Hey all! This is my first attempt at a fanfiction every (though I am a pretty avid reader) so try not to be too harsh. Just so you know, this story will for certain be completed. I have the entire thing written already (not that it is that long, but still) and will upload a chapter every two days.

(EDITED: Note that I recently decided to upload daily instead. Not every two days, just every day.)

Try not to be too harsh, but reviews would be appreciated! I may not change much in what I have already written (though I never know; If I love an idea, I could change something), but the criticism may help if I ever decide to try another story or a sequel.

This was written for a sort of personal project and is strictly a rough draft to see how I do if I just kind of spit out my thoughts. There may be some grammar mistakes and stuff as a result, but I wanted to upload it like this and keep it authentic. However, if you see anything glaringly bad, please let me know; if it detracts from the story, I will edit it out if I find time.

And lastly, there will be some holes in the story. I wanted to leave it somewhat open if I every tried to write a sequel.

Thanks for reading. I don't own Pokemon.

Italics: Telepathy.

'Word': thoughts.

"Words": spoken words.

"Words": words spoken by Pokemon.

Mr. Charles Goodshow, head of the Pokemon League, glanced down at his computer with a confused look. Trainer Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town. A well accomplished individual in the world of battles for certain. Despite his young age, the boy took the world by storm when he made it into the Kanto League, the very first league he ever attempted. It was near unprecedented for that to happen; only about 10% of league participants were new trainers, and for one of these few to be a nobody from a small, rural place called Pallet Town came as a complete shock. That shock was only advanced further when the young boy with a Pikachu fought through the preliminaries and made it into the victory tournament. True, he lost in the first round- against someone his age, ironically enough- but his progress to that point showed the world that he would undoubtedly become great. Over the next few years, he proved them right; top standings in Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and most recently, Kalos. Not to mention the fact that he was the first trainer in years to even reach the Dragonite belonging to Drake, the Orange Islands Champion, let alone to defeat the thing, and being one of the only people (and the only kid) to ever beat the Kanto Battle Frontier.

However, those were only the accomplishments of his that were known to the public. Each champion knew Ash well and reported what kinds of things he did throughout the region, as did the gym leaders. As such, Charles knew that the boy was constantly involved with legendary Pokemon and threats to the entire world. The kid had saved Arceus, for crying out loud. A being which some people literally consider the creator of their universe was saved by a 15 year old kid (14 at the time)! He had fought every villainous team in the book, and usually came out on top as well. And recently, Charles had been notified of various sightings of someone who he assumed was Ash; a trainer with a red cap, a Pikachu, and a Greninja had been appearing in places throughout the Kalos region and destroying large red tendrils that randomly popped up from the ground before sprinting away. Goodshow was not certain, but the sightings reported the tendrils as looking immensely similar to those produced by the corrupt Zygarde attack after the Kalos league, so it made sense that Ash would get involved.

Looking down at the file, Goodshow shuddered. This one kid had done as much as most Elite Four members (if not more) to help people, and had saved the world and legendary Pokemon more than anybody he had ever heard of. If this kid kept going like this, it was completely feasible that he would become the world's most powerful trainer.

However, Goodshow pondered something. Despite his exemplary standing in leagues, he had never actually won any aside from the unofficial ones. Based on his accomplishments, he should have started winning from Sinnoh on at least. Of course, Tobias was an unfortunate opponent to have, but at the very least there was no reason he shouldn't have been able to beat Cameron in Unova and Alain in Kalos. Nothing about those two was particularly difficult to deal with, and even Alain's Charizard should have gone down eventually…

Goodshow shook his head and sighed. He had no idea what was going on with Ash's track record. Still, the kid's records were more than enough. He grabbed a pen and turned to the list next to him, which had the word Prospects written on top, and scratched down Ash's name. He knew he was taking a bit of a gamble, with Ash's somewhat inconsistent win streak and tendency to attract danger, but the kid was good. Really good. Hopefully he would take this chance.

"Greninja, Water Shuriken! Pikachu, Electro Ball!" A massive shuriken shaped out of water, blue energy pulsing off it, and a yellow ball crackling with electricity crashed into a massive red and black tendril, exploding and creating a massive cloud of dust. When the dust cleared, the tendril was gone.

"Great job you two!" a trainer with a red cap, black fingerless gloves, and a blue jacket said. "Pika!" "Gre!"

The small yellow mouse and the large blue frog then turned and ran towards the nearby woods, their trainer right behind them. They dove into the underbrush as people started to repopulate the area that had just been attacked by the tendril.

"What just happened?"

Ash Ketchum brushed branches off his face as he made his way deeper into the woods, towards the designated meeting place.

"Another one off the list, right guys?"

The two besides him nodded. Greninja powered down from his special Ash-Greninja form before giving Ash a remorseful look. "Gre…"

Ash sighed before glaring at his Pokemon. "Greninja, stop feeling guilty! I know that you feel bad that I stayed to help with the tendrils too and had to postpone my return home, but I did it because I wanted too! You could use the help, and without me, you can't use Bond Phenomenon! Besides, I didn't want to leave you here! This way, we can finish up with the tendrils faster and be done, and then we can all head back to Pallet together!"
Greninja notably perked up and nodded. The group promptly picked up the pace and moved straight into the depths of the forest. After walking for about 20 minutes, they saw a green glow coming from between the trees.

"Greetings, Greninja, Ash, Pikachu." Squishy spoke.

"I trust the mission was successful?" his larger counterpart- the 50% form of Zygarde, if Ash remembered correctly- asked?

Ash replied "Yep! Another part of the corruption is done!"

"Excellent; that only leaves a few patches of Kalos still corrupted. If I am correct, only the places humans call Santalune City and Vanville Town have a few tendrils each left. Once those are gone, your work will be done." Zygarde looked pleased, to say the least. Ash grinned as well; at this rate, he would be home in no time!

"Gre, Greninja!" Ash looked to the side to see Greninja gesturing towards the west.

"Oh, you want to go now?" Ash though for a second. "Well, no time like the present I guess! Besides, if we head there now we can take out the tendrils within a few days and catch the next plane back to Kanto." Ash turned to Squishy.

"In that case, I think we'll just go take out the last few tendrils and head directly home. It's been good working and traveling with you, Squishy. I'll try to come back and visit."

Squishy nodded. "It has been… nice, Ash. Let Bonnie know to come visit sometimes."

"I'll send her a message," Ash replied. "Okay, Pikachu, Greninja, let's move!"

Adjusting his cap, Ash set off towards Santalune City.

Date uploaded: December 4

Chapter 1 Complete.