The Unexpected

Supernatural & Criminal Minds Crossover!

Summary: Reid was a average person, a FBI/Genius/24 year old person everyone on his team could agree to this. But what his team didn't know was that Reid was also a hunter/hunter's informant, and had been all his life what with his father being a hunter and then practically being raised alongside Sam and Dean.

Character(s): Dean W. Sam W. John Winchester(mentioned), Tobias Hankel (mentioned), Bobby S. Spencer Reid. Rossi, Hotch, Morgan, JJ, Garcia, perhaps a few others.

Warning(s): Curse words, Spoilers, mentions of death[s], crying, magic, cases, guns, fire, demons, the supernatural world...etc...

I am so excited to be writing this! I am in love with both of these shows and despite doubting myself I knew I just had to write a story involving the both of them.

This takes place Some time after John's died and Dean made a deal with a cross-roads demon to bring Sam back to life, and about 6 months since Spencer's taken drugs.


Dean: January 24, 1979

Sam: May 2nd, 1983

Spencer: September 21, 1981

I'm not doing a 'Last Time' for this chapter since the previous chapter isn't exactly attached to this one.

Chapter Four: Facing Tobias Hankel

He didn't mean to tell them.

It was a accident telling them, he was in Sioux Falls visiting because Bobby had asked him to come, Sam and Dean had a hunt a day or two ago and although they did manage to kill the werewolf they weren't able to save the teenager they saw the wolf go after. Dean was still angry they hadn't been able to save the teen and he was mad because Spencer wasn't able to answer the phone when Dean had called him, he was with the team about to confront their UnSub.

So when Spencer showed up at Bobby's cabin, Dean started yelling at him. He kept saying how Spencer never answers the damn phone anymore, not even when he called to tell him about John dying, not when he first called to tell him Sam was alive, and then he even went as far as saying that Spencer didn't even care now that he was a big time real FED now. But even after he said it, Spencer realized Dean knew he had gone too far.

Spencer, honestly didn't mean too let whatever Dean said get to him but hearing him say that he didn't care pushed him right over the edge. So angry with the way Dean was treating him, Spencer started yelling back at him, surprising Sam and Bobby who were watching from the sideline having decided not to get in on the argument, but where about to step in when Dean made that last comment.

Spencer screamed for Dean to shut the hell up, he told him to go screw himself and getting into the heat of the moment Spencer told Dean that even if he did have his cell when he called to tell him about John he wouldn't have been able to answer anyway, not since he was still held captive by a serial killer.

Once he accidentally let that slip Spencer froze, he took one look at the horrified faces they all wore and bolted away from them. He ended up barricading himself in the bathroom downstairs, he would've driven off only he didn't have a car, but he could still hear them. He heard Bobby and Sam calling after him, and he heard Dean start pounding on the bathroom door demanding he open up and that he explain What the fuck he meant by being held captive by a serial killer, and what the hell they were never told about it.

But even though Spencer heard all of that, he wasn't fully there, well his mind wasn't. His mind was stuck back in time with those two days he spent with Tobias Hankel, replaying over and over what happened to him.

Despite being clean for 6 months now and even having started attending meetings, Spencer found himself craving the sweet high the drug had provided him to reseal those memories of those days, but he didn't have any on him he dumped those vials down the drain long ago.

So that left him there, locked in a bathroom trapped in his own mind as it forced him to relive the cause for most of his nightmares.

"Spencer open the damn door!" Dean yelled, his fist pounding harshly against the wood.

"Dean stop!" Sam yelled grabbing his brother's wrist. He was just as angry as Dean was for not knowing about this but he knew Dean yelling was only going to make things a thousand times worse.

"Did you know about it?!" Dean demanded rounding on his brother and Bobby.

"What? No!" Sam scowled, "I just found out like you did!"

"I ain't heard nothing about it." Bobby said staring at the bathroom door, "The boy probably said nothing because he said it happened around the same time as John dying."

"But it's been months!" Dean spat angrily, only the anger was at himself.

"So?" Sam said defensively, "Dean we all keep stuff from one another."

"But we're his family!"

"Are we?!" Sam demanded suddenly just as angry as Dean had been, "Damnit Dean, you guys were all avoiding Spencer like the plague just because he joined the FBI. You told me he never answered your calls but that was just recently wasn't it? I asked him you know, he said he called you guys for weeks. Weeks! And not once did any of you pick up! What kind of family completely blocks someone off for doing what they love?!"

