can't judge one person by the whole. Just look at the Doctor, he's dedicated his life to saving others. Anyway, the Engineer sounds pretty noble, if that's his name."

"Names can be misleading." Ashildr said

"Look Ash" said Clara turning to directly face her, suddenly growing exasperated "What do you suggest we do, because we're currently running low on options."

Ashildr sighed "You're right. It's just that something about this doesn't settle right with me.

"What other choice do we have?"

Ashildr and Clara sat quietly, neither of them wanting to acknowledge the obvious answer to that question.

"I won't make you do it Clara, that wouldn't be fair. But at least consider the risk before you let your fear decide for you. Think of what could happen. Where has he been all this time? Why isn't he openly spoken of?"

"I can't do it until I know there aren't any other options. If there aren't then I promise I'll go back and face my lot. At least allow me that."

Ashildr grew dark with apprehension. "All right Clara, it's your decision" "I'll help you find out where he is, but I can't come with you."

"Fine. Thanks."

"It's not that I wouldn't miss you Clara, I would that"

"Can you still? Clara spat out, frustrated. "After living so long death must feel like old news to you."

Ashildr looked slightly hurt at this. "I'm still human aren't I?"

After a moment Clara softened. "I'm sorry Ash. I know how hard it must be for you. I can't even imagine."

"And now you want the same fate."

"No, if we found the Engineer -"

"But that's still basically what you want. You want to cheat death without penalty, on your own terms. There would always be a raven waiting for you. That's what death is. When would the running stop?"

"I just want to live out my years naturally."

"It was natural."

"So you want me dead? Just because it's natural? You have no idea what I would give to bring some people back if I could. And do you know why? Because it was senseless. It was stupid. It was petty."

Ashildr sighed. "If it matters so much to you, we can do it. Maybe I am the one being irrational."

Clara gave her a bear hug that made her gasp for breath "Thank you Ashildr."

That's all I can post for now, only because I've come to another gap that I've not yet determined how to write out. I actually do have chapters written past that, all the way to the ending. So, hopefully once I get past this rough spot it will all be clear sailing. I'm sorry for the wait. Other matters (school) had me tied up, and I'm still rather tied up with it. Please review. What do you think of my characterizations, descriptions, plot, and overall writing ? Comments, complaints, or compliments, I'll be happy for any constructive feedback. Suggestions are welcome too!