"Help! Can anyone hear me?!" Marinette shouted as she continued to bang her fist against the shut door. "Please help!"

"Thanks again Nino." Alya smiled hugging him. "I can't wait to try out this helmet cam. Now I can get even more good footage of Ladybug and Chat Noir for the Ladyblog."

"I knew you'd like it." Nino smiled back. "As soon as I found out that I was your Secret Santa, I immediately went shopping. I was so excited."

"I love it so much and . . . I'll wear it right now." Alya grinned strapping it on top of her head. "I'll record this party so the magic is never lost. Everyone will want to remember this night."

"As long as the party goes well-"

"What's that?" Alya asked, holding a finger over Nino's lips.

"What's what?"

"That sound . . . it's . . . it's like . . . sounds like someone . . . knocking." Alya tried to think about what she could be hearing.

"So someone's knocking on a wall or something. That's not that unusual. They're probably knocking on the wall to the beat of the music."

"No. It's something else. It's like . . . a cry . . . for help. I'm going to find out where it's coming from."

Alya walked away leaving a confused Nino left alone in the middle of the room. She moved towards the end of the room, following the sound. She eventually ran as the knocking started to slow down and stopped at the elevator.

"Hello?" She said, slowly knocking on the outside of the elevator.

"Alya!" Marinette shouted in relief as she jerked her head up from the sight of the floor.

"Marinette? Is that you?" Alya asked, pushing her ear up against the door. "What are you doing in there?"

"Chloe and Sabrina trapped me in here . . . and I guarantee it was to get me away from Adrien."

"That's cold. I'm going to tear them to shreds!" Alya shouted in anger.

"But first get me out of here."

"Oh yeah . . . I'll . . . call the police or . . . I'll figure something out."

"Hurry." Marinette said as Alya took out her phone.

After turning off the power to the elevator, Chloe saw her chance to get to Adrien. She grabbed a small wrapped gift from behind the counter and strutted across the room, full of confidence.

"Adrikins!" Chloe called out as she approached him.

Adrien turned around to see Chloe grinning at him.

"Oh . . . hey Chloe." Adrien said awkwardly. "What do you . . . want?"

"Do I have to want something to come and see my sweet Adrikins?" Chloe's grin grew. "I just wanted to come over and dance with my Secret Santa."

"You're my Secret Santa?" Adrien asked, more surprised and confused than ever. "You're the one that made me this scarf?"

"Uh . . . yes . . . yes I am your Secret Santa, but that scarf was just a . . . a . . . a decoy." She quickly came up with an explanation. "Yeah. A decoy. I sent you that scarf so that you would be so much happier when I got you your real gift."

"A decoy gift?"

"Yeah. I would never get you such an ugly scarf with poor stitch work. So . . . here's your real gift."

Chloe shoved the gift in Adrien's face and he took it. He slowly open it and pulled out a golden watch that had Chloe's face engraved on the back.

"Wow uh . . . thanks Chloe." Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, trying to act as if he liked it.

"I knew you'd love it!" Chloe screamed, giving Adrien a surprise hug. "Daddy spent over two hundred dollars on it."

"What?! I can't accept this Chloe."

"Why? You're the famous Adrien Agreste. You deserve the best and most expensive gift."

"But Chloe-"

"I'm not taking it back and now that we're here . . . why don't we go dance. Specifically over there." Chloe smiled, pointing to an empty space.

Adrien could see where she was pointing. She wanted to dance with him under the mistletoe.

"Y-You know what . . . " Adrien looked all around the room, trying to find an excuse to leave. "Is that a dessert table? You know . . . it looks really good. I'm gonna go . . . check it out." Adrien finished before dashing away as fast as he could to get away from Chloe.

Adrien ran to a corner where Chloe couldn't see him and spotted Alya, who was getting angry at her phone. He got up from his hiding spot and walked over to her.

"Hey, Alya. What's wrong?"

"Everything!" Alya complained. "Chloe and Sabrina trapped Marinette in the elevator and now the police won't be here for another twenty five minutes to get her out."

"What?! Why did Chloe and Sabrina lock her in there? Is she okay?" Adrien asked, concerned.

"Yeah. She's fine for now." Alya answered. "But they probably locked her in there so that Chloe could get to you."

"That's awful. They're awful. I wish I could help."

"Well it'd be a miracle if Ladybug and Chat Noir showed up to save her." Alya said, looking down at her phone. "But right now we still have twenty five minutes before the police get here." Alya looked up from her phone to see Adrien gone. "Where did he . . . never mind." She shook her head.

Adrien ran outside of the hotel and hid behind the bushes.

"Time to transform, Plagg." Adrien said as Plagg gave him a sly grin. "What?"

"You do like this Marinette girl don't you? Saving her so she that doesn't have to wait twenty five minutes to be rescued by the police and immediately acting as if she's a damsel in distress."

"What did I tell you, Plagg? Me and Marinette are just . . . okay . . . maybe a little bit."

"Was I right or was I right?"

"Enough of this for now. Plagg! Claws Out!"

Chat Noir emerged from the bushes and used his staff to reach the hotel roof.

'tap. tap. tap.'