"I KNOW!" Dean yelled, "I know okay?! You don't think I know how badly I fucked up?! First with you and now with Spencer!"

"Are you two gonna stand there having your little cat fight or are you gonna move the hell outta my way so I can pick the damn lock?" Bobby said scowling at the boys and purposely holding his lock picking kit up in front of them. Once they moved out of his way, Bobby wasted no time in kneeling down in front of the door and immediately started picking the lock.

Dean was tapping his foot impatiently as it took Bobby a couple of minutes to get the door unlocked, without waiting for anyone to tell him otherwise Dean lightly pushed Bobby out of the way and slowly opened the bathroom door just in case Spencer decided to sit right in front of it.

"Hey alright?" Slowly still, Dean pushed the bathroom door fully open and felt his heart clench at the sight that greeted him;

Spencer was sitting in the tub with his knees pulled up to his chest and his head laying on top of them and his arms wrapped tightly around himself.

Somehow all of them managed to squeeze themselves into the bathroom with Bobby standing by the sink with Dean and Sam by the tub with Sam sitting awkwardly on the edge of the tub and Dean kneeling next to it.

"Spencer..." Sam said then frowned when said man didn't move or give any signs of having heard him.

"Come on I know you're mad at me but don't ignore us, please?" Dean said reaching out to grasp Spencer's shoulder only to quickly jerk it back when Spencer flinched away from him and his head snapped up to star at him in absolute terror.

"Wha-?" Dean's eyes suddenly widened in realization, "He's having a flashback...isn't he?"

One look at Spencer's wide, glazed over eyes darting from each one of them back to his knees and his frantic heavy breathing told them that yes, he was having a flashback.

"...don't want it..."

"What?" Dean asked, not sure if he heard Spencer right.

"I...I don't want it...don't want it..."

"Y-You don't want what Spencer?" Sam gulped against the sudden dryness in his throat.

"Please...don't do this...please, please..."

"Spencer." Dean barked, "Come on snap outta it!"

Spencer flinched and swiveled his head around to look at Dean, "M'sorry...I'm so sorry."

Dean gaped at Spencer as he suddenly let out a harsh sob.

" sorry...I'm no... I don't want!"

"S-Spencer," Sam started, "You're not wherever you think you are. You're at Bobby's cabin in Sioux Falls...with me, Bobby and Dean."

Spencer's breathing pace picked up, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry!"

Deciding to risk it, Dean leaned forward and pulled Spencer against his chest and wrapped his arms around him. He winced when Spencer began struggling against him, trying to get free.

"I-I'm sorry! Please! I'm sorry, I don't want it, don't wait it! PLEASE!"

Dean wasn't sure how long he kneeled there, holding Spencer tightly, but eventually Spencer wore himself out and slouched down in Dean's grip, limp. Panicking slightly Dean jerked back and scrambled for feel for a pulse before Sam was there with his hand on his shoulder speaking to him,

"Dean. Dean calm down, he just tired himself out."

Dean did stop trying to feel for a pulse but he did not calm down. He knew he wouldn't calm down until Spencer woke up and he saw for himself that he was okay.

With the help of Sam, Dean managed to carry Spencer out to the sofa in Bobby's living room and Bobby grabbed a old quilt to throw over Spencer who began shivering the moment Dean and Sam laid him down.

It wasn't until a few hours later that Spencer showed signs of waking up.

"Kiddo? You with me?" Dean asked jumping out of the recliner and going to Spencer's side the moment he saw him start waking up.


"Then why aren't you opening your eyes?" Dean smirked.

"M'tired...five more minutes..."

"Nono, I know you're probably tired. But we gotta talk so up you get!" Dean clapped his hands together next to Spencer's head and only feeling mildly guilty at the way Spencer jumped at the noise.


Dean watched as Spencer looked at him in confusion before realization slowly settled in and then horror.


"Please don't."


"Dean, please?" Spencer practically pleaded, "I-I can't...okay? Maybe later but for now I just can't."

Hesitantly Dean nodded, and started talking about an hunt a few towns over that he wanted Spencer to come on.

I am so so so sorry for the abrupt ending here.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed! I'll be very happy to get more :D

Until next time~!