Marinette tapped her fingers against the elevator inside like a drumbeat. She was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall with her arms wrapped around her knees. Marinette was beyond bored and was informed by Alya that she had a twenty five minute wait to be set free.

"It feels like I'm never getting out of here." Marinette thought aloud.

"You could always escape using your miraculous." Tikki said, zooming out of her purse.

"No. That would make people suspicious of me."

"Don't worry Marinette. It shouldn't be much longer." Tikki comforted. "You'll get out of here."

"Thanks, Tikki."

Marinette changed her tapping to a different rhythm and began to hum a song. Tikki flew over and layed down on her knee.

"I'm living on the wildside, wildside." She began to quietly sing aloud as she hummed. "So ready now it's my time, my time." She breathed as Tikki closed her eyes, listening to her chosen's singing. "Don't wanna live my life by design. Locked inside, break out. Break the rules. Light the fuse. Something new. That's right."

"You know, you have a beautiful singing voice." A voice said from above.

"What?" Marinette jumped at the sound of another voice as Tikki immediately flew back inside her purse.

Marinette looked up to meet the bright green eyes of a black cat staring down at her from the elevator roof exit.

"Ah! Chat Noir." Marinette breathed after being surprised. "Thanks . . . I guess. I never really thought of singing before."

"Well you should sing more often." He smiled, dropping down inside the elevator.

"I don't know. I'm probably not that good . . . " Marinette started. "Chat Noir . . . what are you doing here."

"I heard word outside that you were trapped inside of here, so . . . I came to rescue you."

"What do you think of me? Some damsel in distress?" Marinette smiled. "Because I don't think that you just visit every girl in Paris when they are in a little bit of trouble."

"But I don't think every girl in Paris gets locked in an elevator or . . . needs my help like two or three times a week."

"Hey! It's not my fault that I'm clumsy and prone to getting myself into these kinds of situations." She stated, taking offense. "But you don't need to rescue me this time."

"Well then how do you expect to get out of here?" Chat laughed. "Teleport out?"

"No. I'll just wait here until Chloe eventually lets me out." She said sadly. "There's no point in me leaving now."

"Why?" Chat Noir asked, confused. "You don't have to wait for Chloe to come and let you out. Wouldn't you rather be back out at the party?"

"No, and . . . " Marinette looked down at her hands. "Chloe's probably ruined everything between me and Adrien Agreste. He probably hates me now and no matter how soon I get out of here, it won't change anything."

"I seriously doubt that he hates you because . . . you're purrfect." Chat said, looking deep into her eyes. "So you should get back out there."

"I don't know, Chat." She faltered, looking to the side. "I never even got to tell Adrien that I'm his Secret Santa. Chloe probably ruined that too and everyone else already revealed who their Secret Santas were. I had made Adrien a scarf, but Chloe might of taken the credit for it or destroyed it."

Chat Noir's eyes widened at her confession. "You can still get out there and tell him."

"Maybe, but-"

"No buts. I am getting you out of here and you will enjoy your Christmas, knowing that your Secret Santa has realized it was you." Chat grinned. "Don't worry or even think about Chloe. I will not let you stay trapped in here when you could be out there celebrating."

A small smile rose on Marinette's face as she got up from the floor. "You're right, Chat Noir. I can't sit in here worrying." Marinette walked over and hopped on Chat Noir's back. "So take me away already, superhero."

"I told you that you needed to be rescued." Chat smirked. "And once I carry you out, you can have a clawsome holiday."

"No more jokes and no more flirting." Marinette commanded, rolling her eyes. "Just get me out of here so I can actually enjoy the holidays."

Chat Noir's smile spread across his face as he jumped up out of the elevator. He used his staff to escape the elevator shaft and carried Marinette all the way to the stairwell. Chat Noir dropped her off on the fifth floor, smiling.

"That's all for now from Chat Noir, so I'll see you later." Chat said, giving a two fingered salute before getting a surprise hug from Marinette.

"Thanks again, Chat Noir." Marinette mumbled into his shoulder. "And Merry Christmas." She grinned, letting go of him.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Marinette."

"Wait." Marinette began, furrowing her eyebrows. "You called me by my real name? You've only ever called me princess. How do you know my name?"

Chat Noir's eyes grew wide as he realized his mistake. "I've heard about you from . . . a red headed blogger girl named Alya at the party. It's not that hard to describe you, so I immediately knew."

"Oh . . . okay." Marinette said, stepping towards the exit door. "Well Chat Noir . . . see you next time I get trapped somewhere or nearly die."

Marinette slipped through the exit door and began sprinting down the stairs.

Chat Noir pulled out his baton, checking the time and sighed. He turned away and ran up to the roof. He jumped off of the roof, landing behind some snow covered bushes to detransform.

"Plagg. Claws In." He called.

Marinette finally reached the first floor, out of breath from running. She spotted Alya who was standing by the front door, pacing. Marinette walked over, startling her.


"Marinette! You're okay!" Alya shouted, hugging her. "How did you get out?" She asked, pulling back.

"Chat Noir came to rescue me."

"Oh my God!" Alya screamed. "Chat Noir came to rescue you. That's awesome. This story is so going on the Ladyblog."

"I thought you only posted stuff about Ladybug on the Ladyblog?"

"Yeah, and Ladybug's still my favorite, but . . . " Alya started. "I've been thinking about it and . . . Chat Noir deserves some praise too. I'll try to post more about him and what better way to start than an interview or him saving my best friend from being trapped in an elevator."

"Well I'm glad he's finally getting some credit."

"Yeah, but . . . Marinette!" Alya said, shaking her. "What did it feel like to be randomly rescued by a superhero? I mean . . . I've been rescued before by Ladybug, but this was Chat Noir and there was no akuma attack and I didn't contact him. What happened?"

"He cracked puns and then carried me out of the elevator. Nothing special happened."

"Aw . . . that's kind of boring for my blog, but . . . I guess I can try to get an interview and ask him for more details."

"Have fun with that." Marinette laughed at her friend. "Now I have to go find Adrien."

"That should be interesting." Alya grinned as Marinette ran away to find Adrien.

Marinette looked around the room filled with classmates, trying to find him. She stopped at a dessert table, picking up a chocolate chip cookie to eat during her search. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"There you are Marinette."

Marinette turned around to see Adrien Agreste with a huge grin.

"Oh hi Adrien." She started. "Sorry about earlier. Chloe and Sabrina kind of . . . trapped me in the elevator."

"I heard about that. They are such jerks. But don't worry about it. You're safe and here now, and that's all that matters."

"Adrien . . . there's something that I need to tell you." Marinette said, looking down at her hands. "I'm your Secret Santa."

"What?" Adrien tried to act surprised. "You're the one that made me this amazing, plaid scarf?" Adrien smiled looking at the scarf. "Thank you, Marinette."

Marinette felt her cheeks turning red as he continued to talk.

"O-Oh uh . . . y-you're welcome." She managed, trying to fight the color changing of her cheeks.

"Of course it all makes sense now." He smiled. "No one in our class is nearly as talented as you to be able to make this."

"I-I tried. I didn't really know what colors you liked-"

Adrien stopped Marinette's talking with a light kiss on the cheek.

"That's for earlier when we were under the mistletoe . . . I owe it to you . . . and the gift's fine, Marinette. The scarf's colors look great on me."

"W-Well . . . I-I'm glad you like it."

Adrien pulled out his phone to check the time again, sighing.

"I'm sorry to say this, but . . . I have to leave. My dad wants me home by nine thirty, so that he can take a few last minute Christmas photos."

"Oh." Marinette said sadly. "I'm sorry that you have to leave, but I hope you still had a nice time here tonight."

"It wouldn't have been as much fun without you Marinette. I hope we get to hang out more often like this." Adrien started backing towards the door. "I have to get going now. See you some time soon." He waved goodbye before leaving.

Marinette watched him leave the hotel before squealing in excitement.

"Alya!" Marinette screamed, running over to her friend and tackling her.

"Woah. What did Adrien say to you? And why did you have to tackle me?" Alya questioned as she got up from the floor.

"Adrien told me that today was only fun because of me, he wants to hang out with me more, he liked my gift, and he kissed me!" Marinette babbled.

"Woah, wait. Slow down, Marinette . . . wait . . . he kissed you?" Alya had finally comprehended what she had said. "Spill!"

"Well . . . it was just on the cheek, but it was because we were under the mistletoe earlier. He said he owed it to me, but . . . he wants to hang out with me a lot more!"

"Oh my God. This is the best Christmas ever!" Alya exclaimed.

"It's a Christmas miracle." Marinette smiled as she slid down the wall.

She sat there, deep in her thoughts of Adrien.

Adrien soon arrived back at his home. Vincent Aza had already set up a small Christmas tree with decorations and a blue backdrop.

"Finally you're here." The photographer said. "You're ten minutes late."

"Sorry, Vincent." Adrien apologized.

"The sweater you're wearing is perfect, but . . . lose the scarf."



"No." Adrien said, glaring at him, taking offense. "I'm keeping the scarf. My friend made it for me and it's amazing. It would be the best part of the picture."

"Ugh." Vincent growled. "Fine! Fine. You can wear it . . . just . . . go sit over there."

Vincent was not happy with Adrien's decision, but Adrien couldn't be happier.

Adrien sat down on top of a huge present by the tree. He moved his scarf around, trying to get it looking the best. Then out of the corner of his eye, Adrien saw a sparkle of gold. He looked down to see Marinette's signature on the scarf's edge stitched with gold thread.

He couldn't help but fill with happiness and smile at it. Adrien had kept his everlasting smile in all of the photos taken and couldn't stop thinking about Marinette.

The End


That's the end of my Christmas fanfic. I hope you all liked it. It was kind of hard for me to include feelings between Marinette and Adrien without an identity reveal. I usually love to think of ways for them to reveal their identities, but I didn't want that for this story. Tell me what you thought and if you have any suggestions for my next story. And thank you all for the amazing reviews. I always love to here all of your thoughts.

Also, I'm sorry that it took so long for me to update. I would have uploaded this chapter two days ago, but my internet was malfunctioning and Christmas was keeping me a little busy.

-Alice Pink